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Disinsection of premises from cockroaches - where to go for treatment?

Last update: 2022-06-01
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  • Zarif: Treatment indoors should be done from cockroaches....
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Before you call a pest control service to treat the premises from cockroaches, it is useful to first get acquainted with some important nuances - we'll talk about them ...

No matter how some comrades rely on various insecticidal gels, Dichlorvos or crayons (Mashenka's pencil, for example), nevertheless, practice shows that professional pest control from cockroaches in any premises is in most cases a much more effective procedure than self-removal of pests. And there are several reasons for this:

  1. Such treatment of premises from cockroaches is carried out with the help of very powerful insecticidal agents, many of which would be simply inaccessible to an ordinary person for purchase somewhere in a household chemicals store. These preparations, intended specifically for professional pest control, literally do not leave cockroaches a chance of survival;
  2. The second important point is that professional sanitation from cockroaches is carried out by specialists who, by the nature of their activities, are well aware of where insects hide, in what ways they usually enter the apartment and how to get them even where the hand does not reach and the aerosol from the can does not penetrate.It may seem strange to some, but in reality, even using, for example, an average insecticidal preparation, an experienced exterminator will destroy cockroaches many times more effectively than if an unprepared person who simply read the instructions on the package does it;
  3. If the destruction of cockroaches is carried out by a sanitary and epidemiological station (SES), and not by a private company, then in most cases such sanitation is forcibly carried out in apartments that are breeding grounds for insects (there are often situations when it is not uncommon to agree with, to put it mildly, not very clean neighbors succeeds, and then calling the SES can really solve this problem).

The photo shows an example of processing a room from cockroaches using a hot fog generator.

In general, we can say that the disinfection of a room from cockroaches by professionals, although it costs a little more money than in the case of an independent fight, however, with the right choice of a pest control service, it is a guarantee that you will no longer see live cockroaches in the room. Even if, after processing the premises, cockroaches reappear in it, for example, in a couple of months, then if there is a guarantee (and the company’s good faith), the re-call of the pest control will not cost the customer money - such situations are normal and are provided for by the contract for the provision of pest control services.

But if you do not pay due attention to the choice of disinfestation service, then you can become a witness to the following unpleasant surprises: the handler asks for more money than previously agreed, or imposes additional services (barrier treatment, "double" treatment, "triple" - in general, just such as to pay two or three times more. Well, as for the "guarantee" - yes, of course, it will be, here you pay again, then they will process it under such a "guarantee".It seems ridiculous, but this is a real practice in the pest control market, when companies with a dubious reputation get down to business.

You need to choose a pest control service carefully, otherwise there is a risk of being deceived or receiving poor-quality services.

Feedback (an example of how it happens in practice if you choose the wrong pest control service):

“On June 1, a specialist came to process our kopeck piece. For 2500 rubles. But in fact, we had to make an additional payment of 3,000 for the installation of some kind of barrier. The master recommended him. As a result, we paid 5500 rubles for the call. They promised a 100% guarantee. Four days after the treatment, they returned to the apartment back, they saw the same darkness of cockroaches there. We called indignantly, we were told that yes, it would be nice to repeat in ten days, to re-process under the existing guarantee. For 800 rubles. On June 15, they arrived - they processed it again. The master said that the first time the processing was not very high quality. Today is June 20, the apartment is still full of insects. They crawl in incredible numbers, it has not become smaller. Why on earth do you have to pay 800 rubles for a guarantee? And many of these warranty treatments I have to?! We asked a question to the leaders in contact, but no answer, quickly deleted the question and blocked the entrance to the group.

Zhanna, St. Petersburg

The main difficulty for the owner of a room with cockroaches is to be able to choose just such a company that, for an affordable price, without markups, will perform pest control as efficiently as possible and give a guarantee for free re-sanitization if insects reappear within the agreed period.It should be borne in mind that dozens of companies in every big city offer cockroach disinfection today, and the employees of some of them are not only not professionals, but also not distinguished by conscientiousness and decency.

Employees of some firms may not be professional enough or simply turn out to be scammers ...

Therefore, it is useful to be able to distinguish in advance good exterminators from those who like quick money, which we will talk about a little later ...


What is included in the cockroach pest control service?

Any sanitization from cockroaches should ideally include the following steps:

  1. Determination of the current situation with insects in the room (degree of infection);
  2. Evaluation of the presence of other types of insects (often apartments are simultaneously infected with cockroaches and bedbugs, fleas are also a frequent “guest”, penetrating, for example, from the basements of houses);
  3. Search for the main hiding places of cockroaches, as well as possible ways of their penetration into the premises;
  4. Selection of an insecticidal preparation that is optimal for use in this particular situation;
  5. The conclusion of the contract, taking into account the survey;
  6. Preparation of the premises for sanitation;
  7. Actually disinsection of an apartment or house from cockroaches;
  8. Tidying up the room.

It should be borne in mind that sanitizing a room from cockroaches is a complex procedure and consists of a number of stages.

With private pest control services, the first step in this plan is often done over the phone based on a customer survey. Some companies offer, for an additional fee, preparation of the premises for disinfestation and putting it in order after processing, but in most cases these tasks fall on the shoulders of the tenants.

And further: Cockroaches do not die from aerosols and gels? Perhaps it is worth adopting lethal powders ...


Instructions for choosing the right company

Many companies offering pest control services can be eliminated at the stage of the first phone call: according to the answers that managers give to questions from future clients, it is quite clear what level of services the organization offers.

So, when calling the company, it is useful to immediately clarify the following points with the manager:

  1. What are the methods of disinfection? The specialist must indicate exactly the name of the drugs, and not just say “powerful”, “good” or “organophosphorus” (by the way, there are hundreds of organophosphorus insecticides);Examples of insecticidal preparations sometimes used by professionals in the treatment of insects.
  2. What equipment do professionals use in their work? Depending on the size of the room, these can be hand-held sprayers or cold and hot mist generators. Usually, the more “serious” the equipment used, the better (some small companies may simply send a student with a garden sprayer, as there is no money for expensive equipment);An example of processing an apartment with a cold fog generator
  3. What guarantees does the company give? Indeed, even after the professional destruction of cockroaches (and even if the sanitary and epidemiological station conducts the treatment), insects can re-enter the room from neighbors - traps help to catch only a part of the individuals, but they will not save you from a massive invasion of cockroaches from neighboring apartments. Serious companies take this fact into account in advance and even at the stage of concluding an agreement offer guarantees for different periods for an additional fee;
  4. How long does pest control last - a thorough sanitation of the apartment takes at least half an hour, usually about 1-2 hours. But if the exterminators promise to cope in 15 minutes, then it is better to refuse their services.

On a note

If privacy is important to you, then you should also clarify in advance whether the exterminators will be able to arrive in ordinary clothes so as not to cause unnecessary questions from the neighbors. And then the arrival of people in overalls with strange aggregates at the ready can lead to the fact that the whole house will think that something is wrong in your apartment ...

Workers of some pest control services come already fully equipped ...

In addition, the manager himself must ask clarifying questions, according to which he will be able to roughly assess the situation in the apartment. He will need to find out what the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is, what insects, except for cockroaches, live in it, how long ago the last repair was done, whether an independent pest control was carried out, whether there are suspicions of cockroaches from neighbors.

Usually pest control services are interested in whether the neighbors have cockroaches.

The more such questions the manager asks, the more likely that the company has experience and is really interested in the quality performance of cockroach pest control.If the operator simply asks for the address and promises to send guys to process the apartment, then there is an increased likelihood that only two or three people work in the company, and it is possible that you are talking with the director, who himself will come to do the processing with a poorly predictable result.


We call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station

We’ll warn you right away: you shouldn’t count on the fact that SES will carry out pest control in your house. In terms of processing quality, this organization surpasses many private companies, but due to the heavy workload and bureaucratic work system, it can be quite difficult to get the sanitary and epidemiological station to leave on a private request.

In advance, you should not count on the fact that the sanitary and epidemiological station will come to process your apartment from cockroaches.

SES can fight cockroaches on its own in municipal institutions: canteens, universities, schools, hostels, markets and shops. But if the specialists of the sanitary and epidemiological station carry out the destruction of cockroaches in each apartment, the owners of which did not take timely measures to maintain a normal sanitary condition in it, the service simply will not have time to control the epidemiological situation in the entrusted area.

For this reason, SES destroys cockroaches in apartments only in especially advanced cases, for example, when all rooms in an apartment building are infected. But even in such situations, it is unlikely that less than 2-3 weeks will pass from the application to the district station to the sanitation itself. To do this, the residents of the house need to write a joint application to the SES addressed to the head of the site, in which they should justify why contacting other services is useless.

SES still sometimes conducts pest control in severe cases, when cockroaches are present in large numbers in almost all apartments in the house.

The photo shows a nest of cockroaches in furniture


“It is the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station that does not poison cockroaches. They have other things to do. I remember such a case once, when I was still living in a student hostel.But even there, everyone poisoned themselves as best they could, and only when the parents of students from 6 rooms wrote a joint statement, the SES reacted. And they carried out de-processing, and issued instructions, and then went for a long time to check that the instructions were being followed. And so that the SES went to the apartment - this is unlikely. It is easier to contact private owners ... "

Oksana, Nizhny Novgorod


Disinsection by Geradez

Geradez is the largest network of pest control stations in Russia, operating in a large number of cities. Its specialists go out on all calls, both from individuals and from organizations, and poison cockroaches in any type of premises.

And further: Do not write off the chalk from cockroaches Masha - it really works, we checked it during the experiment ...

Geradez is one of the largest networks of pest control stations in the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the sanitization of premises from cockroaches by Geradez is carried out in full compliance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, a guarantee is provided for the results of the work for 6 months, and the pest control itself is carried out as confidentially as possible. In general, the Geradez network today is quite popular in cities where it has branches, and regular orders allow the company to purchase new equipment, train specialists and provide discounts on services.


“But somehow we didn’t look for and didn’t choose a company at all. They called the first one that came across, invited them, they did a very good job of disinsection from cockroaches. Then we already learned that this is Geradez, consider the largest disservice in Russia. But when they called, we were not aware, we just liked how the guys took the order, how quickly they organized the processing.We had to leave the house for three hours, and we also paid 400 rubles for them to move all the furniture themselves. In general, nothing was required of us at all, only to leave the apartment while they poisoned everything there.

Olga, Moscow


Bedbug Control

Klop-Control is perhaps one of the most technically well-equipped pest control services. In her arsenal there are generators of cold and hot fog, special aerosol installations, heat generators for burning out bedbugs and cockroaches, means for barrier protection of the room, poisoned baits and much more. Depending on the selected package of services, the company's specialists provide guarantees for various periods and perform both simple disinfestation and decontamination with further prevention of the appearance of insects in the room.

A feature of the Klop Control disinfestation service is good technical equipment, which allows high-quality treatment of premises from various types of insects.

The price range for Bedbug Control services is quite wide. A simple pest control in a one-room apartment costs about 1800 rubles, in a three-room apartment - 2500 rubles. Full pest control using a cold fog generator, special gels and traps to prevent the reappearance of insects in the house and a one-year guarantee costs 3,000 rubles in a one-room apartment, 4,000 rubles in a three-room apartment.


“We chose for a long time. I didn’t want to make a mistake, like my mother made a mistake, and different services went to her three times, and only one did a normal job. We decided to call Klop-Control, although their complete treatment is a bit expensive. But I'll tell you that it's worth it. The guys not only poisoned all the cockroaches, but also set traps in the ventilation, plus they anointed them with a special gel where necessary. After that, we haven’t seen a single cockroach for a year and a half, although the neighbors have a lot of them ... "

Marina, Kazan

In addition to the large companies mentioned above as an example, there are also many other large, medium and small organizations represented in different cities of Russia and the CIS countries. Moreover, other regional services may be more convenient to work with than the major players. The consumer only needs to be able to find such a conscientious company.


The pest control service has been selected, what's next?

The fight against insects does not end after a phone call to the selected company - moreover, after the call of specialists, pest control from cockroaches, one might say, is just beginning.

An hour and a half before the arrival of exterminators in the apartment, it is already necessary to hide dishes, food, children's toys in bags, move furniture in the kitchen and rooms away from the walls.

Before the disinfection procedure, it is useful to pack dishes, clothes and food in plastic bags.

Even before the arrival of service workers, it may be necessary to move the furniture away from the walls ...

On a note

In some cases, pest control services are asked not to move the furniture away until the specialists arrive so that the cockroaches do not have time to hide. In other companies, on the contrary, they ask you to do this in advance in order to speed up the processing procedure. Well, you need to do exactly as the manager on the phone says.

You should first plan your day in such a way that by the time the exterminators arrive, all residents with pets have already left the apartment or house. The whole procedure, together with airing the apartment, will take 3-4 hours, and all this time there should be no one in the room.

As soon as the specialists arrived, they need to check all the documents, the guarantee prescribed in the contract, the presence of a signature and seal on the contract itself.

The company is obliged to provide the customer with the following documents:

  1. Contract with the seal and signature of the contractor;
  2. Certificate of completion;
  3. Documents for the preparations used in disinfestation;
  4. Service payment receipt.

The presence of such documents indicates that the company, at least from a legal point of view, approaches the fulfillment of its obligations quite responsibly.

After disinfestation, the apartment must be thoroughly ventilated and wet cleaned in it. Clothes, curtains and bedding should be washed. About how to deal with the set traps and when they can be removed, experts should tell you separately.

After sanitizing the apartment from cockroaches, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning in it.

Ideally, of course, exterminators should call you several times after processing to control the quality of the disinfestation performed. In practice, this is done only in SES (they even come for control), and in private services they agree with clients that if cockroaches are found in the room after disinfestation, then the client himself must call and inform the manager about this.

If you have experience contacting any pest control service for cockroach extermination services, then be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page (in the comment box).


What is important to know when choosing a pest control service for the destruction of cockroaches


Why cockroaches are dangerous to humans, as well as an example of a girl's health problems after indoor disinfection


Last update: 2022-06-01

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Disinfestation of premises from cockroaches - where to go for treatment?" there is 1 comment
  1. Zarif

    Processing in the room should be done from cockroaches.


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