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Getting rid of red cockroaches in the apartment

Last update: 2022-05-11
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Red cockroach (Prussian)

The red cockroach in Russia is often called "Prussian" because of the opinion that arose at one time that these insects appeared from Prussia (now Germany). In turn, the Germans believe that they were brought from Russia and call them Russen. In fact, red cockroaches came to the cool European climate from Central Asia, and in Europe, heat-loving insects were able to multiply so widely in regularly heated rooms that getting rid of them today often becomes a big problem.

Prussians can eat a variety of foods, preferring wet food, while they do not hesitate to use paper and wallpaper paste. They can live not only in apartments, but also in the catering departments of enterprises.

Since red cockroaches often come into contact with waste, they can cause various infectious diseases and helminthic invasions, and covers shed during periods of molting can cause serious allergic reactions up to asthmatic attacks.


Folk ways to get rid of red cockroaches

Prussians can live without food for a long time, but with a lack of water, they die within a week. Therefore, among the most popular means of getting rid of red cockroaches among the people, the primacy is held by boric acid powder, which, when ingested, causes severe dehydration in insects.

Boric acid sachet

It is very easy to prepare baits with powder or with a solution of boric acid. To do this, you need to mix a raw egg or boiled mashed potatoes with boric acid powder to a pulp so that you can make balls. Next, you should decompose them in places where the Prussians are likely to accumulate (under the sinks, near the trash can).

Boric acid and egg

Mixing boric acid with a raw egg

Raw egg and boric acid balls

The disadvantage of this method of getting rid of cockroaches is its extremely slow action. In addition, if there is a small child in the house crawling around the apartment and pulling everything into his mouth, we must remember that the remedy can cause him unpleasant consequences.

Of the other folk ways to deal with the Prussians, home-made traps with a sticky base are quite popular (you need to stick double-sided adhesive tape around the perimeter on thick paper, put the bait in the center). It is also worth mentioning traps in the form of glass jars with bait placed inside and edges smeared with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil.

Unfortunately, you can only partially get rid of red cockroaches with such methods, because such traps will not have any effect on insect eggs, and after a while unpleasant guests will appear again.

To repel cockroaches, plants and aromatic oils with an intense smell are often used, for example, bay leaf, elderberry branches, eucalyptus, fir, cedar oils.


Ultrasonic repellers and electric traps

Ultrasonic cockroach repellers and electric traps are also quite popular among the people.Ultrasonic devices affect the Prussians by emitting high-frequency sounds that are inaudible to humans (the human ear is able to perceive sounds with a frequency of no more than 20-22 kHz). These funds are very expensive, and the manufacturers themselves say that for a greater effect, several repellers must be turned on at the same time.

And further: You think that there are no longer normal remedies for cockroaches on the market and nothing will take these insects - no matter how it is!

In general, it can be noted that with a serious invasion of red cockroaches, ultrasound will not be a very effective means of solving the problem.

In industrial-scale electrical traps, the Prussians are lured inside and destroyed by a high-voltage electrical discharge. The idea of ​​the device is good, but the perimeter of action is small, and such traps do not work on already laid eggs of red cockroaches. However, with a small number of insects in the apartment, an electric trap will help to get rid of cockroaches quietly, efficiently and without unnecessary noise and unpleasant smell.


Chemical means of dealing with red cockroaches

One of the least toxic chemicals for humans to get rid of Prussians are insecticidal crayons (pencils), which have a paralytic effect on insects, although it is much weaker than that of gels. Such crayons (for example, the Mashenka chalk) are well suited to prevent the migration of insects from neighboring rooms, but they are not suitable for getting rid of a large number of red cockroaches.

Chalk from cockroaches Masha

The rapid destruction of cockroaches and ease of use (you only need to spray on the places where insects may live) are guaranteed by insecticides in the form of sprays, including Global, Raid and others. True, their aftereffect is not as long as that of gels, and poisonous vapors are very allergenic and are able to escape through the ventilation system to other apartments.

In the most popular gels (Global, Raptor, Dohlox and others), in addition to the insecticide, there is also a fatty base to prevent drying out and special attractant substances that act as bait.

In the Global and Raptor gels, a rather strong insecticide chlorpyrifos is used as a contact-intestinal agent, which causes dysfunction of the nervous system and death of the insect.

In Dohlox, the basis is the insecticide fipronil. When the Prussians come into contact with it, there is also a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses, but the mechanism is slightly different.

Compared to aerosols, gels are more economical to use, and, in addition, this form of the drug can retain its properties for 1-2 months.These agents are less toxic to humans because they cause a reaction only when eaten by insects, and the concentration of the insecticide is too low to cause harm to humans or animals.

However, manufacturers indicate on the packaging that the product should not be allowed to fall into the hands of a small child or into the mouth of a pet. It is also worth considering that you need to apply gels on a dry surface.

And further: Aerosol Raid killed all cockroaches in 26 seconds. Incredible! See our experiment...


We get rid of red cockroaches with the help of professionals

In search of an answer to the question of how to get rid of red cockroaches for a long time, you should pay attention to services that are professionally engaged in disinfection of premises. Today, a large number of private firms for the destruction of cockroaches, ants and other insects have appeared, which, for a certain fee, will be able to clear the home of uninvited guests for a long time, using highly effective chemicals in combination.

Disinsection of the apartment from cockroaches

Moreover, for large premises such as a kitchen in an enterprise or office, such a service will be just a godsend in the fight against cockroaches.

You need to be prepared for the fact that exterminators, most likely, will insist on the destruction of annoying insects in neighboring rooms, because parasites can quickly move throughout the building, nullifying efforts to exterminate them locally.


Ways of penetration of the Prussians into the home and the necessary preventive measures

For life, a red cockroach needs three mandatory conditions for existence:

  • warm
  • water
  • and enough food.

Of course, it is very problematic to deprive these insects of heat in modern apartments, but it is quite possible to eliminate water leaks and accessible food from the surfaces of tables or floors. It is enough to dry the sink and other places of high humidity in the evenings, take out the trash regularly and prevent the accumulation of food debris on the table, in the kitchen sink and cabinets.

Sometimes red cockroaches can enter rooms if they often eat. In this case, it is necessary to carry out sanitization in the room and prevent further snacking outside the kitchen.

To prevent the movement of Prussians from neighbors, baseboards, door and window seams must be thoroughly sealed, and the ventilation openings must be closed with a dense mesh.

During the day, insects can hide in various crevices, behind wallpaper and tiles that are not tightly attached to the wall, in other secluded corners in the kitchen and in the bathroom, so be sure to treat these places with a suitable agent (for example, insecticidal chalk, or cockroach gel).


Useful video: why cockroaches are not taken out of the apartment


An example of making a homemade cockroach trap


Last update: 2022-05-11

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There are 1 comments to the entry "Getting rid of red cockroaches in the apartment"
  1. Julia

    I really liked these tips, I hope they help)


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