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Gels for fighting cockroaches

Last update: 2022-06-17
≡ Article has 18 comments
  • Garik: Brownie Gel did not help, absolute bullshit ....
  • Oleg: No need to cook. Raw yolk and five packs of boric acid. Not...
  • Sveta: Call the service and poison it with steam (fog), and not so ...
See bottom of page for details

Gels from cockroaches

Today, there are many means to combat cockroaches, and when choosing one of them, a reasonable question arises whether it is sufficiently effective and at the same time safe for humans. From a variety of aerosols, powders, crayons, traps and gels for the destruction of cockroaches, it simply ripples in the eyes. How to choose the best tool?

Traps for cockroaches, which are very popular among the people and affordable, as well as insecticidal crayons (pencils), unfortunately, are the least effective in controlling a large number of insects due to the relatively low content of insecticides. But for the same reason, they are the least toxic to humans.

Aerosols and gels from cockroaches are more effective. Literally a few minutes after spraying the spray, cockroaches begin to run out of their secluded corners and die.

However, although insecticides in the form of aerosols guarantee the rapid destruction of adult cockroaches and are convenient to use, they do not affect already laid eggs, and their aftereffect is not as long as that of gels. The main disadvantage of aerosols is that when they are sprayed willy-nilly, a person will inhale toxic fumes.

So, the testimonies of those who have experienced their effect on themselves eloquently confirm that even with a respirator or a towel, after the procedure for expelling and destroying cockroaches, you begin to cough like a tuberculosis patient. In addition, poisonous and highly allergenic vapors of insecticides can easily penetrate neighbors through the ventilation system.

Insecticide gels sold in tubes or in large syringes enjoy a well-deserved reputation among the people.

Gel from cockroaches in a syringe

They are ready for use, and a few drops of cockroach gel in a syringe, applied dotted at some distance from each other along the perimeter of the room, will quickly (about a week) clear the apartment of uninvited guests.

In the gels themselves, in addition to the insecticide, there is a fatty base to prevent drying out, as well as food attractants that attract parasites by smell. This form is very economical, since the agent applied to the surface retains its properties for several months.

Gels against cockroaches do not have such a toxic effect on humans as aerosols, although safety measures must also be observed when handling them. Many gels contain a special bitter substance, the purpose of which is to prevent small children or pets from eating it.


Popular gels against cockroaches

The gels "Global", "Raptor" and "Absolute" are based on a strong insecticide chlorpyrifos, which penetrates into the insect by the contact-intestinal method and causes serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.These fairly effective cockroach gels kill not only individuals who come into direct contact with them, but also those in the nest that have touched infected brethren.

This is how a kind of chain mechanism for the destruction of cockroaches is realized.

In the Dohlox and Domovoy products, the basis is the insecticide fipronil, and the Combat gel is based on the substance hydramethylnon. Both of these substances affect insects when eaten, as well as in contact with their chitinous covers. In this case, the blocking of the work of nerve cells and a violation of the basic functions of the nervous system occur.

Its complete paralysis in an insect occurs a few hours after the insecticide enters the body. Due to the delayed action of the insecticide, the cockroach manages to return to its nest and infect its other inhabitants.


"Global" gel

A very popular cockroach remedy, Global Gel is available in a 75 ml plastic tube with a sharp tip for ease of application, has a faint chocolate smell and a creamy brown color due to the content of cocoa butter in it as a fat base.

And further: Good old Karbofos poisons cockroaches with a bang - watch our video ...

Gel from cockroaches Global

The complex component composition of the gel and German origin determined the rather high price of this product (about 150 rubles). According to the manufacturer, the gel is completely safe for humans and does not cause allergies.

The bitter substance in the composition will not allow young children and pets to eat a large amount of this product (if they accidentally stumble upon it), and even if it gets into the stomach of a pet, the Global gel does not cause severe poisoning.

With the help of one tube, you can clear an area of ​​​​up to 80 square meters from a colony of cockroaches. m.


Gel from cockroaches "Raptor"

Buying Raptor cockroach gel is easy both on the market and in specialty stores. A 75 ml tube will cost about 140 rubles, and it should be enough for two standard rooms.

Insect Gel Raptor

The manufacturer promises up to 8 months of active action. In addition, the pointed tip of the tube allows it to be used in hard-to-reach places, such as behind skirting boards.

To actively attract insects, the manufacturer uses natural flavors of apricot and vanilla. Pleasantly pleased that the product can be easily removed from furniture and other surfaces after a while without a sticky residue.


I bought the Raptor gel in the supermarket closest to me, but I could not think that this remedy would be so effective. For several years I was looking for a good remedy for cockroaches, because they constantly climbed from the neighbors.Periodically treated all surfaces in the kitchen with various means, including a bunch of balls of mashed potatoes and boric acid, crayons, traps. The effect was about the same: at first everything was fine, and the insects disappeared, but with the onset of the cold season they reappeared. And for three years now, I forgot about them completely after processing all the “hot spots” with this super remedy.

I liked the Raptor gel with its light and pleasant apricot smell, it is very well removed from surfaces a couple of weeks after application.


"Absolut-gel" in the fight against cockroaches

The insecticidal agent "Absolut-gel" with a thin, convenient tip is also very expensive (about 130 rubles), but has a volume of 125 ml, i.e. it should be enough for several rooms or rooms.

It is also useful to read: The use of dusts to fight cockroaches

And further: Aerosol Raptor poisons all cockroaches not very quickly, but effectively - see the results of our experiment...

Absolute gel in a syringe

Apply "Absolute-gel" pointwise on the paths of insects or in places of their alleged accumulation. This gel begins to act actively on the second day after surface treatment, but the greatest effect will appear after a couple of weeks.

If you use the product correctly, then in about a month there will not be a single cockroach left in the apartment.


Gels from cockroaches "Brownie" and "Dohloks"

Gels "Domovoy" and "Dohloks" are a viscous mass in a syringe with a volume of 20-30 ml, which is enough to process 50 square meters. m. Although the volume of these funds is not too large, but the price is quite affordable (about 30 rubles).

Gel from cockroaches Brownie

Gel Dohlox

You can buy Dohlox and Domovoy gels from cockroaches almost anywhere, they are very common: from the market to specialty stores (for example, veterinary pharmacies).

The residual effect of these gels lasts about 2 months.

Review of the Dohlox gel:

What we just didn’t try in the fight against cockroaches: the whole apartment was painted with various “Mashenkas”, everywhere there were traces of boric acid powder, but nothing helped! Relatives advised me to try this syringe with Dohlox gel. After I missed all the cracks and baseboards, literally a day later I noticed the disappearance of these parasites from the kitchen. Thanks to Dohlox, there have been no cockroaches for 5 years already. At the time of treatment with this remedy, there were both children and pets in the house, and no one was poisoned, everyone remained healthy.


Means "Combat SuperGel" (Combat Roach Killing Gel)

Despite the rather high price (about 100 rubles), this remedy is quite popular among the people, and the reason for this is its high efficiency.

Combat Roach Killing Gel

Thanks to the goose liver contained in this brownish gel, cockroaches are actively attracted to the poison. The impact of the modern insecticide hydramethylnon leads to the rapid death of cockroaches and practically does not cause resistance in insects.

The shape of the syringe allows you to apply the product in hard-to-reach places without effort.

True, the manufacturer's insistent recommendation to use the gel along with Combat traps to achieve a greater effect is a bit puzzling.


"Fas" gel and gel from cockroaches "Kapkan" (otherwise - "Kapkan Shturm-gel-paste")

These funds have a jelly-like cream or beige color.Both "Fas" and "Kapkan" contain two highly active insecticides of different chemical nature in their composition (diazinon and cypermethrin) - in case of resistance of cockroaches to one of the substances.

Gel from cockroaches Fas

Of these two substances, cypermethrin is believed to paralyze the nervous system of both adults and larvae. The action is the same as that of the previous means - intestinal contact. The use of one tube with a volume of 75 ml is designed for an area of ​​90 square meters. m.

Trap storm-gel-paste

The residual effect lasts about 2 months. According to people who have used "Kapkan" from cockroaches, the tool works perfectly. A little alarming is the low price (about 30 rubles) and the presence of two types of insecticides in the composition at once, which can be toxic not only for cockroaches, but also for pets or small children.


In addition to the funds already listed, you can always find many others on the market, which will help you navigate the instructions, advice from friends or reviews on the Internet.

Regardless of which cockroach gel is used, you need to remember the precautions when applying it (gloves, respirator). However, even the best remedy will not help if the kitchen has a dripping faucet or a leaky pipe that creates a constant source of water for parasites.

Simple rules (do not leave food freely available, regularly take out the trash, install mosquito nets on windows and small nets on ventilation openings) in combination with the use of modern insecticidal products will help get rid of cockroaches for a long time.


Means for the destruction of cockroaches: the advantage of gels over aerosols and crayons


Last update: 2022-06-17

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Gels to fight cockroaches" 18 comments
  1. Hele

    Absolute gel, for example, can be quite effective. Plus it's non-toxic. And it can be used at home without leaving the apartment. Another advantage is its price. It is quite cheap. It is hygienic, so it can be used without risk.

  2. ket

    Combat. The best of all means that I have tried in the fight against cockroaches. The effect is visible in the 1st week! Economical to use. I advise.

  3. PROX

    I have not seen a more effective gel "Global", I am one hundred percent sure of this remedy. But the other day I saw a cockroach in the kitchen under the electric kettle - we live in a new 17-floor. house, perhaps, "good neighbors" brought. I rushed for the “global”, but I didn’t find this tool anywhere - neither in the market, nor in stores, I went around everything that was possible. The feeling of disappointment is beyond words.

  4. Yana

    And I liked globol gel, a really very effective remedy. The apartment is always clean, but the neighbors are “pigs” - cockroaches constantly run from them to us :( And only this remedy helped. I haven’t seen these creatures in my apartment for more than half a year. The main thing is to buy the original - there should be a hologram.

  5. Bella

    A few years ago, all cockroaches disappeared after being treated with dohlox. But recently they reappeared, the neighbors keep tenants 15 people each, for some reason dohlox did not help, there are much fewer cockroaches, but they exist. I will look for another remedy.

  6. sergei

    What is the most effective cockroach repellent? I tried odorless Dichlorvos, spent 5 cylinders, and the results are minimal. We bought an apartment, but we can not withdraw. Looks like they'll take us out soon. Help, tell me how to effectively get rid of them, with not large financial costs. Thanks in advance to you!

  7. Michael

    Dear readers! As a professional disinfector, I will conduct a small educational program for you. Cockroaches can only be poisoned once a month, otherwise you will feed them and after six months you will have to beat them with slippers. Read the composition on the tube, try not to repeat the treatment with the same composition. Do not use sprays or plastic containers (traps). Optimum efficiency is achieved by the combined use of gel and glue trap. Maximum efficiency is to call a disinfector, and then install glue traps.

  8. Vlad

    Mikhail, why, if we poison, do we feed more than once a month?
    Disinfectors came and poisoned everything. The cockroaches remained. Now I have to wait a month? Why can't some gel (or several different ones) go through all the cracks? Is it possible that resistance to all these poisons will appear so quickly?

  9. Alina

    Gel Kapkan was poisoned by a cat, but you write that it is safe. Now we are treating him, but his condition is not improving ((What is his antidote?

  10. Alma

    I used Diazinon-60 e.k. After this remedy, for more than six months we have never seen these parasites (cockroaches).Now I just can't find that one. How can I find it, please help. Friends ask.

  11. Maksoud

    I used the most expensive one, Cuts, the action is zero%. I already want to move out of my apartment. We call specialists 2 times a year, we tried almost everything, for a maximum of 4 months, and again they appear, neighbors ...

  12. Sveta

    The same story, we have been fighting cockroaches for a year, the service came 5 times, and the effect is zero. They don't disappear for a single day. Here, too, we think that it is necessary to move out, they survive. Cockroaches have become monsters.

    • Anonymous

      Try ordinary boric acid, or make balls out of it: yolk, potatoes, a little oil + boric acid, do not regret, more.

      • Max

        Is it all cooking?

        • Oleg

          You don't have to cook. Raw yolk and five packs of boric acid. Some make supplements. Like + butter or + sugar or powdered sugar. I think there is a reason to add oil, it will not dry out so quickly.

  13. Sveta

    The first thing to do is repair, remove all cracks, remove moisture, all crumbs and debris. Well, poison. Gel Fas, Taiga, you need to look for what "Your" cockroaches are still sensitive to.

  14. Sveta

    Call the service and poison it with steam (fog), and not so that they puff. A friend had a bunch of them, now she lives quietly, it helped from 1 time.

  15. Garik

    Brownie gel did not help, absolute bullshit.


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