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What is the best way to poison cockroaches in an apartment?

Last update: 2022-05-27
≡ Article has 12 comments
  • Anonymous: Gel Sturm is bullshit, tested. I do not recommend....
  • Irina: And we have fleas! First, an announcement at the entrance - they say, giving ...
  • Anonymous: How to get rid of cockroaches? No more power....
See bottom of page for details

Consider 10 options for getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment

When choosing how to poison cockroaches, you should always take into account the specific features of the apartment, the number of cockroaches in it and your own needs. Tips and reviews from other cockroach fighters can be both a good help and a hindrance in this case.

Not always the means by which the neighbors decided to poison the cockroaches turn out to be convenient, affordable and effective. But still, knowing with the help of which cockroaches are successfully persecuted by the vast majority of people from all over the country, you can most successfully choose exactly the tool that will help specifically in your situation.

So, the following is a rating of cockroach remedies that are successfully used by Russian and Ukrainian housewives and homeowners. Moreover, the place of each tool is determined by the number of reviews of its successful application and similar reviews of failures. So…


Location 10. Velcro traps

Not the most efficient and not very fast in operation, such traps have an important advantage - absolute safety for humans and pets.

Sticky cockroach trap

This is the quality for which, in the case of a small number of cockroaches, sticky traps should be preferred: using such traps does not require weeding cockroaches with special sprays and powders. The traps are simply placed in places where the insects can move around.

Thus, this is an ideal tool in situations where the Prussians do not constantly live in the house, but often visit from their neighbors.


Location 9. Aerosol Sinuzan

Of all the remedies for cockroaches, Sinuzan is considered one of the most effective. It is about him that they learn when they ask what disinfectors poison cockroaches. Indeed, having treated all the surfaces in the room with Sinuzan, you can be sure that there will be no more live cockroaches here at all.

Insecticide Sinuzan (from cockroaches and bedbugs)

However, Sinuzan has two main disadvantages - toxicity to humans and an unpleasant odor. (in addition, the solution for spraying must be prepared by diluting the concentrate). Before you poison cockroaches with it, you need to carefully read the instructions and purchase a respirator, rubber gloves and special glasses. This remedy can cause severe allergic reactions, and if it enters the respiratory tract, it can cause coughing and intoxication of the body.

But Sinuzan acts very powerfully on cockroaches. With proper processing, all pests in the room are destroyed in just two to three hours.

A few more hours are needed to erode the unpleasant smell of the drug from the apartment. In addition, when finding out what professionals poison cockroaches with, you should immediately ask how exactly they do it: you can only buy Sinuzan in a canister, and therefore you will need a garden sprayer or a household sprayer to use it.


Place 8. Powder Feverfew

But Feverfew powder is a true home remedy. You can poison cockroaches with it without any risk to children and pets - the insecticide itself is a dried extract of chamomile flowers, absolutely harmless to warm-blooded mammals.


Powder Feverfew

It is interesting

The same chamomile flowers from which Feverfew is prepared are used as a disinfectant in the preparation of baths for newborns. It can be said that this is the most benevolent insecticide of all.

Feverfew is easy to use: it must be poured along the baseboards, near the sink and trash can, in those places where cockroaches are most common. Insects will not eat it just like that, but cleaning their paws from adhering crumbs, they will swallow the substance, and nothing else will save them.

Therefore, when deciding how to poison cockroaches in an apartment, you can safely stop at Pyrethrum: its price is 350 rubles per 300 grams, which is enough to poison cockroaches if their number is not too large in the apartment.

And further: Good old Karbofos poisons cockroaches with a bang - watch our video ...

The only problem with Feverfew is its inaccessibility: not everywhere you can buy it in the markets or in stores. As a rule, it is sold in special stores for gardeners and flower growers, and it can also be bought on the Internet.


Place 7. Gel from cockroaches Fas

A very effective tool that solves the problem of how to eradicate cockroaches where they are constantly poisoned and they have already become accustomed to the most common insecticides.

Gel for fight against cockroaches Fas

The Fas cockroach gel contains two different types of insecticides at once - Diazinon and Cypermethrin. Even if cockroaches have developed immunity to drugs of the same type, the second insecticide will successfully “insure” the effect of the first.

The gel itself attracts pests with its smell, and they eat it even better than leftover food on the table. The results of using Fas gel in ordinary apartments indicate that a week after its application, the peak of the death of pests sets in, and after two to three weeks the insects disappear completely.

Before poisoning cockroaches at home with Face, you should carefully read the instructions for its use: in the most general case, the gel is applied in separate drops in the form of chains with a distance of 5-10 cm between them where Prussians are most common, as well as around the toilet and shells - habitual watering places for pests.


Place 6. Chalk Masha from cockroaches

No matter how old and "popular" this drug may be, it continues to be effective, because its manufacturer constantly equips it with more and more powerful and at the same time safe insecticides.

Insecticidal pencil Mashenka

Modern Mashenka uses two forms of Cypermethrin, a nerve-paralytic insecticide that is harmless to humans. As a result, smearing walls and baseboards with this small piece removes from the agenda the question of how to poison cockroaches in an apartment with their constant raids from neighbors.


“Cockroaches do not live in my apartment. I have too clean and tidy for them. But from the neighbors run regularly. I just hear the wonderful aroma of Dichlorvos and I know that in the morning black abominations will sit in the bathroom - redheads get out of the bathroom, but blacks cannot. Therefore, the entire bathroom, and in particular its threshold, is constantly smeared with Masha, the one with which my mother still fought insects. Even if especially brave comrades cross this threshold, they do not run far into the apartment. This is how we fight…”

Lilia, Pskov


Place 5. Boric acid

It would seem, how could this obsolete fragment of the Soviet era be in the ranking of the most effective means? To use boric acid, you need to diligently sprinkle it in the right places, prepare balls from it and other ingredients that cockroaches should be tempted to, and at the same time it does not give such a powerful result as other insecticidal dusts, and often is generally ineffective due to the fact that that many cockroaches develop resistance to it. But…

And further: Cockroaches in the apartment are not only disgusting, but also dangerous to health. And they are dangerous not only with transmitted infections ...

Boric acid is used in the fight against cockroaches in greater quantities than is used by almost all other means combined. The habit of poisoning cockroaches remains with it, especially in rural areas, where it is impossible to get expensive modern means, and the population is very limited in funds.

Boric acid is still actively used for baiting cockroaches.

As a result, boric acid kills more insects across the country than any other insecticide.


“For a long time we thought about how to eradicate cockroaches from the microwave. They were not noticed anywhere else in the apartment, but they regularly caught stasik in the stove. Grandma's recipe helped - boric acid. They sprinkled it around the microwave and, according to the recommendation from the forum, around the trash can. For a week they collected dead Prussians, then they stopped appearing altogether.

Hope, Moscow

Three main advantages make boric acid enduring in popularity: relative cheapness, safety, and availability. Indeed, 10 grams of it cost only 50 rubles, and 500 rubles are enough to stick poisoned balls of egg yolks, poison and vanilla on the whole apartment.

You can buy boric acid at any pharmacy, and for a person it is absolutely harmless: earlier it was even used as an antiseptic. It is not surprising that in most cases, when the question arises, “What is the best way to poison cockroaches?”, One of the first answers is exactly that, boric acid.


Place 4. Raptor from crawling insects in the form of an aerosol

The raptor from crawling insects is one of the most famous and popular remedies. Safe, affordable (only 130 rubles per bottle, which is enough for at least a room), simple and pleasant to use (almost no smell), very effective. Not surprisingly, more and more housewives prefer it.

Raptor for the destruction of crawling insects

To use it, it is enough to choose a day when there will be no one in the apartment, treat the places where cockroaches are most common, and after a few hours, wash the surfaces on which the spray could settle.

Before you eradicate cockroaches in an apartment with the help of a Raptor, it is worth considering whether they can process the entire room? This will not be much more expensive than pickling only in the kitchen, but will provide effective disposal of cockroaches in the apartment in general. This will require the most complete treatment of furniture and all surfaces in the apartment with the drug, and then several hours of insisting the apartment with the windows closed.


Place 3. Gel Globol

Nothing fundamentally different from other gels, Globol is just very effective. Experiments have shown that one drop of it is enough to poison 500 cockroaches. - as with the Executioner from bedbugs, with Globol, the Germans very diligently approached the solution of the problem, than to poison the cockroaches and not poison themselves. Globol is used in the same way as other gels.

One drop of Globol gel can poison up to 500 cockroaches


“As a result, we bought two tubes of Globol. Expensive but promising. We thought about how to poison cockroaches with him, asked on the forum. They set up paths from them all over the balcony and under the tiles, waited a few days. A week later, they began to find the corpses of the fallen under the bedside tables. In general, they did not find much, but the cockroaches themselves generally ceased to catch the eye, as if they did not exist at all. Perhaps they suffocated in their burrows.”

Ivan Savelin, Astrakhan

It is important to remember that the Russian market today is flooded with copies of the gel called Global and Global. Globol must be written on the packaging of the original product, and the rest of the inscriptions must be in German.The effectiveness of counterfeit products has not been verified by real tests!


Place 2. Aerosol Gett from cockroaches

As it turned out, among other sprays from cockroaches, Gett has the greatest effectiveness at the lowest price and effort when using. In Russia, it is produced under the name Master250, however, crafty entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the vulnerability of the name with might and main and release the Get tool, which has not yet gained the popularity that Gett has in the reviews of those who have tried it.

Master 250 (Gett) from cockroaches and bedbugs

So if you are deciding how to eradicate cockroaches forever, it is better to prefer the original Gett with two "t" or its Russian counterpart Master250.


And finally, the first place: Paste-gel Sturm

To date, this is an ideal option for baiting cockroaches in an apartment. It is amazingly effective, easy to use in the same way as other gels, safe and protected from insect immunity - in its composition, as well as in the filling of Fas already presented on the chart, it contains two components. As a result, Sturm works everywhere and always.

Insecticidal gel Kapkan Sturm-gel-paste

Its only very controversial minus is the inability to destroy insects quickly and instantly. In most cases, this is not required, cockroaches are poisoned gradually, and the entire special operation is carried out in parallel with the normal life of other inhabitants of the premises. In addition, Shturm is available, and when you find out how much it costs to poison cockroaches with the help of professional teams, you can hear numbers 5-10 times higher than the required number of syringes with gel costs.

As a result, when deciding how to poison cockroaches, you should clearly define your needs (do you need to fight insects quickly, but spending a lot of effort, or measuredly and relaxed), your capabilities (is it possible to get the drug and spend money on it) and personal preferences (many people are terrified of dusts, for example), and then just take advantage of the proven experience of others and make the right decision in the fight for the cleanliness of their apartment.


5 rules for choosing a pest control service for the destruction of cockroaches


Why are cockroaches so hard to get rid of?


Last update: 2022-05-27

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "What is the best way to poison cockroaches in an apartment?" 12 comments
  1. Svetlana

    Called a cockroach exterminator. It's been two weeks and NO results! Cockroaches as they were, as they are.

    • Anonymous

      That was not a master, apparently, but some kind of huckster.

  2. Anonymous

    If they eradicate all the cockroaches, their work will end and there will be nothing to eat ...

  3. Anonymous

    It seems to me that the poisoners themselves first scatter cockroaches, and then poison them for money ...

    • Anonymous

      How do you imagine it?

      • Anonymous

        Catch, put in a box and put in the entrance. Everything.

  4. Anonymous

    We recently had so many of them swarming in the elevator entrance that it is unrealistic to think - as if they themselves crawled in there. Even though this has never happened before. It looked exactly like they had been dumped there. All are large, as in the selection. And the announcement regularly hangs on the entrance door, from these poisoners. And these ads are written on the pavement through a stencil. So think what you want. For 15 years that I live in this house, there were no cockroaches - so, once a year one will appear by accident, and now it's just a nightmare. And in the entrance, and at home!

  5. Veronica

    We did this in the entrance, only with bedbugs. The guy was caught, but what's the point - we then poisoned for three months, I almost had a nervous breakdown. And when a child is in the house, it’s generally terrible. Now they go to any lengths to make money.

    • Irina

      And we have fleas! First, an announcement at the entrance - they say, let's poison, and then fleas. And they went to jump and bite in the toilet and bathroom. While it dawned on what was happening, more and more bites appeared on the legs.

      I came to the nearest store for a remedy, the seller says: for the last three days they have only taken it. Pack after pack! Like this!

  6. Valery

    Yes, they are all bastards!

  7. Anonymous

    How to get rid of cockroaches? No more strength...

  8. Anonymous

    Gel Sturm is bullshit, tested. I do not recommend.


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