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What is the most effective cockroach remedy?

Last update: 2022-05-15
≡ Article 83 comments
  • Katya: I live in the city center. A house with a garbage chute and a bunch of foreign...
  • Alexander Fedotovich: In 1983, the Neofos aerosol helped me. After processing the...
  • Anonymous: I clean the apartment all the time! I wash the shelves in the cabinets once a week ...
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A few tips for choosing an effective cockroach remedy

It is not difficult to choose an effective remedy for cockroaches today: due to the high competition in the market, manufacturers are literally forced to produce really powerful and effective drugs. However, in each case, the best remedy for cockroaches will be different, since the situation with the infestation of the apartment may not be the same, and the needs of the owners themselves vary.

Therefore, the best remedy for cockroaches is selected according to a whole range of criteria:

  1. Efficiency is the most important selection criterion. If the remedy is ineffective, no matter how safe, affordable and easy to use it may be, there is no point in buying it. A striking example is ultrasonic repellers. Everything is fine in them, but they do not allow getting rid of cockroaches.
  2. The speed of action is an ambiguous parameter, but it is precisely on it that buyers often stop at one or another means. Someone needs to eradicate cockroaches in a day in order to immediately clean the room, for someone this is not critical and destruction can be carried out gradually. Accordingly, only a person with a specific deadline and goal can choose the best cockroach remedy.
  3. Safety - even the most effective remedy against cockroaches will be inapplicable if for its use it will be necessary to wear not just ordinary respirators, but gas masks and chemical protection suits.
  4. Ease of use, which often becomes the main parameter for choice. After all, instead of tracking the movements of insects around the apartment for a week, sculpt poisoned baits for half a day and lay them out in pre-prepared places, it is much easier to pop an aerosol in the apartment and achieve the desired effect.
  5. Price. Often, an effective cockroach control in an amount capable of destroying pests in an entire apartment costs about the same as calling a professional pest control team.

Therefore, let's look at drugs that are most effective, safe, easy to use and affordable for almost everyone.. And from them we will choose which remedy for cockroaches is better in a particular situation.


Cockroach Gels: Effectiveness and Safety

By combining their properties, gels are perhaps the best means to get rid of cockroaches indoors. They do not require temporary evacuation of all residents, they are low-risk, inexpensive, and at the same time very effective.

Syringe with cockroach gel

Insecticide gel is a powerful remedy for cockroaches because it is more likely to enter the insect's digestive tract. Gels have an attractive smell for insects, and therefore pests run to them more readily than even to bread crumbs left on the table.

Each gel contains one or another insecticide, and it is its effectiveness that determines the effectiveness of the entire product.Sometimes one particular gel can be ineffective, but thanks to the low price, you can always try several brands and choose the most powerful one.

The most famous and best shown are the following brands of gels:

  • Sturm gel-paste, which includes two insecticidal components of different nature at once, which makes it almost universal. A sure remedy for cockroaches, even in serious cases. The cost of such a paste is 25 rubles for a syringe weighing 75 grams.Trap storm-gel-paste from cockroaches
  • Gel Fas is a similar drug, also an effective remedy for cockroaches, produced in 75 ml tubes. Its cost is about 65 rubles.Gel Fas
  • Gel Globol, German super remedy for cockroaches. Its cost is quite high - 200 rubles per 100 gr. tube, but also efficiency allows you to successfully destroy cockroaches even with a strong infestation of a large apartment (according to tests, one drop of it is enough to destroy up to 500 cockroaches).German cockroach gel Globol

Gels are practically safe for animals and children due to the fact that special bitterness is added to their composition, which cockroaches do not notice, but, having got on the tongue of a child or a four-legged friend, they will make him spit for a long time and never again collect drops of gel from the floor.


“We were tired until we etched out all the Prussians. I was afraid to use chemistry, I set all sorts of traps. It is clear that they were of no use. At the forum, we were advised to use Globol gel, at first I was afraid that the little one would pick up and get poisoned. But for two months now I have been applying it every two weeks, and there has never been anything. But the Prussians die from him better than from Dichlorvos.

Maria, Kirov

Gels are best applied in places where the Prussians can easily collide with them, in dotted lines with a distance between drops of 5 to 20 cm.These products do not contain fats, and therefore, after removing them with a damp cloth, no stains remain on the application sites.

And further: Aerosol Raid killed all cockroaches in 26 seconds. Incredible! See our experiment...

Gels should be chosen for use in cases where the fight against cockroaches is planned to be carried out gradually and without removing the residents from the premises. In these situations, they will be preferable to pencils and dusts, and more effective than traps.

The disadvantage of gels is that they do not allow for quick disinfestation of the premises.. The first dead insects in the room will appear on the 2-3rd day, and the peak of the action of the product will be 2-3 weeks after its application. Therefore, if it is necessary to destroy the Prussians in a few hours, a more lethal cockroach remedy should be used. For example, aerosols ...


Aerosols: when speed is required

The main advantage of aerosols is the high rate of insect damage. The pest can still think whether to eat a drop of gel or not, but he cannot breathe. And it is with the air that the poisonous substance of aerosols penetrates into his lungs. That is why professional means for the destruction of cockroaches are entirely aerosols.

The advantage of aerosols is the high rate of insect destruction

In general, it can be said that when speed is required, the best remedy for cockroaches is an insecticidal spray.


“Never rent apartments to guest workers. Not only will nine people live instead of three, but parasites will also come running. A year later, our entire apartment was infected with Prussians, although there had never been any before. Imagine a picture: in a day, a realtor will bring people to look at the premises, and we have cockroaches on foot. I had to buy Raid several cylinders and spray the whole apartment, and then urgently wash everything and clean up the dead Prussians ... "

Allah, Mytishchi

Preparations for home use have several distinctive features. They are:

  • either odorless or smell nice. Therefore, Dichlorvos and related substances have already sunk into oblivion and are now used only by big fans of antiquity.
  • They do not require special equipment and are sprayed either from the bottle in which they are sold, or from a bottle of ordinary detergent.
  • They are safe, and even if safety precautions are violated, they are unlikely to lead to serious poisoning.

However, to treat the room with a spray, it is necessary to remove all animals and people from it, spray all surfaces and places where cockroaches can hide as thoroughly as possible, let it stand for several hours, after which the room is ventilated and wet cleaning is carried out in it.

The most famous and best cockroach sprays are:

  • Raptor from crawling insects, a proven remedy for cockroaches. Sold in cylinders, each of which costs about 130 rubles.Raptor for the destruction of crawling insects
  • Raid is well advertised and continues to hold its own.Aerosol against cockroaches and ants Reid
  • Get, a reliable cockroach remedy, is actively counterfeited today (not to be confused with Gett).
  • Combat, a Korean effective cockroach control that smells like mint or lemon. A kind of air freshener with the function of killing cockroaches.Aerosol Kombat (Combat)
  • Sinuzan, a professional cockroach repellent, is very effective, but also extremely poisonous. It is not available for free sale, and only employees of cockroach extermination companies can buy it.
  • Tetrix, for today, is perhaps the most powerful remedy for cockroaches. It smells bad and is very toxic, therefore it is used mainly by special teams.

On a note

Any professional preparation is a radical remedy for cockroaches. Using it, it is easy to get poisoned and temporarily make the apartment uninhabitable. If the use of such products is unavoidable, you should contact special pest control companies.

When choosing which effective cockroach remedy to prefer, you should always evaluate the scale of the disaster. One or two Prussians spotted is not a reason to buy a Get or a Raptor. But if there are really a lot of insects in the house, you should choose the most powerful cockroach remedy available.

It is also useful to read: Remedy for cockroaches Kombat

And further: Good old Karbofos poisons cockroaches with a bang - watch our video ...


A large selection of the most effective cockroach remedies: which is better?


Cockroach traps: simplicity combined with safety

Traps are a gentle and gentle way to deal with insects. They are absolutely safe for humans and pets, easy to use, inexpensive.But at the same time, they do not allow you to get rid of pests in case of a serious infection of the apartment, and it cannot be said about any of them that it is the most effective remedy for cockroaches.

An example of a poisoned cockroach trap

The point of using cockroach traps is when insects in different quantities enter the apartment from neighbors, but do not permanently live here. It is enough to place such traps at the main points - the bathroom, the kitchen under ventilation, on the balcony, and almost all the aliens will surely fall into them.

The most common and effective traps in which cockroaches run to the smell and stick to a special tape. The cheapest of these traps are cardboard, short-lived and not very convenient to use, better ones are made of plastic and can last a very long time.

An example of a sticky cockroach trap


“And with all the renovations, sometimes Prussians come across in the bathroom. Most likely, they are moved from neighbors through ventilation. If I see them, I catch them and throw them into the toilet, but my wife is terribly afraid of them. I had to buy several cardboard houses with Velcro and put them under the bathroom and behind the toilet. As a result, a new parasite sticks to it a couple of times a week.”

Artem, Almaty

There are also traps on the market today, in which insects that come across are destroyed by an electric discharge. It is impossible to say that this is the most reliable remedy for cockroaches, and in terms of economy they are inferior to the same Velcro traps.

Photo of an electric cockroach trap

Electric cockroach trap: inside view

In principle, you can make a trap with your own hands. To do this, just take a half-liter jar, put a piece of banana on the bottom or drop honey and grease its upper half with vegetable oil from the inside. True, in the morning it will be necessary not to disdain to shake out the caught Prussians from this jar into the toilet.


When choosing which remedy is better for cockroaches, you can look at crayons and powders with a small number of insects in the room. At one time, the famous Mashenka chalk was known as the best remedy for cockroaches, and today it continues to be a fairly reliable remedy, inferior, however, in many respects to gels.

However, if there are a lot of cockroaches and you have already unsuccessfully tried different preparations for their destruction, pay attention to the modern and very effective remedy for cockroaches "Lambda Zone". It is odorless, safe enough for humans, and at the same time leaves cockroaches practically no chance of survival even when other drugs fail.

Remedy for cockroaches Lambda Zone

The tool is made using the technology of insecticide microencapsulation, has a prolonged action and is quite economical to use.


Useful video: what is important to consider for reliable disposal of cockroaches in an apartment


5 rules for choosing a cockroach extermination service


Last update: 2022-05-15

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "What is the most effective remedy for cockroaches?" 83 comments
  1. Alexander

    We got here 2 years ago.Poisoned with gels, but periodically new cockroach forces come from the neighbors of alcoholics. The truth is written about the repeller, it does not help. I bought a ridex pestle rekt, so they not only ran around it, but even insulted it, as if mocking: what did you turn on for us here, Vasily ... I want to try traps.

    • ioric

      Try boric acid powder - cheap and cheerful.

      • Anonymous

        Where can you buy boric acid powder? I heard a lot about her.

        • Anonymous

          At any pharmacy

          • Anonymous

            Like a dead poultice))

      • Anonymous

        And how to use it? Dilute and spray or just sprinkle?

        • Anonymous

          Hard boil an egg, grind only the yolk and mix with boric acid powder. For 1 package of boric acid (20 grams), 2 yolks or 1 yolk + mashed potatoes are taken in volume, like a yolk.

          • Irina

            This is the old way of Soviet times, when there was nothing. Absolutely useless.

        • Anonymous

          Don't waste your time and money on this nonsense.

      • Vladimir Viktorovich

        Do not powder your brains ... Bought 1 kg of boric acid in a pharmacy. Cockroaches are not afraid of her. They chew with bread, and with boiled yolk ...

      • Inna

        Boric acid powder did not help me.

  2. Tamara

    How not to poison cockroaches. Nothing helps. They used boric acid, aerosols, and set traps. Help, tell me what to do?

    • Anonymous

      If the apartment is a mess, then they will always be, no matter how much you poison. If you keep order, then perhaps they crawl from the neighbors. Then agree on ALL the neighbors in the house and call the service one day so that the cockroaches do not run from one to the other from the poison.

      • Anonymous

        And in my opinion, disorder is disorder.It's one thing when children's toys are scattered around the room, and another thing when there is a carpet in the kitchen, and crumbs are constantly pouring on it, soup is spilled, etc. It is touching when at the same time people wonder where cockroaches could come from.

      • Daria

        In our house, half of the tenants are frank alcoholics who generally do not care about cockroaches. They can’t even throw out the garbage normally, they throw the bags right on the stairwell, and that’s how it is. So negotiating with them is useless. I tried with one girl, a young drunkard, the answer: “We don’t have cockroaches, did you bring them with you?” And for 40 years of my life, I only now encountered them, having moved to this house.

    • Petrovich

      Spread inside the box in the middle with sweet (honey), and around the Velcro like a flycatcher. They stick and won't go anywhere.

    • Jeanne

      In a student hostel in my first year, I almost died on the spot - I had never seen so many cockroaches. The guys came to us for cockroaches in order to arrange races for them for money)) In 2000, there were not so many funds. Globol gel helped us, and the cockroaches disappeared not only in the room, but from the entire floor. That's it. And now, after so many years, they appeared at my house. I can't find this gel for sale.

  3. Leela

    Oh, you know. Here I keep order in the apartment. Every day wet cleaning of premises, especially kitchens. I don't leave food on the table at night. Even in the refrigerator I keep only twists and raw vegetables. No soup pots for three days. Cooked at once - ate, washed and that's it. Zhrachka never rolls around the house, the trash in the toilet under the lid in the bag.

    So what? Cockroaches crawl from the neighbors through the wall, through the kitchen.They have a permanent pigsty there, and a cat too. Yes, they smear Mashenka even at the entrance. They say they crawl out of the basement (through them). So what? No sense.

    I also smeared Mashenka. The cockroaches walk these fresh lines and they don't care. And set traps - zero effect. They live - they rejoice ... They are representatives of the oldest population and survive even in nuclear reactors, get used to radiation. What kind of powders and crayons are there. Yes, they eat them too, if they don’t leave food in the house.

    Here's what to do?

    • Yana

      They are not afraid of radiation, since they do not have bone marrow (

  4. Anna

    We never had cockroaches until my husband's friend brought his washing machine in connection with the move, now I don't know how to feed them.

  5. Nicholas

    About 30 years ago, cockroaches appeared in our country, which they just didn’t do - they scalded it with boiling water, and stained it with dichlorvos, karbofos - nothing helped. In those ancient times, Velcro houses were on sale, they were called "Combat", but not those that are now sold - Korean. The instructions that came with them said that cockroaches are the same cannibals as all other creatures. This is the basis of the considered method of dealing with them. Inside the houses there was poison, the cockroach that crawled into the house ate it, crawled into its family, died there and was devoured by other cockroaches. Having eaten, they also died, and so on, and a chain reaction began. Believe it or not, we haven't had a cockroach in 30 years. Recently I saw a cockroach in the kitchen, I decided to repeat it, but I didn’t find houses with such a principle of operation on sale - maybe I didn’t look well, I’ll look again. Maybe someone can tell me where to buy such a tool?

  6. Alexander

    The most reliable and, most importantly, proven tool is GLOBOL.This is a German drug. We didn’t poison anything, and somehow a neighbor gave me a globol to try. And now for 10 years not a single Prusak. Take my word for it: you smear on the baseboards where there are Prussians, and after a while you will forget what the Prussians are. And most importantly, regardless of whether the neighbors have Prussians, they will never come to you again. Our neighbors still do not believe that we have no more Prussians. They say that this cannot be: the whole house has it, but you don’t. But we know that Globol helped us.

    • Sanya

      You have a very limited vocabulary. Prussians and Prussians.

      • Anonymous

        Yes Yes Yes ))

    • Anonymous

      No globall helps. What just did not poison these creatures. Only Dichlorvos or some other spray gives a temporary effect for two weeks, and if you do not repeat the treatment every couple of weeks, then the cockroaches will breed. We no longer believe in all sorts of gels and boric acid, we have tried everything that they write on the Internet. And they set sticky traps. And no matter what kind of gel they poured into round traps, nothing helps. The big problem is that we have cockroaches all over the entrance, in every apartment. The only hope remained at the SES. If even after them we don’t live in peace for at least half a year, then I don’t know what to do.

      • Victoria

        I was helped about 4 years ago by the Dohlox gel for the destruction of cockroaches, it really worked, for 4 years there was not a single cockroach. I smeared all the cracks in the apartment and even the front door around the perimeter, all this time I was happy)) I live on the 1st floor, behind the wall there is a garbage chute. Now they are starting to appear again. Here, I sit and think, buy Dohlox again or it has deteriorated in 4 years ... But, probably, I will buy it!

  7. Irina

    I work in a restaurant and the Prussians have already got us! Near a large grocery store, that's where they climb. We fought with many means, called in specialists, but they still returned.

  8. Konstantin

    We tried everything and even the above, there is no effect and that's all, there is a temporary decrease in the population, but then they return again.

  9. Valery

    That's the problem I'm having, dude. It hasn't been for a long time, but now it's there. Judging by the reviews that I have read, no one has a reliable remedy for red Prussians. I bought a lot of powders, but there is no effect. I did not take GLOBA, it costs 50 gr., but they warned that there are many fakes, pure German cannot be found now.

  10. Evgeniy

    The only remedy for cockroaches is perfect cleanliness. And napalm 🙂 If I’m an asshole, I don’t wash my stove, I leave dishes in the sink, I don’t take out the trash in the evening and I don’t hide leftover food in the refrigerator, then cockroaches will also put down you for this. They will multiply at such a rate that the rabbits will commit self-immolation. First of all, cleanliness and dryness - not a drop of water and food for creatures! At least at night, clog everything tightly. And only then they will eat poison (there will be nothing more) and die. And take care of household appliances: any equipment that works in standby mode has heating parts. Cockroaches are not averse to warming up on them. Their body is so arranged - they feel good in the heat. Is the device plugged into a power outlet and does it glow? Are there gaps in the case? THERE ARE COCKROACHES! You can be sure. Refrigerator, TV set, laptop, TV tuner system unit - everything will fit. Purity - poison - prevention! Here is our slogan in the fight against cockroaches. Don't get sick and be determined, success in the fight!

    • Anonymous

      I agree with you completely!

    • Anonymous

      I clean my apartment all the time! I wash the shelves in the cabinets once a week, at night I wash all the tables, then I wipe everything dry. I don't leave a drop of water in the sink. And cockroaches come running from neighbors, stepping on all gels, sprays, etc. What they want to find from me, I do not know. I bought a new tool "Clean House". It is promised on the label that cockroaches are guaranteed to disappear for six months. NOTHING... So if you have cleanliness, and the neighbors have a dump, then nothing will help.

  11. Vadim

    Quite effective in lowering the temperature in a room/house. At -5 should die within half an hour. It worked in the dorm.

    • Anonymous

      Even at minus 100, nothing will happen to them.

  12. Skif4a

    What can I buy so that there are no 100% cockroaches in the apartment?

  13. Dmitry

    Hello, we got rid of cockroaches very easily. Because we have a house in the village, and some neighbors. One winter they went to visit for two months. And we also decided to leave and turned off the heating. And it was in winter. It’s just that they all froze (cockroaches), and they had nowhere to come from. Now the cleanliness of the house. And not a single cockroach.

  14. Novel

    Cockroaches are not afraid of frost!

    • Anonymous

      Proof! They die in sub-zero temperatures.

      • Anonymous

        Yeah, at -8 for 5-6 hours. Not suitable for apartments - the batteries will burst.

  15. Anonymous

    A good tool - made by hand! Take one boiled potato, knead it, add the yolk of a boiled egg, a little vegetable oil, preferably with a smell, and add a remedy for a bear (in powder) there. Knead the dough from all the ingredients (with gloves) and roll balls out of it, 1 cm in diameter. These balls can be stuck under the sink, and so spread out in the corners, in all those places where cockroaches were caught.Cockroaches should not have access to water! When we did this, the cockroaches disappeared forever. But it was a real plague, even a trifle died.

    • Anonymous

      Where can I get a bear?

  16. Alla

    I don’t sleep for 3 nights, they already walk on me, they multiply very quickly. What is the most effective remedy?

  17. Ludmila

    I’ll tell you guys what is the most effective remedy, but I don’t know if you will get it or not, it is not sold anywhere. In Soviet times, there was such a city Zhdanov, there was a chemical plant. So, this plant produced rubber powder for cars that were exported. This powder is called THIURAM. It is gray in color and like powder, half a teaspoon was enough for the entire one-room apartment. Spray it on the skirting boards. While they were spraying in the bathroom, I swept them out of the kitchen. Then they bypass your apartment, they will have neighbors, but they won’t even come close to you. This I experienced. I lived without them.

    • Anonymous

      Where can I get this thiuram?

    • Taisia

      Tiuram does not work at all. Maybe fake.

      • Maksim

        The correct name is tetramethylthiuram disulfide, an extremely dangerous substance for humans.

    • Maksim

      You can not thiuram, it is toxic and causes cancer.

  18. Lesya

    I drove into a rented apartment and was horrified, I can’t even kill them, I lose consciousness from the crunch. I called the sanitary and epidemiological station, they blew it. For a month they still ran, died, then less and less of them became. From the neighbors climbed. I bought everything at once: the battalion commander aerosol, and traps, and different gels, and painted everything with a little car. Not now, but the fight was bloody, she bled herself every week. Perfect cleanliness is the main thing. I wash the floors twice, so that there is no water anywhere, and I don’t leave garbage in a bucket at night, and during the day I put everything in bags and tie it up ...

  19. Alisher

    As a specialist, I can say: buy Nurel 100 gr. and "Fastak" 100 gr. Dilute together in 5 liters of water and spray. The effect is 100%. At the same time, do not forget to empty the kitchen cabinet, you need to spray everywhere, every corner.

    • Mila

      After spraying, how long does it take to ventilate and wash all cabinets and corners? Or leave for a while? As an expert, please advise better.

  20. Irina

    Globol, gel, original.

  21. Svetlana

    The best and proven remedy for cockroaches is Frontline m. It is diluted in 100 ml of water and sprayed.

  22. Kirill

    I defeated cockroaches and I am very happy about it! Guys, I’m speaking as one who fought with them with everything that was possible for a whole year: he called the service with a hot fog for 4500, and bought various professional poisons, which are diluted several grams per liter of water, and gels, and yolk with boric acid did , tried everything.

    In short, you can kill cockroaches with any poison, but it is impossible to make sure that they do not come from neighbors with the help of poison! I solved the problem only when I found cracks in my technical closet, where the sewer pipe was, and foamed them, and then filled them with self-leveling floor. The holes were very poorly visible, but quite significant. So if you're fighting them and can't win, look for holes and patch them up. Only in this way will you defeat them and nothing else. Cockroaches don't go through walls. The first thing to check is the place where you have pipes, most likely there are gaps. You also need to close up the ventilation with a mosquito net and make the front door airtight with seals. Well, and the worst thing is, if you have a very old house and gaps between the plates, there is only a major overhaul.When you close all the cracks, it will be very easy to kill cockroaches with any poison.

  23. Evgraf

    So traps help, or is it better to use gels?!

    • Roman, master exterminator

      Gels are definitely better. How many traps I have seen from different clients - there is only one review about them: it seems that they only make it worse. But gels alone will not save you. It's just a set of measures.

  24. Anton

    Gels are the most effective way.

  25. Tolik

    Google: wix cockroach remedy. Buy and forget about cockroach mutants, 100% verified, these reptiles have been gone for a year now. Very rarely, scouts come from neighbors, I noticed on the washbasin a couple of times. In general, there are none, and the product is non-toxic, water-based.

  26. hostess

    Frontline M from cockroaches is a good and inexpensive remedy! Checked, enough for 4-6 months!

  27. Irina

    And we bought a used refrigerator, yesterday I saw this little freak ... How can I get them out of the refrigerator? (( There are 2 small children in the house.

  28. Elena

    Neostomozan helps against cockroaches. True, if others come from neighbors, you need to repeat in a week, this is an ampoule of 5 ml per liter of water.

  29. Alexander

    We've been poisoning these bastards for half a year already - and we use gels, and traps, and pshikalki, in general, with everything that is possible. But recently I noticed that they live in microwave ovens, in the kitchen, in a gas stove, on TV, clocks, baseboards. If anyone has them with a cable channel, there are generally millions of them, along the way. If you start to poison, then first you need to spray all the devices with an aerosol so that they all get out of there. Then pack the whole thing so that they don’t get in there anymore, or those who are the most resistant die, either without oxygen or without food.And then the easiest thing is to take everything out of the room, to cover up all the cracks that come from the neighbors, to install meshes for ventilation, because even in the same hood in the kitchen they sit cute and watch how you cook)) And the fact that you spread gel a couple of times or squeeze out a couple of cylinders of dichlorvos, it will not give any result! Only you yourself will cough, or even poison yourself))

  30. Nastya

    In the 90s we lived in a small family hostel, cockroaches walked over us. All the neighbors bought a powder called demorin, it was also bred on an egg. Enough for several years, the cockroaches just left, gathering in groups. I did not have these creatures for 15 years, I processed only 2 times, already without neighbors. Where to get it, this is really a miracle cure. The woman who sold it in homemade bags said it was a powder from Germany. But for what it was used, I don’t know, it looked like superphosphate.

    • Anonymous

      Cockroaches do not live without chalk. They need it to build up a chitinous shell. They used to walk on foot, because everyone whitewashed the ceilings with lime. Now we have switched to other materials: water emulsion and others. Look for where they eat chalk. Calculate the grandmother-neighbor with an ancient repair and paint her ceilings with the whole world. They themselves will rest. And it will work out cheaper for you, and granny feels good.

  31. Noname

    To get cockroaches out, you need to use several methods at once, and not wait until one or another drug you bought starts to “act”. I did this: first I washed the whole room with ammonia, applied the gel to the baseboards around the perimeter, put insecticidal traps in the corners, as well as homemade traps made of boric acid and food (in and on cabinets). I missed with chalk under household appliances, which strongly radiate heat.Well, and most importantly, block their approach to water, sprinkle boric acid around the toilet bowl and sink. TOTAL: Chalk - 25 rubles, Gel - 75 rubles, traps - 130 rubles, ammonia + boric acid - 100 rubles. = 330 rubles. I forgot what cockroaches are after 3 days and for six months. After 6 months, they again came from drunks-neighbors that live from above. Here, decide for yourself - to poison the cockroaches, or maybe it's easier to buy a box of pallets for the neighbors, and solve this problem once and for all))

  32. Antonina

    I appeal mainly to experienced users of Kombat traps - or to sellers (I myself successfully used it in the dashing 90s, there are still no problems with cockroaches): a disabled friend asked for help, so I bought her a package of proven means on the market. And then I doubted: something did not seem the same as I once had, but I can’t remember exactly, because it was a long time ago. Over the years, could the design just change, or are there different modifications? I can not figure out where the active substance can be placed there. "House" seems just empty. Or is there such an invisible microportion, or an impregnation that has no volume? Did I get a fake? Of course, you can, after unpacking, decompose them and see if there is a result. But then you can’t take it back and you won’t deal with a dishonest seller. Q: Are there fakes? Thanks for the answer.

    • Anonymous

      This Kombat is bullshit now. Does not help. There is a mini portion of poison inside, but they eat it and do not die.

  33. Anna

    Cockroaches, or, as you call them, Prussians, are not afraid of the cold, they can even live 100 years without food, they only hibernate. And as soon as even the slightest crumb appears, they wake up - this has already been proven.

  34. Ivan Ivanov

    This article offends me.Do you think all children will start collecting drops from the floor? Well, in general. I am 10 years old, and for some reason I do not collect any drops from the floor! Articles that indirectly hint that children have no brains infuriate me. They constantly write that children will start licking something there, because children are stupid. Always specify whether a small child or not! It is unlikely that a 12-year-old child will begin to lick poison from the floor.

  35. Mary

    Exil is the same as a globall. New name, manufacturer Germany.

  36. Tatiana

    In recent times, Tiuram powder was brought from the tire factory, it is added to rubber so that insects do not spoil it. White powder, odorless. They poured along the baseboards along the perimeter, cockroaches climbed onto the ceiling from it. Collected with a vacuum cleaner for three days. After that, there were none. Disappeared very quickly. Where to get it now?

  37. Mamuka

    Nothing will help you, grow into them! Hundreds of cockroaches came out into the kitchen in the evening, and they used dichlorvos Raptor, and useless traps for battalion commanders, boron. They even sprayed with a special remedy for large Indian and American cockroaches. We suffered with this huge horde for 6 years, until one friend with a similar problem advised me to use chalk. He says that there are no cockroaches at all. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name. Fortunately, crayons are cheap, I bought different manufacturers, smeared them all. And, lo and behold, this was not close to the German gel - the next morning the entire floor was littered with them. It is necessary to smear with a long continuous line, it is desirable to make them closed along the path of accumulation of cockroaches, around the legs of the tables.The effect, as I understand it, is not even in poison, but precisely in the fact that it is easy to outline large areas with chalk, but cockroaches may simply not eat the gel, and you can’t apply it continuously, the tube is not enough for anything and expensive. And the chalk does not leave them a chance. There is no more effective means than chalk on sale.

    Manufacturers of other products deliberately spread the story that the product is effective with a small number of cockroaches. No, just this remedy is extremely effective with a very large number of cockroaches, and the rest of the remedies are suitable only for small foci of infection by these insects. Manufacturers only earn on expensive means, but completely ineffective if the number of insects is large. So whoever listens to me will be saved from these creatures.

    • Max

      That's right, just small! But only the one that was sold in the 90s with Chinese characters is really tough. At night you smear, in the morning a scoop of cockroaches! And little Mashenka is x-nya. Where would one find it?

  38. Diana

    There is a very effective tool called Insect Control. No smell and helped the first time.

  39. Alesya

    Nothing helped, after a short time they reappeared ((But thanks to kind people, ammonia was advised! And about happiness, after three or four treatments, everything was gone forever! Dilute with water and sprinkle the whole kitchen at night, and in the morning just rinse with clean water. And that's all.

  40. Julia

    I don't know, it feels like they like cleanliness and all the chemistry. The windows are open at night in the heat - so they climb. I see one a month. And crayons, and aerosols, and gels - all this to them in one place. And closing everything at +35 is unrealistic.

  41. Elena

    About 20 years ago I bought Dohlox gel.Pre-washed the entire apartment with ordinary laundry soap. Inflicted in the usual habitat of cockroaches. The effect was amazing. The cockroaches disappeared from the neighbors too. Still no. Having moved from their parents to a new house, they didn’t see cockroaches for 2 years, until neighbors with old furniture arrived ... By some miracle, the parents kept a syringe with gel. Cockroaches were swept with a broom for 1 week. These bastards were gone for about six months. But, apparently, they have taken root with the neighbors. Having bought a gel with the same name, I hoped to repeat the experience. But ... The color, consistency were different and, most importantly, the effect did not live up to expectations. I read the reviews with interest. Now I plan to use the most effective means, probably all at once!

  42. Irina

    The best remedy is a globall with the smell of chocolate, German, I can’t find it anywhere.

  43. Hope

    30 years without cockroaches. I love cleanliness, but they appeared. Tried everything: Raptor, Dr. Klaus, traps, lenses, Dichlorvos, but nothing helps. Advertising for our money.

  44. Marina

    The best tool - in my experience, is "Deadly Power", gel and spray. Only now I can’t find it in my city, I have to order via the Internet.

  45. Victoria

    In, I also found a positive review about Dohlox, I’ll definitely buy it! Thank you.

  46. cockroach-phobe

    I tried the fumigator on the water from the Raptor, for 3 hours in total. I poured water from the attached bag, put the reagent in a container and until it started to smoke or something else immediately left. Upon arrival - smog in the apartment, as if they were smoking. Opened to ventilate immediately to the full window. I saw the first dead cockroaches, threw them out. But as soon as the room was ventilated, half-dead surviving cockroaches crawled out of the cracks into the air.Maybe I didn’t poison them correctly with a tool, who knows, but I had to work manually with a slipper.

    There is only one conclusion: a new house is needed without drunks, and do not drag old furniture or a refrigerator there!

  47. Alexander Fedotovich

    In 1983, the Neofos aerosol helped me. After treatment, the cockroaches disappeared for three years (I left in 1986).

  48. Katia

    I live in the city center. A house with a garbage chute and a bunch of foreign students (opposite the house is a medical university). As soon as they move into apartments (neighbors rent everything out), Indians, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabs - that's all, pipets. In short, cockroaches and bugs flooded! The whole house is in a panic, we call through the housing department of the SES every week (free of charge). Here, since the summer of 2018, the SES has been visiting our house every week, processing the entrance, the garbage chute, bay windows, but there is no sense. Even after the World Cup, who just didn’t live here and what cockroaches they just didn’t bring. They do not die even after SES treatment every week.

    My kitchen is empty. The refrigerator was turned off, we eat in cafes and restaurants, I wash the floors three times a day. We have little furniture, no computers (we have telephones), no cabinets and chests of drawers. We have a sofa and a TV set in the living room, a bed and a TV set in the bedroom. There are no carpets. But there are cockroaches. Neighbors are not drunkards (and also without carpets and furniture, it is not fashionable now). Blinds instead of curtains. I don't understand where cockroaches come from after SES treatment every week. There are more and more of them, they don’t die ((Everything is smeared with Masha (chalk), there are traps everywhere. I wash the floors three times a day with ammonia. There are no zhrachki in the house at all. All our staircases are in traps, crayons and gels for 700 rubles and above (we bought everything with the neighbors in the house.) All the neighbors are fighting, and the cockroaches stick and stick.What to do?


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