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We get rid of the invasion of cockroaches at home

Last update: 2022-06-17
≡ Article has 10 comments
  • Angelina: Excellent article, I will definitely try everything at once. My ba...
  • Anonymous: Let's try...
  • Natalya: Does Mashenka's chalk harm the dogs in the apartment? Or better her...
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Consider options for getting rid of cockroaches at home

It is not difficult to get rid of cockroaches at home today, and the whole procedure for the destruction and expulsion of these insects from the house is quite accessible for an ordinary resident of a big city who has never encountered such difficulties before. However, each method and each means of getting rid of cockroaches requires its own approach and has a certain set of advantages and disadvantages.

And before you get rid of cockroaches at home, you should get acquainted with all the available options and opt for those tools that are best suited for solving the task.


Cockroach gels - the best solution to the problem

Today, cockroach gels are the best remedy in most cases (although few people know about this, because there are so many different drugs on the market).

Gels from cockroaches

The main advantages of gels are:

  • Possibility of use without evacuation of all warm-blooded inhabitants from the premises. The gel is simply applied in the right places on the floor, walls, baseboards, and for a while they forget about it. In the meantime, people live, drink tea and watch TV, cockroaches are slowly getting poisoned.
  • Ease of use - gels do not require a tricky method of applying and preparing any special baits. Squeezed out and forgotten.
  • Safety - the composition of almost all modern cockroach gels includes special bitterness that prevents a child, dog or cat from swallowing even a drop of the product. At the same time, cockroaches do not pay attention to these bitterness.
  • Efficiency - one tube of gel is usually enough to get rid of cockroaches in a standard two-room apartment, that is, poison hundreds of cockroaches!

Gels work simply: cockroaches either eat them or carry them on their paws to shelters. The important thing is that the poisoned insect will be eaten by its fellows with the gel itself, and will also be poisoned.

But at the same time, gels are not without certain drawbacks. So, they do not allow for a quick, emergency extermination of cockroaches in the entire apartment in one day, which is sometimes preferable. In general, you can count on a noticeable result when using gels only a week or two after they are applied.


“In the Vykhino area, we rented a odnushka in the summer. Nice apartment with a balcony. True, there were a lot of cockroaches, it is clear that visitors lived in front of us. I wanted to anoint with gel, which I poisoned at home, but I had to move in in a week. The gel would not have time to act. I had to spend half a day and pickle an empty apartment with a Raptor ... "

Alya, Moscow

However, gels are being used more and more today to get rid of cockroaches at home. No wonder every manufacturer of hitherto known aerosols considers it a matter of honor to release their own gel.

No matter how numerous cockroaches are in the apartment, getting rid of them with the help of a gel will be a simple task:

  • it is advisable to warm the syringe or tube of gel in warm water or rub it in your hands.
  • In places where cockroaches are most common, small lines of gel droplets are applied. The distance between the drops should be the smaller, the more cockroaches live in the apartment. Typically, such gel dots are left at intervals of 5 to 20 cm.
  • The gel should be on the surface as long as there are cockroaches in the apartment. If during cleaning the protective line is erased with a cloth, it must be reapplied.

Cockroach gels do not contain fats, and therefore do not leave stains on the surfaces to which they were applied.

The most famous and effective gels for the destruction of cockroaches at home today are the following:

  • Storm, which includes two insecticides of different classes. This combination is especially effective in killing cockroaches.Trap: storm-gel-paste
  • Fas, a similar drug with a similar composition.Fas: gel from cockroaches
  • Domovoy, a Russian development, performs well when used together with other types of the same brand (for example, with an aerosol form).Gel from cockroaches Brownie
  • Globol - German insecticidal gel, is considered one of the most effective. However, due to the constant and frequent use in some cities, populations of cockroaches that are resistant to it also appear.German cockroach control gel Globol


“The last time even the proven Globol did not help, I had to call the sanitary service. There, the guys told me that the whole city was poisoning with Globol, and the cockroaches began to get used to it. But from their smelly gas, everyone died out in a few hours.

Oksana, Tallinn

On a note

Gel Globol today is actively counterfeited by at least two dishonest manufacturers. They produce drugs Global and Global. Distinguishing them from the original is quite simple: the real Globol has two letters “o” in the name, and on the tube and box it is inscribed only in German.

The average cost of a tube of gel from cockroaches today is 150-200 rubles. Once again, we note that, compared with other means of getting rid of cockroaches at home, gels are perhaps the most affordable and effective.

And further: Cockroaches in the apartment are not only disgusting, but also dangerous to health. And they are dangerous not only with transmitted infections ...


Application of aerosol insecticides: faster and more harmful

Aerosol preparations, extremely popular a few years ago, with the advent of cockroach gels, begin to lose their market position. But at the same time, they do not lose their effectiveness: when deciding how to get rid of cockroaches at home in one day, you should choose them.

The main advantage of aerosols is the high rate of destruction of cockroaches.

The main advantage of aerosols is their high speed of action. These drugs do not wait for cockroaches to deign to feast on them or get their paws dirty in them - they, along with air, enter the lungs of even those insects that sit in their cozy shelters. And from the lungs they penetrate into the blood, affect the nervous system, after which the pest is already doomed.

The rules for using aerosols are such that if they are followed, the risk of poisoning any of the inhabitants of the apartment is minimal (unfortunately, not everyone reads the instructions for using the product, which sometimes causes poisoning).

To treat a room with an aerosol from cockroaches, you must:

  • Remove all people and pets from the premises. If there is an aquarium in one of the rooms, cover it with glass and turn off the compressor.
  • Wear gloves, long-sleeved clothing and a cotton-gauze bandage. Do not worry too much - most aerosols are of little danger to humans, but they can cause allergies or dizziness if inhaled heavily.
  • Close windows and doors.
  • Spray the preparation as carefully as possible in those places where insects can hide, and treat all surfaces in the apartment with the agent in general.
  • Leave the room and let the remedy brew.
  • After three to four hours, ventilate the room and carry out a thorough wet cleaning.

On a note

Most aerosol preparations are based on Cypermethrin and its derivatives. This substance easily decomposes in the air, and therefore, already a few hours after spraying the agent, it ceases to be dangerous. Before that, destroying most of the cockroaches that managed to inhale them.

The disadvantages of cockroach aerosols are:

  • The ease of their entry into the human respiratory tract and the ability to cause allergies, and if inhaled heavily - intoxication.
  • Relative high cost - to process a two-room apartment, you will need a drug for 1200-1600 rubles. Even the prices for the services of professional exterminators are somewhere nearby ...
  • A large number of fakes and frank marriage on the market. Here you need to look both ways and choose proven products, skillfully distinguishing them from counterfeit products.

The recognized leaders in the fight against cockroaches today are:

  • Gett aerosol, sold in a well recognizable white canister with black lettering. His fakes are issued with the names Get and Get.
  • Raptor from crawling insects is a very effective drug, in addition to which special traps and gel are produced.Aerosol from crawling insects Raptor
  • Sinuzan, which is a strictly professional remedy. Cockroaches mow very effectively, but are dangerous to humans and have an unpleasant odor. It looks like a professional insecticidal drug Tetrix.

When choosing a cockroach spray for home use, it makes sense to consider only specially adapted home remedies such as Gett, Raptor and Raid. As effective as professional poisons are, their use can be difficult and even dangerous.

And further: Cockroaches do not die from aerosols and gels? Perhaps it is worth adopting lethal powders ...


Use of dusts and crayons

These preparations are rather a tribute to traditions. They work in the same way as gels, but they have no advantages over the latter. The only reason why powders or crayons are sometimes preferred when fighting cockroaches at home is the price.

Example: chalk from cockroaches Masha

For example, with a slight infection of the house, cockroaches can be completely removed from it with the help of one Masha's pencil for 45 rubles.

The disadvantages of dusts is the impossibility of applying them to vertical surfaces. In addition, many of them can be dangerous to humans, and, when tasted by young children, can cause allergies and digestive disorders.

It is good to use powders and crayons in rooms that are left without tenants for a certain period of time - cottages, sanatoriums, temporary apartments, student canteens in the summer.

The most popular means today are:

  • Mashenka, chalk, famous since post-Soviet times. It is still actively produced to this day, constantly improving the composition and increasing its effectiveness.
  • Feverfew is perhaps the only completely natural drug for cockroaches that has confidently proven itself in the fight against them at home.
  • Clean House, an effective remedy that managed to show off its efficiency before the gels took over the market.Clean House: dust from cockroaches


“... for the winter the entire camp site is closed. Only watchmen are constantly present, working in shifts. The premises are treated with insecticides in the form of dusts, which are removed from all houses during spring cleaning. This guarantees the absence of cockroaches and ants in the rooms for vacationers ... "

Alena, Balaklava


Freezing cockroaches

This method of home cockroach control is very effective, but has serious limitations:

  • all cockroaches die out indoors only when the temperature drops below minus 8 ° C. Accordingly, such a temperature still needs to be waited for. Not everyone has this opportunity.
  • Frost indoors is dangerous not only for cockroaches, but also for heating and water supply systems..
  • Freezing cockroaches gives only a temporary effect. When the temperature returns to the previous limits, the cockroaches will again inhabit the apartment, coming from the neighbors.

Frost effectively destroys cockroaches in the apartment

Nevertheless, it is very simple to process change houses, warehouses, workshops and empty cottages in this way: windows open in the room, all water supply systems are turned off and cockroaches are destroyed.


Traps from cockroaches

The most effective today are traps with an adhesive plate in the middle. The cockroach cannot get out of them. Such traps in a wide variety of forms are sold in markets and shops, but it is unlikely that such a trap can be made at home (although there are craftsmen who make them from cardboard and sticky tape).

Sticky cockroach trap

With your own hands, you can make a simple, but at the same time effective trap from an ordinary half-liter jar. The upper part of its inner walls should be carefully lubricated with vegetable oil, and honey should be dripped onto the bottom. Attracted pests will fall into the jar and feed on honey, but they will not be able to get out of the trap.

Traps popular today that kill cockroaches with an electric discharge are relatively ineffective and do not have any special advantages over Velcro traps.

Photo of an electric cockroach trap

And parallel “strong current disinfection” is a myth on which sellers of such traps are trying to rebuild themselves from competitors.


Folk remedies

Well-known folk remedies for fighting cockroaches at home include the following:

  • boric acid, which is used in various baits as a poison against cockroaches.Boric acid has long been used to control cockroaches.
  • Ammonia, which is added to water when washing floors. Cockroaches are very sensitive to its smell, and if the apartment is slightly infected, they can escape from it during such events.
  • Laying out strong-smelling herbs in places where insects accumulate. Among these herbs are wormwood, St. John's wort, sage. However, such measures will not destroy insects, but only scare them away.

In general, folk remedies against cockroaches are ineffective. They really help only sometimes, when there are few insects themselves in the room. In case of serious infection of the apartment, direct-acting destroying drugs should be taken.

The same means as ultrasonic repellers are not effective at all and can only be used to decorate the interior. Therefore, if cockroaches need to be dealt with effectively, gels, aerosols, frost or dusts should be used.

Good luck fighting cockroaches!


Why sometimes cockroaches do not get out of the apartment in any way ...


We test the usual garden Karbofos on cockroaches


Last update: 2022-06-17

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "We get rid of the invasion of cockroaches at home" 10 comments
  1. Catherine

    Let's try an aerosol

  2. Elena

    Many thanks to the authors for the detailed and high-quality advice. Very good and friendly presentation.

  3. Anna

    Thanks for the info, the article was very helpful.

  4. Alexei

    Buy yogurt or dessert (especially with jam), small plastic packages.You eat with pleasure, and pour 3-4 cm of water into an empty package and put it at night, where there are a lot of cockroaches. In the morning you will see how many drowned cucaraches will be!

    • Anonymous

      Let's try

  5. Alice

    Our cockroaches are already completely overwhelmed, they live in the freezer. They are neither cold nor poison at all, they will survive a nuclear war.

  6. Alevtina

    I decided to share my bitter experience. Each time, mastering a new housing, the first thing I did was treat the apartment from all evil spirits with thiophos using the services of a trusted company. The long-term results are positive. That year, cockroaches suddenly crawled in early spring. Previous contact not found. Called from other companies 3 times. Everyone promised results, but my creatures only said thank you. I tried various means: sprays, combatants, dichlorvos, gels and an electromagnetic and ultrasonic repeller Pest Reject. BUT there are more and more cockroaches. A month has passed - the flies are becoming stupid, if the moth flies, then it flies, the cockroaches are shocked, but not scared away. The most disgusting thing is that they crawl towards people, climb on their feet when I'm sitting at the computer. Imagine, already 3 cockroaches asked for help on my legs. I am terrified. I already, in my opinion, the psychosis begins. And tonight I accidentally saw a recommendation: I put chopped onions and an apple in a glass container smeared with oil. I put it at the computer and in the kitchen. They are very active from 00 to 2 am. I went out to the kitchen at 1 o'clock. And oh, horror - there are already 6 people walking around, but so big ... But lethargic. I catch them with a wet sponge, rough side, and into the toilet. But in the prepared dishes on the bow there was only 1 small one at the computer. I left him until the morning, and in the morning he came to life and, in my opinion, grew up. Here is such a horror. They say that they are in apartments where there is trouble.I live alone, no one in the family has any worries. I think we should try different baits: banana, yogurt, cucumber. She suggested that the neighbors do the processing of the entire entrance, but they claim that everything is clean with them. Do you believe? If you have any recommendations I would be very grateful.

  7. Svetlana

    In Soviet times, parents from a secret enterprise were brought thiuran powder - radioactive, poured over the stove onto paper, and cockroaches left from all over the house. How it affected us - radiation, of course, but the parents did not think about it ... We often got sick. Therefore, now I don’t use any chemicals, but the cockroaches have overcome - a neighbor (grandmother) drags garbage home from the garbage dump, and no means of reptiles help. All the neighbors were exhausted, but at least she was dirty and crazy. It is difficult to evict such people now - she pays for the apartment and even washes the entrance, sweeps the yard. There is no noise from it, but the mustachioed ones are terrible, they even climb into the freezer! Therefore, no matter how much you withdraw, while such cohabitants live in the entrance, it is useless.

    I read somewhere that you need to get a toad - they eat them well. A bowl of water for her, and she will eat all these reptiles. Someone even started a few toads, instead of cats)) But they got rid of cockroaches. And toss a toad to a grandmother ... Laughter with laughter, but the whole house suffers from one such dirty one! I think that here it is necessary not to use human methods, but magical ones, or remove the grandmother, or drive away the cockroaches. But the grandmother is a man, and it is impossible to wish evil to a man. To discourage the slop business - looking for banks and bottles, and at home dismantling these garbage bags - horror! There is such a stench in the entrance that my neighbors and I keep the windows wide open and use air fresheners. Good luck to everyone in getting rid of these creatures, and clean neighbors!

  8. Natalia

    And Masha's crayon does not harm the dogs in the apartment? Or is it better to close it or transport it somewhere?

  9. Angelina

    Great article, I will definitely try everything at once. My grandmother has cockroaches - horror! She can't see very well and doesn't want to move in with us. These bastards live with her, like the owners of the apartment, they crawl always and everywhere at any time of the day, they don’t even try to run when you start killing them. Although my grandmother has a new apartment in a new house, renovated. Where? Poisoning by professional means, but to no avail. And they generally don’t care about ultrasound)) Moreover, they like this device, a whole flock lives and gets high. Tomorrow I will buy Raptor spray, gels, powder and Velcro. Grandma is still in the hospital, we will take her out.


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