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Effective remedy for cockroaches Global (Globol)

Last update: 2022-06-02
≡ Article 53 comments
  • Vladimir: Well, here I am again. GLOBAL could not find it. And all (!), Abso...
  • Oleg: Reviews, it seems, are real, but where to buy a real gel from redhead ...
  • Oleg: Yeah, well, they will disappear. We fed our own with this delicacy! ...
See bottom of page for details

Getting acquainted with the remedy for cockroaches Global (Globol)

Cockroaches are quite tenacious and prolific insects that, like hordes of invaders, fill our apartments and houses, and feel like full-fledged owners in them. Cockroaches are rarely seen in new buildings, however, if you were transporting things from an old apartment, you could well take this uninvited guest with you.

To date, there are many means and methods of dealing with cockroaches, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a particular method, it is necessary to assess the situation and conditions under which cockroaches appeared: the condition of water supply and sewer communications, the proximity of garbage cans to the house, the presence of children and pets in the house, the proximity of unscrupulous neighbors.

One of the modern means of fighting cockroaches is the German gel Global (Globol). Very high efficiency, ease of use and safety for humans and pets are the undoubted advantages of this tool. Let's look at it in more detail.


Gel for fighting cockroaches Global

The German manufacturer of the gel Global from cockroaches chose chlorpyrifos as the active ingredient of the drug, which belongs to modern contact insecticides with a wide spectrum of action. The action of the drug is aimed at the direct destruction of cockroaches.

It looks like the original German cockroach gel Globol

Gel (paste) is available in a dosed tube. A mass of 75 grams is enough for high-quality processing of residential and industrial premises up to 60 sq. m. area, that is, by buying one tube, you can process the whole apartment.

The uniqueness of the drug is due to special additives and the release form in the form of a gel, which makes it convenient to apply the drug and excludes its rapid drying.

The action of the insecticide is called contact by the manufacturers, which means that the cockroach, in contact with the gel applied to the treatment sites, becomes infected with the active substance, but does not die immediately, but carries its grains to the places where insects accumulate and infects the entire population. Thus, only a few individuals who come into contact with the gel are able to destroy an extensive family that terrorizes your personal territory.

It should be noted that the manufacturer provided protection for the original release of the product and provided the packaging with the gel with a holographic sticker. It guarantees a quality product of real German production (there are many fakes on the market).


How to use the gel

Before using the Global gel, the tube with the product should be held in your hands and gently kneaded, giving the contents additional plasticity. When treating an apartment from cockroaches, you should apply drops of gel to places where insects often appear and where they are supposed to accumulate: the space behind baseboards, cabinets, sewer pipes, a place next to the sink.

The gel must be applied in places where cockroaches are expected to move and accumulate.

In addition to the specified processing method, the construction of your own baits will become effective. This can be done quickly by cutting thin strips of paper and applying gel droplets to them. The strips should be laid out in the places indicated above. The method is good because then you do not have to wash the treated surfaces, skirting boards and tiles from the gel.

On a note

Before launching Global for sale, the manufacturer conducted preliminary testing, which proved that the concentration of the active substance is safe for people and pets. However, children and animals should be protected from direct access to the open gel at the treatment sites, and after it has been carried out, it is better to wash your hands with running water.

Store an unused tube of poison at room temperature, in a dark place, away from food and medicine.

And further: Cockroaches do not die from aerosols and gels? Perhaps it is worth adopting lethal powders ...


The principle of action of the gel Global on cockroaches

To date, the remedy for cockroaches Global (Globol) is one of the most effective and optimal preparations for use in apartments. Probably, “traditional German quality” and the accumulated experience of the manufacturer affect.

The basic principle of the action of this tool is, as described above, in the mandatory presence of contact of the insect with the gel. After such contact, the infected individual becomes a "time bomb" for their fellows.

A cockroach infected with Global gel is able to poison many of its fellows

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to calculate the places of the greatest accumulation and frequent appearance of insects and apply the gel exactly on their “paths”. The duration of the active action of the insecticide in the preparation is quite long - for a whole month the applied drops will carry their deadly effect on the cockroach population.

A visible effect occurs within a few days after the start of using the product. Cockroaches begin to crawl out into open areas during daylight hours, move slowly and with impaired coordination, and generally behave strangely. A real epidemic begins after 1-2 weeks. The entire population is infected, and soon the existence of unpleasant insects can be forgotten.

The undoubted advantage of the gel is the absence of an unpleasant chemical odor. Unlike other means for the destruction of cockroaches, which, if used improperly, can cause intoxication in the owners themselves or pets, Global gel will not cause any discomfort and trouble. The drug is hypoallergenic and does not cause adverse reactions in case of accidental contact.


Where to buy Global. Price.

Gel Global from cockroaches can be purchased at stores specializing in the sale of household chemicals, or in specialized online stores. Moreover, if the office of the online store is located in your city, courier delivery is possible after placing an order.

And further: Cockroaches do not die from aerosols and gels? Perhaps it is worth adopting lethal powders ...

There is a special hologram on the packaging of the original Globol gel

In any store, including an online store, you can require the seller to provide quality certificates for the products offered. When purchasing Global funds via the Internet, the seller must send you a scanned copy of the certificate by e-mail.

The price of the original gel will depend on the volume of the order and your place of residence. For example, you can buy Global gel from cockroaches in household chemical stores in your city from 140 rubles. When ordering goods on the Internet, you need to take into account the cost of courier delivery or postage. In this case, the price of the gel Global (Globol) will vary from 150 to 250 rubles.


Reviews about the drug

Review #1

“I tried the Global gel, to be honest, I didn’t expect such an effect, I had to do cleaning every day to remove dead cockroaches that appeared in the morning after treatment.”


Review #2

“We suffered with cockroaches, tried different means, and tried Global. This gel is very liquid, maybe it was just fresh. From experience I realized that it is better to apply it on paper and lay it out around the apartment, it’s more convenient, and a tube of poison will be enough for a large area.


Review #3

“I have a small child, so I don’t want to smear some kind of chemicals around the apartment, all the more so to scatter pieces of paper with gel, the child will definitely drag them into his mouth. But other means did not help much. So I applied this gel to the upper slopes of the kitchen and bathroom doors, glued the strips next to the ventilation. So I got rid of cockroaches and the child did not get to the poison.

Elena K.

Review #4

“When we moved to a new apartment, we never thought that we would face the problem of cockroaches. The whole problem is in the garbage chute in the house, no matter how much they tried to get rid of it - nothing helps. Global seems to be effective, but in a few weeks everything is new. Only together with the neighbors you need to fight. Together to buy gel or give one tube to neighbors, the price is not so high. The main thing is to fight these nasty cockroaches together, otherwise nothing will help.


Review #5

“We tried a lot of things from cockroaches, and crayons and traps, nothing helped, we had to invite a pest control. We left the apartment to process everything qualitatively, then the smell lingered for a long time. The cockroaches seemed to be gone, but a year later they came running again. We decided to do it ourselves a second time, bought Global, at first I thought it would hardly help, like chemistry, but there is no sharp smell. Once processed and everything, the cockroaches began to die, have time to collect. Just in case, they applied it again a month later to consolidate the effect, but there were no cockroaches yet.



Note: according to the situation at the end of 2015, the gel under the Globol trademark is no longer supplied to the Russian Federation and its supply under this name is not expected. However, its full-fledged analogue, also made in Germany, is Exil Schaben Paste cockroach gel.

If you have personal experience of using Globol gel in the fight against cockroaches, be sure to leave your feedback in the comments box below on this page.


Compare the effectiveness of aerosols, traps, crayons and gels from cockroaches


Last update: 2022-06-02

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "An effective remedy for cockroaches Global (Globol)" 53 comments
  1. Anonymous

    From my personal experience, I didn’t even see dead ones anywhere, I laid them out on pieces of paper, they just quietly left ... They didn’t say where) In the summer they appeared again from the heat, I repeated the procedure, thu thu thu, how many years they have been gone, I don’t even know. The drug is magical.

  2. Love

    The best remedy for cockroaches. A tube of gel has been lying for 7 years, but the effect is like that of a fresh one. All cockroaches died at the entire entrance. Thanks to the manufacturer.

  3. Svetlana

    The first time I used Global was in 2000. At first I thought I wasted my money, but after a month there was not a single cockroach. Didn't show up for 9 years. The second - in 2009, appeared again in 2013. It's a pity I can't find it anywhere for sale. I will order online.

  4. Irina

    Really super tool. I am terrified of cockroaches.I thought that nothing could help me. But I have also been living without them for 10 years after using this miracle gel. And I'm very surprised when someone else has cockroaches. I also brought a tube to my brother. He had a lot of them. Also disappeared immediately and forever! If it does not help, then they ran into a fake. Try to buy elsewhere. Should work.

  5. PROX

    The cockroaches just disappear and don't reappear. And it feels like they helped get rid of cockroaches throughout the entrance))

  6. Yana

    The tool is truly amazing. At first, a transparent gel was on sale, and then it was gone, but a paste appeared. You apply the paste in a thin strip and that's it. Cockroaches simply disappear, and forever. The only drawback of the paste is that it darkens and spreads a little, but compared to the effectiveness of the product, these are trifles.

  7. Olga

    We are constantly fighting too, piggy neighbors. They run away from them. We decided to purchase a good globol gel product. The main thing is to buy with a hologram (there are often fakes). For the sixth month we forgot about cockroaches)

  8. Larisa

    Very good tool GLOBAL. I tried everything, and accidentally stumbled upon this tool, the seller just said, try it, it will suddenly help. I tore off the linoleum in the kitchen, and there was horror, out of anger I used up the entire tube in the kitchen. Three days later, she began sweeping out dead cockroaches. Today I bought another tube, went to the neighbors and showed them to buy it, and now I will process the whole apartment myself.

    • Natalia

      Tell me, please, where can I buy Globol? (The gel is really good!

  9. Elena

    Really. Very effective remedy, there were no cockroaches for 10 years after Global treatment. But now they reappear, I will again look for this remedy. I will not even try another (transferring money in vain).Recommended to all neighbors and friends.

  10. Julia

    Where to buy it?

    • Irina

      Hello! Gel Globol is now sold under the name Exil.

  11. Anonymous

    Where to buy Global?

  12. Alyona

    Does anyone know where to buy it now?

    • Anonymous

      Elena, tell me where to buy Global cockroach gel in Voronezh?

  13. Nastya

    Last year I was looking for, they say they don’t supply anymore. In the old apartment about 14 years ago there were a horde, they anointed them with Global, then they really swept out for a week. One minus - after a couple of hours they ate and began to move inadequately and fall. Therefore, it is better to leave for a couple of days so that they don’t fall on your head.

  14. Larisa

    Where can I buy in Tyumen?

  15. Evgenia

    Good afternoon everyone! In 2004, they moved to live with their grandmother in an old five-story building. Of course, cockroaches met us together with my grandmother. I couldn't eat or drink because of disgust. We bought this wonderful gel, and to this day (October 28, 2015) there is not a single cockroach, pah-pah-pah, and there weren’t even dead ones, after applying the gel for 3-4 days they simply disappeared from our lives.

  16. Tatiana

    After processing the entire apartment, I did not meet with cockroaches for 15 (fifteen) years.

  17. Timur

    Where can I buy in Bishkek?

  18. Nastya

    Where can I buy in Novokuznetsk? Tell me, please, they just won! ((

  19. Valentine

    A very effective remedy. I used it once and have not seen it for more than 20 years. By the way, they disappeared throughout the 60-apartment building. Bought at the market.

  20. Anonymous

    Lived in a hostel. There were a lot of cockroaches. Especially in the shared kitchen! At night they ran in crowds, holding hands. When they met, they said hello. The market advised to buy Globol. It was the most expensive of all drugs. Cockroaches ran out of the room half dead on the 2nd day.A week later they disappeared completely. I smeared it in the kitchen on the baseboards and the corridor. The whole floor was clean!

  21. Yana

    Are these real reviews?

  22. Anonymous

    Where can I buy Global in Rostov-on-Don?

  23. Alyona

    Where can I buy in Shatura?

  24. Alina

    Used before. The tool is effective. There were no insects for 10 years. Where to buy in Samara or where to order? Maybe who knows?

  25. Ulyasha

    Where to order Globol cash on delivery?

  26. Tatiana

    It's funny to me and cockroaches. Do not buy Globol - cockroaches laugh in my eyes, hack.

    • Anonymous

      The cockroaches are probably laughing that you bought a fake)

  27. Svetlana

    In 2001, on the advice of the seller, Global bought it. I anointed it under the refrigerator, and there were a lot of them. And lo and behold - they disappeared for 15 years. Recently, much to our chagrin, they reappeared. What a pity that it is no longer for sale. I do not know what to do. So I was hoping to get this one.

    • Anna

      Order online

    • Nataliya

      The drug is on sale. Bought today. I will try.

      • Maria

        Hello. Please tell me where did you buy it? Maybe there is a website? How did he help you?

  28. Leo

    Is it really an effective remedy? And then the cockroaches have already become insolent, every day there are more and more of them.

  29. Arseniy

    I used gel global. Helped me.

  30. Alexander

    Guys, I bought it today, I will try this tool in Moscow. I drove into an apartment where there are hordes of these creatures, a supermarket below, and even a garbage chute and incomprehensible neighbors. Cockroaches even scurry in the entrance. Until now, I have tried everything I can: traps, gels, sprays, boric acid, etc. The effect was not what we would like, they do not recede.I googled for a very long time and conducted a whole analysis of all available means, I decided to try this gel today, let's see! The only moment, they say that globol itself has not been produced in Germany since 2010, its new name is Exil, read it on the internet. Now on the market it goes Rostest, but it was made in Germany! On the front side of the cardboard box, there is protection against forgery - it is deliberately falsely written "from cockroaches" instead of "cockroaches". They write about it if you google it well. Good luck to everyone in the fight!

  31. Elegp

    Where to buy Global gel in Volgograd?

  32. Marina

    People, buy boric acid in a pharmacy and mix it with boiled yolk. For cockroaches, this is a delicacy, they will disappear in 2-3 days.

    • Anonymous

      They won't disappear.

    • Oleg

      Yep, they'll disappear. We fed our own with this delicacy! At least they have something, but we have expenses.

  33. Alexander Borisovich

    I will share my experience. Moscow. Also about 15 years ago, he brought out cockroaches only with a globol (color is dark brown). Appeared again a month ago, before that and forgot to think about them. Read the latest information. I was surprised that this paste is not there, instead of it there is some kind of exil, it doesn’t look like the Germans, their brands have not changed steadily for years. I bought this exil for 290 rubles. There is no hologram. The color of the paste is yellowish, not brown, which immediately alerted. ZERO effect. I read and search further. I buy for 300 rubles. Precisely globol, with hologram. The color had to be checked in the store. It turned out to be like colorless silicone - white-transparent. Zero effect. Both there and there the composition is chlorpyrifos 0.5% (as it is written, and what really, who knows?).Where can I get that same brown globule that really helped in its time? Or cockroaches have adapted? On one of the sites I found a photo from the user - there is the right color, and the composition is different: diflubenzuron + deltamethrin, where and when it was bought - is not reported. Here are the puzzles! The German site Globol does not have this paste at all. Phones of the Russian representation do not answer. Where is the truth, brother?

  34. Katia

    Where to buy global?

  35. Sergey

    It's a complete lie, it's fake. The last time I used GLOBOL was in 2007, I haven't seen it since. And now it has appeared again and was needed, I ordered it - the result is 0! I remember what the effect was in 2007, but now they don't care. Don't buy, waste of money!

  36. Asya

    Where to buy Global gel in Moscow?

  37. Alexei

    Bought this gel today. Now I'll shove it into secluded places. Later I’ll tell you what came of it… If in a couple of days the corpses of these scoundrels appear, or I see that they are stupefied, then everything is working.

  38. Denis

    In a private house they got cockroaches - either the children brought from school, or from the kindergarten. 3 km from the city, they would hardly have come from there. I've been struggling since September, which I just haven't tried, nothing helps. It seems that they disappear, it is not visible, and then they appear again. And today in the garage I found a tube full of brown gel. I tell my wife that he used to be super-duper. But this gel is about 10 years old, I think, at least 10. Wait for my review in a week!

    • Nataliya

      I'm waiting. Also interested.

  39. Irina

    Globol manufacturer has rebranded. Now it is called Exil. I know this for 100%, because I work in a distributor company that supplies it from Germany to the Russian market.

  40. Vladimir

    I used it for a long time, in the late 90s, a relative gave it a try.Horror, I did not imagine that there were so many of these reptiles in the apartment. Almost 20 (!) years I lived without cockroaches. I learned with chagrin that Globol is not supplied to Russia, I will try Exil Schaben Paste. Hope the quality is the same.

  41. Dmitry

    About 15-20 years ago they suffered with the army of these redheads, they were all over the entrance. We tried sticky traps, bread crumb with boric acid, feeder baits (5 pieces in the corners), Masha's crayon (this is generally laughter, even if the devils are on cockroaches, they don't care), all sorts of aerosols, all in vain. Sometimes he raided the kitchen at night, abruptly turning on the light: he beat off the tap dance with slippers, thrashed with a newspaper, collected it with a vacuum cleaner - there was more sense than from chemistry. We bought GLOBOL, smeared it - after a couple of days they began to sweep the dead, after a week or two - they forgot about them. Once a month, at most, then I came across one at night - a trifle (apparently, defectors from neighbors). GLOBOL was dark brown. Father-in-law recently complained about redheads at work, advised him of a German remedy. I was surprised that it is not supplied to us, the father-in-law found some kind of analogue (apparently, EXIL). The tool did not help, a fake, probably. Now my wife has got a job in the same office, with her father-in-law ... I'm afraid that she will drag her home. Here they wrote about diflubenzuron + deltamethrin as part of the old paste, I will look for analogues, I will also look for GLOBOL. Already weaned from these red creatures, I do not want to see them again!

    The positive reviews here, by the way, are real. I heard about custom reviews, so take a look here: the reviews are different, everyone has different stories, I have my own one. The only pity is that you can no longer find that old German GLOBOL, and new and analogues - xs, how they will work, fakes also happen.I wouldn’t even pay 300 rubles, and I would pay a couple of thousand for this tube, if only it was the same one! It seems that somewhere an old, open tube of 15 years ago could be lying around if it wasn’t thrown away when moving. The main thing is to smear it correctly, in all corners, behind kitchen furniture, near ventilation, and do not erase the dots! Then the parasites will die, and will not appear.

  42. Oleg

    The reviews seem to be real, but where can I buy a real gel from red-haired invaders ?! The most effective method against them so far is slippers, the rest is simply eaten with and without appetite, and live happily ever after.

  43. Vladimir

    Well, here I am again. GLOBAL could not find it. And all (!), Absolutely all the funds that could be purchased at retail outlets, did not help. The only exception was the mortuary-musical PEST, and then during the first month there was a significant decrease in the population, and then again with a slipper and a rag, and the cockroaches did not end there. Conclusion: the ban on the sale in Russia of funds from cockroaches "Globol" was paid for by crooks from the SES.


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