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Dohlox: insecticidal gel from cockroaches

Last update: 2022-05-17
≡ Article has 29 comments
  • Svetlana: I haven't had any living creatures for 20 years, maybe more. Only dohlox...
  • DOXS.RU: Most likely a fake. We recommend contacting the...
  • DOXS.RU: We recommend re-treatment after 2 weeks ...
See bottom of page for details

Insecticidal gel from cockroaches Dohlox

In the difficult fight against cockroaches, insecticides in the form of gels show themselves on the good side today. And among such means, one of the most popular among the people can be called Dohlox cockroach gel.

With its mission to smash cockroaches on the spot, this gel copes very effectively. The fatty base of the gel makes it possible for it not to dry out for a long time, and therefore its duration is longer than that of sprays.

The attractant substances in the gel are in a form more attractive to cockroaches than in insecticidal crayons. The tool is in a syringe with a narrow tip, which allows you to apply it accurately and accurately, not only on horizontal, but also on vertical surfaces (walls, sink bends, bathroom).

Dohlox gel contains substances that attract cockroaches

If you analyze the reviews on the Internet, Dohlox gel is a fairly effective remedy for cockroaches, which, combined with ease of use, continues to gain popularity in the market.


What means are not offered today for their destruction! We tried different ones, but after we applied this cockroach gel with the eloquent name “Dohlox” to all the baseboards and pipes in the kitchen 10 years ago, the parasites disappeared (probably, in fact, they died or fled)! To be honest, I did not expect such an effect, but now I recommend this tool to all my friends.

Vika, Omsk


Where to buy a remedy for cockroaches Dohlox?

The relatively low price also helped this gel gain popular recognition. For the destruction of cockroach colonies on an area of ​​​​about 45 square meters. m. you will need one Dohlox gel syringe with a volume of 20 ml.

This is how Dohlox gel packaging looks like

The price for one package with a Dohlox syringe will be approximately 40 rubles. (which is very inexpensive, unlike the same Globol). You can buy Dohlox gel both on the market or at the nearest supermarket, and at specialized points like pet stores or veterinary pharmacies.


On a tray near the metro, the Dohlox cockroach remedy attracted me with its price and funny name. I was just looking for a good remedy for these parasites, because it was simply impossible to live in the dormitory of our faculty because of them. In our room, in general, in my opinion, it turned out to be a real hotbed. At first, cockroaches were not visible, but as soon as we settled down and unpacked the products brought from home, what started here! They climbed out of all the cracks! We have already set traps with the girls, and bought expensive funds, but there was no effect from all this. I won’t say that after using Dohlox, the cockroaches disappeared the very next day, for another week we noticed these parasites at night, but we were glad that their number had already begun to decrease.We also persuaded the girls from the next block to try this gel, and soon the cockroaches really disappeared!

Alina, Moscow


Gel composition

The main active ingredient of Dohlox gel is fipronil., which is widely used in veterinary medicine (for the control of ticks and fleas) and in agriculture (for the destruction of crop pests). This insecticide has good intestinal activity and a powerful contact effect on insects.

It is also useful to read: Gels for fighting cockroaches

And further: Cockroaches do not die from aerosols and gels? Perhaps it is worth adopting lethal powders ...

Fipronil insecticide: chemical formula

At the same time, it does not have a very high toxic effect on highly organized creatures (for example, domestic animals and humans), which made it possible to widely use it in various cockroach remedies, including Dohlox.

Once inside the insect, fipronil blocks gamma-aminobutyric acid, which determines the speed of passage of nerve impulses.Thus, this insecticide damages the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death within 8 hours.

It must be said that the frequent inclusion of this substance in the composition of means for combating harmful insects has led to the emergence of resistance to it in some of their populations. This implies the conclusion that the use of Dohlox gel in rare cases may not give the expected result. If the desired effect is not observed or weakens, it is best to alternate fipronil with other insecticides.

When buying Dohlox cockroach gel, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer (at the moment, Azurit-Lux is the official supplier). On the market today you can see counterfeit products from various manufacturers with other active ingredients.


A friend claimed that Dohlox gel is the best remedy for cockroaches, confided in her own experience. Without thinking twice, I went to look for this miracle remedy, because the cockroaches just got me. I have already used a spray, a few gels and traps to kill them without success. I found it at a veterinary pharmacy nearby. Having opened it, I did not feel a strong smell, I began to apply the gel around the entire perimeter of the kitchen, including behind the cabinets and behind the trash can. The color was light yellow. I was glad that the very next morning I found several dead cockroaches on the floor. During the week, I still found them on the floor several times. I read somewhere that these insects are more attracted to water than food, so along with the use of Dohlox, I replaced the dripping faucet in the kitchen. As a result, after a couple of weeks, I no longer met cockroaches day or night.So the enthusiastic review of a friend about Dohlox, which I was skeptical at first, turned out to be true.

Nastya, Khabarovsk


How to use Dohlox gel?

According to the instructions, Dohlox should be applied in a dotted line with an interval of 2 cm along the places of the alleged accumulation of cockroaches. If the number of insects is not too large, then in order to save money, you can increase the distance between the applied points to 4 cm.

And further: Cockroaches do not die from aerosols and gels? Perhaps it is worth adopting lethal powders ...

You need to apply the gel in places where insects are expected to accumulate.

You can also apply Dohlox on cardboard or paper strips, which are then very easy to remove. The active effect of the gel occurs on the second or third day, but if the effect does not occur, then you do not need to apply the product again, because the insecticide lasts for 2 months.

It is not very convenient that the active substance is in the public domain (unlike, for example, poison traps), so it is recommended to apply the product in places inaccessible to children and pets. On the other hand, according to experts, any cockroach gel, including Dohlox, has a stronger effect on insects than traps.


Once I noticed that cockroaches began to appear in the apartment. I think they crawled from the neighbors, because I always keep the kitchen and bathroom clean. She set up a few sticky traps, but they were of little use. I did not dare to take drastic measures in the form of a gel from cockroaches or an aerosol, because a cat lived in the apartment. And then a friend who also has a cat said that the Dohlox gel seemed to have helped her. Bought this the very next day.The gel is in a syringe with a thin plastic tip instead of a needle. By pressing on the piston of such a syringe, it is convenient to apply the gel even behind the baseboards. I smeared Dohlox on cardboard strips and placed them behind the trash can and under the tub. I also applied a drop of gel to the vents. I must say right away that before starting to use Dohlox, I transferred the cat's bowl to the corridor. After a couple of days, she stopped noticing uninvited guests in the kitchen even at night. To be sure, I withstood another week, cockroaches did not appear.

Olga Ivanovna, St. Petersburg

When using Dohlox gel, as well as when using any other cockroach remedy with an insecticide in the composition, some precautions must be observed:

  • store already purchased gel should be away from medicines and food;
  • apply the product with gloves, otherwise, after applying the gel, wash your hands thoroughly.

Gel for the destruction of cockroaches Dohlox: instructions and precautions

It must be remembered that, together with the use of modern industrial means, a significant impact on reducing the number of insects will also be the elimination of water leaks in the apartment, regular cleaning of surfaces in the kitchen from accumulating fat (on cabinets, hoods, stoves), food storage in the refrigerator, and cereals and flour in tightly sealed containers.

If you have your own experience of using Dohlox gel to fight cockroaches, be sure to write your review at the bottom of this page.


Legendary cockroach gel Globol is now sold under the name Exil


But this aerosol kills cockroaches in just a minute (with a direct hit)


Last update: 2022-05-17

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Dohlox: insecticidal gel from cockroaches" 29 comments
  1. Larisa

    I used this remedy 15 years ago, cockroaches disappeared completely and forever! Now the student daughter lives in a hostel and is simply tormented by the abundance of these insects. I bought Dohlox in full confidence that it would help, but alas! Either cockroaches have already adapted to it, or a fake, or the quality of the product is no longer the same. Disappointed.

    • DOXS.RU

      Good afternoon. I am a representative of the official store ON OBORONCHEM. 15 years ago, you 100% bought the products of our company, but now there are many fake options on the market and just a dohlox remedy from another manufacturer. At the moment, we are releasing the very effective gel called DOHS.

      To avoid buying fakes, we recommend that you purchase products in our official online store DOXS.RU

  2. Oleg

    Sometime in the 90s, a gel appeared in syringes, a very effective remedy for that time. And now, after so many years, THEY appeared again, I bought a dohlox in the store, such a reddish box and on it a link to OBORONCHEM.I tried, in the morning one or two, I realized, I bought a counterfeit.

    • Irina

      I also got this package. Cleaned up the kitchen twice. Absolutely no effect from the gel. I'll look for another package, but I'm not sure I'll find it, because I don't live in Russia.

  3. Aina

    I bought it today, smeared it, I don’t know what effect it will have.

  4. Lana

    And I bought a fake ((15 years ago I brought Dohlox with one syringe to the whole apartment of all the bugs in a day.

  5. Andrew

    A few months ago, I bought Degunino on the market next to the platform - it helped incredibly. Then recently bought another - did not help. And the difference: the first time the color of the gel was dark brown, and the last time it was liquid and beige. Apparently, it was a fake - both the packaging and the drawings are different.

  6. Alexander

    The empty is real. It did not help, but force to the roof.

    • Anonymous

      That's for sure

  7. Love

    Last year, my husband rented a house for the summer, so on the very first night they regretted it - the cockroaches crawled out from behind their shelters. A friend advised me to use dohlox and we tried it. And lo and behold - after 2-3 days swept out a huge amount of them. And I want to say this: those who used a fake do not have to say that the drug is bad! Two-tails appeared in my grandmother's house, so I'm thinking of trying it. How it goes, I'll write and share.

  8. Sergey

    Where can I buy Dohlox in Tomsk?

    • DOXS.RU

      To avoid buying fakes, we recommend that you purchase products in our official online store DOXS.RU

  9. Sofia

    There were cockroaches left in the room from the old owners, but in general they are walking around the hostel here. They poured Phenaksin, they don't care. We bought Dohlox, let's try ... The packaging, by the way, is black and red, as in the article.

  10. Darina

    I advise everyone. The tool is great!

  11. Alexander

    Bullshit this dohloks-defense. They set traps - cockroaches do not even crawl into them. They smeared the gel - they EAT it! Money scam is for fools.

    • Evelina

      "They're eating him!" smiled. You first read the information on how the gel affects cockroaches, and then write "divorce". That's right, they eat it. Cockroaches must EAT it. Having drunk the gel, the cockroaches then die.

  12. Oleg Vladimirovich

    Hello. Recently, cockroaches began to penetrate our apartment through the ventilation grill. Individuals are active and nimble, i.e., as I understand it, where they run from, they are not poisoned (maybe they have overpopulation there?)
    1. Can Dohlox scare them away, or should we live with the prospect of coexisting with dying cockroaches?
    2. In this particular case, should the grate be coated with a dash-dotted line according to the instructions, or is it better to be solid?
    Thank you in advance for your response.

    • DOXS.RU

      A continuous layer on the grate.

  13. Julia

    I tried everything against cockroaches - boric acid, traps, gels, dichlorvos and Reid, they took out the garbage at night, put all the food in the refrigerator, but nothing helped. Once I bought Dohlox - I smeared it, it didn’t help ... Then I bought another Dohlox - super! All cockroaches disappeared, they have been gone for a month. The seller said that there are many fakes of Dohloks. Only this last Dohlox helped!

    • DOXS.RU

      Buy from the official OBORONCHEM store to be sure to avoid fakes.

  14. Lilia Nikolaevna

    Many years ago I got up at night and hunted with a slipper. This nightmare is still disgusting. Nothing helped. Saved "dohloks". Yesterday they suddenly reappeared.Reproduction can be instantaneous, so I cut strips from toothpaste packages, from medicines, applied drops of gel on them and spread them out. I recommend taking “fresh” dohlox and refreshing dried drops every 2-3 days. And to victory! And after the victory - another week. Otherwise everything! Don't make it.

    • DOXS.RU

      We recommend re-treatment 2 weeks after the first.

  15. Andrew

    He helped a lot in the old apartment, for 14 years there were cockroaches three or four times. Dohloks were removed without problems. In a new apartment, something does not help at all, there are more and more cockroaches. Either a fake, or they are some kind of unkillable here. I can't understand.

    • DOXS.RU

      Most likely a fake. We recommend that you contact the official store of PO OBORONCHEM DOHS to exclude the purchase of a fake.

  16. Oksanochka

    I smeared it with gel, the mustachioed ones are afraid of it, bypass it. I doubt it will help. Now, as it was, so it is. You need to call SES.

    • DOXS.RU

      Perhaps they bought a fake.

  17. Alex

    SES and other similar companies breed more than destroy cockroaches. As in medicine, they have no interest in getting rid of clients that bring them profit.

    • DOXS.RU

      I absolutely agree with you, and often the disservices themselves throw cockroach eggs into the entrances.

  18. Svetlana

    I haven't had a living creature for 20 years, maybe more. Only dohlox saved, the gel should be white, everything else is a fake. Now they began to appear, but here it is, grief has come, I can’t find the original in Kemerovo. And I don't know which manufacturer is the real one either. They also wrote about dohlox that it was a fake. I don't want to order online because I want to see what's inside.Liquid, like condensed milk, does not help, and lemon-colored is egg powder. In general, I've been flipping the Internet for 2 days and I can't find a real manufacturer. I threw away the boxes 3 years ago. I bought it for prevention, I coat it around the front doors. I am shocked.


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