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Remedies for cockroaches in a syringe (gels): an overview of drugs and the nuances of their use

Last update: 2022-06-19

How effective are cockroach repellents in syringes? Let's figure it out...

Today, many people still treat syringes with cockroach gels with some suspicion, despite the active assurances of sellers of the effectiveness of such products. And this is quite understandable - traditionally people are used to the fact that cockroaches need to be poisoned either with aerosols (for example, Dichlorvos) or dusts, and cockroach crayons and sticky traps have also earned a good reputation. And a syringe with cockroach gel may seem like a rather strange attempt by the manufacturer to play on originality - after all, what does the syringe have to do with it, because we were not going to make injections for insects ...

Nevertheless, practice shows that the cockroach gels sold today in syringes show, for the most part, a really good effect, and the specific form of release (that is, a syringe) makes the drug as convenient as possible for domestic use. Even more convenient than if the gel was in a traditional plastic tube, like toothpaste.

About syringes with cockroach gels, about what they are, whether they have drawbacks, how these tools work and how they can be used to completely exterminate the pest population in your home - about all this, as well as about some other interesting nuances, we Let's talk more and more...

In many cases, insecticidal gels do make it possible to completely destroy the population of cockroaches in the house.


“I removed all the cockroaches with Brownie's gel twice, one syringe was enough.For the first time, I smeared all the baseboards in the kitchen, the legs of the tables and the edges of the bedside tables with gel, and then for three months all the cockroaches disappeared. As soon as they began to appear again, I repeated the same thing with the remnants of the gel. And for a year and a half these creatures have not been at all ... "

Lydia, St. Petersburg


Features of cockroach gels

For the first time, a cockroach remedy in the form of a gel was released back in 1993 specifically for the purposes of household and medical pest control. With this form of the drug, the manufacturer tried to get rid of the main shortcomings of the traditional means at that time and create a drug that would be as effective as possible with relative ease of use and high safety for humans and pets.

Insecticide gels began to be actively used back in the 90s, having a number of important advantages over other cockroach remedies.

For example, insecticidal dusts (powders) were often inconvenient and even dangerous to use in an ordinary residential area, since they were dusty and could enter the respiratory tract of residents and pets with air, causing allergic reactions and even poisoning. With aerosol products - the same situation (and even more pronounced), and they are completely uneconomical if it is necessary to treat large areas from cockroaches. And, for example, insecticidal crayons are often ineffective due to the fact that not all cockroaches in the room come into contact with strips of chalk, and if there is contact, then it is not always enough to kill the pest.

And it was with the help of preparations in the form of a gel that these problems were largely solved, because:

  1. The use of gels is safe enough for humans and animals - they do not emit harmful substances into the air, do not create an unpleasant odor in the room, when using them, the risk of poisoning and allergic reactions is minimized, and you can be sure that the product will not get on indoor plants, children's things or dishes. Nevertheless, there are certain safety requirements when using gels - we will talk about them a little lower;
  2. Cockroach gels, both in syringes and tubes, are now widely available and relatively inexpensive. For example, a syringe or a tube of gel can be bought at almost any hardware store or market, while even imported products in an amount sufficient to treat one apartment cost about 300 rubles, and the price of domestic drugs is usually in the range of 50-100 rubles;The photographs show examples of injection gels of imported and domestic production.
  3. Means in the form of insecticidal gel really work - not very fast, but very effective. Moreover, the gel can be used both as the main means of pest control, and to create a barrier protection in the apartment from the penetration of insects from neighboring rooms (for example, to process ventilation holes around the perimeter);
  4. And what is important, the treatment of the room from cockroaches with the help of the gel does not take much time and does not require serious effort. For example, disinfestation with sprays is carried out for 30-60 minutes, plus a couple more hours it will take to prepare the apartment for such treatment, plus you need to withstand the remedy for the necessary time and then put the room in order. If pest control is carried out using a gel syringe, then it usually takes no more than 15 minutes for the whole job.And in order to use a cockroach remedy in a syringe, no special equipment, no respirator, no goggles are required.

On a note

It should be noted that it is the syringe that provides ease of application of the drug, while similar gels in tubes are somewhat less convenient to use. Using a syringe with a thin nozzle, it is possible to apply the gel to hard-to-reach places and, in addition, there are no problems with squeezing out the remnants of the product when it runs out (the tube has to be crushed hard, trying to squeeze out the remnants).

Compared to syringes, plastic tubes have to be crushed hard to squeeze out the remnants of the product - and this is their drawback.

When used correctly, with a single gel syringe, it is often possible to completely remove cockroaches from an apartment, even in moderately neglected cases. But there is also a downside to the “gel medal”: in particular, the ease of use of gels is associated with a low speed of their work - a cockroach will be poisoned only when it finds and eats the gel. Not all insects immediately find and eat drops of gel, and it sometimes takes several weeks to completely destroy cockroaches in an apartment.


The principle of action and effectiveness of cockroach gels

At its core, cockroach repellents in a syringe are typical poisoned baits. They contain attractants - substances that attract insects and cause a desire to eat the bait, as well as powerful insecticides that lead to rapid poisoning of the insect after it enters the digestive tract.

Cockroach eats poison in the form of a gel

The principle of action of the agent from the syringe is simple: the cockroach is attracted by a drop of gel left in an accessible place, finds it and eats it. At the same time, the gel particles stick to the paws and antennae of the cockroach, and then, already in the shelter, the insect cleans them with its jaws and involuntarily swallows some more of the product. The insecticide from the digestive system of the insect is quickly absorbed into the hemolymph and begins to act on the nervous system, causing first muscle cramps, and then complete paralysis and death of the insect.

The insecticide particles are additionally swallowed by the cockroach when it cleans its antennae and paws.

On a note

Cockroaches are very dependent on indoor water sources. Therefore, a wet gel, even without the presence of an attractant in its composition, will be attractive to these pests. It is important to keep in mind that the attractiveness of the cockroach gel will only last as long as it has not dried. In winter, the air in the rooms is very dry, so the gel can dry out quite quickly, and it has to be reapplied regularly.

The speed of action of the agent depends on the poison (insecticide) used in it and the amount of gel eaten. Usually a cockroach dies within 30-180 minutes after feeding on a drop of gel.

It is also useful to read: Gel-paste Dezus from cockroaches

And further: But the Reid aerosol really works - cockroaches die quickly. Watch our video...

Of the toxic substances, the composition of gels from cockroaches most often includes the following compounds:

  1. Fipronil is a substance that causes paralysis of the nervous system in insects. The gel with it even works against populations of cockroaches that are resistant to pyrethroids and karbofos. Possesses contact and acute intestinal action;
  2. Chlorpyrifos is one of the most popular insecticides. Possesses contact and expressed intestinal action;
  3. Diazinon is similar in action to chlorpyrifos. However, partly due to the active use, some populations of cockroaches managed to develop resistance to it, and therefore poisons with more modern insecticides are more often used instead of this means;
  4. Means of the avermectin group - aversectin C, abamectin and others. These are quite powerful insecticides, but they are also highly toxic to humans, and therefore gels containing them require special care when using;
  5. Pyrethroids are classical components of insecticides. They have a systemic effect, are quite safe for humans (but for the most part they are quite toxic to cats, sometimes causing severe poisoning in them).

Auxiliary components of gels in syringes and tubes are substances that provide the desired consistency (thickeners), color (dyes) and an attractive smell for insects (attractants), as well as components to reduce the drying rate, preservatives and stabilizers.

Modern synthetic insecticides are used as toxic substances in gels.

Thanks to the use of modern synthetic insecticides, the gels are very effective against cockroaches and house ants. For example, one drop of an average agent contains an amount of insecticide that can kill up to 500 cockroaches.Of course, in real conditions, such a power of funds is never realized - the same drop squeezed out of a syringe is eaten at best by 5-10 cockroaches, but this potential is enough for the tool to methodically reduce the pest population in the apartment.

On a note

But against domestic ants, gels are noticeably more effective than against cockroaches. Forager insects, after discovering the drug, carry such a gel piece by piece to the nest, where they are treated to a uterus and larvae. Thus, the gel allows you to destroy the nest of ants, even if the person does not know where this nest is located.

Insecticide gels are effective not only against cockroaches, but also against house ants.

Often, the composition of insecticidal gels includes bitterness, because of which neither pets nor children simply can not eat them. At the same time, cockroaches do not notice these bitternesses at all. This technique provides additional safety in the use of the product: in most cases, even if a child or pet finds a strip of gel and tastes it, they will not want to continue to feast on it.


Brands of funds and the active substances used in them

There are a large number of different cockroach gels on the market today, and many foreign-made products are also available when purchased online.

The following are the most popular drugs today:

  1. Global - gel from cockroaches and ants, the price for one syringe with a net weight of 40 g is about 100 rubles. This tool should not be confused with the German Globol gel - the latter is available only in tubes, costs about 300 rubles and is considered one of the most effective products in its class;Anti-Cockroach & Ant Syringe Global
  2. A syringe with Brownie Proshka gel costing about 50 rubles per 30 grams. The active ingredient in it is fipronil.This gel can be bought almost everywhere - in the markets, in household goods stores, on the Internet. Due to the good representation in the sale, it is most often used against cockroaches;Gel Brownie Proshka
  3. Dohlox, also based on fipronil. One syringe with a volume of 20 ml is enough to treat a room of 50 square meters. m. Price - about 50 rubles;Gel for the destruction of cockroaches Dohlox
  4. Clean House - an analogue of Global, also contains chlorpyrifos as an active ingredient. The cost of a syringe is 70 rubles;Syringe-gel Chisty Dom
  5. Absolute - one syringe contains 125 ml of gel (almost three times more than Kapkan or Dohlox) and costs about 150 rubles;Gel for the destruction of cockroaches Absolut
  6. Kombat - contains hydramethylnon as an active substance, and goose liver as an attractant. It costs about 100 rubles for a 30 g syringe;Insecticide Combat Gel
  7. It is also worth noting Chinese syringes from cockroaches, which can be bought in online stores. They contain, as a rule, pyrethroids and cost about 100 rubles per syringe (excluding delivery costs).Today you can also buy various Chinese gels from cockroaches and ants ...As a rule, Chinese drugs are not inferior to domestically produced drugs in terms of efficiency.


Gel Global and its application

In fact, Global is a gel released in the wake of the popularity of its predecessor, the German Globol gel. Globol is a gel produced in Germany and contains chlorpyrifos as the active ingredient. It is packaged in tubes, has a chocolate color and the smell of cocoa.

The photo shows what the German cockroach gel Globol looks like.

And under the brand name Global, products produced in Russia and Ukraine are sold. In particular, the cockroach gel in the syringe contains chlorpyrifos and is several times cheaper than the German Globol cockroach gel (as noted above, the price of a Globol tube is about 300 rubles, and one Global syringe is about 100 rubles).

Domestic cockroach gel Global

There are reviews on the Internet about both imported gel and domestic.In general, the German product is considered more reliable, although it has become problematic to buy it in recent years.


“About ten years ago, once in the kitchen, I smeared the baseboards behind the bedside tables and the back wall of the stove with German Globol gel. The gel is very effective. After that, I almost forgot what cockroaches look like. And now, almost ten years later, they reappeared, it is not clear where they came from. And I can’t find the same gel anymore ... "

Irina, Voronezh


Syringe with cockroach gel Brownie Proshka

Brownie Proshka is perhaps one of the most famous insecticidal gels for home use today. It contains fipronil as an active ingredient, it is sold in 10, 30 and 50 ml syringes, a 30 ml syringe costs about 50 rubles.

Gel from cockroaches and ants Domovoy Proshka, syringe for 30 grams.

Theoretically, fipronil is more effective than pyrethroids, therefore, in principle, Domovoy looks somewhat more reliable than some other gels. However, in practice, this difference in efficiency is minimal - gels in syringes for the most part show equally high efficiency.

And further: Aerosol Raptor poisons all cockroaches not very quickly, but effectively - see the results of our experiment...

Brownie's analogues with the same active ingredient are Taiga, Arsenal, Fumitoks, Lethal Force, Kinkila, Kapkan and Attack gel.


Syringe or tube: is there a difference?

By and large, there is no fundamental difference between whether the gel is packaged in a tube or in a syringe. Most gel tubes have a special nozzle with a rather narrow outlet that allows you to squeeze out the gel in much the same way as it is squeezed out of a syringe.

Some plastic tubes have a narrow nozzle, thanks to which it is convenient to squeeze out the gel in the form of strips and small drops.

Although, as practice shows, it is more convenient to squeeze out the product from a syringe than from a tube.

Syringe example...

In addition, as mentioned above, the gel can be squeezed out of the syringe completely, and in the tube at least a small part is required, but it will remain, even if you excel and try to squeeze out to the last drop. Therefore, if, ceteris paribus, there is a choice, then it is better to buy a syringe gel from cockroaches.

At the same time, some well-known effective products are available only in tubes. For example, Globol gel or Raptor. Therefore, if you want to purchase just such a drug, then it is quite possible to go for some inconvenience and purchase a product in a tube.


Rules for the use of gels in the fight against cockroaches

According to the instructions, before using a syringe with cockroach gel in the treated room, you should clean it, get rid of food debris and crumbs on the floor. It is important to check that there are no open sources of water in the house - in this case, the wet gel will be even more attractive to cockroaches than their usual bread or groceries.

For reliable extermination of cockroaches in the house, it is important to follow a number of rules ...

First of all, the agent from the syringe is applied in places where it is difficult to get cockroaches, but where they are most likely to hide - the joints of baseboards with walls, the gaps between the refrigerator and the floor, and also between the stove and the floor. Then the gel is applied in dotted lines in places where cockroaches move most often:

  1. On the back of the refrigerator and stove, behind bedside tables and cabinets;
  2. Under the sink;
  3. Around a bucket of garbage;
  4. Under the bath;
  5. Around the toilet
  6. around vents;
  7. on table legs;
  8. around water pipes;
  9. And also in other places where cockroaches are often seen.

The picture shows the places in the kitchen that need to be treated with a gel from a syringe to effectively kill cockroaches.

Gels are applied from a syringe in the form of lines of individual drops with a distance of 2-3 cm, or in strips 1-2 cm long with the same interval. The fewer cockroaches in the room, the greater the interval can be. If insects catch your eye less than once a day, then the intervals between drops can be done by 4-5 cm - cockroaches will still find them. In places where cockroaches are especially common, the gel lines can be made solid, although this is not the most rational approach - in this way it will be possible to process a much smaller area.

The gel can be applied both in lines and in drops.

Sometimes the gel is applied not on the surface of furniture and household appliances, but on substrates - sheets of paper or cardboard, which are then placed in suitable places in the apartment. This technique allows, if necessary, to quickly transfer the bait to a new place and just as easily and quickly throw it away.

The cockroach remedy can also be applied to paper substrates so as not to stain furniture and household appliances.

On a note

Gel backings are often used when there is concern that the gel on surfaces will leave indelible marks. Meanwhile, most modern products in syringes leave practically no traces on the surface and are easily washed off with a damp cloth.

Sometimes the gel is placed in special bait stations (houses) so that a cat or a child does not accidentally step into it and then spread it throughout the house.

Different gels dry at different rates. For example, according to the instructions, Absolute gel must be renewed every 4 weeks, and Dohlox gel - every two weeks. However, many factors affect the drying rate, including the temperature and humidity of the air in the room (in a hot, heated kitchen with dry air, the gel can dry in just a few days).

In addition, different gels initially have a different consistency.The same Globol is squeezed out directly from the tube in the form of some kind of chocolate stuffing, quite dense. And, for example, Dohlox is relatively liquid - when squeezed out of a syringe to the surface, it does not retain its shape and spreads.

If, after the expiration of the remedy, insects did not appear in the house, you can try not to update the lines - perhaps there are no more cockroaches in the room.


Insecticide gels and other cockroach remedies: which combination will give the maximum effect?

Insecticide gels in syringes or tubes can be used as independent means in cases where there are not too many cockroaches in the room. If the contamination of an apartment or house is very high, then it is advisable to use gels in conjunction with other means.

With a large number of cockroaches in the house, it is advisable to combine the gel syringe with the use of additional funds.

For example:

  1. Cockroaches can be pre-destroyed with aerosols or sprays (you can do the treatment yourself, or call exterminators). This will allow "mow down" 70-80% of the entire population per day, and the rest of the pests will be finished off by the gel;Aerosol preparations act quickly, and often allow you to destroy most of the pest population in an apartment in a day.
  2. You can supplement the use of gels with special traps (sticky or electric), as well as insecticidal crayons (for example, crayons from cockroaches Masha).Sticky traps are also a good way to fight cockroaches indoors.

Combining insecticidal gels with other types of products allows you to cope with cockroaches in the apartment, even in the most advanced cases.


“Once upon a time, I brought out all the cockroaches with boric acid, which I mixed with egg yolk. And now the whole kitchen is already in these balls with boric acid, and it has already smeared everything with gel, and at least something for cockroaches. I don't know what to do with them anymore. Apparently, crawling from the neighbors.

Svetlana, Moscow

But, perhaps, the most important thing in the fight against cockroaches is to find and block all possible ways for cockroaches to enter the room as early as possible, even before the use of gels and other means. If this is not done, then it will take years to fight pests - they will penetrate here from neighbors endlessly, and more and more of their hordes will have to be poisoned.

As a rule, cockroaches get into an apartment through:

  • ventilation ducts;
  • Sockets located on the walls bordering neighboring apartments;Cockroaches can enter the room through sockets from neighbors.
  • Windows and doors;
  • Gaps between heating and water supply pipes and the ceiling (floor);
  • Slots between the sewer pipe and the ceiling (floor);
  • And in the warm season - even along the outer walls of the house to balconies and loggias, and from here - to living quarters.

Such moves in the apartment must be calculated and completely blocked. It is much more effective to close the gaps with putty or mounting foam than to place gels near them in the hope that the cockroaches that have entered the apartment again will be poisoned and die immediately.


Work Safety Measures

Despite all the assurances of sellers of the absolute safety of gels, it is important to understand that these products contain toxic insecticides, and therefore, if mishandled, they may well pose a certain danger to pets and humans.

When working with insecticidal gels, it is important to follow basic safety precautions.

At a minimum, a child or pet can find a strip of gel and lick it off. A cat or dog may get dirty in the gel and then lick their fur while swallowing the drug. And, for example, domestic rodents - rats, hamsters or mice - along with cockroaches, can quite willingly eat insecticidal gel.

Therefore, the use of syringes and tubes with gels from cockroaches requires compliance with elementary safety rules:

  1. The gel is applied only where children and pets cannot reach it;
  2. Do not allow pets to eat poisoned or drug-disoriented cockroaches;
  3. Do not apply the product in cabinets where food and utensils are stored, as well as directly on the surface of the kitchen table;
  4. If, when working with the product, it gets on the skin, the affected areas must be thoroughly washed with warm water.


“I used to fight with cockroaches only with gels. Usually you smear the walls twice, and then all the evil spirits disappear. But once my daughter almost ate this gel, I had to immediately wash it off everywhere. Now the problem has arisen again. My daughter has already grown up, but now there are two cats in the house, it’s somehow scary to apply such a tool.

Tatiana, Yaroslavl

In general, insecticidal preparations in the form of a gel are incomparably safer than aerosols and powders (dusts): they do not enter the respiratory system and on large surfaces of the skin, do not collect dust and definitely will not end up in the aquarium (the same pyrethroids are very toxic to fish) . If the gels are handled correctly, the risks to children and pets will be minimal.


Useful video from the channel: testing Masha's chalk on cockroaches


A selection of highly effective cockroach control methods



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