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Gel-paste Dezus from cockroaches

Last update: 2022-12-27

Gel-paste Dezus from cockroaches

Reviews and practice of buyers of insecticidal products show that gels are the best means for killing cockroaches in residential areas. At the same time, modern drugs that appear on the market turn out to be better than their predecessors, and it seems that an ideal remedy for cockroaches is about to be created, with which it will be possible to repeat the very “cockroaches of the 90s”, during which even scientists noted a decrease in the number these insects in apartments.

Therefore, of obvious interest is the Russian development of Dezus - a gel-paste from cockroaches, which has recently appeared on sale and is already considered one of the most promising household "cockroachicides". It implements almost all the advantages of preparations of this form, and there are no drawbacks identified in the precursor gels.

So what is Desus gel? Let's figure it out...


The easiest cockroach repellant to use

Although traditionally means of such a format as Dezus are called gels, strictly speaking, the drug is more like a paste. The differences between these forms lie in the physical characteristics of the product.

On a note

A gel is, as a rule, a structured mixture of low and high molecular weight substances in which one or more polymers form a three-dimensional framework. Due to this frame, the gel does not spread and retains its shape even after being squeezed out of a tube or syringe.Paste is a thick mixture of components, none of which performs the function of a shaper. Therefore, the paste normally gradually loses its shape.

The main advantage of Desus is its highly efficient autonomous operation, which does not require human participation in the direct search and physical destruction of cockroaches. All that is required of the handler is to apply the gel to those places where cockroaches are likely to encounter the drug, even without special searches. Dezus does everything else himself: he encourages cockroaches to eat him and poisons them, and poisoning occurs even with those particles of the agent that fell on the paws of the insect, if the cockroach simply ran over a drop of gel, or touched it.

A cockroach will die even if it just touches the gel

Due to this autonomy of Dezus in work, it does not require much effort to use. Labor-intensive treatments are not needed, as with the use of aerosol products (and even more labor-intensive preparations for them and cleaning the premises after them). It is enough just to take it, apply the gel paste with drops on the maximum number of surfaces and continue to live a normal life, and after that the cockroaches themselves will be poisoned by the agent. At the same time, no special security measures are required - working with Dezus is no more difficult than wiping dust.

An additional advantage of the gel paste is the stability of its consistency - it does not harden even after several months after squeezing out of the tube. This increases its effectiveness: if it dried up, then in a dry form it would work only due to intestinal action, after the cockroach gnaws it and swallows it. But in the form of a soft paste, it continues to work, including by contact, after an accidental “plunging” of an insect into it.

At the same time, Desus can be applied almost everywhere, without fear that children or pets will find it. It provides protection from being eaten by people and animals, and therefore it is not necessary to hide the paste only in the most secluded places. Although it is better to place the drug in secluded places - cockroaches run there more often than in open spaces.

For maximum convenience, it is better to squeeze out the paste in large drops onto cardboard substrates, and place these substrates where cockroaches collide with them. When there are no insects left in the house, it will be convenient to remove the substrate without washing the surface specially.

And further: We go hunting for cockroaches: a list of favorite hiding places for these insects in the apartment and a few words about “mutant cockroaches” from the sewer.

It turns out that, in general, Dezus is an almost ideal tool for household baiting of cockroaches. But since we know that nothing is perfect, let's still understand the details. Perhaps they are the "devil".


The components due to which Dezus works

The composition of Desus includes two active components that poison cockroaches, and a group of excipients.

Ingredients of Desus

The active ingredients are fipronil (0.05% of the total composition) and boric acid (0.25%). Fipronil provides an acute poisoning effect, and boric acid guarantees the death of even those single cockroaches that may be resistant to fipronil, and, in addition, sterilizes insects that could consume an insufficient amount of gel for poisoning.

Additionally, the gel paste contains:

  • Stabilizers that ensure long-term preservation of consistency;
  • Bitrex, which guarantees that the gel will not be eaten by cats, dogs, or children;
  • Food components that attract cockroaches and provoke them to eat pasta;
  • Preservatives to prevent spoilage of the product.

These substances ensure that, once placed on surfaces, Desus will work as long as possible and equally effectively throughout the entire period of its action.


How effective is the composition of the drug?

You do not need to be a deep specialist to notice the uniqueness of the composition of Dezus: there is no such combination of insecticides in any other cockroach gel today.

Thanks to the combination of fipronil and boric acid, several problems are solved at once:

  1. Provides a high speed of action of the funds on the vast majority of cockroaches. Fipronil is an acute insecticide that kills cockroaches in less than an hour after entering their intestines. And most of the insects that do not have resistance to it will die after eating Desus at exactly this rate.
  2. The death of all cockroaches is guaranteed, regardless of their resistance even to fipronil. Firstly, two different insecticides is always a guarantee of increased effectiveness, since it takes a very long time to develop resistance to two substances from different chemical groups (that is, without the possibility of cross-resistance) - many times more than to develop resistance to one insecticide. Secondly, boric acid acts in the body of a cockroach in different ways, including mechanically, and resistance in cockroaches to it is not known today.
  3. Insecticides in the composition of Desus are universal and act on any arthropods. It is only important that the pest comes into physical contact with the agent - eat it, or touch it. Due to this versatility, Desus from cockroaches can also be used to destroy silverfish, leather beetles, flies, wood lice, and other arthropods.

In fact, this means that after applying the gel indoors, cockroaches will be destroyed quite quickly and completely. At the same time, the speed of their persecution depends on how much of the gel itself will be on the surfaces and whether other food sources with water will be available to cockroaches.

And further: You think that there are no longer normal remedies for cockroaches on the market and nothing will take these insects - no matter how it is!

With the help of Desus, you can completely destroy even a large population of cockroaches in an apartment.

But whether cockroaches will reappear after they have been completely eliminated will depend on whether they will have the physical opportunity to climb into the premises again.But even if such an opportunity exists, the gel can be used as a barrier agent: all new scout insects will find it, eat it and die from it before they begin to breed in the room protected by Desus.


Dezus Security

It is easy to see that the gel itself, due to its preparative form alone, is safer than many other cockroach remedies. It cannot get into the respiratory tract and on the skin with air, which is typical for aerosols. They cannot get dirty from head to toe, as in powder, it will not stick tightly to the coat of a cat or dog, like a glue trap. In fact, the only apparent danger from him in the apartment is his being eaten by a cat or dog, and in the most frightening case, by a child. But this danger is really apparent: in principle, this remedy cannot be eaten.

It's all about the very bitrex - the component that we mentioned above. In Russian, this is just bitterness, and it is added to the paste specifically in order not only to give it a disgusting taste, but to provoke a gag reflex when it enters the mouth. This bitterness in the remedy is enough for even a small drop of the remedy to cause an inevitable desire to spit and rinse the child's mouth. And before swallowing it, it will definitely not come.

It is noteworthy that cockroaches do not notice this bitterness. They are more tolerant of spicy and harsh tastes, and, for example, eat onions and mustard calmly. Therefore, Desus for them is a delicacy, and for a large animal or person, in principle, an inedible muck.

However, it is advisable to apply Desus with gloves. The fact is that fipronil together with bitrex can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes in case of accidental contact.Such contacts are best avoided.


How much does cockroach protection cost?

The price of a tube of Dezus in stores today is about 370 rubles. It may seem like a lot, but if you compare the price with the cost of other funds, this impression dissipates.

One drop of the product with a diameter of 7 mm weighs approximately 0.1 grams. This means that 100 grams of the drug from one tube is enough to make about 1000 substrates with poison. Even if several times more product is left on each substrate, a tube with a head is enough for several hundred such bait stations. So, with the help of such a tube, a 2-3-room apartment or house can be completely cleaned and protected from cockroaches for a long time.

Compare the cost of this tube with the 1000-1500 rubles that other drugs cost, and it will become clear that, compared to alternatives, Dezus is one of the most profitable options.

It turns out that even in the details Dezus is good. Perhaps its only drawback at the moment is its novelty and the small number of reviews associated with it. But it is precisely on the basis of reviews that many people decide to purchase and use certain funds. So if you bought and already used this tool, tell us in the comments about the result of its use.



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