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Remedies for cockroaches Raptor: aerosol, trap or gel. What's better?

Last update: 2022-05-09
≡ Article has 14 comments
  • Anonymous: Absolutely useless thing. It feels like an aerosol...
  • Gala: I bought at the sanitary and epidemiological station - I took everyone out in a month in 2018 ...
  • Julia: Complete bullshit! Don't waste money. I don't eat cockroach bait...
See bottom of page for details

Choosing the best Raptor remedy for cockroaches

The key task of any insecticide is to provide reliable and comfortable protection of a person and his home from pests, as well as to prevent further reproduction of insects. Therefore, the remedy must be proven and effective. These, for example, include the Raptor from cockroaches, which occupies a special place among other equally effective insecticides.


Raptor is one of the most well-known brands of insect repellents and has been a leader in the insecticide market for many years. The products are of high quality, efficiency and safety, therefore they are popular and recognizable among consumers in Russia and abroad.

Raptor insect repellents are not only well-known aerosols, plates and fumigators against flying insects, but also high-tech traps and long-lasting gels from cockroaches, bedbugs and other crawling pests of our homes.

Are they as effective as the manufacturer claims? And what form is better to use to fight cockroaches: an aerosol, or a trap, or maybe a gel is better?

Let's figure it out...


Professional insect extermination

An infestation of cockroaches (as well as bedbugs or ants) is perhaps one of the most common insect problems for residents of cities and towns. This is why crawling insect repellents are so popular.

There are several forms of release of Raptor funds from cockroaches

Under the Raptor trademark, a wide range of professional insecticides for self-use is presented:

  • Aerosols Raptor against fleas, cockroaches, ants and spiders.
  • Gel Raptor from cockroaches, which has a prolonged action.
  • Invisible and safe cockroach traps.

Each of them has its own characteristics and is designed to achieve a specific goal. So what is better and more efficient?

To make the best choice, it is important to decide what result is expected from the use. It is also necessary to know the main characteristics of these insecticides.


Aerosols Raptor: rapid destruction of insects

The main reason for choosing aerosol as a pest control method is the quick effect and ease of use. In fact, this is an instant reprisal against annoying insects, during which you can quickly destroy even their large population in the apartment.

Aerosol Raptor - suitable for the rapid destruction of cockroaches


“I had a chance to process an old non-residential apartment before repair. At the time of spraying with the Raptor, foam periodically came from the cylinder, but this, apparently, did not affect the quality. Because the next day we saw how many cockroaches were around us. They ended up destroying everyone."

Varvara, Izhevsk.

Aerosols Raptor are of the following types:

  • Moth protection. Suitable for processing all types of fabric, as well as shoes, hats, furniture and carpets. Leaves no residue, has a pleasant aroma and provides protection against moths and their larvae for up to 12 months.
  • Aerosol from flying insects. Means with a pleasant citrus smell, effective against mosquitoes, flies, wasps and moths. It has a neuroparalytic effect on insects.
  • Protection of the territory from mosquitoes. The tool creates an invisible protective barrier and lasts up to eight hours (in rainy and windy weather, the effectiveness is reduced). It is used only outdoors and can be used for the instant destruction of insects in places of their accumulation.
  • Raptor against bed bugs. It acts instantly, leaves no traces, has no smell, and also does not allow the bugs to adapt to the active ingredients of the drug and resume the reproduction of the population some time after treatment.
  • Aerosol Raptor from cockroaches and crawling insects. The three active ingredients in the product - cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide - form a combination that is very toxic to cockroaches and other crawling insects, leaving them no chance to adapt to poisons.An insect that has fallen into an area treated with an aerosol becomes a carrier of poison to other representatives of the individual. In this case, the carrier insect dies within a day from the moment of infection.

It is important!

In direct contact with the drug, the insect will eventually die, but the aerosol quickly disappears, so not all insects can get the poison. This means that the population will not die out completely if the surfaces are not treated regularly.

Instructions for use of the Raptor remedy for cockroaches and other crawling insects prescribes to take precautions and carry out the treatment with open windows and in the absence of people, animals and birds in the room. Work should be carried out in a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator. One bottle is enough for use in a room of 50-60 sq.m.

And further: You think that there are no longer normal remedies for cockroaches on the market and nothing will take these insects - no matter how it is!

Work with insecticidal aerosols should be in a respirator

Do you know that?..

5-6 drops of ammonia, diluted in 1.5 liters of water, will be an excellent tool for wet cleaning and cockroach control, if their population is small - the smell of ammonia repels these insects.

Application of the Raptor aerosol: shake the can and, holding it vertically, spray the product in places where cockroaches accumulate, and also treat areas of their possible habitat and travel routes. After 15 minutes after treatment, the room should be thoroughly ventilated.

Raptor aerosols, including a cockroach remedy, reviews of which nevertheless indicate its fairly high efficiency, can be purchased at household and construction hypermarkets, home goods stores, as well as in specialized online stores.


Invisible protection - Raptor traps from cockroaches

Cockroach traps are successfully used at home due to their invisibility, non-toxicity and the ability to combine them with other types of insect repellents. The principle of operation of traps is a chain reaction. The cockroach eats the bait and becomes a carrier of poison, which it brings into its population and thus destroys it.

Traps for cockroaches Raptor - maximum safety for humans and pets

In general, Raptor traps are of the following types:

  • Food moth protection. Reliably and effectively protects products from food moths and their larvae. This trap is non-toxic, odorless and easy to use. Used in the kitchen, pantries and food storage cabinets. The trap can be glued to the inside of the cabinet or hung.
  • Trap Raptor from cockroaches. The product consists of plastic discs (“washers”, 6 pieces per pack) with holes for insects to enter. It works on the principle of a chain reaction described above. These traps are safe for people and pets.


“The instructions say three traps per 10 square meter room. I decided to lay out all 6 in our small kitchen. At first there was no effect, I was upset and wanted to remove it, but then I completely forgot about them. But after about three weeks, there were really fewer cockroaches - they began to disappear!

Anastasia, Moscow.

The active ingredient in the bait is chlorpyrifos.

Chlorpyrifos: chemical structure

It has an enteric-viral effect and a suffocating effect, which leads to the death of a cockroach within 30 minutes after contact with the bait. Individuals infected from the host lose their ability to move and gradually die.

It is important!

Too large a population will not die if only traps are used: the bait will be eaten, but not all individuals will get it.

Traps must be changed regularly, otherwise a dried and weakened reagent can develop immunity in young individuals. With proper use, a population of medium or small numbers dies within 1-3 weeks.


You can increase the effectiveness of traps by simultaneously using them with other cockroach repellents - for example, insecticidal crayons or gel. Boric acid baits will also help.

You can buy Raptor cockroach traps at a hardware store, hardware store or in the household goods department - the price for them varies from 150 to 300 rubles.

And further: Aerosol Raid killed all cockroaches in 26 seconds. Incredible! See our experiment...


Cockroach gel - a reliable means of prolonged action

Insect gels are highly effective and have a contact and intestinal principle of influencing the insect body. If there are a lot of pests, and the destruction of their population is not an urgent task, the gel will do just fine.

Gel from cockroaches Raptor - high efficiency and safety of use


“We were attacked by a horde of cockroaches, which we first poisoned with aerosols - this is a nightmare, everything was useless ... On the advice of friends, we bought Raptor gel and were patient.We practically won this war, because we see cockroaches extremely rarely and one at a time. But until we finally got rid of them and I’m not sure if we can.”

Zhanna, Murmansk

The effect of the Raptor gel is based on the contact of the insect with the active substance - lambda-cyhalothrin, as a result of which the pest gradually spreads the poison and infects the entire population. In addition, cockroaches actively eat wet gel, as a result of which they also become carriers of poison.


if you treat with Raptor gel in all rooms, and not just where cockroaches were found, the effect will be more significant. To consolidate the result, the procedure should be repeated after a month.

Reviews about the Raptor gel from cockroaches are varied, but similar in one thing: this is one of the most convenient drugs for dealing with annoying insects. Indeed, the thin tip of the tube allows you to treat the most inaccessible places, in addition, the gel does not need to be applied in a continuous line, so the product is very economical.

Gel Raptor from cockroaches is very effective

Feedback on the use of Raptor gel:

“Raptor-gel is really very convenient, but I didn’t understand: are cockroaches afraid of it? For a long time no one approached these drops, which I carefully laid out on the plinth in the kitchen. I saw some effect only after half a month, and then the gel dried up, and the cockroaches went with renewed vigor. I had to repeat the treatment twice more - so far so good. Buying a gel does not hit your pocket, you can use it all the time.

Vladimir, Kurgan

Raptor cockroach gel can be bought at the same place where other products of this brand are presented. The drug is safe, has a slight fruity smell, leaves no residue and is easily removed from almost any surface.Before using the product, you must read the instructions and familiarize yourself with the precautions for use.


Raptor: three species, one choice?

To select the optimal insecticide, it is important to take into account a whole range of factors. But it is hardly possible to find an ideal option that would meet absolutely all the criteria, so when choosing a remedy for cockroaches, you should highlight the main thing for yourself:

  • If a quick result is important in pest control, an aerosol is the best choice. Features: ineffective action in the hot season due to the rapid evaporation of the product; mandatory evacuation of people and animals from the premises before processing (so that they do not breathe poison); the need for ventilation and re-treatment.
  • Raptor traps are safe, discreet and designed to last. Features: the tool is suitable only in case of periodic arrival of insects from the outside, but not with a large population.
  • Gel Raptor from cockroaches is effective, safe and non-toxic for animals and people, while it contains bait for cockroaches and poison, which attracts insects much better than other means and gradually destroys the entire population, even a very large one. Features: the gel is not suitable if you need a quick pest control.

As you can see, when choosing the best Raptor cockroach remedy, it is important not only to study the reviews about the remedy, but also to independently assess whether it is suitable for your situation.


Good luck in your fight against cockroaches!


Test: how Raptor aerosol affects cockroaches


An example of preparing poison for cockroaches based on boric acid and eggs


Last update: 2022-05-09

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Remedies for cockroaches Raptor: aerosol, trap or gel. Which is better?" 14 comments
  1. Lisa

    Tell me, is a cockroach that fell into a trap and ate poison, then died - is it dangerous already dead for pets?

  2. Maksim

    I bought Raptor traps, I bought gel. The traps stood for a month, the cockroaches did not even peck at them, the gel dried up - no effect. Consider it, just in vain I threw money away on this chlorpyrifos, I will advise my friends not to buy this heresy. Fellow manufacturers need to test products again and stop fooling people.

  3. Vitaly, Chita

    The same as Maxim's. Only the active substance of the traps is lambda cyhalothrin. Traps have been standing for more than a week. There are more cockroaches.

  4. Evgeniy

    Absolutely useless thing. It seems that there are even more cockroaches from the aerosol and traps. As if I had prepared a feast myself and the local stasiks of the neighbors brought them to visit.

  5. Nata

    I use the Raptor aerosol, the result is obvious. You just need to stand with a slipper. They run from the cracks, just do it!

    • Michael

      Well, yes, use it all night to finish off!

  6. Aina

    Thank you. Gel Raptor is good. I've already run out, here's where to buy it now ...

  7. Katyusha

    I used the gel, there are no shifts, they don’t touch it, it dried up and that’s it, and there are more and more of them.

  8. Ivan

    The cockroaches have arrived! Chose between Raptor and Reid (traps). I bought a Raptor (~250r). The first two days, cockroaches almost did not appear, but then, as if nothing had happened. I thought that modern nanotechnology would be enough - I bought NeoDichlorvos. Pshiknul in ill-fated habitats (kitchen) and went to work. Came in the evening - and lo and behold! The whole kitchen is strewn with half-dead cockroaches. So to speak, the effect on the face!

  9. Sarina

    Hello! I want to destroy cockroaches, I used odorless dichlorvos today. Seems OK. But I need a tool in the outlet, I heard that there is such a thing, but I don’t know where to get it and I don’t know the name.

  10. Alexander

    I bought an aerosol in AUCHAN. Doesn't work on my cockroaches at all. You pour it on top of him, and he crawls and crawls. After 10 minutes of direct watering - the cockroach is more alive than the living.

    From Raid, the paws are immediately up and die, and this one doesn’t give a damn about them.

  11. Julia

    Complete bullshit! Don't waste money. Cockroaches do not eat baits at all, and they do not die from the aerosol, they only crawl closer to the window. The raid is really a hundred times better, only it is difficult to get it. Russian means are just as useless as the raptor.

  12. Gala

    I bought at the sanitary and epidemiological station - I took everyone out in a month in 2018. The name is Latin, long... If I remember the name, I'll write it down.

  13. Anonymous

    Absolutely useless thing. It seems that there are even more cockroaches from the aerosol and traps.


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