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Using Regent 800 in the fight against cockroaches

Last update: 2022-05-23
≡ Article 23 has comments
  • Olga: How and where to order Regent? How fast do they ship?
  • Julia: The tool is simply amazing, I recommend it to everyone ....
  • Petrovna: I also didn’t have cockroaches for 12 years, I also ruled as regent ...
See bottom of page for details

Preparation Regent 800

Mankind has been fighting synanthropic insects for a long time and not always successfully. Owners looking for salvation from the army of red-haired lodgers will definitely be interested in the Regent from cockroaches. It is a worthy alternative to ordinary slippers.

Who was the first to try on cockroaches a remedy invented to protect the potato crop from Colorado potato beetles is unknown. But he is sincerely grateful to a huge number of families whose homes are forever freed from carriers of infection.


The mechanism of action of the Regent

Regent is a proven insecticide against cockroaches with a special mechanism of action that is different from chemical compounds of other groups. The modern representative of the cockroach suborder has deftly adapted to some popular types of human weapons. But Regent 800 frees buildings from cockroaches and so far it works flawlessly.

The tool is made on the basis of a highly effective insecticide called fipronil. There are two possible ways of its entry into the body of an insect - intestinal and contact. In the first case, the drug will reach its goal, provided that it is safely eaten, absorbed into the walls of the intestine and spread throughout the body by hemolymph.

In the second case, the Prussian will still be doomed to death without even tasting the poison: for the poisonous substance to work, it is enough for the insecticide to contact with the integral chitinous covers of the insect.

Running along the walls, treated with special scrupulousness by the Regent against cockroaches, curious insects do not fall dead instantly, they have enough strength to return to their shelters and generously share with their fellows a portion of the poison brought on their paws and antennae. An insecticide delivered directly to the nest will immediately cause a chain reaction - the death of relatives.

A cockroach affected by Regent can cause the death of its relatives

The regent works at the cellular level. Its point of application is the central nervous system of the pest. It blocks receptors for gamma-aminobutyric acid, a direct participant in the transmission of nerve impulses in the body of a cockroach. In this case, the process of transmission of the nerve impulse is grossly disrupted, paralysis develops, and the insect dies.

So if a person decides to buy Regent when fighting cockroaches, then the insect population that has chosen his apartment will have quite a few chances to survive.


How to use Regent

An inexperienced person will have to rack their brains on how to use the Regent from cockroaches. The fact is that the package with the drug contains detailed instructions on how to prepare a powder or solution for the destruction of agricultural pests. And there is no information on how much water to dilute the Regent to clean the apartment from cockroaches. It is owned only by specialists and the omniscient Internet.

The Prussians are more tenacious than the Colorado beetles, therefore, by stirring one ampoule of Regent 800 in a bucket of water, you cannot escape from cockroaches.Experienced people are convinced of this and advise preparing a more concentrated solution, reducing the amount of solvent to two, one and a half liters and even 200 ml. Like, there is no need to breed dampness in the room.

There is a sense in this, but we must not forget that the Regent agent belongs to the second class of danger to humans, and no one has canceled the observance of caution when working with toxins. Special tests on humans, of course, have not been carried out, but it is known that the drug does not penetrate through intact skin and does not cause irritation, but it is strictly forbidden to use it inside.

It is also useful to read: The use of dusts to fight cockroaches

And further: Good old Karbofos poisons cockroaches with a bang - watch our video ...

A person who buys Regent 800 to fight cockroaches in an apartment should also take care of a respirator with gloves. Special care is recommended for people prone to allergies. Children and pets, whose behavior is difficult to control, let them stay with relatives during the period when the dwelling is being processed.


Is Regent always effective, according to reviews?

On various forums, you can find thousands of rave reviews about the use of Regent from cockroaches. People rejoice, celebrating the victory in the age-old battle. However, there are those who are disappointed with the remedy.

What is the reason for the lack of the proper effect of the use of an insecticide?

Whatever the drug, before calling its purchase a waste of money, you need to evaluate how accurately the instructions were followed, whether the drug was sprayed correctly, whether the places of possible migration were taken into account, and whether the secluded corners of the apartment were processed.

The key to success in the fight against cockroaches is absolute cleanliness in the room. All food products should be stored in airtight containers, garbage sealed in bags and taken out daily.

Garbage and leftover food - food for cockroaches

The sacred duty of the residents is to take care of the plumbing, there should not be a leak anywhere.

Do you want cockroaches to go away once and for all? Deprive them of water and food. When planning a disinfestation, block all sources of moisture. This will enhance the effect of the procedure.

Sooner or later, the product applied in the corners will wash out, disappear, then wait for a new invasion of cockroaches, patiently waiting in the next apartment for the cessation of punitive measures.

However, having once used the Regent cockroach remedy in your home, you can expect that this will not happen so soon.

Defeating insects in a single apartment is a difficult task. It is wiser for residents of high-rise buildings to join forces and drive the Prussians "with the whole world."


5 reasons to buy Regent in the fight against cockroaches

Regent compares favorably with many traditional cockroach remedies. There are reasons why it should be preferred.

  1. The effectiveness of the drug is beyond doubt.Processing by the Regent guarantees the complete release of the treated premises from cockroaches. It will take several hours, and the owners may notice besotted insects, devoid of their usual agility. It is safe to say that cockroaches will not annoy for very long. And with the right lifestyle, they can be forgotten like a bad dream.
  2. Profitability is a good reason why it is worth buying Regent from cockroaches. As a rule, this poison should be looked for among agricultural products. By modern standards, Regent is not expensive: from 15 to 50 rubles per pack. For a standard apartment, one 5 ml ampoule is enough. The drug is also packaged in larger bottles suitable for large rooms or fields. There are tempting offers in online stores, but along with the original drug under the same name, a powder with a completely different composition is advertised.
  3. Lack of smell is an important advantage of the Regent. After all, the “aroma” of many insecticides forces not only cockroaches, but also the owners themselves to hastily flee. It spreads through the ventilation to adjacent apartments and drives all the neighbors crazy. Regent practically does not smell.
  4. Regent's solution is colorless, does not spoil the interior. Of course, after the decisive battle with the cockroach community, there will be a general cleaning. But it's nicer when it's limited to a rag and detergent. Spontaneous repairs and replacement of wallpaper stained with chemicals are usually not included in the plans of the owners.
  5. Using Regent against cockroaches is very simple. What is easier? Walk with a spray bottle around the house? Or roll balls, lay out powders, prepare baits that the living creatures will not even bite, preferring food leftovers near the trash can?

And further: Aerosol Raid killed all cockroaches in 26 seconds. Incredible! See our experiment...

Well, if the insects have bred in incredible numbers and no longer seem to be shy creatures that scatter through the cracks at any rustle, then it's time to buy Regent 800 - a powerful remedy for cockroaches and deal a crushing blow to red parasites!


Brief video about Regent


Detailed information on the most effective ways to kill cockroaches yourself


Last update: 2022-05-23

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Using Regent 800 in the fight against cockroaches" 23 comments
  1. Yuri

    Very good product, where can I buy it?

  2. Anonymous

    Super remedy! We tried to poison them in the store, it lasted for 5-6 years, now we are doing the processing again. Also, several apartments of acquaintances were poisoned, very successfully. The second time processing was not required. A friend sent me by mail from Krasnodar. One sachet is about 20 rubles.

    • Marina

      May I, please, Regent.Well, there is no salvation, than they just didn’t try to starve, it doesn’t help. I beg you to give me an answer.

      • Artyom

        You can poison it with sulfur, you just have to leave yourself.

    • Catherine

      Hello! Is it possible to order SPb?

  3. Kostya

    How and where to buy regent 800?

  4. Valery

    We have a lot of this regent, Rostov region.

    • Anonymous

      Valery, good afternoon! I can’t find a REGENT from cockroaches in Moscow, please send me ... I guarantee payment!

  5. Alexei

    Where to buy Regent? Help!

  6. Svetlana

    The drug is very good! We already tried it once, the cockroaches disappeared for 3 years, but thanks to the “intelligent” neighbors, we are forced to observe periodic outings of scout insects. We will be re-processing.
    You can buy it in gardening stores, where they sell seeds, fertilizers, garden tools and, of course, poison for the Colorado potato beetle, which Regent is. I think there are such stores in every city, and not just one.

  7. Julia

    This is perhaps the only remedy that has helped. And it lasts for a year or two for sure, just a year later, for prevention, you still need to process it.

    • Maria

      Tell me how to properly dilute, I have 0.2g (REGENT 800v).

      • Anonymous

        Tell me, where did you buy 0.2 g of Regent 800?

  8. Angela

    Who can tell me where to buy Regent 800 in Moscow, please help.

  9. Anonymous

    Hello. Tell me where in St. Petersburg you can buy a regent?

  10. Natalia

    The regent once helped us, there were no cockroaches for 15 years. We made repairs - and they climbed from drunk neighbors, we have not been able to remove them for 2 years. And the regent no longer helps. I don’t know what to do anymore, even run away from home. And you won’t invite guests, they crawl out in the afternoon in all rooms. Just awful!

  11. Liska

    In Rostov, it is sold in any store with seeds, fertilizers. Everything for the garden, vegetable garden, etc.

  12. Kseniya

    Tell me where to buy the drug in Sochi? Thank you!

  13. Marina

    Where can I buy Regent 800 in Novosibirsk?

  14. Anonymous

    I don't mind buying a regent 800 either.

  15. Petrovna

    I also didn’t have cockroaches for 12 years, I also ruled as regent - my daughter studied at a technical school and brought it from the hostel, but I forgot the name. Now, thanks to the Internet, I remembered the name, I will poison until they breed.

  16. Julia

    This tool is amazing, I recommend it to everyone.

  17. Olga

    How and where to order Regent? How fast are they sent?


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