Website for pest control

Electric cockroach control

Last update: 2022-06-12
≡ Article has 40 comments
  • Julia: Oh, and golden words you speak. Everything is just like that. No use with...
  • Vladimir: What device is this? Model, price?...
  • Anonymous: Can you tell me the proportions with boric acid? ...
See bottom of page for details

One has only to plug the electronic device into the socket - and the cockroaches should scatter

An electronic cockroach remedy is a kind of blue dream for any inhabitant of an apartment infested with Prussians or even black cockroaches. It would seem that it could be simpler: I took the device out of the package, plugged it into the outlet - and the cockroaches fled in horror. And no chemical aerosols, traps or powders are needed. But for some reason, with all its diversity, electronic cockroach repellers will not displace all other means from the market..

What's the matter?


Types of devices from cockroaches

Manufacturers of electronic scarers today are in full swing to gain the trust of customers. To begin with, today on the market all models of devices are divided into two types:

  • Ultrasonic devices, which are more traditional and familiar to us. It is believed that such a remedy for cockroaches in the socket repels insects due to a sufficiently powerful ultrasonic signal, which the cockroaches themselves, in theory, should be afraid of.


We tried about five different repellers in the outlet, but to no avail. Cockroaches both bred and bred. All problems were solved with the usual Raptor (aerosol). Once they suffered, processed the apartment, and forgot about them altogether.In general, we will not buy ultrasonic repellers anymore.

Anna Grigorievna, Pushkin

Traditional remedies for cockroaches so far have a greater effect

  • Electromagnetic devices. Manufacturers claim that an electromagnetic cockroach remedy creates a field around itself in which cockroaches cannot be due to the action of electromagnetic waves on their nervous system. Such tools are also called magnetic resonance.

Externally, devices of both types differ little from each other, and it is possible to determine how a particular device works only from its description. Regardless of the principle of operation, an electric cockroach remedy of any type works in exactly the same way: it simply plugs into an outlet and repels insects that are within the range of such a device. Of course, the larger this radius, the more effective the cockroach appliance is and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. And already in each group of such devices there is both a set of models and a range of prices.

On a note

Even if we take on faith the promises of manufacturers and sellers, any electronic cockroach repellent only repels insects, but does not exterminate: if the ultrasound or magnetic field becomes unbearable for the cockroach, he will simply try to leave their area of ​​​​action. Accordingly, one cannot speak of any of the devices of both types as an electric cockroach exterminator, since such a device will not be able to destroy insects in principle.


Models of ultrasonic devices from cockroaches and reviews on their use

Today, thanks to the efforts of the Chinese industry, the markets are literally drowned in a huge number of motley, but at the same time fundamentally indistinguishable ultrasonic devices.And yet, next to these wonders of the Chinese industry, there are several fairly recognizable domestic and foreign devices.


Typhoon LS-500

Cockroach repeller Typhoon LS-500

This tool is a Russian development, which is easily guessed by the pancake wire and plug, which allow you to install the device itself at some distance from the outlet. Its price is 900 rubles.


I set Typhoon at home, turned it on. Didn't notice much reduction in the number of cockroaches. Maybe less visible. But they didn’t completely disappear, that’s a fact.

Sergey, Syzran


It is also useful to read: Gels for fighting cockroaches

And further: You can smear at least the entire apartment with cockroach gel, but they will not die if you do not take into account a number of important nuances ...


WK-600 is used to repel cockroaches and rodents

This tool is a real industrial repeller, powerful, heavy and strong. It is usually used in food industry enterprises, where it is necessary to protect entire workshops and halls from cockroaches. It costs more than 4000 rubles and weighs 600 grams.


In our warehouse, they put such black boxes that dispersed cockroaches with ultrasound.I tried one of these at home. Cockroaches do disappear, but only while the device is running. Then they return back.

Igor, Maikop


Zenet XJ-90

Zenet XJ-90 is very similar to Air Comfort XJ-90

This miracle of engineering thought replaced the Air Comfort XJ-90 device, but in fact it simply changed its name after the reputation of an absolutely useless device managed to gain a foothold in the original name. As users have checked, no matter how much you plug such a cockroach remedy into an outlet, it does not affect the Prussian population in the house.


I bought Zenet and found that it is a copy of Air Comfort. Even the color hasn't changed. And it doesn't scare away cockroaches either. I threw another 800 rubles into the wind and did not find any advantages in this device. I do not recommend, the device is useless.

Anna, Tver


Banzai LS927

Banzai LS927 fights residents as actively as cockroaches

The device made in Taiwan is really effective, but at the same time unsafe. It should not be kept on in the bedroom all the time, it is bad for pets and children. In general, Banzai fights with other residents of the premises no less actively than with the cockroaches themselves ...


The most popular electromagnetic devices

Demand for magnetic resonance devices began to grow when consumers became convinced of the ineffectiveness of ultrasonic devices plugged into the outlet, but did not want to part with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba miraculous and easy getting rid of cockroaches. Manufacturers came up with yet another anti-scientific concept of magnetic resonance radiation agents for them, and cockroach fighters gladly rushed to buy such agents in the hope that they would be more effective. Among these devices are:

  • Eco-Sniper AR-120, hinting at general security by its name alone.It costs 850 rubles, looks extremely similar to common Chinese products.

And further: Do not write off the chalk from cockroaches Masha - it really works, we checked it during the experiment ...

Eco-Sniper AR-120 is very similar to other Chinese cockroach repellers


And what do you think? This eco-sniper is like two drops of water similar to a Chinese device, only the inscriptions on it are different. It squeaks distinctly, scares away mosquitoes, but cockroaches are up to one place. We first installed it in the apartment, but there we sinned against the cat, because of which the device did not work all the time. At the dacha, the device was not removed from the socket at all, and cockroaches lived safely behind the wall under the carpet.

Oleg, Moscow

  • Pest Reject is a device whose manufacturer has made an incredibly successful consumer maneuver: the device’s packaging indicates that the device is most effective when combined with sticky and insecticidal traps for cockroaches. Indeed, while the traps conscientiously do their job, Pest Reject partially takes away their laurels ...

Pest Reject works best with cockroach traps

  • Ixus KY-6182 is a device without any special distinguishing features. It just looks, it just turns on. Its effectiveness has not been tested.

Cockroach repeller Ixus KY-6182


By order of an influential organization (I will not name anyone, so as not to advertise), our laboratory tested ultrasonic cockroach and rat repellers. We bought all the products that were on the market, installed each in the center of a large hall, plugged it into an outlet, and placed cages with rats and cages with cockroaches at a distance from it. Then we tracked changes in the behavior of animals and insects when the devices were turned on and off.Of the 24 brands, 2 turned out to be effective, both intended only for industrial use and giving a very powerful signal that is dangerous to humans. So it’s better to prefer a can of cockroach aerosol to ordinary bazaar repellers.

Alexander, Moscow

It turns out, whatever the electronic exterminator of cockroaches, special hopes should not be placed on it. And this is easily explained from a purely theoretical point of view.


Why don't electronic devices work?

Electronic repellers work well against those insects that use ultrasound to communicate with their relatives. For example - against mosquitoes. It is enough to turn on the repeller, which imitates the squeak of a mosquito, and the insects will scatter in horror from a place that seems dangerous to them.

But it is useless to use the same means against insects that do not use ultrasound in any way. Cockroaches are just such insects. It does not matter to them whether such a squeak is present or not. Only ultrasound of very high power can create discomfort for them. But the same powerful signal will poison the life of a person, affecting the nervous system.

Only ultra-high-strength ultrasound will cause cockroaches to flee in panic.

On a note

As real experiments have shown, cockroaches are sensitive to ultrasonic agents to the same extent that a person is sensitive to them. In other words, if an ultrasonic device creates unbearable living conditions for a cockroach, a person next to him will also not be able to live normally.. The converse statement is also true: if an electronic device from cockroaches does not affect humans and pets in any way, then it will be neither hot nor cold for insects.

The same applies to magnetic resonance repellers.Cockroaches react painfully only to electromagnetic radiation, powerful enough to affect a person. Therefore, funds that are absolutely neutral for people, but helping to expel cockroaches from apartments and houses, alas, do not exist. And most of the devices on the market are a waste of money.


An interesting video confirming that cockroaches are not afraid of ultrasonic repellers


How you can get rid of cockroaches yourself - an overview of the most effective ways


Last update: 2022-06-12

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Electrical means for fighting cockroaches" 40 comments
  1. galina

    I bought a device from cockroaches, along with a shipment of 1370 rubles. He worked for exactly a week and that's it - he died. And cockroaches are alive and well!

  2. Olka

    Manufacturers clearly do not count on the fact that the one who purchased their device can turn off the electricity for an indefinite period. That's how I got there - I bought such an ultrasonic device for the dacha, and there the light was turned off for no one knows how much. So I'd rather use the old proven cockroach gel.

  3. Anonymous

    Generally stupid.I bought it, but there is no sense, all the cockroaches are in place.

  4. Veronica

    I disagree that cockroaches are not afraid of repellers. You need to know where to buy quality ones!

    • Anonymous

      Tell everyone where to buy quality?

    • Anonymous

      Can you tell me where to buy quality?

    • Faith

      Give me a name, please.

    • Anonymous

      Ahah)) Are you so funny about everyone? ))

    • Anonymous

      Tell me!

  5. Anna

    I also wasted money on the device.

  6. Anna

    It is better to use boric acid with an egg. The old-fashioned way is better than the newfangled ones.

  7. Maria

    Nothing helps me at all

  8. Vitaly

    Those who write “you need to take high-quality ones” are sellers of useless Chinese hats, only from them you will buy the same “quality” thing 3-5 times more expensive than from the Chinese. Look at aliexpress, there is this "good" in bulk.

  9. Alexander

    A complete scam, they even run on it.

  10. Alix

    Who am I to believe?

  11. Pirate

    Do not trust anyone! ))

  12. Natalia

    Sheer deception. 800 rubles down the drain, there are even more cockroaches. The hat is full.

  13. Tata

    Yes, I also fell for the deception of buyers! It's embarrassing to herself, how could she have screwed up like that! We were in a large supermarket, and by chance we saw a department that sells goods that are advertised on TV. I went in, I don’t know why ... But then I was attracted by an electric cockroach repeller: harmless to children, people and animals, but cockroaches die, that is, they don’t run away from electric waves, but die on the spot! I thought for a long time, the price is rather big. But the saleswoman said that there were only two devices left, they specially come for them, they do not have time to order, especially when there was also advertising on TV. I asked her anyway and ... I bought it.I plugged it into the socket, green and red lights flash alternately there. There are no noises or smells, outwardly everything looks decent, a white miniature appliance in a socket. It can also be used as a night light, there is a button for backlighting.

    Everything would be fine, but cockroaches crawled and crawled, and neither lying, nor dead, nor half-dead - I did not see any of them. Night - and the whole apartment is in their possession, it is better not to go out at all at night. Disgusting! And the device is working, the lights are flashing!

    The instructions say that it is safe for children, people and animals. Don't believe it's a lie! A young guinea pig, a girl, lived and sat in a cage with me. Of course, I stuck the device not near her cage, no, and not in the bedroom, I found the farthest place, the socket. But after all, electric waves emanate from the device, and instead of fighting cockroaches ... they killed my guinea pig. She died! Later I found out that animals are more sensitive than humans to radio or electric waves, and these waves killed her in three days from the purchase of the device. Now I understand that it also affects a person, only more slowly, killing us. Again, us, not cockroaches!

    It's a pity, I lost the check, I want to return this device, but they don't accept it from me without a check ... And I wrote this big letter on purpose, think about it. Almost all of us have children!

    Or this device must be turned on and left the apartment, for example, to a store or on a trip for half a day or more, and when you come home, you MUST unplug it. Cockroaches don't fall for him.

    Oh, the manufacturers are fooling us, pumping money out of us! It's a shame ... Listen.

    • Elena

      Good afternoon, Tata. I sympathize with you that you lost your pet. But this device is designed not only to kill cockroaches, but also to get rid of rodents.Apparently, this miracle device acted faster on a guinea pig than on cockroaches. But I read that it starts to act on cockroaches in 2-3 weeks.

  14. Olga

    I do not trust anyone, especially those who advertise one thing while scolding another.

  15. Gennady Popov

    I bought REST, it's been working for half a year now, but there's no point! Deception!

  16. Katia

    Terrible, don't buy.

  17. Nadyusha

    I wanted to order one for myself, but after reading reviews about it, I changed my mind. I'd rather use proven ones.

  18. Elena

    Thanks to your site for the specific clarifications. Once again I was convinced that electronic cockroach exterminators are just a hoax.

  19. Love

    My device worked for three years. Didn't unplug it. But this year it burned down, it's a pity. With this device, domestic ants disappeared from the entire entrance.

  20. Katyusha

    Also cockroaches, what to buy after all?

  21. Anonymous

    I buy the following product: BIOKILL classic, because cockroaches crawled into the apartment because of the garbage chute in the house. Got it from a hardware store. It kills everything around, and for half a year there is no rubbish at all. Non-toxic, you can spray all the way to the kitchen shelves, let it dry and put all the dishes back. It helps a lot with high humidity from wood lice, drives away all grinders and ants, ticks, earwigs, spiders, aphids, moths and other flying and crawling beetles. The label shows the types of insects that are subject to destruction, a total of 12 species. I chose a remedy based on the fact that it will not harm the child and domestic animals, but it will be able to fight insects. So I advise BIOKILL classic, because it is universal and non-toxic to humans and animals, and is used in kindergartens and schools.

  22. Sveta

    It also says in the instructions that the device does not work through curtains and walls. But what then to be if the cockroaches are in the cabinets and behind the baseboards?

  23. Tatiana

    We ordered Pest Reject. It cost us 1950 rubles with shipping. They sent him from Astrakhan. The order was placed through the website. And now, he has been working for 2 weeks, and cockroaches are crawling around him, as if nothing had happened! People, do not believe advertising and do not fill the pockets of these scammers with money, who are impudently deceiving us, like the last fools! Be wiser and smarter than us!

    • Luba

      It worked great for me for 6 months! From the entire site disappeared (4 apartments). And now climbed with terrible force. I will still order.

  24. Svetlana

    Thanks to everyone who left feedback! Helped me and hopefully will help others save their money!

  25. Student

    The best way is not to kill cockroaches, but to feed them in the old ways. Boric acid with egg.

  26. Pessimist

    The only way to get rid of cockroaches is to get rid of the neighbors who breed them. Or change apartments. Because no matter how much you poison them, if the neighbors are homeless, drunks and anti-social scum, then cockroaches from them will certainly replenish their lost population the very next day ... I went through all this more than once. Just poison them, and they crawl through the window and along the curtain an hour later. Yes, even in such quantity that they seem to feel that the place has been vacated. And if you have a similar problem - my sincere condolences to you ...

    • Natalie

      They poisoned us four times, called in various companies, and there are more and more cockroaches and bedbugs. The whole family is terrified...

    • Julia

      Oh, and golden words you speak. Everything is just like that. It's useless to fight them if such neighbors live.

  27. Hope

    We have been getting rid of cockroaches for three months now. No matter what they tried, it's useless. The last way last week was to put food with boric acid (flour + boric acid) in inconspicuous corners. There is no effect, they all moved to a large room behind the sofa. I'm in a panic, I don't know how to get rid of it. And I have a daughter (3.6 years old), you don’t particularly throw chemistry. And the little things are full, multiply and multiply.

  28. Alexander

    This device has successfully driven cockroaches out of three apartments for me! Bought because I have two cats and a dog. My pets are doing great and the cockroaches are gone after four weeks of continuous use. For about two years now, I have not had a single insect in my apartment.

    • Vladimir

      What is this device? Model, price?

  29. Anonymous

    Just handle it yourself. FOS work better than pyrethroids. It all depends on concentration. Never call pest control. These are swindlers. You can't tell the concentration by smell. A small concentration of repellent or insecticide simply repels or plunges insects into lethargy for several weeks. And then again pay money to scumbags and scammers from the company. And they process it specially zonally so that insects crawl in a circle in the room. Pyrethroids are carcinogenic. FOS is a nerve agent. And be glad that you don't have bed bugs 🙂

    Electric toys repel insects in the same way as microwaves and wireless internet. That is, almost nothing. We have already described above that you yourself will run away with the cockroaches.

  30. Anonymous

    Can you tell me the proportions with boric acid?


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