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Ultrasonic Ant Repellers

Last update: 2022-05-11

Ultrasonic repellers are different, but are they any use in the fight against ants?

An ultrasonic ant repeller is a relatively new and currently at the peak of popularity remedy for these pests. The demand for such repellers is due to the fact that their counterparts do an excellent job of expelling mosquitoes and rodents from the premises. After reading reviews on this topic, most people who are poorly familiar with biology may have a misleading opinion that such remedies should work against ants.

Such popular opinions are actively supported by the sellers of funds and their manufacturers. Yes, and laziness, as an engine of progress, motivates many housewives to think about buying an ultrasonic ant repeller. After all, it's so simple: plug it into a power outlet and forget about insecticides, crayons and other complex chemicals when protecting an apartment!

But whether such an ultrasonic device works against ants is a separate interesting question. Let's look into it in more detail.


The principle of operation of ultrasonic repellers

An electronic cockroach and ant repeller is a device the size of a pack of cigarettes, carrying a plug on its body or on a separate cord for connecting to an outlet. When turned on, a special speaker of the device starts to generate ultrasonic signals, usually too high to be heard by a person.

The human ear does not hear the ultrasonic signals of the repeller

As planned by the manufacturers, this sound should have a destructive effect on the central nervous system of ants.As experiments have shown, ants do not yet know about this.

On a note

The term "infrasonic house ant repeller" is fundamentally wrong. The prefix "infra-" means in this context "super low". Huge windmill masts may produce such sounds, but not domestic devices.

In fact, ants really hear the sounds produced by ultrasonic devices, but a thin squeak does not have a deterrent effect on them at all. Why this happens will be discussed below.


Operation and safety rules when using devices

Despite the seeming ease of use, each electronic ant repeller requires compliance with certain safety rules:

  • the device cannot be kept constantly turned on in rooms used by people for most of the day for recreation;
  • most repellers are not recommended to be turned on near beds;
  • Repellers should only be used in areas where pets live with the permission of a veterinarian.

These measures are connected with the fact that some devices generate a signal strong enough to have a negative impact on the human psyche. And when using them in places of rest, there may be a risk of causeless nervous disorders.

It is important!

It is devices that can spoil a person’s health that in some cases can effectively scare away ants: powerful ultrasound in this case equally affects both bipedal and six-legged inhabitants of the apartment. Therefore, by the way, an ultrasonic device from ants, which, according to the seller, is “absolutely safe for humans”, will be completely useless in the fight against ants.

Those ultrasonic devices that could scare away ants will have a strong effect on humans.

Most ultrasonic ant repellers are of the same type and differ from each other only in appearance and cost. However, the most famous samples can be considered in detail.


It is also useful to read: We fight domestic ants in the apartment

Repeller Ecosniper

The “Eco-” prefix alone is enough for this tool to attract an impressive number of buyers who are worried about the cleanliness of their apartment. In fact, the environmental friendliness of the Ecosniper is the same as that of other devices.

Repeller Ecosniper UP-116T attracts many buyers with its name

Its cost is from 1000 rubles, and outwardly it practically does not differ from the masterpieces of Chinese industry.


“For a long time I wanted to try ultrasound from ants instead of all these crayons. I chose for a long time, consulted, bought this Ecosniper. He worked as long as there was chalk on the nightstands. Basically, it's completely useless. Ants he up to one place. Probably, our Russian ants are resistant to all these lotions.

Olga, Ryazan


Pest Repeller Riddex Pro

Behind the beautiful and attractive foreign name of the device lies a diligent Chinese manufacturer and the standard characteristics of the product: it squeaks in the same way as most other products, costs about 600 rubles, but it has a fairly modern acute-angled design.

Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Riddex Pro


“We bought Riddex Pro from ants, turned it on at home and in the country. There seem to be fewer ants at home, but large black ones live in the country, the device did not work on them at all. When they decided to destroy them completely, they called exterminators.

Mikhail, Alushta


Bell Howell by Ants

Bell Howell is a fairly expensive ultrasonic ant repeller. You can buy it in online stores for about 1500 rubles.

The Bell Howell Repeller is Expensive and Still Ineffective

According to the manufacturer, the device works effectively not only in apartments, but also in garages, warehouses, and catering establishments.

Feedback on the use of the Bell Howell repeller:

“I would like your problems with one kitchen and two rooms. Here, our boss took care of breeding ants, but he regretted the money at the SES. He said to buy ultrasonic devices - and this is for the university canteen! We bought the coolest, seemingly the most efficient, Bell Howell. It says on the packaging that they drive out cockroaches, mice, and almost ghosts. 12 pieces were hung in all rooms. So what? Ants can't hear them at all. Under one, they walked right along the plinth. In order not to upset the boss, we bought several Mashenka pencils, smeared them on the sly in all corners, so now he walks around and tells everyone how effective these ultrasonic products are.

Alla, Odessa


Repeller Typhoon

Typhoon is the brainchild of domestic production. Its rectangular shape and a long, stern black wire evoke memories of Soviet receivers and radio stations.

The design of the Typhoon ultrasonic repeller resembles Soviet receivers

Nevertheless, it is Typhoon that under certain conditions shows a good result: reviews indicate that ants really do not like this ultrasonic repeller. But at the same time, it has many contraindications: it cannot be turned on near the bed and used in children's rooms.


“We bought Typhoon for a private house. He really helped us. The ants have not disappeared, but they practically do not penetrate the house. We meet them in the garage, summer kitchen - where the Typhoon was not turned on. Unfortunately, the device cannot be kept on all the time and installed in bedrooms. Therefore, it is hardly suitable for an apartment.

Maria, Elista

The price of Typhoon is approximately 1000 rubles. It is sold in many hardware stores.


Zenet XJ-90

Zenet is perhaps the most criticized ant repeller. It appeared after hundreds of customers discovered the absolute uselessness of its predecessor - Air Comfort, the negative reviews of which literally flooded the Internet.

AirComfort XJ-90 ultrasonic repeller

And its almost complete analogue is the Zenet XJ-90 repeller

In order to somehow keep the production line afloat, the creators decided to rename their brainchild. And it would be okay, at least the shape of the case was changed. But no, buyers, still convinced that ants can be removed by connecting a plastic box to an outlet, already on the websites of online stores began to discover a striking similarity between the two models. That does not prevent, however, Zenet'u still somehow sold.


“Ultrasound from ants is a hoax. Don't waste your money, people, for those 800 rubles that Zenet costs, you can buy two Raptor cylinders and for sure destroy all the infection in the house! I bought both Zenet and its predecessor Air Comfort (what was I thinking then?) for my daughter in a hostel. And cockroaches and ants run around these devices without fear. I am writing a review to somehow shame the manufacturer: cashing in on other people's problems without solving them is a great shame!

Anna, Bryansk


Are ant repellers really effective?

In fact, ultrasound from ants is ineffective. Like any living creature, an ant can experience discomfort when in the field of sound of very high power. But in the same place, a person will also feel the same discomfort. It is impossible to scare away an ant with a sound that a person cannot hear.

But ultrasound is really effective against mosquitoes. The fact is that mosquitoes use ultrasound themselves, transmitting danger signals in this way.It is worth imitating them, and the insects will believe that the device is their dying comrade. And from a dangerous place they will stay away.

An ultrasonic repeller will work on mosquitoes, but it is unlikely that it will work on ants.

Unlike mosquitoes, ants do not exchange ultrasonic signals - their communication is based on chemical signals. Therefore, ultrasound itself is not terrible for them.

But these are theoretical considerations. There is both experimental evidence and numerous reviews, which are enough to confirm the uselessness of ultrasonic ant repellers.


“Our company is engaged in the sale of pest control products. We tested in the institute's laboratory all the devices with which we had to work. None of the ultrasonic devices has proven effective against ants, cockroaches, bed bugs and fleas. Their main target is mosquitoes, and only indoors. On the street, even the most powerful of them practically do not work. Of course, it is impossible to get rid of ants, which sometimes even insecticidal agents of the latest generations cannot cope with, with the help of ultrasonic devices.

Ivan Alekseevich, Moscow


Useful video on how to effectively deal with domestic ants



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