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Ultrasonic bed bug repellers

Last update: 2022-06-18
≡ Article has 11 comments
  • Anonymous: Can I have a recipe with garlic and vinegar? ...
  • Lesya: Excuse me, but in what proportions did you make the product? ...
  • Anonymous: Slippers - time-tested. Slap - and no bug. Arrange...
See bottom of page for details

ultrasonic repeller

Ultrasonic repellers are rapidly flooding the market today. Successfully applied against several groups of parasites, they are gaining wide popularity among consumers and are beginning to be used en masse against all pests. It is not surprising that an ultrasonic emitter from bedbugs today is an extremely popular thing.

But whether this repeller works in real conditions is a separate question that few people seriously ask before buying.


The principle of operation of the ultrasonic repeller

Initially, ultrasonic repellers were actively and very successfully used in the fight against mosquitoes. The idea of ​​developing such repellents was based on scientific evidence that mosquitoes actively use hearing both for communication and finding a partner for reproduction, and for recognizing a threat and ensuring security. Such a signaling system in the animal world is a common thing.

So, a mosquito pursued by a predator during the flight emits a squeak that is thinner than, for example, when courting a female or feeding. Accordingly, other mosquitoes that hear such an alarming squeak quickly fly away from a dangerous place.

Some of the sounds made by insects are within the ultrasonic spectrum and are not audible to humans. For mosquitoes, they are a normal communication tool.

This is interesting: in a similar way, mosquitoes react to ultrasound, with the help of which a hunting bat “probes” the space. Since mice also feed on mosquitoes, her ultrasonic cries are also an alarm signal for these insects.

Accordingly, it was a matter of time for engineers to create an effective ultrasonic repeller. The frequency of the disturbing squeak of mosquitoes was measured, after which a device capable of generating a sound of the desired height was seen.

And this device really proved to be effective. But only against mosquitoes. With other unpleasant neighbors of a person, the situation is completely different.


Why are bedbugs not afraid of ultrasound?

Bedbugs do not communicate with ultrasonic signals. Bed bugs don't have wings to buzz like mosquitoes, and they don't have other sound-generating tools.

Bed bug and its larva

For bed bugs, the sense of smell is much more important in communication, finding food and avoiding dangers. It is the smells that cause clear and unambiguous reactions in them. They are quite indifferent to sounds. And to ultrasound - including. Science has not yet verified, but perhaps the bugs do not hear it at all. Like, for example, a person does not hear the squeak of a bat.

Therefore, ultrasound against bedbugs does not work, and buying an ultrasonic bedbug repeller is like just throwing money away.

Ultrasound does not work on all insects

Note: some theorists have tried to explain the indifferent attitude of bedbugs to ultrasound by the fact that these insects settle mainly in sofa mattresses and under beds.Say, ultrasound is absorbed and muffled by the mattress, and therefore does not reach the bugs.

But recent experiments by American scientists, in which bugs were directly affected by ultrasonic means, showed that the presence or absence of ultrasound does not affect the behavior of parasites in any way. Bed bugs simply ignore ultrasound.

Moreover, ultrasound has practically no effect on the activity of cockroaches and ants. And all for the same reason - for these roommates of a person, high-frequency sounds are not alarms.

And further: Have you ever measured at what temperature bed bugs die? And we caught them and did it - watch the video...

But rats and mice are sensitive to powerful ultrasound, but there are only a few devices that really help get rid of them.

Review: “In our laboratory, a serious company (I won’t name it so as not to advertise) ordered tests of the maximum number of ultrasonic pest control products.

More money was allocated than the state allocates for the maintenance of the laboratory for six months. We bought rats, bought all the devices we could find, and tested them at a special test site.

According to the results, it turned out that out of more than 30 repellers from different brands and manufacturers, only 3 turned out to be really effective against rats. These repellers do not work against bedbugs. The main part of the devices is frank trash, the sellers of which take advantage of the fact that the population cannot check its effectiveness before buying ... "

However, bedbug ultrasound continues to be heavily advertised and used by unenlightened citizens until the parasites start to really bother them. And this is used by manufacturers of numerous devices, actively promoting them, for example, in online stores.


Ultrasonic devices on the market

Ultrasonic devices for bedbugs are produced by Russian, Ukrainian, European and Chinese manufacturers. The most famous and popular of them are the following ...

  • EMR-21 - Bulgarian device, has a plug for direct connection to an outlet. According to the manufacturer, it repels almost all insects and rodents, as well as wood lice, spiders and centipedes. The price is 1350 rubles.

Feedback: “Then we tried the EMR-21. For a couple of nights, the bugs did not disturb us, and then it all started again. Maybe they got used to the sound. But that's not the point. I was killed by the fact that after the persecution of bedbugs by Karbofos, the largest nest was destroyed exactly under the outlet into which the device was turned on.In short, it's a one-time thing. Only Karbofos really helped.”

  • Typhoon LS-500 is an ultrasonic device from Russian-made bedbugs. In it, the developers even introduced a system for constantly changing the sound frequency so that the parasites do not have time to get used to it. The price of the device is 900 rubles.
  • Eco-Sniper 9B LS-989 is also a Russian development, judging by the reviews, it is absolutely ineffective. The price is 1350 rubles.Ultrasonic repeller Eco-Sniper

Review: “Eco-Sniper is money thrown to the wind. Unscrupulous manufacturers produce unnecessary junk and make money on other people's problems. Bought for kids in hostel. Ordered over the Internet.

We were not alarmed that, according to the instructions, he scares away everyone - bedbugs, mice, and rats. As if they are all afraid of the same sounds. The remedy did not give any result. I had to buy poisons and poison them with my neighbors. Do not buy these devices, they do not work, but they are expensive. Just throw away the money."

  • UP-116T - positioned as a repeller only crawling insects. According to the manufacturers, it implements the possibility of not only ultrasonic repelling, but also magnetic resonance effects on bedbugs. The effect of the latter does not exceed that of ultrasound. The price of the product is 1850 rubles.
  • AR-130 Smart-Sensor, Chinese ultrasonic insect repellent. Works the same as most analogues. According to Chinese tradition, it costs the least - when ordering via the Internet, you can find offers for $10.AR-130 Smart Sensor

The average price of an ultrasonic repeller today is 1200-1300 rubles.For the same money, you can buy 20 bottles of the proven Executioner pesticide, with the help of which the bugs will be literally destroyed, and with the right approach, they will never return.

Therefore, if insects begin to disturb you really strongly, you should immediately stop all experiments with ultrasound and take up serious and more effective methods of control.


Useful video: how to get rid of bedbugs on your own


Ultrasonic repeller AR-131 from Smart Sensor


Last update: 2022-06-18

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Ultrasonic repellers from bedbugs" 11 comments
  1. Yana

    Reading all this, it just becomes interesting, and who generally consults with specialists selling these devices before buying (I agree that there are not many such specialists). In order for the devices to perform the tasks assigned to them, i.e.pests are driven out by many factors, ranging from the choice of device for each individual case, the number of devices needed, their combination, when to turn on the devices and when to turn them off, and ending with their correct installation.

    That's just the correct installation of devices and is the basis. Our company has been selling repellers, traps, etc. for over 5 years. During this time, we have selected worthy manufacturers of appliances, and the sale of the appliance always begins with the question: “Who bothers you, where do pests come from, an approximate diagram of your house” and some other questions, and only then we recommend appliances. And for all this time, believe me, not a single return or complaint. On the contrary, the recommendations, as they say, are word of mouth.

    So, if you are ready to spend money on devices not in vain - just get advice and listen to the recommendations of experts.

    • Anonymous

      Ha. Let's agree on this: come, fix the bugs, install and leave. In a week you will come and see - if it helps, then I will pay, and if not, then NO. Deal?

      • Anatoly

        Well said, but no one will go for it. And under the “free guarantee for 1-2-3 years” agreement, they also have their own mulks. We will come to you, but pay for the drugs… The cost is 50 percent of the contract and not less than a thousand rubles.

        It is better to contact the SES of your area. And it’s better to rummage around on the Internet, buy it yourself and process it.

  2. V.Semenov

    In the world, rodents, termites, bugs and other things destroy up to 40% of food stocks, both during storage and in the fields. This is the biggest problem.Can you imagine the amount of losses in dollars? And if ultrasound somehow helped against pests, then there would be generators in every warehouse. Attempts to sell miracle generators to gullible buyers have been going on with varying success for 50 years already. And yet not a single device has shown the declared characteristics.
    All repellers sold are just a hoax flavored with pseudo-scientific chatter.

    • Ludmila

      Ultra-repellers are just a hoax and garbage, until they are treated with Get, and after that, Reid from bedbugs. We could return this thing to the store, but there is more red tape with sending, so it’s lying around ...

  3. Ludmila

    The ultra-repeller doesn't help.

  4. Alla

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I'll try to hang the plants (wormwood, tansy, calamus, you can chamomile). If it doesn’t help, I’m looking for a decent rented apartment)

  5. Anonymous

    What will help from bedbugs? Got it.

  6. Anonymous

    Slippers - time-tested. Slap - and no bug. Go on a bedbug safari.

    I finely rubbed the garlic, insisted in vinegar for a day, added chalk - it turned out to be a paste. The bugs disappeared, and the smell went away after a week. No bed bugs for two years.

    • Lesya

      Excuse me, but in what proportions did you make the remedy?

    • Anonymous

      Can I get a recipe with garlic and vinegar?


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