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Smoke bombs for the destruction of insects and feedback on their use

Last update: 2022-06-15
≡ Article has 13 comments
  • Lekha: Or checker city, there is a concentration of 13% permethrin ....
  • Alexander: And what checker from bees is effective? ...
  • Andrey: So far I've settled on the Pawn checker. Poisonous contagion, but work...
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When used correctly, an insecticidal smoke bomb allows you to get rid of insects in a very short time ...

Insect smoke bombs are fairly inexpensive and very convenient means for the mass extermination of insects in industrial premises and in open spaces. They are best known among hunters and fishermen, but products of this type for industrial use (for example, for processing warehouses and greenhouses) are almost bestsellers and are purchased, although not often, but in very large quantities.

Smoke bombs from insects can also be used in residential multi-storey and private buildings, but their use here has certain specifics: automatic fire extinguishers sometimes react to smoke from bombs, and neighbors can alarm. Besides, to poison cockroaches and bedbugs in apartments with the help of checkers is necessary in full accordance with safety requirements, which in this case are much more stringent than, for example, when using completely harmless crayons or insecticidal gels.

In general, the main areas of checkers application are as follows:

  • Basements.
  • Agricultural buildings - greenhouses, greenhouses, as well as open areas as part of horticultural farms, summer cottages, campsites. On the latter, smoke bombs are usually used against wasps, mosquitoes and horseflies.
  • Warehouses, hangars and garages.
  • Private houses and apartments - in the fight against cockroaches, bed bugs and fleas.

Often smoke bombs are used in greenhouses to kill insects and fungi.

Accordingly, most insecticidal smoke bombs on the market today are divided into products for personal use in open spaces and backyard buildings and options for residential and industrial buildings.


“If you are going to work large areas, and you have little time, then smoke bombs will help you do it quickly and with minimal effort. Only protection will need to be stocked up in advance, because the smoke really corrodes the eyes and lungs. You need at least a good respirator, or you have to run out quickly after you light this thing. With the help of ordinary sulfur checkers, this is how we get rid of fungi and insects in vegetable stores before harvesting. For three years in a row, everything has been working great.”

Arsen Ivanov


Active ingredients in smoke bombs

The composition of insect smoke bombs can vary greatly, depending on the intensity and the intended target.

The most commonly used substances in these products are:

  1. Sulfur compounds that turn into sulfur dioxide during the combustion of the checker are a highly toxic compound for antifungal, insecticidal and bactericidal treatment (in other words, this substance is suitable for disinfection and disinfection of premises).Generally speaking, sulfur dioxide is widely used in animal husbandry as a drug for the prevention and destruction of ticks, fleas, lice, and sulfur checkers are used for pest control and disinfection of farm premises.Some sulfur bombs are composed of such tablets, which, when burned, emit sulfur dioxide poisonous to insects and mold.
  2. Hexachloran is a systemic, contact-intestinal insecticide with nerve action. If necessary, it can be used to combat soil-dwelling and wood-eating insects, caterpillars of some butterflies (scoops), locusts. Ineffective in the fight against coccids and herbivorous mites.Hexachlorane is also used to kill many harmful insects.
  3. Didecyldimethylammonium bromide is a substance with high fungicidal and bactericidal activity. Effectively helps to fight bacterial and fungal infection in agricultural storages. This substance is also effective in the fight against insect pests of gardens and orchards.Didecyldimethylammonium bromide effectively affects a wide variety of garden pests
  4. Permethrin is a contact-intestinal insecticide with a nerve-paralyzing effect. Checkers with a permethrin concentration of 5-10% help to scare away and destroy both flying and crawling synanthropic insects (cockroaches, ants, fleas, bugs, mosquitoes, moths, flies). They can be used to process large spaces in non-residential premises - warehouses, hangars, basements, cinemas.

The insecticide permethrin is also often included in insect smoke bombs.

Most smoke bombs for private use and repelling mosquitoes and flies contain permethrin as an active ingredient. In checkers used in residential areas, other substances from the pyrethroid family are also used.


“I had to drive the ticks out of the old chicken coop. Processed with an ordinary sulfur checker Climate. Previously, all the bedding was taken out, and the walls and floor were sprayed. In general, the result is good. But I can’t say how big a role Climate played in this complex.”

Alexey Gennadievich, Kursk


How effective are checkers?

Given the high penetrating power of smoke, insect bombs can be effective where it is difficult to treat all places of parasite shelters with conventional aerosol products. In greenhouse farms, it is advisable to use them on loose soil where full cleaning is impossible, for example, in agricultural premises (greenhouses, greenhouses), as well as where it is required to process a large area with minimal effort - in warehouses and hangars.

Smoke bombs can be very successfully used to control insects over a large area.


“We saved ourselves with checkers from moles and scoops. Miraculously managed to find hexachlorane. In general, an unpleasant thing, it only corrodes the eyes, but it worked effectively. It penetrates into all holes, into the ground - even where conventional means do not fall. True, now the wife complains that it is toxic, but I hope that before planting the crops it weathers and does not harm.

Ivan, Moore

In residential premises, insecticidal smoke, without effort on the part of the handler, easily penetrates behind the baseboards, into furniture crevices, under cabinets and sofas, where it quickly poisons insects. Against bedbugs and cockroaches, smoke bombs are very effective, but they usually destroy ants worse, since these insects often have nests outside the apartment.

It is also useful to read: About Electric Insect Killers

And further: Insect bites that really work

Smoke containing insecticides can effectively destroy cockroaches and bedbugs in ordinary apartments.

The high penetrating power of smoke ensures the destruction of bedbugs even in hard-to-reach places, for example, inside a sofa, under skirting boards, etc.

But against ants, smoke bombs may be ineffective if the anthill is outside the apartment.


“If you have a lot of cockroaches in your apartment, I would advise you to use smoke bombs against insects. With them there is no such trouble as with all sorts of Executioners-Kukarachs. Nothing needs to be diluted anywhere, no need to spray on every centimeter. Such blue Chinese checkers are sold at the central market, or you can buy them on the Internet.Water is poured into a jar from a checker, this thing is placed in it and that's it. The main thing is to quickly escape from the apartment, otherwise this smoke is poisonous. And tell the neighbors not to worry. We so poisoned at mother's apartment before repair. It was, to put it mildly, a mess. The wallpaper was half torn off, the carpets had not been removed from the walls since the post-war years, dust lay in a half-meter layer in the cabinets. When the refrigerator was moved away from the wall, the wife fell on a chair - there were probably thousands of cockroaches there. They put two such checkers, one in the room, one in the kitchen, pickled - and that's it. True, the smoke already came out onto the site, but we warned all the neighbors and there were no problems. But then, when the workers did the repairs, they took the cockroaches out of the house in buckets.”

Konstantin, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

It should be remembered that checkers from synanthropus insects for the most part do not destroy bedbug eggs.

Smoke bombs, commonly used for insect control, have little effect on bed bug eggs.

This means that in the fight against these parasites, the treatment of the room with smoke will have to be repeated twice with an interval of 2-3 weeks or to combine checkers with other means.

In addition, the smoke from some checkers does not have a residual effect and destroys insects only within a few hours after the product is burned. Practice shows that it is the means with prolonged action that make it possible to destroy bedbugs in one treatment.

In cases where indoor bugs were killed with checkers at a time, pre-treatment with other insecticides usually took place. Very often, apartment residents try to poison bedbugs with one agent such as an aerosol or spray, most of the parasites die, but after a few weeks, young larvae appear from surviving eggs.

Often, for the complete destruction of bedbugs, processing with smoke bombs will have to be carried out several times.

The handlers believe that the remedy did not work, buy insect smoke bombs and successfully poison the young growth. Although, in fact, double processing with the original remedy, and the same, but only with checkers, would give the same effect.


“We poisoned bedbugs with the Raptor three times, but then we could not stand it and bought Chinese checkers with smoke. No matter how ugly you are with these spray cans, the bugs still survive somewhere. Checkers, of course, amazed us. It is difficult to use them, five hours after one of these was lit, the apartment was able to stand, that the walls were not visible. But the bugs have died out absolutely everything. Half crawled into the middle of the room, the rest we swept out from under the beds. But for seven months now, not a single one, pah-pah, is not visible. By the way, one of our geraniums withered after such treatment, although I took all the flowers to the open balcony.

Valeria, Vladivostok


Manufacturers and models of drafts

Today, the industry produces a large number of checkers from insects. Among them there are both domestic developments and imported products.

The most famous are the following:

  • Climate - a popular sulfur checker for processing greenhouses, vegetable and granaries, livestock farms. When working effectively destroys scabies mites, fleas, lice.Sulfur smoke bomb Climate
  • FAS is an analogue of Climate, when burning, it smells very unpleasantly of sulfur. Such a product costs about 50 rubles.Sulfur checker FAS
  • CITY is a smoke bomb based on permethrin, effective for the destruction of cockroaches, ants and wood lice in cellars, sheds, basements. Insecticide prirotechnical agent - checker CITY (permethrin)
  • Quiet Evening, the name of which itself speaks of the scope of its application. The checker is used to protect against blood-sucking insects in the fresh air, including in home gardens and in the wild. However, as practice shows, the use of such checkers in an ordinary apartment against bedbugs and cockroaches also gives very good results.Smoke bomb from mosquitoes Quiet evening
    Instructions for using the smoke bomb Quiet Evening
  • Volcano, another sulfur block, used mainly for processing warehouses of industrial products.Sulfur bomb Volcano
  • G-17, checker based on hexachlorane. It is very toxic, it should be used only for processing open spaces - vegetable gardens, orchards, fields - in compliance with the necessary safety measures.
  • Samuro - a smoke bomb from bedbugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other insects, and specially designed for indoor use. The concentration of permethrin in its composition is 5%. The residual smell and white coating on the surfaces when using it are less pronounced than when using, for example, Quiet Evening checkers.Insect-killing smoke bomb Samuro

And further: We caught bedbugs and tested the effect of GEKTOR powder on them - a pretty killer thing turned out to be ...

But checkers against insects for residential premises for Russian-speaking users are still a noname. Usually, Chinese and Japanese imported products are used in this capacity, the names of which are not even translated into either Russian or English. They use modern insecticides based on derivatives of oxydiazole, carbamic acid and others.

And this is what a Chinese smoke bomb from household insects looks like

The cost of smoke bombs for processing industrial premises and for use in nature is from 50 rubles apiece and more. Household products are more expensive: for processing a room with an area of ​​​​10 m², it is enough to use a checker for 150 rubles, for a room from 30 m² you need a checker for 350 rubles and more.


“Every year I process my greenhouses with sulfur bombs.As long as the result holds. The fungi are gone a long time ago, the tick does not live, even the grinder does not touch the wooden supports. But during the growing season, you still have, of course, to do additional processing just in case. In the complex, I think it's a good tool.

Inna Arkadievna Serykh, Krasnodar Territory


Instructions for using smoke bombs

Smoke has a high penetrating ability, and therefore, when using checkers in any premises, you should take care of the safety of not only the residents of the processed housing, but also the neighbors. Most formulations are highly toxic, so people and pets need to leave the treatment area for at least a few hours during the procedure. Also, indoor plants must be taken out of the room, cover the aquarium with a cover glass, and tighten the cracks with cling film.

Use smoke bombs to kill insects indoors, take care of the safety of residents


“I launched a saber underground, in the garage. I had a vegetable store there. Well etched from fungi, and small insects disappeared. Previously, cockroaches, wood lice ran, now it’s clean.”

Savelyev I. S., Omsk region

The process of processing premises with smoke bombs is as follows:

  1. All cracks are carefully closed, windows are closed.
  2. Checkers are placed in the center of the cultivated area on a non-combustible surface (stone, brick, ceramic tile or dishes).
  3. Home use checkers are usually supplied in special cans. On the inner surface of such a jar there is a mark to which you need to pour plain tap water. The product itself is then placed in water in a large jar.
  4. The fuses of the checkers are set on fire, and the handler leaves the room as soon as possible, carefully closing it behind him. In some household checkers, nothing is required to be set on fire: they start to smoke simply from contact with water.

Some products do not have an ignition wick - they emit smoke when in contact with water.

Immediately after the appearance of smoke from the room you need to leave. Smoke emission from one checker can last up to one and a half hours. After that, the room should be kept closed for 2-3 hours, and then ventilated and carried out wet cleaning in it.

It is very important to warn neighbors and watchmen before using checkers. If the house has fire alarms, they must be turned off. No way to isolate the apartment will help prevent some of the smoke from escaping into the front door or to the neighbors through the ventilation - at least everyone will feel the smell. Therefore, it is important that no one accidentally calls the fire brigade.


“I felt very bad when I had to work with checkers. The head was spinning, it was sick after that. Still, it's a bad thing, poisonous. I want to see something new next season. In extreme cases, ask someone else to do the processing.

Anna Ivanovna, Cheboksary

If you are going to poison bedbugs or cockroaches in an ordinary apartment, house or change house, then pay attention to the Samuro insect smoke bomb, which is safe enough for humans and at the same time really gives a powerful effect.


Checker from insects "Quiet Evening" in action


Useful video: 5 rules for choosing an insect extermination service


Last update: 2022-06-15

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Smoke bombs for the destruction of insects and feedback on their use" 13 comments
  1. Lena

    How does smoke affect things?

    • Andrew

      It sucks. The whole apartment and things stinks. Within 3 days of stink. I bought two checkers Quiet Evening for an apartment of 57 sq. m. I fired two at once in different corners of the apartment. Bottom line: 4 days of washing things, 5 days of ironing, 3 days of stench, the result is zero. The bugs both ran and run. Although it smoked for 4 hours.

      • Dmitry

        2 checkers Climate in each room and repeat in 10-12 days - and no bedbugs. If you want, do the third control time, in 10-12 days.

  2. Anonymous

    Only the smell remains.

  3. Anastasia

    Is it all effective?

  4. Andrew

    Quiet evening, enough for 2 hours maximum ...

  5. Natalia

    I lit a saber in an underground house - there were jars of preservatives. What will happen to them - did the poison get inside?

  6. Love

    Is it possible to treat the basement with a moth-affected potato with a sulfur checker?

  7. Anonymous

    Hello everyone, does this smoke work, in general, or not?

    • Anonymous

      Quiet evening too smokes and stinks. It may repel mosquitoes, but it does not take bedbugs. It’s better to take Samuro, she was originally imprisoned for the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches.

      • Lech

        Or checker city, there is a concentration of 13% permethrin.

  8. Andrew

    So far I have settled on the checker Pawn. A poisonous infection, but it does its job.

  9. Alexander

    And what checker from bees is effective?


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