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Remedy for bedbugs Klopomor

Last update: 2022-05-03
≡ Article has 8 comments
  • Slava: It stinks terribly, bugs don't care. From the manufacturer's point of view...
  • Daniel: Help, please! I am very afraid of cockroaches and bedbugs, which ...
  • Stanislav: Reliably. I sprayed the place of accumulation almost point-blank and...
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Remedy for home bugs Klopomor

Not so long ago, an interesting novelty appeared on the insecticide market: a remedy for bedbugs called Klopomor. The description of the drug indicates that it is a recent development of the Research Institute of Disinfectology and is designed to quickly and effectively destroy bed bugs. As practice has shown, the tool has some pluses and significant minuses.


Insecticide: composition and principle of action of the drug

The drug Klopomor is a light yellow transparent liquid packaged in 300 ml vials. It has a medium pronounced smell, similar to domestic Dichlorvos. The composition of Klopomor used the following substances:

  • organic solvent (preparation base)
  • permethrin
  • cypermethrin
  • piperonyl butoxide.

The drug acts paralytically on insects, after a short period of time after contact with it, the pests die. Holds well on the surface, works for a long time after application. It has a hazard class 3 for humans and warm-blooded animals, that is, it poses some danger, but a small one.

It is interesting

Scientists have proven that today substances of the pyrethroid group most effectively affect domestic insects, including bedbugs. These insecticides are obtained from plant materials - Persian chamomile alkaloids - by extracting them with solvents.

I must say that professional exterminators note a clear similarity between Forsyth and Klopomor. The only important difference is that Klopomor is less concentrated, but it costs more.


“When I was going to the village, I decided to immediately buy something from bedbugs. They show up all the time, every year. Previously, they bought Forsyth, and now the seller recommended Klopomor, a new remedy. She said that the composition is almost the same. She also added that it is rather difficult to buy Klopomor in Moscow, only they have it, in this store. Good thing I only got one bottle. The tool is quite expensive (it cost 600 rubles), while the whole bottle was barely enough for 2 sofas. And for the whole room, 5 pieces would have to be bought. It helped, of course, but why such expenses? In the future I will take only Forsyth.

Inga Petrovna, Moscow


Is Klopomor effective: drug reviews

Review #1:

“According to reviews on the Internet, I bought the drug Klopomor. Note: 3 bottles of 620 rubles each, and this is for a ONE-ROOM apartment. She sent everyone to the dacha, she herself remained to poison the parasites. By the way, for the sake of the experiment, I sprinkled a little Klopomor on the bottom of the jar and planted a live bug there to see how long it would die. The bug was alive the next day! It's not a joke. I processed the whole apartment, not only sofas and beds, but all the walls, corners, cracks. Result: after 3 days, hungry bugs became many times more aggressive! They began to attack during the day, not being afraid of anyone or anything.In general, the conclusion: the tool pulls on 1 point, expensive and absolutely useless. It only works on a direct hit on a bug. Such a thin Dichlorvos (it stinks in exactly the same way). ”

Anya, Ekaterinovka

Not all reviews speak of the high effectiveness of Klopomor

Feedback #2:

“Recently, I had to poison bedbugs at home, I just didn’t have the strength from these nightly wakefulnesses. I was surprised to find that all sorts of sprays from parasites are sold even in pharmacies. I was recommended Klopomor: like the newest, very effective formula. The thing is quite expensive, but I needed the result, so I took it without hesitation. Its smell is a bit like the domestic Dichlorvos, which was previously sold. How I used it: I sprayed it abundantly where I saw bedbugs. Sofa, behind the sofa, different corners and nooks and crannies. The next night they slept more peacefully, and a week later the procedure was repeated. The bugs are gone, but the drug is not very economical. It is advisable to take 2 bottles at a time. And one more thing: it is better to work with gloves and a mask, so as not to inhale.

Sergey, Saratov

Review #3:

“I never thought that bed bugs could appear in a clean city apartment. For me, this is some kind of nonsense, wildness. But the problem appeared, and it was necessary to solve it. On the forums about the destruction of bedbugs, I read that there is a drug Klopomor, which can quickly remove them. It turned out that Klopomor is not so easy to buy. I had to look for online stores, since no one in Chelyabinsk has ever seen Klopomor from the sellers. 2 bottles came (ordered with a margin) of yellowish water in a spray. The release form is convenient, you will not say anything. I sprayed all the cracks and the frame of the sofa, and I thought of treating the upholstered furniture in the following way: I took a syringe, took the product there and made injections into the upholstery. No stains, no marks, but the bugs are gone. Only now the treatment had to be repeated 1 time, and I also worked without a mask and then coughed a little, my eyes watered. In general, nothing, a good tool. Helps to clean the apartment from this evil spirits.

Sasha Izmailova, Chelyabinsk


It is also useful to read: Getting rid of bedbugs folk remedies

And further: Where the hell did the bugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

Instructions for use of the drug

Insecticide is a rather toxic agent, reminiscent of Dichlorvos in liquid form in smell and composition. Therefore, it must be used with great care and in strict accordance with the instructions for use, eliminating the contact of children and animals with the treated surface and vapors of the drug.

Work should be in rubber gloves, as well as a respirator or mask.You can wear a bathrobe for additional protection of the skin.

When working, you must use personal protective equipment

Method of application: it is necessary to treat surfaces from a distance of 20 cm, after shaking the balloon. It is necessary to spray the places of accumulation of parasites, their nests and possible shelters: the frame of a sofa or bed, the back surface of furniture, cracks, baseboards, the surface under the windowsill.

The product is toxic, so it is recommended to use 1 package on a surface of at least 30 square meters. m.

15 minutes after treatment, the room can be ventilated, and all contact household surfaces can be washed with soap and soda solution with gloves. In atomized form, the agent is valid for 30 days, so repeated treatments are not necessary.

As practice shows, it is not always possible to follow the instructions of the instructions. For example, 1 bottle is only enough to process 1-2 beds, but not 30 sq. m., and this makes the drug uneconomical.


“When it was advised to spray Klopomor against bedbugs, I was skeptical about it. I read that at the heart of this “strong poison” is just an insecticide plant - some kind of Persian chamomile. I laughed in vain. The tool did an excellent job with pests, but there was a lot of fuss. I had to not only spray, but then wash all the surfaces. It stinks a little more, and a little expensive ... but the result is worth it. Although I have not tried other means, maybe there is something better.

Tanya, Kovel

Bed bugs under bed mattress

In conclusion, we can say that Klopomor really effectively affects bedbugs, quickly destroys them and remains on the surface in an active form for up to 30 days. However, the specific form of release (spray) at times increases the toxicity of the insecticide for humans, as it can enter the respiratory tract.

I must say that the drug Klopomor, the price of which is quite high (480-620 rubles, depending on the locality), does not always meet the expectations of consumers. It is very wastefully spent, while the dispenser (spout of the bottle) does not always allow you to apply the product in hard-to-reach places in the apartment. Requires subsequent surface treatment with a soap-soda solution.

Exterminators say with confidence: for this money you can buy much more effective and convenient means - for example, the Executioner, Klopoveron or Tetrix. But the final decision always remains with the consumer.

If you have experience using Klopomor in the fight against bed bugs, be sure to leave your feedback in the comment box at the end of this page.


What are the important nuances to consider when choosing a remedy for bedbugs


Important facts about bed bugs and a description of effective methods for the destruction of these parasites


Last update: 2022-05-03

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Remedy for bedbugs Klopomor" 8 comments
  1. Catherine

    They bought an insecticide, how they crawled, and they crawl.

  2. Jan

    Who is crawling? If according to the instructions, then do not crawl!

  3. Vladislav

    I used 5 (five!) bottles for a 2-room apartment. After 2 days, I saw a bug on the wall, sprayed it abundantly on it and planted it in a 5 liter baklaha. The bug has been alive and well for an hour, kicking his legs. Advise God for the sake of a normal drug. This bitch is no good. One thing saves so far - if you sleep dressed, and sprinkle the limbs with spregal, then they don’t bite. What to do, I can’t defeat this attack for the second week.

  4. Vladislav

    Today, the subject drowned himself - he could not stand captivity. On Monday I'm going to the SES for an effective poison. I read on the forums - there is no guarantee that the mobile team will use a normal drug, you will have to carry out the intoxication of parasites yourself again, just to be sure. Anya, Ekaterinovka - how did your battle end?

  5. Moscow

    It is necessary to poison and crush every hour all week. Otherwise they survive. And calling firms for destruction is a scam, they dilute the liquid, earn money. Now I will try the insecticide. The savages have overcome.

  6. Stanislav

    Reliably. He sprayed the place of accumulation almost point-blank and ruthlessly. They climbed out, wandered and returned back. A week later looked — alive. Draw your own conclusions.

  7. Danil

    Help me please! I am very afraid of cockroaches and bedbugs, what and where to buy? Only without deceit, your advertising is not necessary to me.

  8. Glory

    It stinks horribly, don't care about bed bugs. On the part of the manufacturer, obvious violations are immediately visible (in particular, there is no composition and contraindications for people).I don’t want to talk about the price of this stink at all ... If you encounter bedbugs, then use products based on chlorpyrifos or karbofos, good luck!


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