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Bedbug preparations (including microencapsulated)

Last update: 2022-06-04
≡ Article has 28 comments
  • Natalia: People, don't listen to the vaunted consultants. Better than Dichlorvos...
  • Yuri: Hello! Please tell me, does Fufanon Nova help o...
  • GET Consultant: Hello. 1 bottle is enough to treat rooms...
See bottom of page for details

Consider a number of preparations for bedbugs, including microencapsulated

Preparations for the destruction of bedbugs are a rather specific segment of the insecticidal market. Unlike domestic cockroaches, bed bugs are not so common in apartments today and, moreover, they prefer to feed exclusively on blood, so they will not be seduced by a deliciously smelling poisonous bait. Powders and dusts are also ineffective against bedbugs, which are unlikely to be applied to all places where bedbugs hide in the room.

It is safe to say that the most optimal in terms of efficiency and ease of use are bedbug preparations, which are produced in the form of an aerosol or used in the form of a spray. It is these forms of release that make it easy to treat with the drug all hard-to-reach places in the apartment, including upholstered furniture and mattresses.

However, the release form of the product is only one of the essential points that must be considered when choosing a drug for the destruction of bedbugs. It is also important to look at what exactly will be sprayed, what insecticides and how much they can generally affect bloodsuckers ...


Aerosols from bedbugs

One of the main advantages of aerosol preparations for the destruction of bedbugs is that they are sold ready-to-use. A canister with compressed gas and a solution of a poisonous substance allows you to accurately and accurately apply poison even to hard-to-reach surfaces.

Aerosols are convenient in that they are sold in a ready-to-use form.

Many of the aerosol products that will be discussed below are bedbug preparations for home use. They require compliance with minimum security measures, but you should not neglect such rules: due to the specific method of application, there is a risk of particles of the agent entering the respiratory tract of people and animals.


Aerosol from bedbugs Kombat

Combat is a flavored preparation for bedbugs, which is also used to destroy other domestic insects. The main active ingredient is Imiprotrin (0.1%).

Aerosol Combat Superspray is successfully used in everyday life to get rid of bedbugs and other crawling insects.

On sale, this aerosol can be found very often - both in ordinary household and in specialized and online stores. The price is about 300 rubles for one can.


“We recently moved into a rented apartment, where the owners left a soft set for the living room. So, it soon became clear that bugs live in this sofa, which come out every night and bite us. The store advised me to buy some kind of chemical preparations for bedbugs, which are diluted with water. But we didn’t want to mess around, so we bought the usual spray from flying and crawling insects - Kombat. I don’t know how it works, but the effect was instantaneous, after a few days the bugs stopped bothering me at all.”

Maria, Stavropol



The Russian drug for bedbugs Klopomor is made on the basis of insecticides such as Permethrin and Cypermethrin. In fact, it is an analogue of Forsyth, but less concentrated.

The drug Klopomor - a domestic remedy for bedbugs

To process a one-room apartment, you will need about 3 bottles of the product. The price of the drug is about 600 rubles, and you can buy it in pharmacies and specialized stores.


“I live in a hostel - I probably already tried all the preparations for bed bugs. There was an experience with Klopomor. The tool is quite new and it is advised in pharmacies and stores, as a real panacea. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice any supernatural effect - a strong smell of dichlorvos, but it only works with direct impact on the bug. But why pay 650 rubles for this? You can kill a bug anyway, but, alas, there is no long-term effect from Klopomor.

Sergey, Kaliningrad


And further: Poison bugs, but they appear again? It's time to think about prevention, and this is a delicate matter ...

Raptor from bedbugs

At the heart of the means for the destruction of bedbugs Raptor - Alphacypermethrin, Neopamine and Piperonyl butoxide. The complex of these poisons and excipients allows you to quickly destroy bedbugs.

Specialized insecticidal preparation for bedbugs Raptor

At the same time, the price of the product is relatively low (about 200 rubles), it is easy to find it in hardware or specialty stores.


“The bedbug raptor is the only thing that helped in the fight against the problem. Before processing, I thoroughly vacuumed the room, and then sprayed all the places where parasites accumulated. On the same night, they slept almost calmly, and within a week all the bugs disappeared.

Alexandra, Perm


Solutions for room treatment in the form of a spray

Insecticide solutions for bed bugs are often used by professional pest control services. These preparations require preliminary dilution with water, since they are often produced in the form of a concentrate (sometimes the insecticide is in microencapsulated form in such concentrates).

To treat the room from bedbugs, the solution can be poured into a conventional spray bottle

Solutions are applied using a conventional household spray gun, which is very convenient.



According to the manufacturer, Klopoveron has a unique formula that distinguishes it from other insecticidal agents. The destruction of bedbugs can be carried out both with dry powder and with its aqueous solution.

To destroy bedbugs, you can use both dry powder Klopoveron and its solution.

If you want to use microcapsule preparations for bedbugs, then you should not confuse them with Klopoveron, produced in the form of granules - these are completely different forms of preparations.

It is quite difficult to find Klopoveron on sale, most often it is sold only to legal entities. The price of the insecticide is very high compared to the rest - about 2,400 rubles will have to be paid for 250 grams.


“The best remedy for bedbugs has not yet been invented.Klopoveron kills all "living creatures" literally at once, and I did not feel any negative effects on myself, although I worked without gloves and a mask. On the same night, I slept peacefully and the bugs never bothered me again.

Stepan, Kyiv


It is also useful to read: Choosing the best bed bug remedy

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor


This drug from bedbugs enjoys ambiguous popularity among the population:

  • Some praise him, which, by the way, is facilitated by the low price of the product (about 70 rubles) and almost complete safety for people and animals. One bottle is enough to treat a sofa or bed, and you will have to buy several for the whole apartment.
  • There are, however, those who, on the contrary, consider the Executioner's remedy for bedbugs to be ineffective.

The Executioner is effective not only for bedbugs, but also for other parasitic insects

The executioner can be bought everywhere, even in small hardware stores. Ingredients: insecticide fenthion, 27.5%.


“The executioner was used by an employee in the country. The only negative noticed is a slightly unpleasant smell, which disappears immediately after airing. But the bedbugs were gone in two or three days.”

Maria Petrovna, Omsk


Microencapsulated drug from bedbugs Get (Get)

One of the most effective are microencapsulated preparations for bedbugs. For example, the outdated Gett (precisely with two letters "t" in the name, based on 0.4% chlorpyrifos) is a spray that is mainly used to fight cockroaches.

Get (otherwise - Get) is a modern and more concentrated preparation based on chlorpyrifos microcapsules. The price of 100 ml of concentrate is about 750 rubles. Among many other drugs, Get has two key benefits:

  • Almost no odor
  • High efficiency from bedbugs.

Get microencapsulated bed bug remedyMicroencapsulated products are also called encapsulated suspensions.


“Het was advised to me in the sanitary and epidemiological station as the newest and most effective drug. The apartment had to be processed only once - after that the bugs disappeared abruptly. I ordered it via the Internet, since it is simply unrealistic to buy microencapsulated preparations for bedbugs in a store.

Victor, St. Petersburg


Medilis Ziper

Medilis Ziper is a drug based on 0.1% cypermethrin. It is mainly used by employees of dezservices, but is also suitable for domestic use. The cost is about 150 rubles, it is sold in specialized garden stores.

The drug Medilis Ziper is quite effective in the fight against bedbugs and has low toxicity to humans.


“Medilis was bought to destroy bedbugs in a log house. According to the instructions, you need to make a 0.05% aqueous solution, and then spray all the places of accumulation. The treatment had to be repeated 2 times, but the result was very pleasant.

Olga, Tver



The active ingredient is the insecticide malathion. Karbofos is quite toxic for warm-blooded animals, therefore, it requires strict adherence to safety rules when destroying parasites.

The drug Karbofos can be bought both in the form of powder and in liquid form.

The price of the insecticide is low - about 150 rubles / liter, while it can be easily purchased almost everywhere - in stores or via the Internet. It is important to keep in mind that Karbofos has a strong and persistent unpleasant odor.


“The product is very good, if not for the smell! After processing, the bugs left, and after them upholstered furniture “went” to the trash, because it was no longer possible to use it. Of course, healthy sleep without parasites is worth it, but next time I would not buy this drug.

Marina, Zhitomir


The drug from bedbugs Fufanon

Like Karbofos, Fufanon is based on malathion, but in a slightly lower concentration. However, the cost of the drug for some reason is higher - about 700 rubles / liter.

The drug Fufanon from bedbugs can be bought in a small container

Fufanon can be bought in specialized and online stores.


“When bedbugs appeared in the apartment, the main problem was where to buy drugs for bedbugs in our small town. The children ordered Fufanon via the Internet, which turned out to be just wonderful. The bugs disappeared after one treatment, but just in case, we repeated it. ”

Petr Ivanovich, Sumy region


Tetrix - a professional remedy for bedbugs

Tetrix is ​​a drug for bedbugs based on Cypermethrin, and relatively expensive (about 2500 rubles / l), but effective and allows you to quickly destroy bedbugs. Often used in professional pest control. In Russia, Tetrix is ​​sold by only one supplier via the Internet.

The drug Tetrix is ​​​​very effective against bedbugs, but it is not easy to get it.


“Tetrix was bought with neighbors for three apartments, as the price bites. In terms of quantity, it was perfect - 300 ml goes for one kopeck piece. Probably, this is the best drug - after a week the whole site was sleeping peacefully, and for a year now they have been gone.

Masha, Kursk


Features of the choice and purchase of drugs from bedbugs

Before deciding on the choice of insecticide, you should read as much information about the preparations as possible - description, instructions, impact on human and animal health. If possible, you should seek advice from the SES - they will tell you what drugs to buy from bedbugs and how not to run into a fake. It is better to buy insecticides from trusted suppliers or directly from the manufacturer.

It can be very useful to read reviews on the selected drug - the experience of other people allows you to more clearly understand what the remedy is "in action".

If you have your own experience of dealing with bedbugs with any drug, be sure to write your review about it in the comment box at the bottom of this page.


How to choose a remedy for bedbugs


An interesting video about today's popular remedy for bed bugs Executioner


Last update: 2022-06-04

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Preparations for bedbugs (including microencapsulated)" 28 comments
  1. Elena

    Dichlorvos and Raptor do not help. Professional pest control - they only rob, but there are no guarantees. There is a dog in the house. What else can be done more safely?

    • Daniel

      Treat with GET.

  2. Tatiana, Voskresensk

    Voskresenskaya SES sold the drug FORSIGHT, supposedly killing bedbugs the first time, but the bedbugs remained to live in the same composition, not a single dead one. The tool is useless!
    They called a specialized company from Moscow, talked for a long time about their miracle drug, but did not name it, in fact it turned out to be household FUFANOM. They poured water over the apartment for 5000 rubles, the bugs remained again. The company assures that the result should be seen 5 days after treatment. Whether this is correct - I don’t know, but on the 2nd day after treatment they bit strongly. What should be poisoned now?

  3. Aisha

    Dichlorvos, battalion commander, vinegar - this is a dead poultice.Today I ordered a Get, maybe the bugs will die?

    • GET Consultant

      If used correctly, they will surely die! 😉

  4. Aisha

    Good people, respond, who used Geta through the Internet? Is there any hope for a good night?

    • Tatiana

      There are definitely! 4.5 months of quiet life. Ordered through an online store in Moscow. But now they have reappeared. It can be seen that the neighbors have them and crawl from them. I have tried all methods before. Nothing worked. Little effect for a few days. And Get really helped.

      • GET Consultant

        Tatyana, thanks for the feedback! Under these conditions, it is very likely that the bugs crawl from the neighbors, you correctly concluded. To avoid migration, we advise you to check the apartment for cracks in the walls and floor. If any, seal.
        You can also offer our drug to your neighbors.

        We hope bed bugs won't bother you again!

    • Oleg

      Get does not help. I processed it a couple of times and nothing has changed: they continue to bite and climb after processing. All bugs are alive, from small to large, until you crush them with your hand.

      • GET Consultant

        Hello Oleg. Perhaps the product was diluted in the wrong proportions? Or do you take the product off the surfaces without letting it dry?
        It does not happen that a deadly poison for insects does not give any effect, since you have all the bugs crawling from small to large. Even with improper processing, some of the bugs still die.
        It also happens that bedbugs migrate from neighbors, and in this case, no matter how much you fight them in your apartment, there will be no effect.

        Please describe your situation in more detail. We will try to help you.

  5. Gulnaz

    I want to buy a Get.

    • GET Consultant

      Hello Gulnaz.You can buy GET® in more than 30 cities. To do this, you just need to know the exact addresses of representative offices.

  6. Masha

    I live in a communal apartment, we have bed bugs. How many times have they been poisoned by everyone, and everything is pointless. They called exterminators from different companies five times, and it's still pointless. Now they covered up all the cracks that generally exist on the walls, on the floor and on the ceiling - they covered everything with rodmans and cement, where there were large holes. But all the same, they do not go away, we are still suffering (before, I didn’t feel how they bit me, but my bitten young man walks until sire, and the child had to be taken away until we got rid of him, because he didn’t sleep at all). We have bugs all over the entrance, and in 2 apartments in which they have made a complete repair, there are no bugs, but they poison for the sake of prevention. Other residents don't care. What can you do if you've tried everything?

    • GET Consultant

      Hello Masha. Unfortunately, if a “green corridor” is open for bedbugs, then something is unlikely to help, except for the complete sealing of all possible migration routes. Even the most effective means will not give a long-term result.

      We recommend that you check your apartment again for places where insects accumulate (they love secluded places, ceiling and floor skirting boards, spaces behind paintings, sockets, outgoing wallpapers, etc.). Suddenly, after you covered the holes, they stopped migrating, but remained in your apartment. Process again, wait about 2 weeks, and it will be possible to conclude whether the migration of insects has stopped or not.

  7. Irina

    But what about the promise that bugs get infected from GET and die anyway, as soon as they crawl over the treated area? And they even promise that new larvae also get sick and die.So - nothing like that, as they were, they live, and even if, as the consultant assures, they crawl from the neighbors, then, apparently, they crawl back to the neighbors to die, because. I also didn’t see ANY dead man, although I bought the vaunted GET in the office on the Baltic. As they bite, they continue ...

    • GET Consultant

      Hello Irina. That's right, bedbugs become infected when they pick up a product from a treated surface on their paws and take it to their nest.

      The fact that you did not see the dead bugs may mean that you have a “green corridor” with neighbors open, and they can really go to them and die there or crawl into their nest. You must understand that the remedy does not work instantly, but 3-14 days. Has this deadline passed? Are you still being bitten? Has migration routes been sealed?

      • Natalia

        People, do not listen to vaunted consultants. There is nothing better than Dichlorvos!

  8. Maria

    We have a shared apartment. When the bugs appeared, they tried a lot of means, called services from different companies. Then our bugs moved into the next apartment. They immediately found the Get drug and were satisfied. When we tried it, it didn't work for us. Now I understand why - we had repairs and we put all the things in boxes. Plus, there's a lot of rubbish. Therefore, my advice: before poisoning bedbugs, clean up the apartment, throw out all the rubbish from the house, which many people have under the pretext of “what if it comes in handy,” and go ahead! Cleanliness is a guarantee of health) Good luck and confidence in victory over bedbugs!

    • GET Consultant

      Thanks for the feedback! Indeed, cleanliness in the apartment is the key to success.We always recommend that our clients, in addition to treatment with the product, carry out a general cleaning, launder things and make minor repairs, then the bugs will definitely disappear!

  9. Vitaly

    I'll do an experiment. I will catch several bedbugs, put them in different containers, one container will be processed, and the rest will not. In the container that is processed, I will plant a bug, and in a day I will transplant it to the rest of my brothers. I will observe the result for 2 weeks, and see if this GET works or not. If not, I will hold a powerful anti-advertising campaign for this product. I will write about the results.

    • Gulnaz

      Vitaly, share the result.

      • seamen

        It looks like GET knocked Vitaliy down, not the bedbugs, or the bedbugs bled.

    • GET Consultant

      As an official representative of the GET company, I can unsubscribe instead of Vitaly.

      Bed bugs do not get infected from each other, they are not collective insects. They become infected only by contact, when the agent falls directly on their paws. So the effect of such an experiment should not be expected.

      We clearly describe that in order to get rid of bedbugs, it is necessary to treat all possible migration routes and their nests + carry out minor repairs to the premises in order to prevent migration from neighbors. Only in this case GET will work perfectly.

  10. Nina, Donbass

    I poisoned bedbugs with “Fas double”, and “Super face”, and Phenaksin, and Karbofos, but after a week or two they appear again, I catch 2-3 bugs. I was afraid to poison with Karbofos because of the smell, but I bought either a fake in a yellow package (the picture is green on the Internet), and there it contains some kind of filler, fragrance and pav. There is no SMELL at all. Three days have passed, until I see the bugs, I don’t know what will happen next. I've been living for 2 months, like at the station - a mess, I don't bring my grandchildren.True, they don’t bite me, maybe because I completely wrapped the mattress with plastic wrap (I read the advice) - they probably were in the mattress, I already sleep peacefully, but sometimes they still come across in a huge sofa in another room. I no longer have the strength to fight them. And call the SES - they, they say, throw bedbugs themselves ... Tell me another inexpensive remedy, herbs and other nonsense do not help. Don't waste your time and energy.

    • GET Consultant

      Hello. Inexpensive products usually give short-term results. We recommend that you still spend money once on a good product and get rid of bedbugs than spend a hundred times on cheap ones.

      In order to destroy bedbugs on your own and for a long time, you first need to understand where they came from. Because if they crawl from the neighbors, you need to make repairs and close up all the cracks.

  11. Kristina

    Tell me, please, how many pieces of the drug are needed for 1 room?

    • GET Consultant

      Hello. 1 bottle of the product is enough to process a room of 20-22 sq.m.

  12. Yuri

    Hello! Please tell me, does Fufanon Nova help against bedbugs?


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