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We check the effect of the Get Total tool on the bugs - are the parasites really poisoned effectively ...

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During the experiment, we tested the effect of the Get Total insecticidal agent on bed bugs - the parasites died 2.5 hours after treatment with the drug.

Watch video:

0 min. 08 sec. – Basic information about the Get Total tool.

0 min. 28 sec. – Benefits of the so-called microencapsulated form of Get Total.

1 minute. 10 - Is this remedy relatively safe for humans and pets.

1 minute. 52 sec. - For testing, we take 6 adult bed bugs. They were caught by an exterminator in a hostel, and it is known that they tried to destroy the population of parasites more than once with a variety of poisons (and not very successfully). So with a certain degree of probability it can be assumed that these bugs are already partially resistant to some popular insecticides that can be easily bought at a hardware store (different brands of Dichlorvos based on pyrethroids, Karbofos, etc.). Let's see if Get Total kills bedbugs.

3 min. 00 sec. – Means Get Total is sold in bottles of 100 ml in the form of a concentrate. The concentrate is diluted in tap water in the following ratio: 100 ml of the product is taken per 2 liters of water (that is, 1 bottle). Since we do not need such a large volume of solution for testing, we will dilute 50 ml of the concentrate in 0.5 liters of water. Mix the solution until smooth and pour into a household spray bottle.

4 min. 50 sec. - Gently spray the prepared solution of bedbugs in a plastic container.Moreover, the treatment is carried out so that the spray hits the parasites, but does not flood the bottom of the container (so that the bloodsuckers do not drown).

5 minutes. 12 sec. - We start the stopwatch and see if the bugs die quickly from the action of the remedy.

11 min. 24 sec. – After 6 minutes from the moment of treatment, all parasites are still alive, however, two individuals lie on their backs, they show signs of the onset of poisoning, but they have not yet died. We continue to watch.

11 min. 58 sec. – After 42 minutes from the moment of treatment, two bed bugs died, two individuals lie on their backs, but are still alive. Another 2 individuals so far do not show signs of poisoning.

12 min. 55 sec. – 1 hour and 11 minutes after the start of the experiment, 5 bugs are dead. 1 individual remains alive, but this parasite is already clearly poisoned. Let's wait until the last bug dies, and then sum up. In practice, by this time most of the bloodsuckers who had come into contact with Get would have died, and only a few individuals would have survived.

13 min. 56 sec. - After 1.5 hours from the moment of the test, the situation has not changed, that is, one parasite remains alive.

14 min. 13 sec. – All insecticidal solution has already dried on the walls and bottom of the plastic container, leaving no visible traces. It can be assumed that in an ordinary apartment, after treatment, the solution will not leave stains on wallpaper, furniture, floors, baseboards.

And further: We catch bedbugs and put deadly experiments on them - this is a must see!

14 min. 31 sec. - After 2.5 hours from the moment of treatment, all the tested bugs died.

15 minutes. 17 sec.- Conclusion: when bedbugs are treated with a solution of Get Total of a standard concentration (1 bottle per 2 liters of water), all parasites on which the solution has fallen die within 2.5 hours. In practice, this would be quite enough for home conditions. In accordance with the instructions for use, after treatment with Get Total, the apartment must be left for 3 hours, and upon return, ventilate and carry out limited wet cleaning (only those surfaces with which residents most often come into contact are wiped (armrests of chairs, table surfaces, door handles) There is reason to believe that the product will destroy other insects at about the same speed: cockroaches, ants, fleas, flies, wasps ...

15 minutes. 44 - Get Total or Executioner - which is better? Comparison in terms of speed of action and safety for humans and animals.

16 min. 16 sec. - Bed bugs, on which the Get solution does not get during the treatment of the apartment, will be poisoned for several more days due to the long residual effect of the product. But how pronounced is this residual effect and how quickly the bugs die from it, we will check in the next experiment.



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