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What could be the reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment?

Last update: 2022-05-27
≡ Article 51 has a comment
  • Natalya: We had a whole horde in the apartment - they called for sanitation and ...
  • Marina: I also sleep with my husband, they bite me, but he is not. And he doesn't believe...
  • Anonymous: I have bedbugs at home, we are trying to get them out. Went to visit a friend and...
See bottom of page for details

Bed bugs in the apartment

Bed bugs often appear even in modern residential buildings, which are equipped with all the benefits of civilization. Of course, neat and clean owners are puzzled why the parasites chose their apartment to live in, where there is no garbage, dirt or pets. And how did these parasites get into the house? ..

In fact, in the case of bedbugs, it does not matter how carefully the cleanliness is maintained in the house. The main and only purpose and victim of bed bugs is a person (sometimes small animals), so they can settle wherever people spend the dark time of the day.

To avoid infection, you must always be on the alert and carefully observe the smallest changes that occur in the apartment. It would also be useful to periodically carry out prophylaxis and apply insecticide around the perimeter of possible insect entry points, communicate with neighbors and pay attention to the condition of their apartment.

In addition, the disappearance of bedbugs in an apartment can be accidental, and here it depends only on the owners of the premises whether they allow such an accident.Therefore, it is important to figure out how bedbugs can appear in an apartment in order to be able to protect yourself from parasites in time at the right time.


Methods for the penetration of bedbugs into the apartment

It is difficult to answer the question of how bedbugs appear in an apartment. It all depends on what floor the housing is located on, whether the neighbors have parasites, whether the owners have traveled in trains or other people's cars lately. There are quite a few ways for bedbugs to enter the house, so the reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in an apartment can be completely different.

Most often, bedbugs come from neighboring premises, which is especially true for old houses. Insects can crawl through damaged wall ceilings, cracks, or along the outer wall of the house.

Bed bugs can enter through cracks

Also, bedbugs often travel through ventilation shafts. Bed bugs can go without food for a long time (up to several weeks) while remaining active, so long transitions are not a problem for them.

In addition, the structure of the body of the bug and its small dimensions are very conducive to penetration into very small holes and crevices.

If the house is located in a rural area, then often bed bugs can pass to people from small farm animals on which they parasitize. Of course, the thick skin of rabbits or goats is not as attractive to these blood-sucking insects as human skin.

You can “pick up” the bug and transfer it to your apartment after spending the night in a new place. It can be either a foreign hotel, a hotel in another city, or an apartment of friends, as well as a train or station.

The size of the bug is small, so even if the insect does not accidentally crawl into the shelter before the person gets up and gets dressed, then no one will notice its presence on a shirt or pants.

Individual reasons for the appearance of bedbugs can be quite original and even unpredictable.

  • Appliances. Bedbugs are very fond of hiding in secluded places, protected from bright daylight and having a source of heat. Often, bugs get into working computer system units for a day, and if such a unit is moved for repairs or for permanent work in a new apartment, parasites also penetrate into it.


“One of the clients brought me bedbugs, who brought a system unit for repair. If I took it apart right away and saw these creatures, I would have thrown out both the system manager and the client. And so he stood under the table for the night, and the bugs scattered around the apartment. A few weeks later, when they started biting, I had to flood the apartment with the Executioner, and then advise the Executioner and the client himself ... "

Oleg, St. Petersburg

  • Another reason for the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment may be bringing them into the house on your clothes. Bed bugs cannot bite through clothing, but it is very convenient to hide in it. It is not always possible to notice a bloodsucker because of its tiny size. Therefore, it is very likely, having been in an apartment inhabited by bugs, to bring one or more parasites to your home. The reasons for the appearance of bed bugs can also be the purchase of infected clothes, which, however, happens quite rarely.
  • One of the most common causes of bedbugs in an apartment is new or old furniture brought into the house. New pieces of furniture brought from the store are rarely infected - there is simply nothing for insects to eat in the store, but such cases are also possible (for example, bedbugs on furniture from the Ikea store). Much more often, the abode of bedbugs is furniture bought "from hand" and already in use. Bedbugs inhabit its internal surfaces, cracks.It is necessary to carefully check the furniture before buying, and first of all - the middle.
It is also useful to read: Bed bug breeding details

And further: Aquafumigator Raptor - a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all cracks, penetrating there in the form of poisonous vapor

Bed bugs can get into the house with furniture

Mattress infested with bugs


“If we knew that we would bring this muck with furniture, we would not even meddle in that warehouse. I never thought that there could be bed bugs in Ikea furniture. But as we understood, everything in the store was clean, and it was the chest of drawers from the warehouse that was infected. I don’t know if they treat them with something or not, but even such cool furniture can be infected. In short, inspect everything carefully before buying.

Inga, Stavropol

  • Domestic animals, birds. Bedbugs can parasitize bats, birds, hamsters and rats if they do not have a very long and dense coat of wool.Bedbugs do not drink the blood of cats or dogs because their skin is too dense for these insects. For the same reason, they do not parasitize cattle.
  • Bedbugs can appear in the apartment along with a random person. If a person who lives in an infected room is in the house, then he may well carry a bug on his clothes. It happens that after repairing an apartment, the owners discover a population of bedbugs “abandoned” by the masters. Bedbugs are very fond of a large crowd of people, so they often live in change houses, hostels. If the team hired for repairs lives in such conditions, then it is very likely that the bugs will try to move with their help.


“After the Tajiks left, I got bed bugs. And so much so that I thought the repair would have to be redone. It seems that these guys are not bothered by bedbugs at all. They probably live in their mattresses. I had to fill the apartment with Karbofos for another week before the tenants could be let in ... "

Alexandra, Moscow


Infection of an apartment with bedbugs from the point of view of a biologist

Bed bugs are also dangerous because they multiply very quickly and settle throughout the house. Even if only one female was brought into the dwelling, she can become the ancestor of a new population. How is this possible?

Bedbug females have the ability to retain fertilized cells in their bodies for up to several months. This means that she may well wait for favorable conditions for life and only then proceed to the birth of offspring. At this stage, the male is no longer needed, as he made his contribution earlier.

It is also useful to read: Detailed photos of bed bugs

And further: Since bedbugs drink blood, can they carry AIDS or hepatitis from one person to another? Let's figure it out...

One female lays 5-6 eggs every few days, producing up to 500 offspring during her life. Given that young bedbugs can breed as early as a month after hatching from eggs, their number in an apartment is growing exponentially.

bedbug eggs

While the population is small, bed bugs occupy a very small area in the apartment. They can live, for example, between the seams of a mattress or on the back wall of a sofa.

When the number of insects increases, they can be expected to spread to all secluded places. Most likely, parasites will be found on the bed frame, in the sofa, behind cabinets, in household appliances and behind canvases of paintings.

Where to find bedbugs in the apartment

If the situation becomes critical, and the population has grown incredibly, insects are looking for ways to expand their possessions. They may begin to visit neighboring apartments, as a result, new colonies will appear there.

Bed bugs reproduce incredibly fast. In just a few weeks, the number of insects can increase many times over. This is especially facilitated by a good microclimate of the apartment - a comfortable level of humidity and warmth for life.

Bed bugs lay their eggs all year round, however, under poor environmental conditions, this process is suspended, in order to then resume with the same force.


Signs of the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment

There are several characteristic signs that indicate the appearance of harmful insects in the apartment. Also, these signs help to determine that it was bugs that got wound up, and not fleas or other living creatures:

  • The characteristic smell of spoiled cognac, which has a secret secreted by adult bugs.
  • Restless sleep at night, sensation of itching and insects crawling over the body. The next morning - a large number of bites in open places in the form of paths.
  • Brown spots of blood on the bed linen. After being bitten by a bed bug, the blood does not clot immediately and can stain the sheets. In addition, the well-fed bugs themselves can be crushed by a tossing and turning person.
  • Bedbug feces in the form of dark dots in the corners of the apartment and under the beds. They may look like poppy seeds.
  • The chitinous cover of insects shed after molting. It is he who catches the eye first when examining an infected bed.

If at least some signs of the presence of bedbugs in the apartment were found, you should immediately start searching for and destroying parasites. Fighting them is far from being as easy as preventing the appearance of bedbugs in an apartment, and every day of delay will require great effort in the fight against an increasing number of bloodsuckers.


Where do bed bugs come from in the apartment and how to deal with them


How bed bugs attack homes


Last update: 2022-05-27

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "What could be the reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment?" 51 comments
  1. Sergei

    It's very disgusting when you sleep, and they crawl on you.

  2. Sergius

    Bedbugs must be fought, but there is no need to dramatize.They thin the blood of the sick (for 5-7 days) and treat them with this! And absolutely healthy ones do not bite (google it yourself).

    All health and tranquility!

    • Gennady

      Don't talk nonsense, I beg you. They are interested in blood, so they do not care if you are healthy or not.

    • Leonid

      If this is so, then long live bedbugs, substitutes for our modern amateur doctors!

  3. Hope

    We have bed bugs recently, and it seems there are not so many of them. My husband and I immediately started cleaning. We live in Los Angeles, there have never been bedbugs in Russia, there is nothing to compare with, but according to the description they are the same as in Russia. We fight with local means and folk. I really hope it helps. But the neighbors around are not clean at all ...

    • Maria

      Hello from London. Oddly enough, while living in London, I faced the same problem, alas. Appeared clearly not from dirt, as the apartment is clean. I can’t guarantee for the neighbors, but they appeared like snow on their heads.

      Having found out, they urgently got rid of the bed and mattress. Could you recommend folk remedies? Thank you in advance.

  4. Kama

    Are there bed bugs on TV?

    • Leonid

      Yes! There, the most important bug very often flashes on the screen. Bloodsucker!

  5. Olga, Togliatti

    Horror. When a husband sleeps in one of the beds, someone bites him. When the child is not. I read about bedbugs here - it doesn’t look like them. Tell me, who else can bite in bed?

    • Anonymous

      I was the only one in the house who was bitten when I went to bed, or when I slept, or when I just lay there and watched a movie. I could not catch and see who was biting, but I definitely knew that these were bedbugs, because a huge inflated ball appeared at the bite site. It burned, and my whole body itched.Sorry, but bitches didn’t believe me and said that this couldn’t be, they say, why are you the only one being bitten in the whole house. But then I was bitten again and I caught a creature that bites - it really was a bug!

      • Irina

        It was the same. We sleep on 1 sofa: me, husband and little daughter. And they only bite me, and they didn’t believe me until they caught and showed ((

      • Karina

        We sleep with my husband tonight, and he starts to itch a lot, they bite him, but not me. The apartment is clean, where they came from, I don’t know at all (

      • Anonymous

        How vital, no one believed me for a month that they were biting me. Then my sister and I accidentally caught one bug at night, but by that time I was already bitten all over terribly. They say, it seems, they attack a particular blood type most often.

      • Den

        These creatures bite everyone without exception! The thing is, not everyone has an allergic reaction like you do. From personal experience

      • Irina

        Similar story. I'm all torn, and everyone says that the nerves need to be treated ...

      • Marina

        I also sleep with my husband, they bite me, but he is not. And he doesn't believe. in general, we will buy a new bed and mattress.

    • Anonymous

      It could be rat fleas. They can live on mice or rats. In apartments, look between skirting boards and wallpaper. Most often they live in technology. Wake up at night somehow and observe. They may come from neighbors. Good luck )

    • Kostya


  6. Anonymous

    There are bed bugs in the house now! I have never seen more abomination. They have already done the cleaning twice and all to no avail (there are two small children in the apartment, I don’t sleep at night, I watch the children’s sleep).

  7. Olga

    When I found out that I had bedbugs at home, I was horrified.Couldn't figure out where. I never saw them, never had them, and then suddenly I saw brown spots on the pillows, I could not understand what it was. I did not feel bites, and did not know that there were brown spots on the bed from bedbugs. And one night I caught some kind of "animal", and then I suddenly found bites on my arms and neck, and I suspected that these were bedbugs. We talked at work, and I was already 100% sure that these were bedbugs. On the same day, she called for a “sanitary cleaning”. Two days have passed since then, I don’t know if they are dead or alive, but I can’t lie down in bed, even sit down. I sleep in the kitchen, hoping they're not there. Just some kind of nightmare, just horror, at least change all the furniture.

  8. Kostya

    Dead. They would have got you in the kitchen.

  9. Denis

    Will the bed bugs come out after treatment?

  10. Egor Chichkov

    I have bedbugs, they bite me, but I don't feel it because I'm sleeping. Some morons brought them, I live in a hostel in Kemerovo. Take care of the house, please.

  11. Alexei

    How to be? Change everything, the chemistry of these creatures does not take.

  12. Assel

    My mom has bed bugs at home. She bought some strong remedy and treated the apartment, but many remained alive and continue to disturb. The most interesting thing is that they only bit my brother, and only crawled over my mother. I tell her that perhaps she can bring them to us. But she is very offended and pretends that everything is normal. I sit and worry, I have two children.

  13. Anonymous

    Cucaracha is a good tool for baiting bedbugs, sold in hardware stores.

  14. Vitaly

    Last night I began to suspect that there were bed bugs in my bedroom. So it is - I killed 5 or 6 pieces tonight. He turned on the light and began to search and press. Ugh. Nasty creatures.

  15. Husan

    I have bed bugs in my house, please help!

    • Leonid

      Saving the bitten is the work of the bitten themselves!

  16. Zarema

    Hello. I live in France. I also encountered bedbugs.

    • Lenya

      Give advice if you got rid of. And then I also appeared.

  17. Aknur

    I, too, fell victim to a sleepless night because of these creatures ... Before going to bed, as always, I washed the floor with bleach and went to drink tea. I came back to sleep, out of habit I started to climb on the phone, and then I look - something is moving along the wall. And there are several of them ... I began to kill them, and from them the blood is direct, our blood, obviously. All night I could not sleep, I sat and watched the sleep of my one-year-old daughter ...

  18. Emma

    I removed it with a washing vacuum cleaner and an iron, washed the bed in boiling water, ironed the blankets and pillows. Now they are gone.

    • Vasya

      Please tell me they don't exist.

  19. Anonymous

    Call special services, we were treated 2 times and that's it, the end of the bugs.

  20. Natalia

    This is terrible, they treated the apartment twice, we are waiting for the effect ...

  21. vita

    We called the sanitation twice, and karbofos, and poisoned the executioner. Is there a reliable means to once and for all? We live in Lipetsk. Please tell me! Two little kids! We don't know how else to get rid of them.

  22. razmela

    I bought a new sofa from a private trader, after a while bedbugs appeared. What to do? Very scary.

  23. Lona

    I live in Germany, the day before yesterday I saw a neighbor through the wall, all combed in blood. They thought it was an allergy, but yesterday the doctor said that she had bed bugs. There are 3 small children at home, you can’t clear up with chemistry. I ask God to carry us through. She gave her neighbor a steam engine, it looks like a vacuum cleaner to clean everything with steam (mattresses, carpets, sofas). At least go to her.Tomorrow to the store for chemicals for the flight of stairs between our doors.

    • Olga

      Answer, Lona, please, did the steam engine help? After all, steam is unlikely to penetrate to a great depth of a mattress or other thing. And another question: is there anyone who managed to get rid of them? If yes, please share your experience!

  24. Anonymous

    I also found bedbugs - I'm horrified, right in the child's bed. In the middle of the night, she turned on the light and began to straighten the child's bed, and the bug, the bastard, was there, right under the covers. It is necessary, probably, to call for processing, but I'm afraid ... Tell me what they will do, do you need to take everything out of the apartment? And then how - to overwash everything? We rent a room in a kopeck piece, there are a lot of things, but the room is small, everything is so tightly packed, where should we put things?! Tell me, please, how will all this happen? And what to do after?

    • Larisa

      It is not necessary to endure ANYTHING, after processing, wash things in boiling water.

  25. Olga

    Answer: is there anyone who managed to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment? If yes, then how? Share your experience please!

    • Natalia

      We had a whole horde in the apartment - they called for sanitation and that's it! And now I live in a house and again they crawled from somewhere ... I just can’t figure out how to get out of the house!

  26. Katia

    We need to find their habitat, the only way to exterminate them. Our bedside table turned out to be this place. Small creatures hung like cobwebs under the pedestal.

  27. Nadya

    For the third night, the whole body itches, and it was very strange that only at night ... And today, by chance, from the light of the phone, I found some kind of insect, googled it, looked at the photo - it turned out to be a bug. How to get rid of them, tell me, just to be sure?

  28. Alexander

    Please tell me how to get rid of bed bugs?

  29. Nata

    Why is everyone so upset? There is no need to call any service, they are hacking and tearing up money. And there is no need to poison yourself with chemistry. There is also a method of freezing known to the people for a long time. Should we, with our winter, be afraid of bedbugs?

    You open the windows when there is a small minus in the yard (when a big one, of course, is even more effective, but pipes can freeze and burst). Themselves for a day with friends and relatives. Everything. Come back, there are no bedbugs. We brought them out like this in a rented apartment. And to consolidate the effect of the place from where they can crawl again (ventilation, sockets, etc.), smear with special chalk.

    • Alexander

      What is the name of the chalk?

      • Kira


  30. Anonymous

    I have bedbugs at home, we are trying to get it out. I went to visit a friend and got them bedbugs. They spent 10 thousand rubles to withdraw them. So ashamed…


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