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Bed bugs and how to get rid of them

Site - help in the fight against insects

Useful resources about bed bugs

Prevention of the appearance of bed bugs in the apartment

It is important to understand that even if you have successfully destroyed the entire population of bed bugs in your apartment, this does not mean at all that the parasites will not enter the apartment again - for example, from neighbors.In general, the prevention of the appearance of bed bugs in the room should be given priority in cases where the fight against bloodsuckers has ended only recently, and also when you know that, for example, your relatives or friends have bed bugs (parasites and their eggs very successfully “migrate”). » on clothes - sometimes it is enough to visit the infected premises only once). We will talk further about how to prevent infection of an apartment with bedbugs and what methods of prevention are the most effective ...

How to kill bedbugs in an apartment: an overview of reliable tools and useful tips

Perhaps you have already tried to kill bedbugs on your own and managed to make sure that not all remedies are effective against these parasites. It also happens that, it would seem, in the first few days after treating the apartment, the bugs stop biting, but literally a week later everything repeats again - fresh bites on the body in the morning, and traces of the night feast of bloodsuckers on the bed. So how do you still need to properly kill bedbugs and, most importantly, what exactly makes sense to process an apartment in order to get rid of parasites forever? Let's figure it out...

What do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without human blood

At first glance, it may seem that bed bugs are quite vulnerable insects, because being strongly attached to a person as a source of food, they, in theory, should have died if there were no people in the room for a long time. But in practice, it turns out that the absence of people in the house, even for 6 months, often does not lead to the death of the entire population of bedbugs. So what do bedbugs eat and how long can they live without blood - let's figure it out ...

Fighting cockroaches

Powders for the destruction of cockroaches: an overview of effective means

Often, experienced cockroach fighters purposefully look for insecticides in the form of powders, while ignoring aerosol preparations, gels and sticky traps. And this has its own logic: firstly, people of the old school remember the poisonous Soviet dust, from which not only cockroaches, but even mold on the ceilings died out. Secondly, many cockroach powders can be purchased relatively inexpensively, and the effect, when used correctly, is really high. And, finally, most of the powdered preparations used for baiting cockroaches are practically odorless and do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere of the room (which cannot be said, for example, about many terribly smelling aerosol products). Let's see how, in general, insecticidal powders are good in the fight against cockroaches in practice and see which of these drugs are the most effective ...

Insecticidal smoke bombs for the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment

Among the numerous remedies for cockroaches, insecticidal smoke bombs are perhaps the least known to the consumer today. And this is quite understandable, because most people are used to poisoning annoying insects with aerosols, crayons with gels, or, in the end, just waging a long war with cockroaches with the help of a slipper and a vacuum cleaner.However, it should be borne in mind that with the right approach, the use of special smoke bombs allows you to completely destroy cockroaches in the room in just a day, and the effectiveness of such bombs is not inferior to professional pest control ...

Using boric acid against cockroaches

Boric acid was used in the fight against cockroaches even when the population did not even hear about the now familiar aerosols. And although today it is considered a somewhat outdated remedy, this does not prevent it from being the most used Prussian remedy in the whole country, which continues to successfully clean apartments from these annoying insects.

Other headings

see also

Dezus: bedbug, cockroach, flea, ant (odorless)

Dezus is a preparation designed specifically for the destruction of insects resistant to traditional insecticides. It is this thought that appears immediately upon acquaintance with its composition. At the same time, it becomes clear why the manufacturer positions Dezus as a broad-spectrum insecticidal agent: they can poison cockroaches, completely destroy bedbugs, exterminate ants, and remove any other insects from […]

Gel-paste Dezus from ants

According to the principle of action, the Desus gel from ants is similar to other gels from crawling insect pests. It contains a bait that attracts ants by smell and taste, and makes them eat the product and forage it into the nest to feed the queen, larvae, and those individuals that constantly live only in the nest ...

Gel-paste Dezus from cockroaches

Dezus is a cockroach gel-paste that has recently appeared on the market and is already considered one of the most promising household “cockroachicides”. It implements almost all the advantages of preparations of this form, and there are no shortcomings identified in the precursor gels ...

Welcome to a site that is entirely dedicated to methods of dealing with insects, and above all with bed bugs! The materials presented here help people find comprehensive information on ridding their homes of bedbugs and approach the issue, as they say, fully armed.

But why is this topic still relevant? Indeed, it is already the 21st century in the yard, and home bugs still disturb people to this day. Although, it would seem, an increase in the standard of living and hygiene in general should have long ago led to the complete destruction of these insects, at least in cities.

But statistics show that this is not the case: hundreds and thousands of apartments in large cities are still infested with bed bugs, and people are actively trying to get rid of them. Moreover, no one is immune from the appearance of these parasites in the apartment: they can get into the house along with brought furniture (including new ones from the store), on the folds of clothes when returning from work or after visiting any warehouse, and they can even simply run from neighbors.

We actively cooperate with the best pest control services, so we provide in the articles a lot of the most useful nuances regarding the destruction of insects (including cockroaches, fleas, domestic ants, etc.). Reviews of proven insecticides, interviews with exterminators, our videos of experimental testing of insect repellents - see this and much more in the relevant sections of the site.

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