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Bites of different types of insects and their photos

Last update: 2022-06-20
≡ Article 51 has a comment
  • Daria: Someone bit, it hurt during the bite, then it didn't. Who uk...
  • Natalia: I have the same story. Temperature three days and don't know what...
  • Anonymous: Go take a shower....
See bottom of page for details

The bites of different types of insects differ significantly from each other in appearance, and the photographs below clearly demonstrate this ...

Generally speaking, insect bites in their manifestations have much in common with various skin diseases, injuries and allergic reactions: some of them can be easily confused, for example, with nettle or hogweed burns, while others can be mistaken for characteristic symptoms of allergic dermatitis.

The photo below shows the bites of typical blood-sucking insects. Mosquitoes:

This is what a fresh mosquito bite looks like

Fresh marks on the skin after the "feast" of bed bugs:

This photo shows bed bug bite marks on a child.

And in this photo - the consequences of a nettle burn:

And this is what traces of a nettle burn look like

Nevertheless, insect bites can still be distinguished from skin lesions of a different nature - albeit quite similar. There are some signs and symptoms that point specifically to the consequences of an insect attack:

  1. Characteristic location. For example, burns from various plants are rarely found on the neck, face or shoulders, but such localization for the bites of flies, midges, mosquitoes or bedbugs is absolutely natural.
  2. The presence of damage to the skin in the form of a point, sometimes with local hemorrhage. In the center of the bites of a wide variety of insects, you can often see a clear skin puncture site.In addition, from the poison or enzymes of insects (not only blood-sucking ones), subcutaneous hemorrhage can develop and a small hematoma can form.
  3. The number of injuries and their size. A single swelling on the body clearly does not indicate an allergy, and vice versa - a multiple small rash often speaks of an allergic reaction.

Unfortunately, in practice it is far from always easy to distinguish an allergic reaction or skin diseases from the bites of certain insects. Moreover, some dermatitis themselves may be the result of regular or numerous bites, so in cases of serious doubt and concern, it is still better to consult a doctor.

Insect bites can be either practically harmless and passing in just a few hours, or extremely dangerous, which can lead to extensive hemorrhages, swelling, and even anaphylactic shock with a possible fatal outcome. Again, there is no single framework here: for example, mosquito bites that are harmless enough for adults can turn into a severe allergic reaction for children, high fever and, in general, a serious condition.

The photo below shows bedbug bites on the body of an adult:

With a large number of bedbugs in the house, their bites on the body can be very numerous ...

Multiple flea bites:

Flea bites on legs

And in this photo - a wasp sting:

When a wasp attacks, a slight swelling immediately develops in the affected area, and subcutaneous hemorrhage is often observed.

Various types of insect bites can be divided into several groups according to external signs and the severity of the consequences and complications caused.

The first group includes light, subtle, practically non-disturbing bites. They are left, for example, by single small midges or red forest ants. A person may not notice the consequences of such attacks at all - only slight redness or just dots remain on his skin after them.

In the photo - an ant is trying to bite a person:

With the exception of some stinging ants, the bites of these insects usually leave only subtle marks on the skin.

The second group also combines relatively light, but already more pronounced and, as a rule, numerous insect bites: for example, mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas and lice. The attack of one such offender is often unobtrusive and does not attract much attention, but these insects “take” precisely the mass character - and this already threatens with severe itching, allergies, and sometimes fever (for example, in children). The victim usually gives a very colorful description of his sensations, precisely because of the large area of ​​the bitten body surface.


That summer we went to the pond to relax, so it was some kind of nightmare, by the evening all the bitten ones went. Mosquito - not measured! Sashenka's face was all swollen, her temperature rose, and she began to feel sick. Then for another week he was all covered in spots ...

Oksana, Yekaterinburg

In the photo - a mosquito at the time of the bite:

On a note:

It is interesting to note that when bed bugs start up in the house (and this is not uncommon in our 21st century), many people do not believe in the presence of insects in the house to the last, writing off redness in themselves, and especially in children, for an allergic reaction. At the same time, they sin for anything - for washing powder, irritation from clothes, allergies from fruits, from coffee, etc. Until one day they find a bug in their bed or the bed of a child ...

The third group consists of bites that cause a pronounced local reaction in the form of severe pain, swelling and redness, with the possible development of serious edema and allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock. This includes the bites of wasps, hornets, bees, some tropical ants, certain types of riders, large horseflies, etc.

Such bites (especially in children) require the closest attention, since in some cases they can threaten human life.Even a single hornet bite is often fatal.

In the photo - the consequences of a hornet bite:

Something like this may look like a hornet bite mark a few days later, when the swelling has already subsided.

Horsefly at the time of the bite:

Horseflies bite rather painfully, leaving large red spots on the skin.

In addition to the insects mentioned above, there are also other arthropods, the bites of which, within the framework of the above classification, should be attributed to separate groups. For example, ticks can be distinguished, which are carriers of serious human diseases, as well as poisonous spiders, centipedes, scorpions, which also pose a serious danger.

It should be borne in mind that even if an insect bite in itself does not cause catastrophic consequences, in some cases pathogens of deadly infections can be introduced into the blood with it.

At the same time, there is an interesting relationship: the most painful and pronounced bites almost never lead to infection with anything, and vice versa - those types of bites that attract attention the least are sometimes especially dangerous. An example here is ticks, the bites of which are dangerous for the transfer of encephalitis and Lyme borreliosis, malarial mosquitoes, as well as fleas that can spread a variety of diseases, of which the most famous are plague, encephalitis and anthrax.

Ticks do not bite at all, but they are very dangerous because of their ability to be carriers of pathogens of serious human diseases.

On a note

From an epidemiological point of view, the most dangerous biting insects are parasites. The causative agents of brucellosis, plague, encephalitis, etc. have learned in the course of their evolution to spread precisely through parasites between their victims.

But stinging insects - wasps, bees, hornets - bite only in exceptional cases, defending themselves or protecting their nest. Therefore, bacteria and viruses (even if they infected such an insect) would not have a great chance of being transmitted to a person or animal.


Insect bites

And now let's take a closer look at illustrative examples of how they look and what features the bites of certain types of insects have. Let's start with those who most often attack people - parasitic insects.

For example, below are a few photos showing what domestic insects look like at the time of the bite:

The photo shows a bed bug sucking blood.

And this is how a flea drunk with blood at the moment of a bite looks like.

Photo of head louse drenched in blood

In the vast majority of cases, the bites of parasitic insects are felt rather weakly (with the exception, perhaps, of fleas), and attract attention only when the attack was massive. A vivid example of this is the bites of bed bugs shown in the picture below, unfortunately, there are enough ordinary insects in apartments and houses to this day:

And further: What kind of insects do not live at home - a detailed description and photos. A terrible thing ... (the article has more than 40 comments)

Bed bug bites, especially with a large number of them, are simply impossible not to notice.

This is what a characteristic path of bed bug bites looks like on the body of their victim.

A characteristic feature of bed bug bites is their alignment in long chains (tracks). So, it is for bedbugs that bites at three points located in one short line are characteristic (this helps to determine which insect bit at night: a mosquito or a bug).

If the traces of insect bites are lined up in chains, then there is every reason to suspect that they were left by bed bugs.

Flea bites also have a specific appearance (see example in the photo):

This is what flea bites look like

A favorite place for fleas to attack is the legs and arms of a person, especially if they are not completely covered with clothes.

Flea bite marks usually have clearly visible single red spots in the center. This is explained by the fact that when a flea bites, it has to immerse almost its entire head into the skin:

At the time of the bite, the flea literally bites into the skin, almost completely immersing its head in it.

As a rule, the marks from the attack of these insects are noticeably smaller than after the bites of bedbugs. "Paths" of red dots on the body may also be present, but very short, usually no more than 2-3 points.

Another example of biting insects, which can only very conditionally be called domestic, is lice. Head and pubic lice never leave "paths" of bites and attack only the hairy areas of the body (sometimes even eyelashes and eyebrows), because for life and reproduction they need to attach their nits to the victim's hair:

This photo clearly shows the pubic louse and nits on the eyelashes of a person.

The same close-up photo

Another example of lice infested eyelashes.

However, speaking of these well-known insects, one should not forget about the rarer, but still found in the civilized world, clothes (linen) lice. In the course of evolution, they adapted to bite a person for any part of the body and not depend on his hairline.

Linen lice are able to bite any part of the body, and are not attached to human hair.

A characteristic difference between lice bites is bluish spots on constantly attacked places and scabs from scratching. In the photo - traces of the bites of these insects:

With a large number of lice, scabs may appear on the scalp.

As mentioned above, single bites of domestic insects in general are not very disturbing, however, for example, regular attacks of bed bugs can even cause nervous breakdowns, insomnia or anemia in children.

But most of the parasitic insects are still found in the wild. In the tropics, mosquito bites can cause malaria. In the taiga and tundra, the bites of local blood-sucking insects - midges - are a real disaster, especially for unprepared "beginners". Compared to ordinary "urban" mosquitoes, the attacks of these insects lead to much more serious consequences: blisters on the skin, long debilitating itching.

Insect bites, for example, in the taiga (gnats) can lead to very serious consequences if appropriate protective measures are not taken initially.

Perhaps the leading position among all the parasitic insects that inhabit our country is occupied by horseflies - large flies that live everywhere near water bodies and have very painful bites.Attacking, horsefly actually cuts off a piece of the victim's skin, and then injects a special enzyme into the open wound that prevents blood clotting.

In the photographs you can see the bites of these insects:

Horsefly bite mark

And this is how horsefly itself looks in the process of saturation.


What stings of bees, wasps, hornets, poisonous ants and other stinging insects look like

Unlike most parasites, the bites of stinging insects are very painful. And this is not surprising, because the purpose of their attack is precisely to scare the enemy with severe pain.

The venom of wasps, bees, some stinging ants and their relatives contains a large amount of allergens, which can lead to the development of extensive edema, urticaria, fever and general intoxication of the body. In some cases, such bites lead to the death of the victim, especially if the insects attack in a swarm.

Photo of a hornet sting:

hornet sting

And here is a photo of a honey bee at the moment of a bite - its sting gets stuck in the skin of a person along with part of the insides of an insect:

Unlike hornets and wasps, when bitten, a bee leaves its sting in the skin of the victim (along with part of the internal organs).

Photo of a bullet ant - its bites are so strong that they are considered one of the most painful among insects in general in terms of pain:

Bullet ant stings are considered one of the most painful among insects.

On a note

The bites of giant Asian hornets in some countries lead to more deaths than the attacks of any wild animals (an example is Japan, where about 40 people die from hornet attacks per year).

If, when stinging, you did not have time to notice and recognize which insect bit you, then first aid should be provided according to a universal scheme in such cases with an emphasis on preventing the development of a severe allergic reaction:

  • visually assess the presence of a sting in the wound, and if it is, then remove it;
  • suck the poison out of the wound (without spending more than 1 minute on it);
  • disinfect the affected area with hydrogen peroxide, iodine or brilliant green;
  • apply a cold compress to the bite site;
  • take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine - but only in the absence of contraindications, a list of which can be found in the instructions for the corresponding drug).

A cold compress can reduce the severity of swelling of the affected tissues and reduce the rate of absorption of insect venom into the blood.


“This summer, I could not stand it and called in specialists to deal with the hornet's nest. For two years, these wasps settled in behind the barn. At first they tried to get rid of it themselves, they smoked it, but after they bit their granddaughter, they did not save. The child was all swollen, I even had to call an ambulance, everyone was scared. Two bites in the face, one on the collarbone, they were afraid that the edema would pass to the lungs, the temperature rose greatly. It’s good that everything worked out, but we still got rid of the wasps, at the same time we got the ants in check.”

Anna Valerievna, St. Petersburg


Bites of spiders, ticks, centipedes and other "non-insects"

In everyday life, ticks, spiders and centipedes are often called insects, although these creatures are not at all (insects have only 3 pairs of legs).

Often, the tick is detected by the victim too late - when the parasite has already stuck into the skin (when attacked, they release special painkillers). The stain from a tick bite is usually quite large, but in some cases it may not differ much in color from the surrounding tissue. Its characteristic feature is the annular shape: the red center of the spot is often surrounded first by pale, and then by brighter "rims".

In the photo below, these "rings" are just clearly visible:

As a rule, the place of a tick bite is surrounded by peculiar red rims.

It is also possible to determine whether a bite belongs to a tick by a dense and non-painful blister that remains after the parasite unhooks. In the center of this bubble there is always a trace from the hole through which the blood sucked.

In the event of a tick bite, you should immediately contact an infectious disease specialist and pass the necessary tests to rule out encephalitis and borreliosis (it is advisable to bring the tick that bit you with you). If this is not possible, then you need to carefully monitor your condition and “listen” to the body: the slightest ailment may indicate a developing disease.

Often, a tick may not cause significant harm to health, but the bites of poisonous centipedes almost always turn out to be very dangerous. So, the attack of the Crimean skolopendra, or drupe, ends, as a rule, with extensive edema, an increase in body temperature up to 39 ° C, hemorrhages and painful inflammation. The pain from her bite persists for several days.

Unfortunately, even this serious condition is not the worst thing that can happen after a centipede attack: tropical species of these arthropods can be deadly to humans.

It is also useful to read: Tumors and swelling with insect bites

And further: Ultrasonic insect repellers - that's still a dummy (the article has more than 10 comments)

In the photo - Crimean scolopendra:

Crimean centipede

The bite of the "insect" in this case consists of two points - this is how the victims usually describe the result of the attack of the centipede. Outwardly, it really looks like two characteristic points, because the arthropod pierces the skin with two jaws.

Another "not insects" that leave significant traces on the human body are leeches. Their attacks are notable for the fact that the resulting wound bleeds for a very long time, and from this a person loses much more blood than from being sucked out by the leech itself.

In the photo - leech bites:

This is what leech bite marks look like on the body.

The bites of some spiders can also be quite painful.Among them there are many species whose bite is deadly to humans - for example, karakurt, or, in other words, the steppe widow:

The bites of the poisonous spider karakurt are deadly to humans ...

The most pronounced are the consequences of the bites of karakurt in May-June, when the mating season is running in spiders, and it is in large females. However, it is believed that the bites of these spiders only pose a deadly threat to children and the elderly.

On a note

Ticks also belong to the class of arachnids, although their parasitic lifestyle is very different from that of spider predators.

Males of all species of karakurt are much smaller than females, and rarely bite a person.

The tarantula is also a well-known poisonous spider, although in most cases it does not pose a serious danger to humans. However, its sting is very painful, and both in sensation and in consequences resembles a bee sting.

Below is a photo of a tarantula bite:

Tarantula spider bite mark

It is interesting

The “lucky ones” who have experienced the bites of various spiders say that the more dangerous the spider, the less painful its bite. For example, when walking through hard and prickly grass, a person may not even notice the bite of a karakurt, while the bite of a tarantula immediately causes severe pain. But after half an hour the situation changes: the bite of a tarantula can stop hurting, and from the bite of a steppe widow a person can lose consciousness.

Scorpions living in our country are also dangerous to humans. Their bite is very painful and can lead to anaphylaxis and death.

In the photo - a yellow scorpion, which can be found in Dagestan or the southern Volga region:

Photograph of a yellow scorpion


Specificity of insect bites in children

Often children react to insect bites more acutely than adults, because their body is not yet “ripe”, and their immunity is not strong enough.On their skin, bite symptoms may appear more clearly, and blisters and swelling last longer.

In the photo - bite marks on a child left by bedbugs living in an apartment:

Child's hand bitten by bedbugs

On the other hand, children are less likely to have severe allergic reactions to insect bites due to the lack of previous sensitization - a certain “experience” accumulated by the body that is necessary for a violent immune response.

Speaking about the specifics of insect bites in children, one cannot but mention the rules for treating babies: it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of the child's body and use only those medicines that are approved for use in children. Unfortunately, many adults forget about this and give babies drugs that exacerbate and complicate the already severe consequences of meeting insects.

It is a known fact that with a very large number of blood-sucking insects - mosquitoes, bedbugs or lice - their bites can lead to anemia in children due to regular blood loss and the ingress of an anticoagulant enzyme into it. Therefore, if insect bites appear regularly in a child, you need to start fighting parasites in the apartment as soon as possible.

With a large number of lice in a child, there is a risk of developing anemia due to regular blood loss.


If insects have bitten a pet

Insect bites on dogs, cats, and other pets are often less noticeable than on humans due to their thick coat or feathers. Animals may not even show their “feelings” much, and suffer in silence, but this does not mean that insect attacks on them can be completely ignored.

In dogs, tick bites most often attract attention, which leave large hard bumps in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears and the back of the head. Dogs cannot become infected with encephalitis, but ticks are dangerous for them by transmitting other serious diseases.So, for example, ticks carry piroplasmosis, from which the animal can die even during the first day.

Somewhat less often, animals are attacked by stinging insects. The consequences of these bites in them are generally similar to those in humans. The photo shows how the cat's paw swelled from a wasp sting:

A wasp sting in cats and dogs leads to swelling of the affected area - just like in humans.

Cats and dogs that walk regularly on the street are often disturbed by fleas and withers. It is not always easy to notice the bites of these insects on an animal, therefore, the owners usually learn about parasites by the changed behavior of their pets: constant combing of wool, anxiety, restlessness.

Vlasoyed photo:


Domestic birds - especially chickens - are often bitten by bed bugs that settle in outbuildings. With mass reproduction, insects can lead to loss of egg production in birds, slowing down the growth of chickens and their death.

And the following photographs show examples when birds are overcome by the so-called chicken fleas:

Mass bites of chicken blocks can lead to the death of birds.

The bird in the photo shows the accumulation of a large number of chicken fleas around the eye.

A similar situation can be observed in other domestic animals and birds - rabbits, ducks, pigeons. The latter, by the way, are often disturbed by bird bloodsuckers, which carry some deadly diseases for these birds.

And finally, we will touch on one important topic that worries many tourists - insect bites in Thailand, India, Vietnam and the Caribbean. These resorts are very popular among Russians, but many are frightened by stories about the "monstrous" insects that live in those places.

Indeed, on the beaches of these countries, a sand flea can easily bite the leg, which then remains under the skin as an internal parasite and can lead to suppuration, the development of an ulcer and even gangrene.

Photo of a sand flea under the skin and after extraction:

It looks like a female sand flea extracted from under the skin, swollen from the eggs ripening in it.

Although the sand flea has a relatively small size, however, it can cause a lot of trouble.

Tropical hornets - also quite common local "residents" - are considered one of the most dangerous insects in the world, and South American ants have the most painful bite among insects in general.

However, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to relax in the tropics, and that it is not worth going there. You just need to know which insects bite a person in a particular country and a particular place, as well as have a specially prepared first aid kit with you and be careful in dealing with unknown nature.

And one more thing: do not be shy to go to the hospital with insect bites - in any country, this very step often saves many lives.


How to protect yourself from insect bites in the summer and what to do if you are still bitten


5 rules for choosing an insect extermination service


Last update: 2022-06-20

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Bites of different types of insects and their photographs" 51 comments
  1. Tatiana

    Thanks a lot! It was very interesting to learn about the types of bloodsuckers on the site. Very informative and colorful.

  2. Maria

    Something bit me, during the bite I felt a sharp thermal pain, like after boiling water. I could add a photo.

  3. Erika

    Something bit me in the house on the couch. I didn’t feel it, after I scratched my hand - redness and a bump appeared, as if after a mosquito bite. But then it itches so much, right up to the sores. Wherever I scratch it, it immediately turns red. Today they found some kind of insect on the sofa, I see it for the first time. What should I do, how to fight?

    • Anonymous

      Describe it

    • Lin

      I have the same. Seal, appears in the form of bumps. I suspect it's a spider.

      • Anonymous

        My daughter had bites on her legs, they hurt. How did you process? What could it be?

  4. Dana

    Hello! Help me figure it out, something bit me in bed. I felt an itch on my left shoulder blade, looked, and there you can see red spots from combing, and the most characteristic is 2 bumps at a distance of 3 mm. Their 3 bites. What bit me? Thanks in advance!

    • Anonymous

      Bug. Treat the apartment with dichlorvos 1 time and ventilate. The procedure will take 1 hour.

  5. Catherine

    Hello. I was driving home from work, and I noticed a small spot on my leg (near the bone above the foot), which looked like it was either from a bite or rubbed, did not give it any attention. As a result, at home, after 2 hours, the place ached so much that it was impossible to step on the foot, the skin around the bite turned red and swollen a little (within a radius of about 2 cm). I slept for 4 hours and, upon getting up, the pain practically disappeared ... But the bite mark and the pain, like with a bruise, still didn’t go anywhere, more than a day had already passed.

    I'd love to know what it was...

  6. Luba

    June 24, 2016.Hello, a similar incident happened to me yesterday: I was driving home from work, and I felt that my ankle was aching. After 2 hours, the pain intensified, the leg was swollen. Yes, there were 2 spots on the leg. Even just touching her leg hurt. I took a pill of ketorol, slept at night, in the morning the swelling subsided a little, and tonight my leg was swollen again, a little hot (yesterday it was very hot). Pain only when I touch my leg. I would also like to know what it is.

    • Rita

      I have exactly what you wrote. And how many days have passed?

  7. Anonymous

    Hello! I have a very swollen wound from some kind of insect. It swelled up a lot. When I try to stretch my leg, it hurts terribly. Or when I try to go, even to the toilet - the worst begins! You have to jump on your left foot (bite on your right). When I press lightly on the spot, it hurts. If I touch, everything is fine. The bite is 9.5 cm horizontally and 10.2 cm vertically. Parents already wanted to call an ambulance, but decided to wait 1 day. The dot is approximately 1-2 mm. She smeared with brilliant green, applied a cold compress - at first it doesn’t itch, but there is pain. What to do? I can't get out of bed.

    • Anonymous

      Judging by the size, it looks like a lime. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor.

  8. Anonymous

    They tore off the tiles in the bathroom, after that we itch. What to do?

    • Anonymous

      Go take a shower.

  9. Anonymous

    Hello! 2 days ago someone bit me (on the street). I didn’t even notice, only after a while I saw a small drip of blood at the site of the bite. By evening, it started to itch a lot, a slight swelling. And for some reason, itching not only at the site of the bite, but also from it by 5 cm ...

    • Anonymous

      The bite is similar to your description, it itches at times, what to do, can you tell me?

  10. owl

    After gatherings in nature, I found wounds on the neck, less than a centime in diameter, a slightly reddened spot in the center of the wound. Didn't bother at all. Friends said that this is a carnivorous midge that injects an anesthetic and feasts on the flesh. Wow, I can't find anything on the net... After some time, we rested again by the same river. The same wound appeared on the leg. This time not only for me, but also for another person!

    • Vitaly

      The same story, only the dog has large wounds and blood comes from 2-3. I do not know what to do! I went to the vet and she said it was allergies.

  11. Nika

    Hello. Today I woke up at 5:40 minutes, suddenly I heard a cat crawling out through the window. We live on the 1st floor, and she has a dead dove in her mouth. Well, and after the dove, the ants are both black and orange. Of course, I got scared and started to crush them with a box of matches. Well, in general, I then began to pull a dove out of the cat's mouth, threw it out the window. And when I took the cat in my arms, I felt a sharp pain in my finger (damn). Here, she anointed me with white ointment, especially since I myself did not understand what had happened. In general, I killed the ants, punished the cat, now everything is fine. But I'm afraid to sleep! Tell me what to do? And what harm do orange ants do?

  12. Farkhod

    Good day. I live in Central Asia. Recently, not far from where I live, there was such a case. Two children who are neighbors were bitten by some big black fly. After the bite of which the bite area began to swell rapidly. One child has been in the hospital for several weeks, and the other, who was 2.5 years old, has died. I have children and I am very worried about them. Tell me, please, what kind of fly is this and how to provide quick help if, God forbid, such a fly has bitten?

    • Paul

      It's probably a carpenter bumblebee. They are just black and the bite can be fatal even for an adult (for example, in the neck). And even more so for a child.

  13. Alina

    Yesterday I played hide-and-seek with my sisters, I decided to hide in my grandfather's shed, where there was firewood. Well, I sat down on the firewood, sat for just a minute and ran to another place. Then, after about 5 minutes, this place began to itch, I did not pay attention, I thought that a mosquito had bitten. The scabies went away, and I gave up on it. At night, when I was about to swim, I found that there was a spot on my thigh that looked like a manta, or a mosquito bite, but it didn’t itch, only when I touched such a hard one. Anointed with alcohol, green. The next morning it is just as elastic, only blood is oozing from two holes, I am horrified, I don’t know what to think. I read on the internet that this gadfly laid larvae, but how? I was in shorts and there was a bite on my ass. And at the same time, when someone bit me, I did not feel anything. Tell me what it is!

  14. Kseniya

    Hello! On the child's hand, bites were found, 4 pieces, in different places. Then a couple of pieces on the leg. Tonight there were 4 bites on the baby's head in different places, and I have one bite on my arm. Could it be mosquitoes? As the first bites appeared, I discovered and killed 2 mosquitoes, but after that I didn’t see them, but there are bites. They are smooth, it doesn't itch much, at times only. What could it be?

  15. Victoria

    I was bitten by something, after that, red dots appeared on my leg ... I thought it was some kind of allergy, I took allergy pills. The next day I look, but these dots are still standing. I thought, well, it happens, it will pass. By evening I had chills, tonsillitis, fever.But I didn’t drink anything cold: how can a sore throat appear on its own? The leg began to itch, I look - and the bite site became purple. And I guessed it was all because of the bite.

    Tell me, what insect has bitten me and how can I get rid of it? Please, help!

    • Natalia

      I have the same story. Temperature three days and do not know what to do.

  16. Safiye

    Hello, someone bit me too. And this bite is like a circle and it itches terribly.

  17. Valeria

    I have a small bump on my collarbone. It was 4 days ago, but then everything ached when I touched this bump. And then there was another one, and in the same place. Then, 4 days ago, I was in the forest where the water pump was, but I was dressed so that no one would bite. The whole body was covered. Now there is a suspicion that this is a tick, and I have encephalitis ...

  18. Sasha

    Who to contact? Someone bit, pinches, redness is strong, as if burned in the sun!

  19. Anastasia

    Lord, people, what century are you living in? “Someone bit me, I anointed me with some white ointment, the child died of something in the hospital.” There are doctors, go to the doctors, ask them questions, describe your symptoms to them, show them your bites, take tests. Why do you think that the Internet will help you without having enough information, why don't you think that in this way you can only harm yourself? Why is it that none of the crying and frightened people actually take care of themselves and their health?

  20. Katerina

    While I was at work, I started scratching my leg. At first I thought about mosquitoes, but there were six bites at once in different places (and the end of September already). Yesterday I saw even more bites. You may not notice them at all until you scratch them (then they already look like kamarin).This has never happened before. Please help me understand who bit me and continues to bite and how to deal with them?!

  21. Kira

    Why are flycatchers dangerous?

  22. Natasha

    I was bitten while I was sleeping. I woke up - all itchy, redness with water bumps.

    • Ina

      It's chickenpox, not bites!

  23. Sezim

    Hello, someone bit me at night. In the morning, these bites were very itchy, small bumps appeared. I look, and there are 5-6 bites on my arm, they are very red and somewhere around 4-5 mm. Tell me, what could it be?

  24. Nata

    About 3 days ago I woke up with some insect bites. There were bites on the shoulder blades, neck, soft parts of the thigh. They itched terribly, there were red spots the size of 50 kopecks, and inside there were several tubercles, from which pus oozed. Itched to madness, treated with alcohol, brilliant green. In general, even the doctor's advice was empty. I tried to dissolve the Miramistin tablet in scanty volumes to a slurry and applied it in a thick layer. It helped me - it stopped itching after 15 minutes, the redness disappeared. Maybe someone will help.

  25. Vlad

    I was running on the grass and someone bit me.

  26. Victoria

    Hello, something bit me on the couch. 6 red bites appeared on the right shoulder blade. Itchy. Tell me who bit me?

  27. Kristina

    My mom had a strange bite four days ago. There is a hole at the bottom, and two black dots on the sides on top. They processed it, I began to squeeze it out, something black came out. Every day we treat with chlorhexidine and alcohol, we glue it on top with adhesive tape. When pressed, pus comes out. What it is???

  28. Ulyana

    Started itching a couple of days ago.When I am at work or on the street, everything is in perfect order ... And when I come home, I suddenly start to itch, but at the same time there are no bites and I did not find anyone in the apartment. In the family, no one except me feels anything.

    Yesterday, my lip suddenly swollen, a small swelling appeared in the middle of my palm. Who could it be?

    Although no, there were bites similar to mosquito bites, right one to one. But it's definitely not mosquitoes.

    • Valery

      These are bedbugs

  29. Anonymous

    Walked with friends in nature. Something bit us. The bite looks like 2 mosquito bites, the distance between which is 1 cm. It hurt during the bite. It doesn't go away after a day. What to do and what bit us?

  30. Yana

    Hello! Two weeks ago I was bitten by some kind of insect, the pain was severe when bitten. The bite was severely edematous, after which the edema subsided almost immediately. But two weeks later, the same bite edema again, at first it was just a red spot with a diameter of 15 centimeters, after it began to turn blue ((What could it be?

  31. And bath

    In the summer, some insect bit me, the pain was like a slight burn, then the skin turned into a tight shell. Six months later, the blisters started. What's this?

  32. Oksana

    They bite me, but I can’t find anyone at home - no bedbugs, no fleas. The bite site hurts, itches and a big bump. Also, the bite is hot. Help me please.

  33. Clara

    Today it happened that some insect got under my clothes. There was no way to extract it at that moment, there was no way. I tried but couldn't. Arriving home, I found heaps of strange bites, I could not see the pest, since it was no longer there. The bites resembled something like a human bite, but without teeth marks, were noticeably swollen. It tingles at times.No idea who bit it...

  34. Inna

    This is horror, someone bit in bed early in the morning. A 1-2 cm spot, red, and even a tumor. It itches, and when you scratch it hurts. She looked around the bed and the bed. On the floor next to the bed was something that looked like a spider or a tick. 1 cm thick, with front legs (4 pieces), gray in color, so dusty all over. Terrible creature. When crushed, a lot of sputum came out ...

  35. Albina

    The child was bitten by an insect. He didn't see who bit him. There is a red spot left. Help me please.

  36. Valentine

    I have bites on my elbows, the skin has become like sandpaper and is very itchy.

  37. Ludmila

    The child was bitten by an insect. Slight swelling and redness around the bite. What to do?

  38. Daria

    Someone bit, it hurt during the bite, then not. I didn’t see who bit me, some insect ran away. Just 2 dots are white next to each other, they don't itch. I don't know who bit me, I want to know.


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