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How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment

Last update: 2022-06-15
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Getting rid of cockroaches in the apartment

The question of how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment has long ceased to be a serious problem: over the past half century, the chemical industry has developed quite a lot of tools that help get rid of cockroaches as effectively as they are safe for people.

But scientists and technologists are still arguing about how to get rid of cockroaches once and for all: this task requires not only a one-time use of the necessary funds, but also methodical work to improve the condition of the apartment itself, the premises adjacent to it and their sanitary condition.

In this case, getting rid of cockroaches should be combined with a whole range of sanitary measures.


Effective ways to get rid of cockroaches

The most effective way to get rid of cockroaches is, oddly enough, restoring complete cleanliness and order in the apartment, as well as constantly maintaining them at the proper level. Such measures will not work immediately, but in the long run they will create unbearable conditions for the life of cockroaches.

Cleanliness in the kitchen and in the apartment as a whole is the key to a successful fight against cockroaches

On a note

It has been verified that cockroaches themselves and forever leave apartments in which conditions unsuitable for their life are created.This does not require additional destruction or repelling of insects with potent means. On the contrary, dirty and littered apartments are constantly populated by cockroaches even when the owners regularly treat them with powerful insecticides.

In order for cockroaches to exist in the house could not, it is necessary:

  • Make sure that there are no open food items left in the premises. Any uneaten leftover food should be stored in the refrigerator or packed in cans or heavy plastic bags, and surfaces that may have crumbs, oil, or spilled drinks should be wiped down.Uncleaned food debris contributes to the reproduction of cockroaches
  • Thoroughly dry all sinks, tubs and utensils. Cockroaches need constant access to water, and in the absence of it, they will leave the premises very quickly.
  • Get rid of emerging places that can serve as shelters for cockroaches: peeling wallpaper, cracked baseboards, cracks in the parquet, open niches behind furniture.
  • Ventilating the rooms regularly will not only help to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment, but also support the well-being of the people living in it.


“No matter how much we poisoned cockroaches with all sorts of Raids and Dusts, they still returned. We talked to the hostel neighbors, but they did not show much enthusiasm. But the Prussians climb from them! When we moved to the apartment, we immediately saw the Prussians here too. But the repair was done with high quality, and now I constantly put things in order, remove food from the table in the refrigerator, and keep it clean. As a result, the apartment is clean and insect-free.”

Tatiana, Cheboksary

And only after getting rid of cockroaches in such ways did not quickly work out, methods of their direct destruction should be used - to accelerate the effect:

  • treatment of the premises with insecticides.This is by far the best way to get rid of cockroaches, providing quick results and the ability to apply anytime, anywhere. Many chemicals work well against cockroaches, including the common Get, Raid, Raptor, Off, and the traditional Dichlorvos, Dust, and Karbofos. It is only important to choose those that are the least dangerous to humans.Traps from cockroaches Raptor
  • Freezing an apartment or house. A very effective way to get rid of cockroaches: adults and larvae of all species die when the temperature drops below minus 8°C. Accordingly, this method is most suitable for residents of most of Russia in winter: it is absolutely safe and free. It is only important to worry in advance about the safety of the heating system and plumbing.Freezing out the apartment
  • Use of special traps. No matter how fast and invisible cockroaches are, you can get rid of them with the help of well-known Velcro and traps in which they either hide or stick to and can no longer get out. The advantage of this method is that it does not require time and effort for pest control. But it helps to completely get rid of cockroaches only with a small number of them.Trap for cockroaches
    Example: cockroach traps Kombat
  • The use of poisoned baits. It is also a fairly effective method, but it works only with a small number of pests in the room. These baits are most often prepared using boric acid.Poisoned baits with boric acid


“I read a recipe for poison balls from cockroaches on the forum. I had to buy boric acid in a pharmacy. I kneaded it with flour and vegetable oil, made pellets, laid it out on the bedside tables, and now I just collect the corpses in the morning. Especially a lot of them under the sink - two or three every day I find ... "

Ilya, Kremenchug

Video instruction on the use of boric acid from cockroaches

It is important to remember that these methods of getting rid of cockroaches allow you to destroy insects, as they say, here and now. But none of them guarantees that in a week or a month the Prussians and their black relatives will not crawl again from their neighbors.

Therefore, in order to get rid of cockroaches forever, these methods must be used in combination with the general improvement and cleaning of the apartment.


The use of insecticides against cockroaches

To date, this method is considered the most versatile and effective. Apartment owners can apply it on their own, or they can call special pest control services, including the local SES.

The use of modern insecticides

The main advantage of insecticides is the totality of their action: they penetrate with the air or on the legs of the insects themselves to where a person cannot reach in any way.

The advantage of calling SES is the high efficiency of processing the premises and the safety of pest control for residents and pets. All processing of the premises is carried out by a special team, using professional preparations that are stronger than those sold in the markets.

Before you get rid of cockroaches and cockroaches by the forces of special teams, it is necessary to remove all residents and pets from the premises on the day of processing. And after processing, following the instructions of the company manager, carry out wet cleaning in the house and ventilate all rooms.

The services of exterminators in total cost a little more than the cost of the insecticidal preparation itself. So, a complete pest control of a two-room apartment from cockroaches in the Moscow region costs about 2,500 rubles.

And further: We tested Phenaksin powder on cockroaches - and these monsters, at least henna ...

Disinsection of the apartment from cockroaches

It is most reasonable to resort to the help of professionals when it is necessary to process a large number of premises (for example, in the food unit workshop), when there are a lot of cockroaches in the house, or with coordinated pest control in an entire apartment building or hostel.

It is worth using insecticidal preparations on your own when it is necessary to process only a few small rooms. For example, one apartment. In this case, the features of the use of the drug will depend on the form in which the insecticide is produced.

Poisons in the form of sprays are sprayed in places where insects are most likely to be present - in bedside tables, under sinks, behind cabinets, around baseboards, behind carpets. Before you get rid of cockroaches at home with insecticidal products, it is advisable to move the furniture in the kitchen and rooms away from the walls and raise the edges and corners of linoleum, carpets and rugs.

Sprays should be sprayed in places of possible accumulation of insects.

Before processing, all residents and pets must be removed from the premises. The treatment itself should be carried out in closed clothing and preferably with gloves, glasses and a cotton-gauze bandage, with windows and doors closed.

After processing, the apartment must be allowed to brew for several hours, after which it is ventilated, the dead insects are removed, and all surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth.

Working with powder insecticides requires scattering them in places where insects move and accumulate. It is important to keep these powders out of the reach of children and pets and under carpets, behind or inside bedside tables.

With a pencil (for example, insecticidal crayon Masha), the apartment is processed in a similar way. The only difference is that the pencil can be applied to vertical surfaces and clearly limit the movement of pests with it.

Pencil Masha from cockroaches

The advantage of powder poisons and pencils is that they can be used without the evacuation of the inhabitants of the premises and make the treatment itself invisible. But even despite the high toxicity of these preparations for cockroaches, they rather play a supporting role, especially when there are a lot of insects in the apartment.

Sprays, on the other hand, usually work more efficiently due to the fact that they enter the respiratory tract of the pest against his will.

The most effective and popular means for self-extermination of cockroaches are:

  • Raid
  • Get
  • Raptor
  • Fufanon
  • Microphos
  • Karbofos
  • dichlorvos
  • Combat
  • global
  • Regent
  • Medilis Ziper.

All these drugs can be bought in the markets and hardware stores. Professional means are Tetrix, Chlorpirimak, Sinuzan, Ektermin, Minal.

Powders against cockroaches are more often called dusts, although earlier this term was understood only as DDT. Of the powder preparations against cockroaches, the most famous are:

  • Pyrethrum
  • Oradelt
  • Phenax and Phenaksin
  • Insorption.

And the most famous pencil is Masha, famous since Soviet times.Today, in addition to it, there are Chinese-made crayons on the market, but they do not have clear advantages over Masha.


Perhaps the most effective form of release of insecticides are gels - they allow you to get rid of cockroaches even in heavily infested areas. And although in essence they differ little from other drugs, the way they are used and, most importantly, their effectiveness, have earned them great popularity. Therefore, it is worth mentioning separately about cockroach gels.


Insecticide gels for cockroaches

The composition of most cockroach gels includes bait for insects and the actual poison, which is tasteless to them.

Flavors of chocolate, honey, anise or vanilla are most often used as bait. These odors are very weak and invisible to humans. They attract cockroaches strongly.

The principle of operation of the gels is based on the fact that a cockroach that has eaten a poisoned bait dies after 10-30 hours. This happens in a shelter, usually surrounded by other cockroaches. Relatives after the death of an insect eat its chitinous shells, which have the smell of the gel itself, and are also poisoned. Thus, one cockroach starts a kind of chain reaction, leading to the death of many cockroaches.

On a note

According to the manufacturers, one drop of gel the size of a grain of rice is enough to kill 500 cockroaches. It is unlikely that anyone checked these figures exactly, but the effectiveness of the gels themselves when used in everyday life is undeniable.

All cockroach gels are available either in syringes or in tubes. In any case, they should be applied to the surface in separate small drops, preferably not far from the places of accumulation of insects or their movement paths.

If there are too many cockroaches in the apartment, you can make whole paths from these drops near the baseboards and crevices behind the furniture. Before such processing, it is advisable to carry out a thorough cleaning of the room, sweep crumbs from the table and hide food products.

The frequency and amount of gel applied depends on the brand itself.

Consider the most popular cockroach gels today in more detail ...


Global Gel

Produced in tubes of 100 gr. It is considered one of the most effective gels. It is applied in drops in the corners of bedside tables, furniture in the kitchen, near baseboards, next to radiators. It is important to apply the gel where pets and children cannot reach it.

Gel from cockroaches Globol

It is important!

Today, Global gel fakes appear on the market, cheap and ineffective. It is not difficult to calculate them: the original gel is made in Germany and all the inscriptions on the packaging are in German. In addition, the original name of the product is Globol, with a second "o". Fakes are produced in packages that repeat the design of the original, but with Russian-language inscriptions and the name "Global".

The price of Globol gel is 200 rubles per 100 gram tube. One tube is enough to kill cockroaches in a 40 sq. m.


“Good gel, really helps to get rid of cockroaches. Only if you want them to completely destroy the Prussians, buy them for your neighbors. And then they still climb through the ventilation and die already in the apartment.

Oksana, Chisinau


And further: Cockroaches do not die from aerosols and gels? Perhaps it is worth adopting lethal powders ...

Gel from cockroaches Raptor

Raptor gel is based on the substance cyhalothrin, an effective insect poison that penetrates the walls of the digestive tract into the blood and nervous system. The gel contains apricot and vanilla flavors as insect attractants.

Gel from cockroaches Raptor

It is used in the same way as Global, but for ease of use it has a special elongated cap on the tube. One tube of Raptor is enough to get rid of cockroaches in a room of 10 square meters. m. In this case, the gel itself should be applied in dotted lines - 2-centimeter strips of gel alternate with a 2-3 cm gap.

The most effective use of the gel is when the room is treated twice with a break of a month.


Absolute gel

It is considered today the best tool in terms of price-quality combination. Produced in 125-gram tubes worth 140 rubles.

Absolute gel

When applying Absolute-gel is applied to the surface in separate drops, which are then easily wiped off with a damp cloth and do not leave marks. After treatment, the peak of the death of cockroaches occurs after 2-3 weeks. The applied gel retains its effectiveness for 4 months.


Brownie gel

Russian development, fundamentally no different from other poisons. The active ingredient is Chlorpyrifos, but 97% of the funds are attractants and bitterness. Cockroaches are not sensitive to the latter, but they are not tolerated by pets and children. Thanks to this, even if they stumble upon drops of Brownie, the warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment will not eat it.

Russian gel from cockroaches Brownie also allows you to effectively get rid of cockroaches

The gel is applied in separate paths of drops along the edge of the baseboards and near the trash can, under the sink and behind the cabinets. If necessary, the gel can be applied to strips of paper and laid out under furniture.With the highest degree of contamination of the premises, cockroaches are exterminated in it in 3-4 weeks.


“Take Brownie. This is our product, against our cockroaches. Apply once and forget about them. My husband and I took them out in the apartment that we rent to tenants, there were millions of cockroaches. Two tubes were enough for the kitchen and two rooms, in two weeks, while windows were being changed and furniture was being brought in, they died out like dinosaurs. They carried them out with buckets ... "

Masha, Kaluga

Additional convenience of using the gel is due to the fact that it is packaged in a special syringe, which can be squeezed out of the drug without residues.


Gel Dohlox

Available in syringes with a capacity of 20 ml. The active ingredient is diazinon, the third most used organophosphate insecticide in the world. It acts both when it enters the intestines and by contact, and therefore an infected cockroach, penetrating into a shelter, infects relatives, even while still alive.

Gel from cockroaches Dohloks


“The neighbors were shocked when they found out that I did not have cockroaches. In my opinion, this Dohlox was even considered a chemical weapon for some time, but now it is being released in a form that is safe for people. 100% destroys all cockroaches. I recommend".

Mikhail, Tula


Sturm gel paste

Storm is a tool for professional use. It contains alpha-cypermethrin and diazinon in its composition, which makes it similar to Fas gel. These components belong to different classes, and their combined presence guarantees a very effective extermination of cockroaches: so far no insects are known that are resistant to both active substances at the same time.

Trap storm-gel-paste

It is applied to the surface in the same way as other gels. It is especially often used by disinfestation companies in the processing of food industry enterprises, trade, hotels and boarding houses.

All cockroach gels do not contain grease or substances that can leave marks on surfaces. Therefore, to clean the room after treatment, it is enough to wipe the places where the gel was applied with a damp cloth.

On a note

All gels from cockroaches belong to substances of the 4th hazard class. This means that they are low-hazard, can be used in any premises and require minimal measures to protect against poisoning.


Mechanical methods of struggle: traps, slippers, vacuum cleaner

When deciding how to quickly get rid of cockroaches, many expect to simply find them, crush them, collect them with a vacuum cleaner, and repair the places of accumulation.

In general, such an approach can really give some result: some of the cockroaches will definitely be destroyed. However, the whole process will take a lot of time and effort, and individual insects will still remain in shelters inaccessible to humans.

The use of various traps is more reasonable. Before you can effectively get rid of cockroaches with their help, you should determine the places where insects are most often found. At the key points of their movements or clusters, traps are set. They can work on two principles:

  1. Attracting pests to shelter - the Prussians will simply hide in traps for the day, and to destroy them it will be enough to shake the insects that have gathered overnight into the toilet once a day.
  2. Getting cockroaches into traps and not being able to get out of them - Velcro works on this principle, to which the paws of pests are glued, or jars used in villages with an oiled top of the inner surface.
  3. There are also electric cockroach traps powered by an outlet. Cockroaches in them die from a high voltage discharge.

All traps attract cockroaches with a piece of food or a sweet smell. It is useful to use pieces of biscuits or bread dipped in vegetable oil to attract.

DIY cockroach trap


Getting rid of cockroaches by freezing rooms

There is no need to talk much about how you can get rid of cockroaches by freezing the room: on a frosty day, windows simply open in the house, and the room cools down in a few hours. It is important that the frost is strong - a couple of degrees below zero will not kill cockroaches. It is advisable to cool all rooms to minus 10°C - minus 15°C.

Cockroaches die at low temperatures

Before freezing the apartment, it is important to drain the water from radiators, pipes and boilers, otherwise they may simply burst. Perhaps this is the only condition that greatly limits residents of northern cities in the fight against cockroaches. Residents of private homes make it all easier.

On a note

In the fight against cockroaches, the tactics of taking individual furniture out into the cold - cabinets, sofas, tables in which insects hide will be ineffective. This method justifies itself in the destruction of bedbugs - sometimes all the bedbugs in the apartment hide in one sofa. Cockroaches, on the other hand, inhabit many places indoors, and you can get rid of them only by total freezing of the whole house. A local freezing option is possible, for example, in the case when you need to get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen. Here it will be enough to freeze one kitchen by closing its door and isolating it from other rooms with blankets.

There are situations when cockroaches, it would seem, are not affected by either boric acid, or aerosols, and even gels do not have a special effect on them. If you are already tired of fighting "indestructible" insects, then it's time to try something much more effective. - for example, a modern microencapsulated remedy for cockroaches "Get".It is odorless and safe for domestic use. At the same time, the drug effectively destroys cockroaches, even in cases where other means have no effect.

The main thing when getting rid of cockroaches is to always remember that an apartment or even a private house is connected to other rooms. This means that after a single cleaning, the insects may well return from their neighbors. Therefore, the most important condition for a successful fight against cockroaches is collectivity: if you get rid of pests forever, then in all rooms at the same time. And in the future - diligently maintain cleanliness and order, so that the already cleared bridgehead seemed to the Prussians a desert unsuitable for life.


Why cockroaches are not removed from the apartment: 3 main mistakes when dealing with them


How to choose the right pest control service for the destruction of cockroaches


Last update: 2022-06-15

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How can I get rid of cockroaches in the apartment" 161 comments
  1. Nina

    Cockroaches have recently been my headache. We moved to a new apartment, made repairs, and after a while these “friends” appeared.What I just haven’t tried: crayons, and gels, and traps, and sprays. Cockroaches disappeared for a while, but then again ran from somewhere. Friends advised to call the dezsluzhba, they said that it helped them a lot. And indeed, after treatment, the cockroaches disappeared. If someone has the same problem, then contact the professionals!

    • Anonymous

      As for “call the professionals”… Waste of money! Believe me, only on your own you can lime and NOT at a time!

      • Anonymous


        • Anonymous

          Spray Clean House helps a lot.

      • Anonymous


      • Katerina

        There is such a tool - Yuraks. Ours, Russian. They advertise it to fight bedbugs, but it also displays cockroaches by 100%. They tried it: as soon as you start splashing, they crawl out of all the cracks and from the ceiling, like rain, fall to the floor. After processing, you need not to do wet cleaning for ten days, they climb out nimble from secluded places, but gradually raise their paws up. It is not available in stores. We got it from the paramedics. But, it turns out, there is also on the Internet. Success.

      • Anonymous

        That's it, only himself and for several times.

    • Anonymous

      How to call them? Thank you!

  2. Anna

    They called disinfectors, as there was a problem, it remained. Boric acid helped. Swept away with owls. And disinfection is a waste of money.

    • Anonymous

      Did you mix boric acid with something or just pour it in?

      • Anonymous

        Oil and flour.

        • Milan

          Tell me, please, can pure boric acid be used for greater efficiency? I have a husband and a 12 year old daughter. Will it harm us? I really want to get rid of these creatures right forever, forever! Can you add flour and butter? By the way, what kind of oil? Creamy or vegetable? Thanks a lot in advance!

  3. Alexey Teikovo

    We live in an old military building with four floors, there is more dust here than these stasiks. They have already become like pets for all the inhabitants of these houses, and many do not even notice them. I moved here a year ago, and these stases strained me to the point of losing my appetite. And to be honest, I have tried all means, up to ultrasound, several times, they are not afraid of anything. They adapt like rats, but one day, sitting drunk in the kitchen, with a psycho, I started catching cockroaches with a foot of 50 ml, covering the cockroach. Then he slipped a sheet of paper under the pile, transferred the cockroach to the table, and then the process of reprisal. I, as we used to put cans on our backs in childhood, made a cockroach: on one side I lifted the stack and just blew gas from the lighter for 14 seconds, and then set fire to this hole. Cotton - and the cockroach is dead. Coolly painful death instantly, and in the evening he killed 10 pieces in this way. I sat in the kitchen for hours and caught them in one evening. Apparently, they squeak before they die, and the rest of the Stases run away from such reprisals. And seriously I’ll say: I’m sitting, waiting for at least one to torture, but not a single one. Lynching without any chemistry helps many times better. Don't believe? I'm not an agent, but an ordinary citizen like you, thank you.

    • Anonymous

      This is a hit! I'll take this method on board))

    • Anonymous

      Young man! I'll try that too.

      • Sasha

        If you want to destroy cockroaches, take an example from your neighbors.

    • Anonymous

      And when I killed them, I noticed that they were calling each other for help. I killed one with a spray - another 4 ran up. Cockroaches run from neighbors, the apartment is clean. Please help, after a while they come again.

    • Anonymous

      But as? How else? Just push!

    • Alexei


    • Alex

      Please note that this method does not work without a bottle!

    • Petro

      And what should you drink before the execution?

    • Anonymous

      I'll take note. When I moved from my old apartment, I transported cockroaches, and here in the village people are hungry for events, so my grandfather, a neighbor, wrote a statement to the administration against me. Now I'm waiting for the commission.

    • Victor

      Fiend 🙂 Try elderberry branches. They scare these creatures away and they leave the apartment. To the neighbors from whom they came. If cockroaches are pleasant to them, then let them please them with an increase in their numbers.

      Alternatively, you can contact the sanitary and epidemiological station. She and only she can forcibly clear the house of cockroaches. Private firms do not have such powers. Everyone needs to poison cockroaches. Otherwise, it's a no-brainer.

    • Anonymous

      Need to try. These creatures deserve such punishment.

  4. Rumia

    Personally, I am with both hands for professionals. From my own experience, I can say that nothing helps better than a disinfection service. We poisoned cockroaches in the hostel, there are not enough crayons and sprays. Contact the exterminators. It turned out as advertised: Fast. Qualitatively. Inexpensive.

    • Anna

      We have a new building in 2012, we were the first to move in. There were no neighbors. There were no cockroaches either. These services appeared, the neighbors order and often (it's more expensive here than in Moscow), and these creatures fill our entire house, absolutely inadequate, fat, black and wet. Killing them leaves marks on the walls and furniture. We were afraid to sleep, because they crawl over people, not being afraid of anything. Even at the smell of children's urine, they run like a magnet, everyone comes and names the neighbors. By the way, those neighbors who called the service 2 times sold their apartment and moved out. We fight with gels, syringes and boric acid. I simply poured boron. There are many corpses, but they are not decreasing. I want to seal all the holes with sealant so that they don’t come from the neighbors.There is no power, by God. The child will write on the sofa (it’s still quite small, we’re teaching on the potty) and the whole night, consider, you have a carnival. I already have a kid running around with a slipper. In reality, when they lived in the village, this was not the case. The remedy for bedbugs does not destroy cockroaches, but lures. Grandma got bed bugs out. The cockroaches were never taken out until the house was demolished. With a small child, there will be no perfect cleanliness, but for these mustachioed creatures, even a drop with a crumb is enough. Yes, and they all run to dichlorvos and ask for supplements.

      • Victor

        Make heaps of baking soda and a puddle of water with citric acid on the kitchen floor. They are very willing to eat this soda. Then thirst begins to torment them ... They burst so funny then.

        • Anonymous

          Bursting and all the shit splattering, right? No, this is not the case, this method of deliverance will not work.

  5. Nicholas

    Does the frost drive them out of the house for a long time?

    • Anonymous

      Yes, until summer

      • Anonymous

        Cold is effective if frozen for a very long time. They experimented with freezing cockroaches in the freezer, they got frozen cockroaches and none of the 30 moved. After a while, they came to their senses. If you cool the room in winter, then it needs to be done for a long time, then they will definitely die.

    • Anonymous

      They won't die from the cold. They hibernate and then wake up.

  6. Nastya

    It might help - you just have to try it.

  7. Irina

    I am a pest control. The only thing that gives a 100% result is to this day only disinfestation of the apartment, no gels and boric acid help, only for a while.

    • Anonymous

      Disinsection in the apartment did not help us. Professionals were called three times. The stench was still there. They ventilated for several days. Of course, a large batch of creatures died.But a month later, one every day, I still kill.

    • Anonymous

      We have neighbors on the 5th floor of the homeless, for 3 honygas, we called the service 2 times, nothing helped.

      • Irina

        Probably not so homeless, since the apartment is on the 5th floor))

  8. Alexandra

    The room was frozen for 3 days at a frost of -20. When we returned, the corpses were everywhere. At first they were delighted, and when they started to clean up, they closed the window, so the temperature in the room began to rise and the corpses began to come to life! Therefore, this method is not very efficient.

    • Vetal


    • Anonymous

      We need them in the toilet, or where to throw the corpses further.

  9. Oksana

    Turned to professionals. Few died the first time. After 10 days, she called for re-treatment. Not a single cockroach died.

  10. Anonymous

    We fought for a very long time, for years. The house is old, the neighbors, let's say, are different. Were overwhelmed with all sorts of filth. The experts were called twice. Temporary lull, and then all over again. Suddenly, a neighbor brought a small bottle, she says that even the rats ran away from her)) It happened with difficulty, but the fact is: the cockroaches are not a word, they just left. Pah-pah, already 3 years. It helped all my friends too, they are still grateful. This is not an advertisement, although why not))

    • Anonymous

      A bottle of what?

    • Julia

      What's a bottle? Tell me the name.

    • Anonymous

      Can you tell me what was in the bottle?

    • Anonymous

      It is true that it is difficult to answer what kind of liquid it was?

      • Anonymous

        Yeah, he doesn't know...

    • Lola

      Advertising, damn it 🙂

    • Anonymous

      What is a miracle bottle?

    • Anonymous

      What's a vial?!

    • Julia

      Hello, I have problems with cockroaches, tell me, what remedy did my grandmother bring?

    • Elena

      And what is the name of this remedy?

    • Anonymous

      Hello, what is the bottle?

  11. Mara

    Six months ago we got cockroaches. I didn’t know what to do, how to get rid of them, of these reptiles. Searched the entire internet. We tried all sorts of dichlorvos and stuff. Boric acid and ammonia helped. I mixed boric acid with boiled potatoes, made balls out of them and laid them out in all corners (mostly in the kitchen, these bastards hid there). Then I washed the floors in the evening with a solution of ammonia, that is, I simply added it a little to the water. The smell is certainly unpleasant, but the cockroaches suffocated from it. In general, there has been no one for a month and a half, neither I nor my family members notice. I read that you can just scatter boric acid in the corners, but I decided to make balls. In general, it helped. Within 2 weeks. That is, do not expect an instant effect in a day or two.

    • Andrew

      I take it you don't have any more problems with them? And didn't show up again?

    • Vadim

      If the floors are washed from cockroaches with ammonia, then he runs along the walls and ceiling. Here you need an emitter, like an old cell phone.

      • Anonymous

        They cannot stand the smell of ammonia, they run away,

  12. Anonymous

    I looked at many sites but didn't find anything. We have few cockroaches, at night in the kitchen you can see a couple of small cockroaches and a couple of large ones. I don't know which method is the most efficient. Tell me.

  13. Juliet

    I think boric acid helps a lot. I also had these pests from new neighbors a month ago. I scattered balls of boric acid everywhere, and it seems that they cannot be seen.

    • Lily

      And how to use this boric acid?

  14. Daria

    We have cockroaches climbing out of the windows (there is a grocery store below) and from the neighbors, and from the garbage chute.In the evening it’s scary to go into the kitchen - they run about 30 pieces. They tried everything, boric acid helps, but not immediately, and as soon as you remove it, new residents come.
    About the magic vial - isn't it "cadaveric poison"? I remember, as a child, my dad brought such a bottle, then we just moved into this apartment, anointed it, and haven’t seen cockroaches for 20 years. That's what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure of the name, after all, I was a child. Please share if anyone has heard of such a poison!

  15. Anonymous

    There were cockroaches every year. I couldn't go into the kitchen, I was very afraid. When I saw them, there were about 40 of them, I was horrified. We tried to make balls of boric acid, potatoes and eggs. Well, I sorted them out. Then I went to the computer. I read that it was necessary that there was no food anywhere (put it in the refrigerator) and everything was dry. I kept doing this for 1 week. Brought everyone out! Pah-pah, that everything is fine for 2 years already) I wish you all good luck!

    • Irina

      And how to make it dry if the sink can't be dry anyway? I have two children, I can’t bring perfect cleanliness, and I don’t know what to do. We have small ones, with a point, as a ballpoint pen can leave.

      • Anonymous

        Irina, try raw yolk with boric acid. Make balls and spread them all over the apartment. And in the kitchen. We haven't had them for 15 years.

  16. Alexander

    Really gel Raptor brought cockroaches in odnushka. I don’t believe that you can do it in a week, they simply climb from the neighbors. It took me 3 months and one tube for everything.

  17. Katia

    They called professionals, set traps, crayons, gel - nothing helps. The apartment is clean, tidy, there is no access to food. Help what to do?

    • Alexander

      Katya, only cats will be born quickly) It takes time and patience.An independent approach is at least a month of effort.

  18. Anna

    I have been fighting cockroaches for 48 years. Nothing helps.

  19. Anatoly

    Soon these parasites will devour me too. It remains only to burn the house with them ...

  20. Andrew

    Fighting cockroaches is like playing the lottery. Everyone knows methods from a pencil to dichlorvos. The results from them, of course, are different, but the thing is that these bastards are very adaptable to various kinds of chemical compositions. I read somewhere that due to microwave radiation, cockroaches in the city are getting smaller, but this is not about me. The kitchen is in perfect condition. At night, no food and dirty dishes. But alas, I was not very lucky with the neighbors. In my opinion, it is necessary to fight not with cockroaches, but with neighbors. And if they also have srach, then this is generally PPC. There would be some kind of law to force them to leave.

    • Anonymous

      I would poison my neighbors along with cockroaches. At least once a year, the persecution of cockroaches helps only for a while: they crawl from a neighboring apartment. No matter how much I tried to talk with the neighbors, it was useless: they allegedly did not have cockroaches. Even despite the fact that these cockroaches crawl with might and main on their bags with two-week-old garbage standing on the site.

      • Anonymous

        Have you tried scaring them? Tarakanov. For example, burn alive.

  21. Tired of fighting

    Nothing helps with cockroaches! NOTHING! And disgusting, and scary, and disgusting ... Brrr. These creatures are just awful! The sink is dry and even covered with powder with chlorinol, they still crawl on it. The panels in the kitchen are treated with Raid (spray) - they crawl on these panels. Whatever. Gel Raptor is generally garbage, it also attracts cockroaches from neighbors, they run to a pleasant smell and settle in an apartment and ... do not die. Chalk Mashenka does not help.Dohlox does not help. Mutants are just some! Tin.

    • Anonymous

      Not true. Cleanliness and repair, and Mashenka was smeared under the baseboard with chalk. We haven't seen them for 10 years.

    • Yana

      I also struggle with these creatures for a long time, social services hammer me, they say, children and cockroaches. And I really can't do anything.

      • Anonymous

        Same problem. Children and cockroaches. And these Prussians are not afraid of anything ...

  22. Tired of fighting

    Yes, the most important thing is that the apartment is clean, there is no dirt. But they crawl from neighbors and from the garbage chute ((

  23. Alexander

    Yes, an utter misfortune ... Fortunately, all the "sufferers" with a sense of humor are all right 🙂

  24. Alexander

    I want to draw your attention to the fact that until you exclude the possibility of insects getting into your apartment from neighbors, there will be no sense. Poisoned at home, they went to the neighbors, the neighbors poisoned, they came to you. And so, a vicious circle. Hence the conclusion: only a comprehensive solution to the issue together and SIMULTANEOUSLY!
    By the way, cockroaches come running to the remains of a ram or dried fish, like Rocky to cheese! 😉 I smear the lid of the jar with poison like Globol and put a piece of ram in the center. They are drawn there like a magnet. Both the big ones and the smallest ones. True, I noticed that the neighbors were also running. Plastic windows, through the water outflow in the profile. There is a gap under the front door. Inflicted poison in places of migration. Helpful but ineffective. Too many climbs. I have a cockroach farm with a drunk neighbor. It is impossible to agree ((But after such measures, there is a lull for a short period.

    • Volume

      Kill your neighbor. Helps, no more cockroaches 🙂

  25. Katia

    14 years ago, my husband's parents left us a 2-room apartment, there were a lot of Prussians.I took out all the dishes from the kitchen, took 2 liters of water and poured one capsule of the regent (which is used to poison the Colorado potato beetle). I poured this liquid into a laundry sprayer and sprayed it all over the kitchen. Went away for two days with my parents. She came in two days, washed everything from poison. 14 years of this muck was not. They came from the sea, and their swarm runs around the kitchen (the whole family is terrified). I will try boric acid, as there have been more dishes and kitchen cabinets in 14 years. There are many reviews about the gel, all sorts of pencils, but there are more good reviews for boric acid!
    P.S if anyone uses my recipe - do not forget about gloves, I forgot and treated my hands for a whole year.

  26. Svetlana

    I started washing the shelves and so on with vinegar. And at night I splash the sink. I noticed that they don’t like this smell at all, and if you also pour on it, you will see how it behaves. It turns out a burn and suffocates.

  27. Russia

    There were no Prussians for 10 years and reappeared. The apartment is clean, tried both gels and pencils - all to no avail.

  28. Anonymous

    I have a cat in my house. There are a lot of cockroaches near her feed all the time. You can even smell them. Poison, it's useless.

    • Victor

      They also appeared six months ago, I tried the brownie gel, it doesn’t help, other gels are also unsuccessful ... The cat has food on the floor, so they arrange a feast every night in his bowl, when you enter the kitchen at night, turn on the light, so there are 20-30 of them . The neighbors are different, the drunks are on top, and the song is not the same around the edges ... I don’t know what to do ((

      • Anonymous

        Place the food in the refrigerator overnight.

        • Katerina

          Still, the cat could get food out of the refrigerator, otherwise it would raise a combat alert.

      • Ika

        So why should a cat feed at night, teach him to eat twice a day or three. Ate - washed the bowl)

      • Catherine

        We have been living in a purchased apartment for 7 years, there were no cockroaches. The neighbors from above started repairs, they ran away from the neighbors on the site - they definitely have them, there is a concrete scooper there ... They were also surprised that they didn’t run from them to us, and here you are! A day they killed one, then two, now in the kitchen near the cat's bowl every day 1-2 appear. We bought traps, set them up, remove the cat's bowl, but it seems that there are even more of them because of the traps! We kill 3-4 pieces a day in different places of the apartment. They, along the way, run to these traps. I have drooped from their appearance, I can not sleep! I'm afraid that they will crawl on me (everything at home is washed with bleach, no crumbs and water). It is useless to talk with the neighbors - they apparently love them. It's just awful. How to get rid of them? If there are a lot of them, I won't survive 🙁

  29. Sanchez

    I tried everything: gels, traps, sprays, etc. Now I stupidly run from the room to the kitchen with slippers on my hands and piss them, I kill about a thousand a day, and there are practically none left, so extinguish them with your “bare” hands!

    • Anonymous

      Which brand of slippers?

  30. LAKTUT

    Has anyone tried everything in a row? For example: gel, then Masha, then boron balls. Well, for the first general cleaning in any way.

    • Zika

      Tried, didn't help! Yes, these creatures survived a nuclear war.

  31. Lele

    The neighbors called the dezku, poisoned, so now the whole house howled. They walk down the stairs like family. We poison everyone in a row, nothing helps, at night you go out to war with a slipper, that's the only way!

  32. Marina

    More than half of the funds are garbage ... The house is over 70 years old. Wooden two-story building for resettlement. Above my apartment is a communal apartment with alkonauts. There they are not poisoned at all. Imagine how many there are.Twice a month I persecute the Stasiks ... There is no sense. Gels, sprays, powders. They don’t even care about boric acid, they bypass it and that’s it. Maybe burn the house down?

  33. Anonymous

    We moved into an apartment, and then there was a surprise, cockroaches went in groups. We tried everything, rummaged through the entire Internet. I decided to make balls with boric acid and an egg, spread them all over the apartment, and after about a month there were much fewer of them, after two there were none at all. Now I change these balls every six months and do not know the worries.

  34. Olga

    I got rid of cockroaches with the help of mountain flour, a very suitable remedy. I recommend to everyone. It's just that it is absolutely non-toxic, and this is its feature and uniqueness.

    • Anonymous

      Hello! How did you use this tool?

    • Anonymous

      What is mountain flour?

  35. Anna

    I live in a 3-room apartment, I have lived here all my 22 years, I have never seen cockroaches and knew about them only from stories, but a couple of years ago they came from somewhere ... I was horrified. At first there were few of them. They poisoned them with everything they could: crayons, powders, sprays, but there was no point. Now there are so many that it's scary to sleep. In the kitchen, if you come in in the evening and turn on the light, 40 pieces crawl at once. They everywhere. In the kitchen, in the toilet, in the bathroom, in all rooms ... The apartment is clean. I do not know what to do. There is a lot of furniture in the apartment, it is simply unrealistic to take out everything in order to fall asleep, to cover up the entire space with all possible means. Tell me, please, what to do and how to be. HELP!

    • Svetlana

      Anna, I highly recommend the Baron spray, we got rid of it, although the situation was worse than yours!

    • Anonymous

      We walked in crowds all over the entrance, at all the neighbors, you open the door with a key - but there is no place on it without cockroaches, and the same thing in the apartment. They tried everything - nothing helped. Then she could not stand it, bought DUST and poured it not only in the apartment, but throughout the entire entrance - under each door and into the basement. A week later, no one had cockroaches left, for 4 years I have not seen them. But be CAREFUL, the dust is DANGEROUS for pets.

  36. Brem

    Spray leopard helps very well from cockroaches.

  37. Katia

    Previously, cockroaches could not get rid of for a very long time! We tried everything, and we were advised Fas-Double powder! A very good tool. We foolishly fell asleep in the kitchen in the most significant places. So they began to run all over the kitchen, falling from the ceiling! In the morning we swept the kitchen 5 times, that's for sure, since there were a lot of cockroaches. Try FAS-Double.

  38. Serge

    The most deadly way is to take the male seed and rag it. As a result, cockroaches eat it for several days, and they fail at the genetic level. As a result, after a few days, all the cockroaches disappear and the house becomes clean. I don't know where they disappear to. But I had a problem with cockroaches, and this is the only way I got rid of them. One fine day, and this is less than a month has passed, I looked, but there were no cockroaches, not a single one. These are miracles, but before that I didn’t do anything, but there were more and more of them.

    • Xenia Ivanova

      Damn ... About the seed - is it real? ))

      • Nobody

        Honestly, I myself noticed this at the moment when I forgot the used napkins with the seed on the floor ... They ran to these napkins like nothing else.I don’t know how the seed affects them, but I definitely had fewer cockroaches when I deliberately left such “traps” around the house. I think this method is only suitable for those who live alone)

      • Sergey

        Finish it guys

  39. Xenia Ivanova

    And I'm also curious about the miracle of bottles))

  40. Guest

    We moved to a new apartment. And here is the first floor, and there are cockroaches. I won’t say that there are a lot, but there are both small and large ones. I am very afraid of them, and I anointed them with chalk everywhere. At first the dead lay, I swept, but now the living crawl again, 3 or 4 pieces every day. Sprinkled with boric acid, I don’t know what will happen. Help me please. I have a child, 4 years old, and I am in a position, I cannot poison with strong poisons. We will be doing a major overhaul in the summer.

  41. Anonymous

    Today, a lot of stupid disinfectants divorced: they came, sprayed, cut down money and FSUs that cockroaches do not die from chemicals.

  42. Jeanne

    Of course, if there are children in the house, what kind of poisons can we talk about, in no case should this be done ... When my sister had a small child, she carried out pest control in the apartment at home and was satisfied, they did everything quickly and no harm to health.

  43. Zina

    Nothing helps, already tired of fighting. It's easier to change apartments.

    • Anonymous

      Moving is, of course, good, but where is the guarantee that you won’t take it with you?!

  44. Olga

    It’s impossible to say what will help you, you need to try everything that is: both chemistry and folk remedies, and what friends will advise. Something will still help, it takes time.

  45. Ilya

    Boric acid rocks! They'll die like fascists in World War II! 🙂

  46. Julia

    We tried Absolute gel and Mashenka crayons - it doesn’t help. It remains to try boric acid.

  47. Nata

    Our house is brand new, just moved in. For a couple of weeks everything was normal, and then in the morning I noticed that they were climbing out of the hood. So also different breeds, or something. Some are redheads, others are like zebras. The joke is that the redheads hung out in the kitchen, and the zebras in the toilet. I tried to beat it with a slipper, so they jump over and hide like grasshoppers. Pliz help, what to do?

    • Svetlana

      Zebras are Turkmen, they live well on wallpaper paste. But they can't stand the cold at all.

  48. Anonymous

    We moved into an apartment a year ago, everything was great for half a year, and then our miracle neighbor began to sell the apartment and throw out all his rubbish from it. He is an alcoholic, so the apartment was, to put it mildly, a madhouse. In short, they say, cockroaches ran to us. They just didn’t buy anything ... Combat, Reid, Raptor, both traps and gels ... They even bought Velcro for flies to catch these creatures. It seems that they disappeared, there was no month. And today I open the door to the bathroom - again it is breaking on the floor, not a cockroach, but simply a horse. Guys, this is a disaster. We have a 3.5-year-old child, I'll be in a fool before they disappear.

  49. Julia

    Everyone here writes that, they say, the apartment is clean and tidy, but there are still cockroaches. Guys! Everyone's concept of cleanliness is different. You need to generalize specifically, thoroughly, you need to rip off the old plinths in general - there they sit out and give birth to their offspring. And in the door frames, too... And under the foam panels and skirting boards on the ceiling - it's warm there, generally dark. And the best thing is a major overhaul with the replacement of everything old with a new one.So just spraying, smearing is useless, you need to completely change your environment, and they will leave ... Several times I came across a picture: I come to visit a friend, it seems to be a cozy apartment, at first glance it is clean, light, everything is in order ... She complains about the presence of a huge number of cockroaches. And I took a closer look at this cleanliness and immediately everything became clear: I haven’t looked in secluded corners at all for, probably, several years. Also, your neighbor is an alcoholic - he changed the situation - they ran away ...

    • Anonymous

      I had a renovation in my apartment a month ago. Starting from the furniture, everything has changed. At least once a week we do dry cleaning in the apartment, plus disinfection, we wash everything with bleach. So it's nonsense that they resort because the apartment is dirty.

    • Edward

      Most accurate comment! I completely agree!

  50. hostess

    I remember when I was studying, I lived in a student hostel, kapets! Getting rid of cockroaches was our hobby. Whatever they tried, something even helped))

  51. Tanya

    We moved into an apartment and renovated it. There were no cockroaches for a year, but then just a rod in a continuous stream. Than they didn’t take it out - zero sense. The child is 2 years old, he throws everything everywhere, so I clean thoroughly every day (I move the sofas, the crib). And with my vinegar, and with ammonia - there is no sense. We have neighbors downstairs - this is the guard, they apparently smoke at home and everything rises to us. The smell of cigarettes and mustiness. I talked to the neighbors from the floor, but they all do not care. There we will poison every 2-3 months.

  52. Alexander

    I am the head of the company in Krasnodar. I solve other people's problems. Recently, I was mistakenly approached by people with a request to poison cockroaches in a three-room apartment after the previous tenants.Inspection of the object showed strong unsanitary conditions and a massive population of insects. I prepared the object for processing in agreement with the customer: I took out decrepit furniture, all rubbish, emptied the remaining furniture and moved it away from the walls. I isolated the apartment so that the cockroaches could neither escape to the neighbors nor return from them.

    I called the "pickers" who refused to work under my control. And I give a guarantee to the customer, which means I am obliged to check. Then I bought a good tool, a sprayer, updated the personal protective equipment left after serving in the army and gave the bastards a BLACK MONDAY. Now the apartment looks like footage from the movie "Terminator 2. Judgment Day."

    While I sprayed the last room, the kitchen I started with turned into a mass grave. In Hiroshima, after the nuclear attack, it was more fun. The apartment is ventilated, waiting for general cleaning. Neighbors know only one thing: tenants have changed in the apartment.

  53. Alexei

    Buy a piece of chalk Masha. The cockroaches are gathering together. Do not run, sit and draw. But seriously, how can you scare them away so that they return to their neighbors?

  54. Victoria

    We moved three days ago, there is not even furniture yet, but there are cockroaches, it's just terrible. I'm terribly afraid of insects. So far, there are few of them, how to get rid of them, so that for a long time?

  55. May

    The hedgehog helps a lot, by the way.

  56. Yana

    Terrible and sad. There is no way to get rid of them, that is.

  57. Vadim

    As for the seed, that's cool. Girls, call for the night - both pleasant and useful. Well, seriously, they won’t take it with any radio station, they started crawling one at a time from me after I refused the landline phone. That is, he used a radiotelephone, and not one.

  58. Sergey

    Tried a lot of things, but nothing helped.Then I bought a good gel, there were fewer insects. Apply to skirting boards, corners, etc. with a radius of 1 meter. Everyone is happy!

  59. Olga

    Our roommate is a WWII veteran! Repair has not been done for a long time. And she got into the habit of dragging. Cardboard. Home! He collects and delivers it once every half a year. As a result, I collected cockroaches. I can't get rid of it for a year. No one can influence the neighbor. Social services catch the silence. A neighbor arranged an apartment for her sister from another city ... What I just didn’t buy from cockroaches. Also the first floor, and there is no basement below, just the ground! This is some kind of horror. Yesterday I slapped a 3 cm redhead! I'm scared. Tarantulas go to the smell of cockroaches. And these spiders are terribly poisonous. What to do? Constant smell from the neighbor! She ventilates the apartment, it is impossible to walk along the entrance!

  60. Yana

    Ultrasound is complete nonsense, a scam, only the money was thrown away in vain. Major repairs need to be done, I agree, but at the moment I do not have such an opportunity. My husband and I separated, and I have three children, and what should I do if different methods do not help?

  61. Sergey

    I had a case here. My grandmother died, she left an apartment, a 5-storey building. In general, there was no time to come there (the other end of the city). So, the neighbors decided to chip in and poison them in the stairwell. Naturally, I was not aware. So, when I arrived, I thought that I was in a circus: right at the entrance from the ceiling, they began to fall on me like snow. To be honest, there was neither the strength nor the money to call for disinfection. I went to the construction market (near the house), they told me there that there was no particular sense in fighting them with pencils and gels, because this had to be done all the time, but I didn’t have time to ride. Advised to buy electrical rubbish.And it really helped, however, I bought 2 pieces, one for the room, the other for the kitchen.

  62. Marina

    We are waiting for the spray Baron when he comes to us. I read a lot on the Internet, tried a lot, let's see what the results will be. Even though I don't believe in anything...

  63. Nastya

    Hi all! In some strange way, cockroaches began to appear at home. Sprays and gels help for the day, and sometimes they don't help at all. How to get rid of them?! There are two small children at home, animals, but the cleanliness is still the same.

  64. Sveta

    I have the same problem, sometimes I hunt at night. About 12 years ago, they poisoned the dohlox with gel and took them out, but this year they just walk out of the basement, and the neighbor keeps two dogs, he doesn’t indulge in cleaning the apartment. Maybe they came from him. We have four children and there is no perfect order, two little ones (3 and 5 years old) paint on the wallpaper, and we wanted to wait until next year with repairs. I applied the gel again, but these creatures are moving further into the apartment, however, they are dying in the corners. I can’t say that there are many of them, but no matter how they bred. I’m already completely desperate, is it possible to withdraw with electronic scarers?

  65. Yulenka

    Here I read, so I did not see anything specific. We have the last floor, a kitchen in a tree (lining), I think that they have their own city there ((2 years ago they moved to this apartment, at first there were no cockroaches, I could not get enough. Then they began to crawl. These bastards are everywhere: a freezer , coffee machine, washing machine, tool boxes, etc.

    I will soon poison myself because of these products ... I have tried everything - from boric acid to gels, sprays, crayons and traps. Maybe someone also has a kitchen in a lining and you found a remedy? I will be very grateful…

  66. Yuri

    Bullshit all these etchings. Hang up a Wi-Fi router and cockroaches will be gone forever.

    • Masha

      Not true, we have a wi-fi router hanging, always on, but cockroaches come all the time. Neighbors from the “no one to talk to” category run away from them. We poison with crayons and powder, from time to time I see the living, however, they don’t run in crowds, I slap 2-3 individuals a day.

    • Sergey

      They lived right in my Wi-Fi router ...

  67. Nadya

    They rented an apartment on the first floor, where on the one hand there were alcoholics, and on the other, a grandmother, a 100-year-old dandelion of God. In general, everything was extremely sad - just darkness cockroaches. We’ll just let it go, we’ll be alone with my husband for a couple of days, and then again ... You’ll go into the kitchen at night, turn on the light, and there you’ll scatter! We bought an apartment in a new building, moved in, checked everything, sorted it out, sprayed it if possible. Month of a happy life: without neighbors and cockroaches. But then the neighbors began to move in one by one and, naturally, these “friends” began to appear. Wifi doesn't help guys, and traps don't help if it's possible to drag themselves towards you through an open window, a gap in a door, or a vent. Sprays help for a couple of days. I didn’t call professionals, it’s a pity for money, suddenly it won’t help. Some of them give a guarantee of 3 months, I don’t even know ... I would also like to try ultrasonic devices, if someone has tried it, share your experience. Friends advise boric acid, they say that they themselves had just a cockroach party, boron balls helped, a couple of years already gone.

    • Stanislav

      I bought into a beautiful advertisement and ordered this repeller, more because of interest, although there were enough cockroaches in the apartment. It cost me 30 bel. rub. And since I have a radio engineering education, I could not resist and opened this miracle box.And what I saw there shocked me. There can be no talk of any ultrasonic radiation, let alone electromagnetic waves, supposedly repelling cockroaches and rodents. A simple circuit on one chip provides only the flashing of three lights. In most cases, these electronic scarers are stamped by millions of dishonest people, and the Internet and TV are advertised - just plug the device into a socket, and cockroaches and rodents will rush away. Help put this review of Pest Reject and other pest repellers somewhere higher so people can save their money for more important things.

  68. Sergeyevich

    Pip is simple. It feels like they brought them to me from Chernobyl - just look, they will take them out of the apartment on the bed at night and they will live there themselves. Thanks for the advice. I will definitely try everything at once.

  69. Dmitry

    They fought with cockroaches in different ways. Global, ultrasound, boric acid. One person advised a remedy for a bear - green and red balls. I will say that it is a strong remedy, but it is not the same. They run from their neighbors. Though in a day, though in a week, but resort all the same.

    Once I caught a cockroach in a jar and threw a mosquito tile there. He writhed for about two hours, something climbed out of him. Maybe he was trying to drive the poison out of himself like that, I don’t know. Two days later they were gone.

    About the cleanliness and repair here cool said. Sooner or later, you'll leave something in the kitchen. An unwashed lid, or the pan is not soaked and sometimes it cannot be covered with a lid. Big frying pan, no lid, whatever. An inexpensive kitchen is always a cavity between the wall and bedside tables / cabinets. Blocking it is not so easy.

  70. Anonymous

    We have been suffering with them for several years, how much money they gave to get rid of them! Nothing helps! Just money down the drain. We are going to call for disinfection, friends told us that it helped them, but now we doubt it.

  71. Yuri, St. Petersburg

    I laughed at the cheerful posts and from all of the above for myself, from the whole story, I learned the following:

    1) Start with repairs, if the room is not new, insulate all the cracks at communications, windows, baseboards, close the ventilation tightly (we apparently have a rod from there, damn neighbors).

    2) Carry out a thorough cleaning.

    3) Buying crayons is useless if you don't do it regularly.

    4) Option 1 - spray some rubbish, leaving for a couple of days to relatives; Option 2 - use boric acid with balls to attract the maximum number of cockroaches, so that they later die + gel.

    5) Do not leave ANY dirty dishes, collect crumbs from the table, etc., regularly clean the apartment with detergents.

    6) Do not leave open water sources for cockroaches (wipe the sink, no soaked pots, etc.)

    7) If the option with gel and boric acid passes, then you can additionally put several traps.

    8) If you do not want to bother, after repair, just call the service for harassment.

  72. Anastasia

    We live on the first floor. Half life with cockroaches. What they didn't do. Disinsection was done three times, gels, powders. After the specialists, he disappeared for as much as two months. And then they flooded with such force that it was scary! So they stopped being afraid after that. And during the day they want, and with you, and for you. And they began to bite - apparently, they became completely ill. It's embarrassing to invite someone over. They everywhere. Here, I bought boric acid again.Maybe it will help if you don’t give up halfway through, but constantly change these balls?

  73. Ludmila

    I am very old. I sincerely want to share a proven method. No need for balls. In a small glass of raw yolk + boric acid + flour + a little sugar, you get a watery dough. I smeared it wherever possible, because they were found even in bookcases. I don't remember if I did it again. But, thank God, they disappeared forever, although the neighbors had them. BUT I did not remove this mazyukanye. After 30 years, she came to school to her granddaughter and noticed cockroaches. At the request of the director, she did the same - everything is wonderful. Do so. Ask God for my health. All the best.

  74. Maxim Valerievich

    Flowers and pets will not let insects out. Their habitat is food for cockroaches.

  75. Anonymous

    Yes, cockroaches are still those bastards! Of the 1500 species, only 2 are popular, these red and dark are the most arrogant creatures that only exist in nature. It is necessary to poison with Global gel, manufacturer Germany, this is a reliable tool. There is 0.5% poison in the gel, it does not kill cockroaches, but it attracts them and torments and torments them)) The gel works according to this scheme: the cockroach gets on the gel and spreads particles to other cockroaches, then they all suffer and run away.

  76. Anonymous

    I understood that it is necessary to poison a neighbor who “does not have cockroaches”, who cleans up every six months before the arrival of relatives and says: “When I do the cleaning and persecute them, I wonder, but they won’t run away from me? ..”

    • Brownie

      Yes, this is stupidity, there are other insects.

  77. Svetlana

    The best way to get rid of cockroaches is to start a kitchen renovation. Run away right away!

  78. Valery

    Get a hedgehog, he loves cockroaches.

  79. Arina

    We poison once every six months.Killing power gel + boric acid scattered in all secluded corners + boric acid with crushed potatoes)) And odorless dichlorvos, and everything that is possible. Leave for 6 months or a year. We just have the smartest main house, poisoning something in the basement there. The first floor, even before the rats and mice tried to climb, but the husband barricaded everything 🙂 Two children, 2 and 3 years old. Although I clean as best I can, every day from morning to evening, but there are crumbs somewhere. Repair in progress. Already tired too. I'm afraid of them, almost to death ... I'm simply afraid to go to the toilet at night, even when they're gone for a long time. For me, every step is like a strategy, and a look from ceiling to floor))

  80. Natalie

    When we got cockroaches, I, of course, realized that it was from the neighbors. But she couldn't figure out where they were coming from. Eliminated all the cracks that could only be connected with neighbors. Whatever she smeared, whatever she poured, nothing helped, they still ran around the kitchen and bathroom. And then I burned them crawling out of the vent, despite the fact that the mesh is on the ventilation grill. She opened the vent, covered it with dust and pulled on top of the grate not gauze, as I was advised, but nylon. And voila, almost no cockroaches. I think that in five days they will not be at all. Good luck to everyone in removing this abomination.

  81. Grandfather

    With Tiuram you will forget about them forever.

  82. Anna

    Agran helped me. Completely processed the apartment.

  83. Inna

    Tarol from cockroaches - the most effective remedy! Harmless to both humans and animals.


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