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Choosing a remedy for domestic ants in the apartment

Last update: 2022-06-18
≡ Article has 20 comments
  • Matvey: I work at a summer health camp. And every summer we...
  • Irina: I'll try the German gel, the main thing is not to run into a fake ....
  • Maria: How can you quickly get rid of ants, at least in one month...
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We will find out which remedy will be the best in the fight against domestic ants

It is impossible to unambiguously name the best remedy for domestic ants in an apartment: the possibility of using each insecticidal preparation depends heavily on the conditions of its use, safety requirements, the budget for persecution and the urgency of the whole process. However, the means of combating domestic ants on the market can be analyzed according to a number of parameters, after which it will be easy to choose the best option for your particular case.


Rating of funds by their effectiveness

Each ant repellent in the apartment combines effectiveness, safety, price and ease of use in a different way. All groups of drugs can be placed in the following sequence according to the degree of decrease in their poisoning power:

  • insecticidal aerosols - almost every domestic ant remedy from this category allows you to destroy ants in a single apartment in a few hours.However, due to the specifics of the ants themselves, in many cases the effect of these preparations is temporary: only worker ants and individual nests are destroyed by aerosol, while the heart of the colony remains alive and quickly restores its numbers. But if the location of the nest is known at least approximately, most ant extermination companies use aerosols.

    An aerosol may not get rid of ants in an apartment if the queen stays alive

  • Insecticide gels are very effective remedies for domestic red ants, which sometimes make it possible to poison the nest and queen without even knowing where they are. The principle of operation of most gels is that the ants themselves treat them like delicacies, and happily carry poisoned droplets into the anthill to feed the uterus. The amount of poison in the gels themselves is selected so that after a meal at a randomly found drop, the worker ant does not die immediately, but would have time to take the poison to the anthill. The rate at which ants are removed with insecticidal gels depends on the degree of infestation of the apartment and is usually between 2 and 8 weeks.
  • Insecticide dusts and pencils, which are very difficult and very long to remove ants. Nevertheless, cases of successful struggle with the help of these means are known.
  • Folk remedies for ants in the apartment. Among them are both repellents that do not allow the destruction of ants, and effective poisons such as boric acid, borax, yeast and cornmeal. These substances are available, but require time and effort to fight ants.

    Boric acid is one of the most affordable home ant killers.

  • Ant traps, among which only certain models can give a result (read about this below).

There are also well-advertised, but useless remedies against ants.Among them is any magnetic resonance or ultrasonic ant repellant, next to which these insects can thrive quite safely.

Domestic ants practically do not react to the presence of an ultrasonic repeller

We will consider further precisely the reliable remedies for domestic ants, which regularly collect good reviews and really help people get rid of small red pests.


Choosing an effective ant spray

The effectiveness and speed of aerosols is ensured by the fact that an ant that has fallen into a cloud of the agent cannot avoid poisoning: the aerosol enters its body with air through the spiracles, and some substances directly through the outer integuments of the body.

At the same time, the active ingredients in most modern aerosols are insecticides that are relatively harmless to humans and other warm-blooded animals. However, these products must be used in accordance with the instructions for use and standard safety precautions.


Aerosol Raptor

Raptor in the form of a spray is perhaps the most famous remedy for ants today. The active ingredients in it are Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin and Piperonyl Butoxide.

Aerosol Raptor is quite effective against house ants

The exact name of the remedy is "Raptor from crawling insects." The aerosol is good because it contains mint flavor and does not leave a terrible smell inherent in many professional products.


“I was looking for and wanted to buy a remedy for domestic ants, but I was afraid of the Raptor, because it is advertised everywhere. As it turned out - in vain. One bottle was enough for me to process the kitchen and a small room, and after three days there was not a single ant in the apartment. For reliability, I sometimes smear cracks on the balcony with Raptor gel, and for a year now there have been no ants in the house. I strongly recommend…”

Tatyana, Ufa


Get (spray concentrate)

Get is a reliable microencapsulated remedy against ants in an apartment, which has a non-standard principle of action: numerous microcapsules with an insecticide are distributed over the surfaces with an active liquid. An insect that has run along the treated surface, willy-nilly, collects particles of poison on its paws, which is able to penetrate through the integument of the body.

It is also useful to read: How to get ants out of an apartment

Get concentrate - microencapsulated means for the destruction of domestic ants

To get the maximum effect from the use of Get, it is desirable to treat with them those surfaces that can not be washed for several days. Then Get will have time to poison the maximum number of pests.

The cost of one bottle of Get is 720 rubles. It is enough to treat 100 square meters of infected area.


Combat from ants

Kombat is an effective remedy for domestic ants produced in Korea. It is produced in two versions - with lemon and mint aromas, thanks to which the use of Kombat will not lead to an unpleasant smell in the apartment.

Aerosol Kombat


“We were in the store for a long time deciding which ant remedy to buy, we settled on Kombat, although everyone advised us to Raptor. The product was completely satisfied, the kitchen was sprayed twice with a pause of a week. All ants disappeared after the first treatment, and the second one was carried out purely for prevention. Neighbors complained that after that they had more ants. But we are not afraid. If they come back to us, we know how to poison them.”

Oleg, Moscow



At one time, Raid was known as the most effective remedy for ants in the apartment. However, the products of recent years of release are somewhat inferior in effectiveness to other drugs.

Aerosol Insect Killer Raid


“I recently met ants in a new apartment.Out of habit, I bought an ant remedy at the Raid house and ... was terribly disappointed. If earlier all the ants died after one crossing of the line from dichlorvos, now they walk along the processed plinth, as if along a boulevard, and nothing touches them. I must say right away that I bought a product made in 2013. If somewhere there is a drug made in 2010. - you can take it safely, more modern ones are unreliable.

Vladimir, Ryazan


Insecticide gels for ants

The main advantage of gels is their ease of use. There is no need to totally treat all surfaces, close and “ferment” the apartment - the gel is simply applied in neat rows of drops in the corners and walls near the places where ants are most common. If desired, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth, and there will be no traces left at the application site. However, the longer such an anti-ant remedy is in the public domain, the more reliable it will work.

The effectiveness of the use of insecticidal gels in some cases is noticeably higher than that of aerosols. These are the cases when the nest of domestic ants is outside the apartment, and aerosol insecticides do not reach it. The working individuals themselves will bring the poisoned gel to the anthill and feed it to their fellows, including the uterus.

However, this requires patience: with the help of insecticidal gels, ants can be removed at best in a few weeks.


Gel Globol

Of all the gels, Globol (Globol) is perhaps the most effective remedy for domestic ants (German).One drop of it can kill up to 500 adults! However, when buying this tool, you should be careful and choose only a product with German inscriptions and a special hologram on the package, since the original gel is now copied by unscrupulous Russian manufacturers, whose counterfeit products are much inferior in effectiveness to the original.

When buying Globol gel from insects, beware of fakes


“I once brought out cockroaches with Globol, now I tried it against ants. He really lived up to expectations. True, I had to tinker with the ants longer - more carefully process behind the bedside tables, re-grease several times. But nevertheless, got rid of them without any smelly sprays.

Alexandra Pavlovna, Tomsk


Gel Fas

This gel has become especially popular with owners of private houses as an effective remedy for red ants. Of course, against ordinary domestic pharaoh ants, it will work with no less efficiency.

Insecticidal gel Fas from cockroaches and domestic ants



In the Raptor line of pest control products, there is also a gel, which is not inferior to an aerosol in terms of reliability. This is an excellent ant repellent that can be used in an apartment in addition to the spray.

It is also useful to read: Ultrasonic Ant Repellers

Gel Raptor from cockroaches and domestic ants

When using such a tandem, the bulk of the working ants are first destroyed, and then those that are preserved in the anthill, including the uterus, are removed with a gel. Both types of funds can be bought together: sometimes the manufacturer even produces combined sets of aerosol and gel.


Paste-gel Sturm

This gel is inferior to the famous Globol, perhaps, only in availability: it is not so advertised, and therefore it is not always possible to get it.

Gel Sturm is not as famous as Globol, but it is also quite effective against insects.

In terms of efficiency, this means of fighting ants confidently gives odds to most competitors.


Insecticide powders and sticks

Powders, also called dusts, and their denser form - pencils - have already become real folk remedies against ants and cockroaches.

Ant repellents in the form of dust are usually less effective than gels or aerosols.

They are used in the same way as gels, but turn out to be much less effective, if only because ants usually do not eat them, but are poisoned only after they get dirty in such a poison.



This home ant remedy is unique in that it has an absolutely natural composition: the powder consists exclusively of dried and ground chamomile flowers, which contain a strong insecticide.

Feverfew powder is a natural remedy for ants and other insects in the apartment.


“I used to always use aerosols, but this time I already had a small child, and I did not dare to poison the ants with chemicals. I bought Feverfew, I was told that this remedy for ants in the house does not contain hazardous substances. I treated the apartment like dust - scattered it in the corners, behind the bedside tables, near the trash can. In about three weeks, all the ants disappeared. But now I still sometimes pour the remedy everywhere so that the ants do not reappear. In general, a good, effective tool.

Inna, Kyiv


Chalk Mashenka

Chalk Mashenka is perhaps the most famous, and today it is already a truly folk remedy for domestic insects.

Chalk Mashenka - one of the most popular insect repellents in the apartment

With this pencil, you need to draw lines on the walls and furniture in the places where ants most often move. It is noteworthy that the manufacturer of Mashenka constantly updates the composition of the product with modern insecticides, which allows the drug not only to remain highly effective, but even compete with the latest achievements of the insecticidal industry.


Borax and boric acid against ants in the house

Boric acid is a well-known antiseptic, formerly used to treat wounds. And part-time - a folk remedy for ants and cockroaches. Boric acid is added to various pasty mixtures from which poison baits are prepared and laid out in full view of the ants. Further, such baits work in the same way as gels - the ants take them to the anthill and poison everyone who decides to feast on the remedy.

Boric acid baits are an affordable and proven remedy for ants and cockroaches.

Borax is a salt of boric acid, and an equally reliable remedy for food ants. It has no advantages and disadvantages over its chemical counterpart and is therefore usually used in cases where it is more accessible.


When preparing poisoned baits with boric acid and borax, it is important to follow the recipe correctly in order to prevent the forager ants from dying before they drag the poison into the anthill. Detailed recipes are given on our website in a separate article.


Ant traps

Of all the traps on the market today, insecticidal poison traps work well against ants. In fact, this is the usual poisoned bait, only placed in a plastic container so that neither children nor pets can get to it.

Of these traps, the Raptor and Combat SuperAttack are especially effective.

Insecticide trap against ants Combat SuperAttack

Velcro traps, or houses with electric discharges, are completely ineffective against ants. Yes, they will destroy the working forager ants, but the anthill will successfully replace them, and in general there will not be less ants in the apartment.

Other means - strongly smelling herbs, turpentine, kerosene and denatured alcohol - will not destroy the ants themselves, but only scare them away.As soon as their smell disappears in the apartment, the ants will return.

But if the owners of the premises are lucky enough to find the heart of the anthill with the habitat of the uterus, it should be vacuumed or poured with boiling water. This will reliably destroy at least one nest of ants.


How to make boric acid bait against house ants


Last update: 2022-06-18

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Choosing a remedy for domestic ants in the apartment" 20 comments
  1. Sergey

    Thank you very much for the article)

  2. Andrew

    Thanks, good article

  3. Yuri

    Exceptionally good and useful information. Helped a lot.

  4. Zhazira

    Thanks for a well written and much needed article.

  5. Oleg

    Very cool article! Thank you very much.

  6. Manya

    Thank you. I hope this rather voluminous information will help us get rid of the ants.

  7. Tatiana

    Thanks for the good advice!

  8. Kristina

    Thanks for the article, but I went through all this and even more, but the ants remained ((

  9. Igor

    I'll try the FAS gel!

  10. Zhanzak

    Thank you very much for the information, I almost bought ultrasonic devices that are useless.

  11. Andrew

    Gel "Raptor" does not help! They just don't eat it. Traps are also ineffective, I checked. Boric acid works, but the ants do not leave, but simply die.

  12. Gerasim

    Thank you for the article! I tried almost everything, except for boric acid, I'll try tomorrow.

  13. Sergey

    The gel raptor did not help either - either a fake, or they are simply cashing in on us. The spray kills raids instantly.

  14. Maria

    Well, I don’t know, apply baits, gels, so that ants crawl from all over the entrance to my apartment to “feast”? This can be effective if ALL occupants of the house use such baits in good faith. But after a week of using an electromagnetic repeller in my apartment, they are almost gone - one or two will creep in a day.

  15. Tatiana

    I really liked the article, and then I read the comments and became discouraged. Probably, the entire 6-access ten-story building will have to be turned over for processing, otherwise the goosebumps will return.

  16. Andrew

    I met Raptor (aerosol) a long time ago. After a major overhaul of the apartment and subsequent periodic flooding by neighbors, ants appeared from above. I bought various products, including an aerosol. It was frankly too lazy to smear gel in different places, although it worked. The ants ate and then there were heaps of corpses around. But according to the sensations, the livestock has never been reduced. Traps in the corners worked poorly, IMHO. Another thing is aerosol! You will pass in a jet along the ant roads, for some time they do not go there at all, and for a long time. Just be very careful when working indoors.The thing is toxic and poisoning (maybe) will not work until the end in small doses, but "helicopters" and vomiting are provided. I even tried to use it in the country, against garden ants. Good luck! Breathe, creatures! Just a higher dose. Sprayed around the perimeter of the foundation, doorways and in the house along the plinth. The house is a frame structure, there are no problems with penetration at any point of the floor. The balloon ran out, I bought a new one, it says on it - “new formula” ... And indeed - a new one! It works better, only I sprayed completely in all rooms around the perimeter of the walls and along the ceiling. And he did it only before leaving the apartment, so as not to screw up himself ... The ants fled from the apartment. Pah-pah-pah! For a long time or not - time will tell.

  17. Ludmila

    My family loves trips to the country in the country. The whole holiday is spoiled by small pests, ants in particular! I tried a variety of ways to deal with them: I bought aerosols, traps, and acids from a variety of companies. I was ready to pay any money for the victory over small parasites! But after all my experiments in the house, in addition to the terrible stench from these very products, our old acquaintances remain - ants ... Just last year I tried Inta-Vir, this is an excellent remedy for ants. Made on a powder basis, acts like a virus on ants. And finally, in our house outside the city, you can safely spend time and relax without worrying about ants.

  18. Maria

    How can you quickly get rid of ants, at least in one place and very quickly?

  19. Irina

    I'll try German gel, the main thing is not to run into a fake.

  20. Matvey

    I work at a summer health camp.And every summer we have an eternal problem - ants! The camp is located in the forest, so they are frequent guests of our buildings, and especially the first floors. It’s not very pleasant when you try to fall asleep after a hard day, and something crawls over you. It felt like there was an anthill under the bed. Once I spilled the juice, so they all stuck around! It doesn't look very good, of course. Okay, the adult generation, but there are a lot of CHILDREN in the camp! For five long years we have tried a lot of means, but so far MEDILIS-SUPER is the best to cope with this task. We just diluted the product and sprayed. If ants reappear this year, then we will take the same remedy.


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