Website for pest control

Effective flea remedies in the apartment

Last update: 2022-05-15
≡ Article has 37 comments
  • Marina: 2 years ago I got fleas out of nowhere - I don’t keep a nickname ...
  • Elena: We were in Thailand, we were bitten by bed fleas. Poisoned by locals...
  • Anna: Tell me, what is the most effective flea remedy? ...
See bottom of page for details

Choosing the most effective remedy for flea control in the apartment

The fight against fleas in the house is a long-standing problem of people around the world, regardless of their social status and income level. In Medieval Europe, for example, removing jumping parasites from the premises was a common activity of court servants. In those days, the remedy for fleas in the apartment was usually an old rabbit skin on the floor of the room, in which insects gathered and which changed with a certain regularity.

It is interesting

In the Middle Ages, the nobility even wore small pieces of rabbit skin around their neck as a remedy for fleas. Parasites actively gathered on such peculiar medallions, trying to hide in the only oasis of fur in the middle of a hairless body, and then went along with the medallion itself into the furnace.

Today, flea remedies in an apartment are, as a rule, powerful, but at the same time, insecticidal solutions that are safe for humans, which allow you to literally destroy all adult insects and their larvae in the room in just a matter of hours.

Far from any remedy for domestic fleas, whose name is well-known, will give the desired result in the fight against these insects. As practice shows, it is important not only to be able to choose an effective drug, but also to use it correctly and take a very responsible approach to the fight against parasites: even a small mistake can give fleas a second chance.

That is why, even before use, it is necessary to carefully study the procedure for using this or that remedy and observe several universal rules for combating parasites, which will be discussed below.


Variety of flea control products

Due to the narrow food specialization of fleas, the range of means for their destruction is somewhat narrower than, say, a variety of preparations for fighting cockroaches.

Adult fleas feed exclusively on blood, so not all remedies will be effective against them.

The point here is that a flea, in principle, is not able to eat a bait that is poisonous to them, and therefore these insects have to be poisoned only with substances of two types:

  • sprays, or aerosols, which penetrate insects with air. Such remedies act quickly and allow you to get rid of fleas in one day.
  • substances of contact action in the form of a powder or suspension, capable of penetrating through the outer integument of an insect. There are few such drugs, but they have proven themselves even better than aerosols. The flea remedy in the apartment in this form lasts longer than the aerosol, and usually destroys all insects in the room more reliably.

It is rational to use special dusts against flea larvae, since it is the larvae that feed on various organic residues and are able to eat insecticide.

To combat flea larvae, effective means in the form of powders (dusts)

On a note

Specialized remedies for fleas in humans are not available: fleas are not constantly present on the human body, like lice, and therefore they need to be destroyed indoors in general.

Almost all insecticides for fleas affect the nervous system of insects, ultimately leading to paralysis of the parasite. At the same time, the active ingredients in all preparations differ: some products contain insecticides of the pyrethroid group, others contain organophosphorus compounds.

On a note

Insecticides based on organophosphorus compounds have an ovicidal effect. This is important in cases where fleas have occupied the apartment for a long time and began to multiply in it. In general, organophosphorus is considered today to be somewhat outdated, and the most popular preparations based on it - Karbofos, Dichlorvos - have many disadvantages in practical use: smell, prolongation of action over time, high consumption of the drug. However, it is these means of fighting fleas in the house that are necessary in some cases.

Those who are panicky afraid of chemistry can be immediately reassured: almost any modern flea remedy is relatively safe for humans. Only in rare cases, users note allergic reactions and slight irritation of the respiratory tract when working with such drugs.

Such consequences are usually characterized by professional flea remedies, designed specifically for use by a special team in respirators and chemical protection suits. But with all the precautions and such risks can be avoided.

Methods for using different types of flea remedies are quite specific.

Each aerosol flea product in the apartment must be sprayed on the maximum area. The whole processing scheme looks like this:

  • The house is wet cleaned to eliminate accumulations of debris in which flea larvae and eggs can remain.
  • All furniture is moved away from the walls, and carpets are removed from them.
  • All residents of the apartment, including pets, leave the premises for at least a few hours, optimally for the whole day.
  • The aerosol is sprayed over carpets, baseboards, upholstered furniture, floor joints, cracks in doorways - anywhere insects can hide.
  • After applying the product, it is necessary to pause for several hours, while closing all windows and doors in the apartment.
  • After a few hours of insisting the apartment, it should be ventilated, the carpets should be brushed out or vacuumed thoroughly and the room should be wet cleaned.

A feature of the use of aerosol insecticides is their high speed of action.

The use of powder insecticides or aerosols of the Goet type, based on a microencapsulated poison, is carried out in a slightly different way. These insecticidal flea products act for a sufficiently long time and only on those insects that have time to pick them up. Therefore, here the goal of the fighter against parasites is to allow such agents to stay in places where insects can meet them for as long as possible.


Aerosol preparations based on pyrethroids - Permethrin, Cypermethrin - are usually used in two approaches with a break of five to seven days. This is due to the fact that after the first treatment of the room, flea eggs may remain in it, from which larvae will hatch in a few days. Repeated processing in the apartment destroys this young growth. But organophosphorus agents such as Karbofos mow down all insects, including their eggs.

You can use insecticidal powders without interrupting normal life: such a flea remedy in the room simply crumbles behind cabinets, under carpets, near beds, under baseboards where it will not be wiped for a long time. And the longer it stays here, the fewer fleas there will be in the apartment.

Insect dust Chisty Dom

Liquid microencapsulated products are applied in the same way. Their beauty lies in the fact that they cannot be swept away with garbage. If you treat the plinth with the same Getom, the poison will be on it and destroy the parasites until the next wet cleaning.

It is advisable not to clean the places where the powders were applied for at least 3-4 days.

On a note

According to the method of feeding, fleas are very close to bedbugs and are just as highly specialized. Therefore, almost any insecticide for bed bugs will be equally effective against fleas.

You can also fight fleas in the apartment with folk remedies. Such traditional compositions usually do not destroy insects, but they repel them with their smells and therefore are good in cases where parasites have just entered the house and have not had time to multiply.

Folk remedies for insects usually repel fleas, but do not kill them

It should be remembered that the fight against fleas in an apartment with folk remedies is the least effective way to get rid of these insects.

Of the synthetic drugs today, several drugs are most popular and well-known. Let's look at them in more detail.


Raptor against crawling insects

The spray raptor is perhaps the most famous and widely used flea control in the home. Its full name is Raptor vs. Crawling Insects.

Aerosol Raptor from crawling insects

The tool is safe for humans, since its active ingredients - Tetramethrin, Cypermethrin and Piperonyl Butoxide - even if they accidentally enter the body, they are quickly broken down by the corresponding enzymes without entering the bloodstream.

But the manufacturer of the Raptor also thought about the convenience of the user: the product has a pleasant minty smell, so no hostile aromas in the apartment will give out the ongoing flea expulsion operation. Otherwise, Raptor is used in the same way as other aerosol insecticides. To process a one-room apartment, two bottles of it, 160 rubles each, will be enough.


“For the entire private house with five rooms and a kitchen, it took us 8 Raptor cylinders. Harsh, of course, but we generally forgot about fleas. By the way, along with the fleas, the bugs that bothered the granny who lived in the house before us were also etched. At least no one in our family was bitten.”

Maria, Dnepropetrovsk


Gett for flea control

Gett is the very famous drug produced using microencapsulation technology.

Gett microencapsulated insect repellent

Today, the Russian Get and the heirs of the original German Gett are on the market - Master 250 and Empire 20.

Master 250

All of them work equally effectively, but Get is the most accessible of them all: if you can buy it via the Internet with delivery throughout Russia, then the rest of the drugs are professional tools that are used only by pest control teams.



Chlorpirimac is an insecticide mainly for gardening. Chlorpirimak helps many summer residents to successfully fight the Colorado potato beetle, codling moths and leaf beetles. However, its effectiveness against fleas is also high.

Insect repellent Chlorpirimac - also quite effective against fleas

It is only important to remember about the features of using this product: it must be washed off from all treated surfaces within a few hours after application. Otherwise, the apartment will be in "beautiful" white stains.


“I didn’t buy all these Getas and Raids of yours, but I simply took half a canister of Chlorpirimak from my mother-in-law at the dacha and sprinkled all the walls and baseboards behind the furniture in the house with it. It took about two liters of funds. I sprayed with a brush, because I was too lazy to buy a spray gun. The fleas are gone, and the cockroaches are gone with them.”

Igor Omelchenko, Saratov


Sinuzan as one of the most effective flea remedies

Sinuzan is a professional preparation used by pest control services. Its main drawback is a terrible smell, and therefore it does not pull on a home remedy for fleas. For those who managed to get it and use it, Sinuzan provides reliable protection for the premises for a long time.

Sinuzan (emulsion concentrate)


“We never had parasites at all at home, and then something started to bite. We were looking for bedbugs, but found small brown fleas right on the carpet. I really did not want to fool around with all sorts of dichlorvos, and we immediately called a pest control team. They cleaned the whole apartment very well, there were no fleas after that. We asked them what they used. It turned out to be Sinuzan. It's very smelly, but it's effective."

Karl, Kaliningrad


Biorin from fleas

Biorin is also a tool for specialists. Its use requires strict security measures, the use of personal protective equipment and proper processing of the premises.

Professional insect repellent Biorin

In addition, it can only be bought from the health services. However, this does not reduce its popularity: after a single treatment of the premises by Biorin, all fleas are completely destroyed in it, and other parasites along with them.



Insect spray Kombat

An excellent marketing decision of Kombat manufacturers was the use of aromatic additives in it. Now the fight against fleas, as well as other harmful insects in the house, has become similar to simply treating the room with an air freshener: different versions of the Kombat use mint and lemon flavors.


Flea Powder Flea Control

Feverfew is a rare exception to the large number of synthetic insecticides. This powder is ground inflorescences of medical chamomile, which have a powerful toxic effect on insects.

Feverfew - powder from ground chamomile inflorescences

Feverfew could be classified as a folk remedy if professional flea exterminators did not use it so often: as a rule, they sprinkle individual corners with Feverfew in a room treated with other insecticides.


Calling in specialized teams as the most effective step

The exterminator processes the apartment

It is no longer particularly important here what means the called professionals will use. They will come, destroy the insects, tell you what to do so that there are no traces of processing left in the apartment, and calmly give a guarantee that fleas will not appear in the house in the next few months.


Folk remedies for fleas: choose the most effective

The fight against fleas in the house with folk remedies has been practiced since prehistoric times: in the remains of buildings of the predynastic period in ancient Egypt, vessels with collections of herbs were found, which, as historians suggest, were used to scare away fleas and other insects from the bed of the inhabitants of the premises.

Wormwood branches - effective for repelling fleas

Today, decoctions of tansy and wormwood are most often used to repel fleas in the house. They simply spray the corners of the rooms, and dry branches are laid out under the bed and near the cabinets.

Good and proven remedies are eucalyptus fragrance and ammonia, which should be added to the water that is used to wash the floors.

Some especially radical warriors with parasites willingly use turpentine and denatured alcohol to treat an apartment, but these means cannot be called at least somewhat acceptable for expelling parasites from an apartment. It may be possible to fight fleas with such folk remedies, but it is unlikely to live comfortably in a house smelling of turpentine and kerosene.


Many other products and insecticides sold on the market and in stores are also suitable for flea control. It is only important to understand what active ingredients are included in their composition and how each remedy is suitable for a particular case. If, in addition, there are reliable positive reviews on the Internet about the drug, then it is quite reasonable to use it in the fight against fleas.


An example of a house infested with fleas


Details on choosing a disinsection service for the destruction of fleas in the house


Last update: 2022-05-15

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Effective remedies for fleas in the apartment" 37 comments
  1. Victor

    I looked at a dozen sites, your most intelligent. Thank you! )

  2. Dina

    Really very good site, everything is written and photos are shown! Thank you!

  3. Elena

    Thanks, very helpful site. A lot of information.

  4. Olga

    Very good site!

  5. Olga

    Very good site, I like it very much.

  6. Shynar

    Yes, a lot of useful information indeed. Now we will look for all these means. Hope I find it. Thank you.

  7. Oleg

    This is quite a useful site, thanks 🙂

  8. Mariska

    Thanks for the helpful tips. You are best.

  9. Elena

    Thanks for the info, good article!

  10. Konstantin

    Thanks for the detailed information.

  11. Larisa

    A detailed description and photo of flea control products is just a godsend! Thank you!

  12. Sergey

    The housing office disinfector advised against fleas to simply wet the floors, simply in a deck way. Wife urinated 5 times a day. Every day they became less and less. A month later, they breathed a sigh of relief - victory! But dust, dichlorvos of all brands did not help!

    • Anonymous

      You mean wet?

      • Anonymous

        Fill with water and then wipe. Watch movies to see how it's done.

        • Anonymous

          Not every floor can be filled with water, especially if you do not live on a ship.

          • Milena

            Exactly, you can’t flood the parquet with water.

  13. Alexander

    Nice, helpful site! Learned a lot about myself. Thank you! Irkutsk region

  14. Anonymous

    Thanks for helping.

  15. Elena

    Three days ago I treated the apartment with the Clean House spray, and for 2 days I was glad that everything was gone, fleas. But this morning I sat down in the kitchen before work to drink coffee and my joy broke off.Today I bought a Combat from fleas, I wonder if it will help ?! How many times do you need to do the treatment so that the fleas disappear? Someone tell me?

  16. Johan

    Thanks for the photo with instructions for deltamethrin, otherwise I tried washing my hands with meadow shampoo - to no avail. It is necessary that the flea is smeared. I'll fix the sofa.

  17. Kolya

    Tell me, how can I get fleas out of the apartment?

    • Tatiana

      Cypermethrin, only the instructions say 1 ml per liter of water, and we did 5 ml per liter, as advised in the sanitary and epidemiological station! Repeat the treatment after 5 days. Upholstered furniture was sprayed with a raptor (or a raid ...) They left the apartment for a day with the windows closed. GOOD LUCK!

  18. Anton

    Thanks for the info.

  19. Kolya


  20. Tatiana

    Good article, everything is written in an accessible and understandable way! We went to the SES, bought cypermethrin and sprayed everything. Hooray, victory, no fleas! We will repeat in 5 days, to be sure! And then the fleas overcame, all the legs were bitten and the whole child. At first I thought that my son had an allergy, a fool stuffed suprastin, and these turned out to be small creatures, he was bitten all this time!

  21. Maria

    Wormwood helps a lot! The whole year can lie under carpets and in corners. You just need to shake it fresh and dry it well. No smell, no fleas, free. I've been saving her for many years.

  22. Catherine

    Neither dichlorvos nor the battalion commander helped. They came from the SES - they processed the apartment, there was no result. Moreover, there are few fleas, but they do not disappear at all, there is no sense in these treatments. I do not know what to do.

    • Anonymous

      From the neighbors, it means they run to you, or from the attic or basement.

  23. Marina

    We had fleas at home, I read forums and bought various products.As a result, we managed to defeat fleas with the help of Fas Double! It costs less than 50 rubles. I advise everyone! I decided that when I find a remedy that will help me, I will definitely share it on the forums.

  24. Alyona

    That year, the cat brought fleas from the street, brought them out with the help of Butox (my mother bought it in Ukraine). This year, the cat brought it back again, but it’s impossible to get it out, I’ve already done three treatments - I applied solfisan once, applied delcid 2 and 3 times ... Something zero in phase. Now I'll look for your funds.

  25. Natalya S.

    Have you tried repellers that plug into an outlet?

  26. Anonymous

    Who can tell if fleas can be removed with bleach?

  27. Irina

    Please leave your feedback, who and how brought fleas with their own hands ?! We have them coming from the entrance and from the attic, is it a pipe?

  28. Dima

    Why write what a good site, you are the best, etc. Rave. Write reviews, how and what did you do with the parasites!

  29. Anna

    What is the most effective flea remedy?

    • Marina

      2 years ago I got fleas out of nowhere - I don’t keep any living creatures. I thought it was from grief, just as my husband died. I shoveled the entire Internet, used everything that was recommended. Disappeared. But this year in the fall they reappeared. She poured dust "Rubit", sprinkled dichlorvos on furniture, scattered wormwood everywhere. Every day I wash the floors with domestos, adding vinegar, soda and salt. Temporarily disappear, but after a week they reappear. I don't know how to get them out anymore. I bought a Zifox, I'll try it. Share your experience.

  30. Elena

    We were in Thailand, we were bitten by bed fleas. Poisoned with local dichlorvos, but helps weakly.


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