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Effective remedies for wasps: an overview of drugs and the nuances of their use

Last update: 2022-05-10
≡ Article has 15 comments
  • Ruslan: If you can use fire, then at night you burn the nest ...
  • Igor: Apparently, they never bit you and your children in a swarm... Last...
  • Irina: Here are the freaks. Traps, poisons... They are alive!...
See bottom of page for details

Today, there are quite a few different means to get rid of wasps, and then we will consider the most effective drugs and the features of their use in practice ...

Let's start with the fact that the biochemical processes occurring in the body of various insect species are largely the same and are based on similar principles. And wasps are no exception. Accordingly, an effective wasp remedy is an insecticidal preparation, which in most cases will be equally effective against other insects: cockroaches, ants, flies, etc.

In other words, most modern insecticides have a very wide spectrum of action, so you should not get too hung up on some kind of “magic” remedy that would destroy wasps. Various advertising materials, online stores and their managers can quite seriously sing their drugs as powerful remedies for wasps and hornets (and often this is true), although at the same time the same drug is already in another store or even just in another section of the same store is positioned as an excellent tool, for example, against cockroaches.

Most modern insecticides have a wide spectrum of action, almost equally effective in killing wasps, hornets, flies, ants and many other insects.

But what really should be emphasized when fighting wasps is the important nuances of the correct use of the appropriate insecticidal preparation:

  1. To achieve a 100% result, if there is a nest in a summer cottage or a balcony of a city apartment, you need to be able to destroy both adult wasps, and larvae, and the queen in the nest. In this case, fast-acting insecticides are well suited.
  2. If insects simply fly to the site to feed, they must, firstly, be attracted to the poisoned bait, and secondly, somehow forced to eat it. Accordingly, in this case, it is better to buy a drug that does not have a strong repulsive odor so as not to interrupt the smell of the bait.
  3. When using insecticides for wasps in the garden or vegetable garden, you need to be able to do it safely both for the crop and for all the inhabitants of the site.

The photograph shows a hornet's nest located in the attic of a wooden house.

Generally speaking, today it is not a problem to buy a remedy for wasps, since almost any hardware store has a more or less wide range of various insecticidal preparations. However, many of them will be far from the best choice due to the strong unpleasant odor, relatively low efficiency and danger to human health.

Therefore, let's see what types of insect repellents exist today and which ones should be preferred when fighting wasps.


Types of funds from wasps

According to the method of application, anti-wasp agents can be divided into two types. The first type combines preparations intended for the preparation of poisoned baits and traps.

Such funds must meet the following requirements:

  • do not have a strong odor;
  • be highly toxic to wasps;
  • not pose a high danger to warm-blooded animals (humans and animals).

The second group of drugs is the means by which you can quickly, reliably and safely destroy all insects in the nest for your health.Here are the main requirements:

  • high speed of action of the drug on insects;
  • ease of use (aerosol or spray);
  • low toxicity to humans.

Depending on the form of release of the insecticidal preparation, there are:

  1. Concentrates for dilution and subsequent application as a spray - some of these wasp control products are very effective and at the same time quite economical. Concentrates are well suited for both the preparation of poisoned baits and the treatment of wasp nests (after diluting the preparation according to the instructions).Many insecticide concentrates are adapted for domestic use and are sold in small packages.
  2. Aerosols sold already completely ready for use (in spray bottles). They are usually treated with insect nests.A feature of aerosol products is the high rate of destruction of insects, so they can be used directly on the nest of wasps.
  3. Insecticides in the form of powders that dissolve in water or are poured directly into the bait in order to obtain a poisonous treat. This group includes, for example, borax and boric acid - perhaps the most famous folk remedies for wasps.Some insecticidal powders work well for making poison baits.
  4. Special gels with insecticides, which were originally created as good baits for insects (primarily for cockroaches and ants).

Gels used to etch cockroaches will be quite effective against wasps.

And also note insect adhesives, to which wasps simply stick.

Poisoned baits for wasps can also be divided into two types: the first are intended for baiting exclusively adult insects, and the second, oddly enough, for larvae as well.

The action of the baits of the first type is based on the taste preferences of adults: they will never "pass" past the available sweet syrups or fermented jam - in our case, poisoned with insecticides. Wasps willingly flock to them, and after feeding they quickly die.

The action of poisoned baits of the second type is not aimed at the immediate destruction of insects - they must first bring poison to their nest and feed the larvae and the uterus with a “delicacy”.

For example, meat treated with a suitable insecticidal preparation is laid out in a conspicuous place, and very soon attracts the first "victims". The poisoned wasp bait is carried to the nest, where they chew it hard themselves, and then feed it to the larvae, which leads to the death of both adult insects and brood. The queen of the hornet's nest also gets a treat.

The wasps will take the poisoned bait to their nest and feed the larvae and the uterus with it.

To date, there are quite a few different insecticidal preparations suitable as a remedy for wasps. Below we will talk about the most effective and successful ones in practice.


Get from wasps

The drug Get (Get) is widely known as a powerful remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches, however, as a means of killing wasps, it also shows very decent results. Geth is of little danger to humans, and, which is very important, it has practically no smell. This tool can be used both to destroy the nest itself, and as a poisonous substance in wasp baits.

Get Highly Effective Insect Repellent

To destroy the nest, Get is diluted in water at a ratio of 100 ml of the drug (one bottle) to 2 liters of liquid. Next, the product is poured into a large plastic bag, which is thrown over the nest at night, and its neck is either tightly wrapped with tape (if the insect dwelling is hanging on a tree branch) or glued to a flat surface (if the nest, for example, is suspended on the ceiling of any room) . You can remove the package only after a couple of days, when all adults are already dead.

On a hornet's nest hanging on a branch, you can simply put on a bag with a poison solution poured into it.

The nest, located in the ground or in a hollow of a tree, is simply filled with the same solution of Get, as in the previous case, and the exit is clogged with a cloth soaked in this solution.

To prepare a poisoned bait in beer, fermented jam or kvass, Get from a bottle is added in a ratio of 1:10, mixed, after which such a bait with poison is poured into plastic bottles. You can also treat a piece of meat with an aqueous emulsion of the drug, which is placed near the hornet's nest.

Due to the fact that Get is odorless, wasps absolutely calmly eat baits based on it. The drug has been repeatedly tested by many people in practice, and in general it can be described as a fairly effective poison against wasps.

Perhaps the main drawback of Get is its relatively high price. This drug costs about 800 rubles per 100 ml bottle and is sold mainly through the Internet.


“The wasps appeared with us at the beginning of spring, and then there were an awful lot of them. It turned out that they built their nest near the toilet. Even then, we didn’t know how to poison wasps, we went to the neighbors, and they recently poisoned cockroaches, and they still had poison. We bred it, my husband took a sprayer and processed the entire nest in the evening. In the morning there was a whole carpet of dead wasps under him, but the living ones were still flying. Then we finished them too.”

Irina Vitalievna, Volgodonsk


Boric acid as a component of poisoned baits

Boric acid is perhaps the most famous folk remedy for wasps. As part of various baits, it is also widely used as a poison against cockroaches and ants.

Boric acid is effective not only against cockroaches, but also against wasps.

The main advantages of boric acid:

  • sufficiently high poisoning ability in relation to insects;
  • relative harmlessness to humans (previously boric acid was even used to disinfect wounds);
  • complete absence of smell;
  • availability and low price (you can buy it at any pharmacy).

Usually, boric acid (as well as the Get tool described above) is added to fermented jam or beer, after which the prepared bait is poured into a suitable container. You can also treat pieces of raw meat with a suspension of boric acid and lay them out near wasp nests.

Chemical formula of boric acid

On a note

Borax is also a fairly well-known remedy for fighting wasps and other insects. By chemical nature, it is the sodium salt of boric acid, which has almost the same insecticidal properties as the acid itself.


Fighting wasps with Dichlorvos

Dichlorvos against wasps was used even when it was practically the only means of salvation from domestic insects. This aerosol product is still used today, although the active ingredient of the drug has long changed since Soviet times (now pyrethroids are used instead of organophosphorus substances in different brands of Dichlorvos).

Today there are a large number of different types of modern Dichlorvos, the active substance of which has nothing to do with the old Soviet version.

Dichlorvos, as a rule, treats the nest of wasps. When choosing this tool, you need to understand that you will have to approach the nest and spray it from a spray can more than once. Each treatment will lead to the death of a sufficiently large number of insects, and in a few days it is possible to achieve the destruction of the entire wasp family.

When using Dichlorvos (however, like any other remedy), do not forget about precautions. The nest should be destroyed only at night, when insects are inactive.Be sure to wear tight clothes with sleeves, thick gloves and a beekeeper's mask.

You can buy Dichlorvos of various brands (Eco, Neo, Varan, etc.) today in almost any hardware store. The drug is inexpensive, and in most cases one cylinder is enough to destroy the average hornet's nest.

Dichlorvos is quite suitable to quickly poison insects in the nest.

You can replace Dichlorvos with other similar aerosol insecticidal preparations: Raptor from crawling insects, Raptor from moths, Kombat, insect aerosol Chisty Dom, etc.


Delta Zone

Delta Zone Concentrate is another well-known and very effective drug that can be successfully used against wasps and hornets. A characteristic feature of this tool is the presence of a very faint smell, which makes it quite suitable for the preparation of poisoned baits.

Insect repellent Delta Zone (virtually odorless)

A bottle of the drug for 100 ml costs about 650 rubles. In general, the effectiveness of Delta Zone and Get against wasps is approximately the same.



Karbofos is an insect poison known for its effectiveness and low price, although it is somewhat outdated. It is sold in the form of a powder, or in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of an aqueous emulsion. The latter form of this tool is more convenient for the preparation of wasp poisoning compounds.

Karbofos is sold both in powder and liquid form.

Karbofos is also famous for its very sharp and unpleasant smell. That is why it will not work to use it as part of poisoned baits - the smell of the product will simply scare away most insects.

You can use the tool in two ways:

  • dilute 100 ml of a concentrated solution of Karbofos with a liter of water, pour it into a large plastic bag, and then (at night) pull it from below onto the nest;
  • or simply spray the nest with the resulting emulsion (in this case, the procedure sometimes has to be repeated more than once).


Traps and the drug Otos

Traps are widely known folk remedies for dealing with wasps. They are usually made from plain plastic bottles by cutting off the top and inserting it upside down into the bottom half.

Jam, beer, mash or kvass are poured into the finished trap. Get, boric acid, Chlorophos, or any other suitable odorless insecticidal agent can be added to the bait to increase effectiveness.

An effective wasp trap can be made from a regular plastic bottle.

The top of the bottle is cut off and tightly inserted into the bottom.

Such a trap can be used even without the upper part - wasps flying out of it will still die. In the case of a standard design, the presence of an insecticide in the bait greatly facilitates shaking the insects out of the bottle - by this time they are all dead (otherwise, you might have to think about how to quickly destroy a hundred grams of live wasps in a crowded trap).

The photo shows an example of a trap filled with dead wasps.

Otos can also be used as a poisoned bait - both insecticides and flavored sugar have already been added to it. The drug is sold in a ready-to-use form. There is only one problem - you can not buy this remedy for wasps in every store.

Preparation for the destruction of wasps and hornets Otos


Gels from cockroaches to fight wasps

You can also get rid of wasps in a house or in a summer cottage with cockroach gels. The peculiarity of insecticidal gels is that they are both bait and poison, so to speak, in one bottle (although such bait is not as attractive for wasps as it is for cockroaches and ants, but it often works too). In addition, gels are convenient to apply on almost any surface.

In the case of wasps, it is especially effective to apply gels to different places near their nest - this greatly increases the likelihood of insects detecting the product.

Insecticide gel should be treated on surfaces near the nest of wasps

Almost any gels from cockroaches are suitable for the destruction of wasps, for example, Absolut, Globol or Fas, which are smeared either on a sheet of paper and laid out somewhere near the nest, or applied directly to a wall or tree trunk.

Gel for the destruction of insects Absolut

Insecticidal gel Fas


Glue for insects and traps based on it

And in conclusion, we note another effective type of wasp repellent - special adhesives, which are also used to catch cockroaches and ants. A piece of cardboard is smeared with glue, and a sweet bait is placed in the very center of the resulting sticky spot - for example, a piece of meat or watermelon. Wasps flocking to the treat naturally stick to the cardboard, and can be destroyed without any problems.

Glues such as Alt, Apcoll, Kapkan and some others can be used against wasps: there is not much difference between them, they all have approximately the same efficiency.

Glue from rodents and insects Alt

Glue for the preparation of glue traps from rodents and insects Kapkan

When using glue as a wasp repellant, there are two things to consider:

  • it will take more than one day to fight insects, since all the inhabitants of the nest cannot be destroyed at once by this method;
  • In addition to wasps, other insects can also fall into the glue trap.

In general, if the wasps do not terrorize the inhabitants of the site and do not particularly harm it, it is not worth fighting single specimens of insects. It must be remembered that they are of great benefit in destroying agricultural pests, and therefore the thoughtless destruction of wasps can lead to the fact that part of the crop will be endangered. Be prudent and use the appropriate means only when it is really necessary.


An interesting video about how to make effective wasp traps


An original approach to destroying a hornet's nest


Last update: 2022-05-10

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Effective remedies for wasps: an overview of drugs and the nuances of their use" 15 comments
  1. Anonymous

    Hello. We have a beehive in the country, tell me how to get rid of it without destroying wasps / bees.

  2. Andrey Zimin

    Interesting tips, thanks for the tips!

  3. Svetlana

    There are a lot of wasps at home ... Every day they climb. Nests were not found anywhere, but from the street they found a gap where they flocked. First, dichlorvos, and then foamed. But they still climb. True, they don’t fly to a foamy place anymore. What do you do if you don't find a nest?

    • Anonymous

      The nest is where they go!

  4. Anonymous

    And if you can't get to the nest, what then?

  5. Tatiana

    Please tell me what to do, there are a lot of wasps at home. Climb somewhere near the window. It seems that everything was replaced, but they still climb. Disinfectors were called, treated, they became even angrier, they fly between the bricks.Can you tell me how to get rid of them?

    I think the nest is somewhere off the street, between the bricks and our window. Fooled, but to no avail. Tell me what to do?

    • Kote

      Take mammoth wallpaper glue, spread it like wallpaper, and slap it on the place where these wasps fly. Awesome effect!

    • Alexander

      Sprinkle the meat with boric acid. They themselves will die and feed the uterus with larvae.

    • Tatiana

      Master-250 helps a lot. The price is 750 rubles, but it definitely helps, I checked it at my house.

  6. Kote

    For three days I haven’t poisoned these wasps, and here you are)) There was a moment for the wallpaper glue, I threw this glue to the place where these wasps arrive. And everyone died))

    You can use a large syringe))

  7. Michael

    Please tell me, is it possible to add both boric acid and store-bought insecticides to the poisoned bait?

  8. Hope

    I found another effective method on how to destroy the nest of earthen wasps. At night, the burrow of wasps is filled with bitumen. And that's it.

  9. Irina

    Here are the freaks. Traps, poisons... They are alive!

    • Igor

      Apparently, they never bit you and your children in a swarm ... I would have listened later about humanity.

  10. Ruslan

    If it is possible to use fire, then at night the nest is burned out with a burner, and if fire cannot be used, then the paint in the aerosol can rules - painted the wasps and let them dry))


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