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How to properly remove nits from hair: practical tips

Last update: 2022-05-17
≡ Article has 109 comments
  • Zhanna: A straightening iron helps to get rid of nits...
  • Galina: Hellebore water, wash 2 times with an interval of 1 week. And that's it! FROM...
  • Anna: I don’t know where my daughter picked them up, we don’t go to the garden. Only ...
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Let's try to figure out which methods of removing nits from hair are the most effective and at the same time safe to use.

Removing nits from hair is, generally speaking, a more difficult task than just pickling lice on the head. If adult insects die relatively quickly from insecticidal shampoos, sprays and creams, then nits not only turn out to be resistant to most of these drugs, but, in addition, even with direct mechanical action, they can only be torn off from the hair with great effort. The fact is that over the long centuries of evolution and parasitism on humans, lice have learned to attach nits to the hair so firmly that it can be more difficult to tear them off than to pull out the hair itself. Such reliable attachment of eggs significantly increases the chances of future offspring of parasites to survive.

Removing nits can also be problematic for the reason that even when using powerful insecticidal preparations that can destroy the louse germ in the egg itself, the nits themselves do not crumble from the hair. Even when dead, they continue to hang on the hair and create an untidy look.

Even dead nits give the hair a very unsightly appearance.

Therefore, you need to be prepared that even after using highly effective lice remedies, you will have to remove nits from your hair mechanically.However, do not be afraid - this work can also be greatly facilitated.

It is interesting

The photo below clearly shows what a nit is. This is an egg in a special capsule that envelops the hair for a long time. Such a capsule is formed from a special mucus secreted by the oviduct of the female louse and quickly hardens in the air. Even when the nit larva hatches, the shell (dry nit) continues to hang on the hair for a very long time.

The female louse very firmly attaches the nit to the hair with a special sticky secret.

Even when the louse larva leaves the nit, the shell continues to hang on the hair (dry nit)

So, let's take a look at some effective ways that can make it much easier to remove nits from your hair.


Mechanical method: thick comb

You can remove lice and nits from your hair with a special thick comb. This method is considered the safest for health, since it does not involve the use of chemicals, but it requires the most time and effort.

For mechanical removal of parasites, wet hair is divided into strands, which, one after another, are carefully combed out several times with a comb from the very root of the hair. The whole procedure is carried out over a bathtub or over a white sheet, with which you can then easily shake out lice and nits on the street.

If you have chosen a mechanical method for removing nits, you need to comb your hair very carefully, strand by strand.

The photo shows lice and nits combed out with a comb (they are clearly visible on a white cloth)

There are quite a lot of combs themselves today: RobiComb, NitFree, LiceGuard, AntiV combs are on sale in Russia. In addition, branded combs are supplied with some pediculicidal shampoos and sprays - just for combing out insects and nits.

The photo shows examples of special combs for combing out lice and nits.

On a note

The most popular comb in our country today is AntiV, largely due to the high quality of the product and efficient design, and partly due to massive advertising. In general, LiceGuard and NitFree combs are not inferior to it in terms of effectiveness.

Do not rush to buy widely advertised electronic combs to remove lice from the head: practice shows that the effectiveness of these products does not exceed that of ordinary combs, but the price is much higher. In addition, most electronic combs have a narrower web, which makes it difficult to fully work through a strand of hair.

It is also useful to read: Nyx Lice Remedy

And further: Paranit from lice - a dummy that you can’t wash off your hair with, or a really effective thing? (the article has more than 70 comments)

Electric comb Robi Comb Pro

Combs can be used as independent means for removing lice and nits, and in combination with insecticidal preparations.

To conduct an “anti-tire campaign” with only combs, the combing procedure should be carried out daily, preferably twice a day, for 10-12 days. After the first combing, it will be possible to remove lice and nits in the largest quantities, but there will be very few live nits among them.

Then, as young larvae emerge from the nits every day, they will be removed from the hair. Given that the period of development of nits is approximately 7-8 days, for 10 days of daily combing of the hair, it is usually possible to remove all the young shoots of parasites.


Chemical method: we use modern technologies

It is easiest to remove lice from hair with the help of modern pediculicides. Among them there are sprays, creams, shampoos, lotions, emulsions. However, these drugs for the most part do not have an effect against nits, with the exception of individual preparations, which include insecticides of a specific action - such substances penetrate the nit shell and destroy the embryo in the egg.

Among modern remedies for lice, only a few are able to destroy nits.

Drugs effective against nits include, for example, Pedilin shampoo, Para-Plus aerosol, Medilis Malathion emulsion. Before destroying lice and nits with these products, you must carefully read the instructions for use and follow all safety requirements.

Lice Shampoo Pedilin

Lice chemicals are applied to the hair in the manner that is implied by their shape. The drug is kept for the time allowed by the instructions and then washed off. As a rule, this treatment has to be repeated after a week to kill the larvae hatching from the nits that survived after the first treatment.

On a note

Some lice creams and shampoos may not wash off the first time, and the head has to be rinsed repeatedly.

More effective is the combination of chemical and mechanical methods: after the first treatment with any preparation, the hair that is still wet after rinsing is combed out with a comb.

After washing your hair with a special insecticidal shampoo, it is advisable to additionally comb out lice and nits with a comb

In this way, inhibited (weakened), but not dead lice and part of the nits are removed from the head. If, after a single treatment with the drug, the head is combed out within three to four days, then it is usually possible to avoid repeated use of the product.

In general, you need to understand that any pediculicides only destroy lice, but do not remove dead insects from the hair. You need to remove the dead parasites from the head either with a comb (you can use a simple but thick one), or by washing your hair frequently for a week.


The method is traditional, folk: grandmother's methods still work!

Among the folk ways to deal with lice, there are a number of quite effective remedies that really help to remove adult lice and nits.For example, such products include kerosene, vinegar, hellebore water, cranberry juice and hydrogen peroxide - in addition to being toxic to adult insects, these products also soften the shell of nits.

When choosing a grandmother's remedy for the destruction of lice and nits, follow all safety measures.

Even if the nit survives after that, it will simply fall off the hair. After that, it can be shaken off the head, washed off or combed out with a comb.

It is also useful to read: Getting rid of lice and nits at home

And further: Just don't burn your hair - vinegar is really effective against lice and nits (the article has over 100 comments)

However, almost all folk remedies have serious contraindications and can be harmful if used incorrectly. For example:

  • Kerosene and vinegar, when left on the skin for a long time, cause chemical burns, and the hair itself smells unpleasant after them and may begin to fall out.
  • Short-term exposure to hydrogen peroxide leads to hair discoloration, and long-term exposure can cause allergies and burns.
  • Hellebore water is considered quite allergenic.

But such remedies as a decoction of wormwood or tansy from lice are not very effective - they do not destroy parasites, but only repel them, and therefore can only be used to prevent infection.

Against nits, a combination of folk remedies with combs can be effective, when the nits crumble after the dissolving action of the agent, and after that they are combed out with a comb.

Almost any remedy for lice and nits should be combined with combing out parasites with a comb.

Folk remedies, perhaps, have the only advantage over specialized lice preparations - they are inexpensive.


Safety above all!

When removing lice, you should always think more carefully about the safety of the procedure for their destruction than about how to quickly remove lice and nits from the hair: sometimes it makes sense to treat the hair twice, but not damage either them or the scalp.

In general, in order to avoid any trouble when removing lice, the following points should be considered:

  • strictly follow the instructions for use of a particular drug;
  • if possible, use personal protective equipment - gloves, a scarf, a cotton-gauze bandage; Use gloves to protect your hands when applying an insecticide for lice and nits
  • in the presence of forces and time, prefer combs to chemical means; AntiV combs for combing out lice and nits
  • rinse thoroughly after hair treatment;
  • before treating hair, check if the agent causes allergies. To do this, just drop it on the skin behind the ear for a few minutes and rinse. If the skin turns red at the site of application, the product should not be used.

You should be especially careful when using folk remedies - there are a lot of reviews of various side effects, as well as accidents after their use (kerosene can ignite on the head, vinegar can cause serious burns with blisters).

It is also useful to remember: in order to guarantee the removal of lice without risk, serious costs, harm to health and constant combing, it is enough to simply shave the hair at the site of infection. According to scientists, it is because of the fashion for shaved pubes that the pubic louse as a species is practically dying out today. So what prevents the head louse from being destroyed in the same way?


Want to get rid of lice? Take into account the important nuances ...


An example when lice are literally swarming in the hair on the head


On the danger of using kerosene to remove lice - the child received burns


Last update: 2022-05-17

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to properly remove nits from hair: practical tips" 109 comments
  1. wash

    How to remove lice from hair?

    • Anonymous


      • Marina

        People! We live in the 21st century. What kind of kerosene? Any pharmacy is full of lice remedies.

    • Irina

      Pair plus. Spray.

      • Yana

        It does not work, a couple of days have passed, as soon as everything turned out with nits.

    • Anonymous

      Nude should be applied on the head for 45 minutes and wait. Then you comb out, if you have few of them, then about 1 hour. But if a lot, then 2-3 hours.

    • Maria


  2. Anonymous

    No, it's better not to use kerosene. There was a video in the article about how a girl suffered because of kerosene. It is better to use a comb and chemical. substances.

    • Anonymous

      What if there is no money for it?

      • Anonymous

        Lice do not need to start

        • Anonymous

          They somehow start up on their own, and the medicines are really expensive, and there is little sense from them.

          • Anonymous

            And the truth is, there is no sense in these funds.

          • Galina

            Hellebore water, wash 2 times with an interval of 1 week. And that's it! It costs about 30 rubles.

        • Anonymous

          Now pediculosis is not a social problem, but a problem of million-plus cities, where there is a large population density. You can earn both in transport and on the square. Lice are no longer part of unsanitary conditions.

        • Anonymous

          I brought it from the manger.I would have killed the child with the mother who infected my daughter.

  3. Anna

    Handles, handles to choose - the most effective means, not chemistry.

  4. Lily

    You can only get rid of nits mechanically - either pick them out with your hands, which is very long and disgusting, or comb out Antive with a medical comb. This is much faster and more efficient. In combination with Antive Duo balm, the process of removing parasites does not take much time at all. It turns out not cheap, but 100% effective. All my friends who brought lice to children in this way were satisfied.

    • Anonymous

      And if it didn't help?

  5. Vika

    I brought out the lice, and there were no living nits left. But the dead are hanging, it's annoying. And I’m also going to the camp soon, they’ll check there, and I’ll be ashamed that I just have dead people hanging around.

    • Anonymous

      How to remove nits?

  6. Anya

    For a whole month I have not been able to remove these parasites, before I somehow quickly got rid of them (dichlorvos). And now it's just impossible.

    • Dasha

      I, too, cannot remove these parasites, I have been picking up at school for 2 years.

    • Christine

      Dichlorvos is much more dangerous for your head than for lice, as they already know how to deal with it. Try to buy other means.

  7. Zulya

    We bought an Antive comb, they are easy to remove lice.

    • Anonymous


    • Anonymous

      Does this comb remove nits?

  8. margarita

    We have tried many ways, the nits are dead, but we cannot take them out of the hair. Please advise.

    • Elvira

      Yes, dead nits are difficult to remove on their own. But over time, they will disappear.

    • Victoria

      Hellebore water, Dichlorvos, cranberry juice, Nyuda medicines, hydrogen peroxide, Pedilin lotion, Paranit.

      • Anonymous

        Doesn't it bake?

      • Anonymous

        Excuse me, but do you buy plain cranberry juice and discard it? Or do you need a special one?

        • Lera

          How can I remove these lice from my hair? I'm afraid to tell my mom that I have lice. Is there any home remedy?

          • Maria

            I advise you to tell your parents, otherwise it will be very bad. I did not tell my mother, and the whole family got infected. And try the Nyuda remedy, it helped me a lot.

          • Anonymous

            Don't be afraid mom, lice are more dangerous! ) Lavinal spray helps us, and then wash our hair with Lavinal shampoo!

    • Anonymous

      It is necessary to apply Nude for 40 minutes and wait. Then wash your hair well with shampoo, well, as always. But most importantly, close your eyes and mouth so that everything is fine. And then you comb out in the morning for about 2-3 hours, then about the same in the evening. If you don't get rid of it, then repeat a few more times. And everything can pass. If it doesn’t go away, then don’t be offended, I’m still a child and I also struggle with them.

  9. Oksana

    Try with your hands, we have already pulled them out. I did everything I could, but 3 hours of torment did the trick.

  10. Kristina

    I already understood the lice, how are the nits?

  11. Didi

    Medicines from the pharmacy do not help at all. I washed my daughter’s hair with a lice remedy for cats, it’s gorgeous, all the lice died right away. And after that, for the second month we are clean. And before that, I bought up the entire pharmacy and it was useless!

    • Anonymous

      What is the name of the remedy?

  12. Alina

    Will they fall off over time or will they just stay there?

    • Pauline

      They will remain on the hair, and will hang for at least 100 years until they are pulled out. They are well attached to the hair.

      • Masha

        Are you from Pluto? If you have dead nits hanging in your head, then in a couple of days they will dry out and fall off. Lice and nits themselves survive only a month.

  13. Anonymous

    How to make nits fall off by themselves?

    • Evgenia

      There is a product that dissolves the glue with which the nits are attached to the hair. It's called Neat Free mousse. It makes it very easy to remove nits.

    • Anonymous

      No way

  14. Katia

    I have dry nits hanging and my head itches a lot. I'm going to camp in August, I don't really want everyone to know about this, but I don't know how to remove them. I live in Lithuania. Help me, how can I remove them?

    • Anonymous

      Buy a comb

    • Dilya, Uzbekistan

      Remove with your hands. Tell a friend to help - you can get rid of it with your hands in one day and even in one night. Don't be lazy. And don't be ashamed of it. Only with your hands, even a comb does not help.

  15. Angelina

    Help me, please, I have not been able to get them out for two months now, a full head of nits, and soon they will go to school, they will check my head. It's a shame that a 9th grader with parasites in her head. Help me please please. And there is no time to pull nits, I am very busy, I will be very happy ((

  16. Nastya

    Went to honey today. sightseeing in front of the camp. They said I had nits above my left ear. I was horrified! They told me to buy some kind of spray at the pharmacy, apply it, wait 20 minutes and wash my hair. I can't even touch my head now

  17. Yana

    Dry nits are afraid of acid. Wash your hair with vinegar and diluted warm water every day, then dry your hair thoroughly with a towel. Helped my daughter.

  18. Natalia

    The most excellent tool is Para Plus. The daughter brings lice from school for more than a year. I only use them. Shampoo didn't help. Let it be expensive, but one treatment with this spray - and the lice die right away! I remove the nits with a comb.

  19. Kristina

    Help, I picked up lice from a friend, and this one found out a week later. I was terrified, I'm 12 years old. I tried Para Plus.It was very hot, but the lice were killed immediately. But the nits remained, my mother checked, they seem to be empty. I went to bed with relief. Waking up in the morning, my mother began to check her head, looked, and it turns out they are alive. Mom bought a comb and started combing. But the comb did not help. Mom started choosing with her hands, chose 50 pieces, I was horrified, she chose 3 hours 🙁 What should I do, because the school is coming soon. Advise something, please.

    • And bath

      Same problem

  20. Tatiana Kirienko

    Moms, be careful with permethrin and malathion products! With gasoline and kerosene, too - do not poison children with toxins and everything that corrodes the skin! Now in pharmacies there are excellent products with mineral oils and silicones, such as Paranit, for example, with metal combs in the kit, with conditioners for easy removal of nits! Not enough for conditioner - I advise you to rinse your hair after treatment with water and vinegar or lemon juice - this dissolves the sticky substrate that sticks the nits tightly to the hair. Hair should be divided into small strands and combed alternately with a comb, paying most attention to the places behind the ears and on the back of the head.

  21. And bath

    I can't get rid of dry nits, and soon the school will check the head, there will be a shame in the 5th grade. Help me please!

    • ioanna

      Alcohol or vodka, pour it on your hair, then wrap it in a towel. After an hour, rinse off and comb through with a hair dryer. And so every day. Be careful not to get on the skin and eyes. Rinse your hair with vinegar so that it does not cling to others again, and eat garlic. If you can't eat, swallow whole like a pill.

  22. Tanya Smagulova

    Ivanna, take your pick. Let someone help

  23. Alia

    My sister and I also found ourselves with lice.My sister had a dime a dozen, I have a little less. She bought Anti-Bit comb shampoo, and I Veda. Every day they washed their hair and combed it out with a comb, but the lice still remained. We fought with them for about 1.5 months, dyed our hair, washed with these shampoos, combed and straightened. And we got rid of them!

  24. Nastya

    Guys! You go to a veterinary pharmacy, buy an ampoule of a product called Butox. It is very cheap, about 10 UAH. for an ampoule. Dilute it with water. 1 liter of water per 1 ampoule (1 ml). Spray your hair. More precisely, completely soak them. Can be sprayed. Then put a bag over your head and wrap it with a towel on top. Sit for about 20-30 minutes.
    Attention! Butox is highly toxic. This is poison. But it's incredibly effective. Keep away from eyes, mouth, etc. Therefore, when wrapping your head, it is advisable to open the windows in the rooms for fresh air. Then start combing your head from dead lice and nits. Then wash your hair with regular shampoo. I recommend this treatment: treatment 1 day, 7 day, 14 day.

    • Faith

      Also what, nits are well combed out?

  25. Katia

    Chalk from cockroaches helps very well, Masha is called. It is necessary to completely draw on the hair, wash off after two hours. When I was still in school, I checked it myself.

    • Dilya, Uzbekistan

      Yes, the cheapest cockroach chalk helps with lice.

  26. Alyona

    Also just nits. How to get rid of, I do not know, help!

    • Elizabeth

      Lubricate the hair with sunflower oil, then they will slide through the hair. For one sticking with your fingers up to 20 nits can be removed, checked.

      • Lera

        Helps, honestly?

  27. Tanya

    Chalk from cockroaches is a cool way 🙂 Never heard of this before.

  28. Olga, Ukraine, Krivoy Rog

    My daughter has dry nits, tell me how to get it out?

  29. Katia

    I have been suffering with them for a week now, I bought two products, let's see how it will be.

  30. Luda

    Except by combing, you won’t get nits out in any way: neither dry nor alive. Therefore, buy a comb and comb out until there is nothing left.

  31. Julia

    Yes, you are right about the scallop. We tried three lice remedies based on different ingredients. The result - the lice did not disappear even after a month and a half. Or rather, at first they disappeared, and then reappeared.

  32. Victoria

    And I didn’t even try anything when the children had lice. I read the forums and decided that, most likely, we will not be cured with lice remedies. Therefore, she also called the specialists and invited them to the house. Here is their phone number if anyone needs it: +7 499 350-38-42. As for me, it's better to give money for a guaranteed result than to go through the drugs one by one in the hope that they will help. And I don’t have time to mess with lice for a month or more.

    • Anonymous

      Tell me how much they paid, and where do they work?

    • Lera

      Do they work in Ukraine?

  33. Anonymous

    Where to buy a comb?

  34. Olya

    In a pharmacy, online stores. In my opinion, there is no such big problem in buying combs. They are even sent by mail across the Russian Federation.

  35. Hadya

    There is Nittifor in the pharmacy, a good remedy.

  36. Alexandra

    The child has only dead nits, no lice to be seen at all. What does this mean, please tell me.

  37. Vika

    How to remove nits? I was exhausted, they tried all the medicines in the pharmacy.

  38. Nastya

    I am Nastya. I am 8. How to remove nits?

  39. Albina

    I remember when I went to school, on the same day they checked our heads, I thought that was it, it would be a shame.But it turned out that when they checked my head, neither nits nor lice were found. It is good that closer to the head the hair is dark, and the nits merge with the hair. It was when I went to first grade. Now they have reappeared. We tried hellebore water - no lice, only live nits.

    • Albina

      Hellebore water helps a lot!

  40. Elena

    Lice kills hellebore water. I was looking for an inexpensive product, for a child and so that my hair does not spoil. Satisfied, and the hair shines. Apply to damp hair, put on a light cap, leave for 30 minutes. Then wash off the dead lice with warm water and shampoo. Nits must be combed out and removed mechanically. Apply the conditioner generously to damp hair and comb the nits with a fine-toothed comb or a special comb. Wash off with water. If everyone is not removed, then shoot the rest manually.

  41. Evgenia

    How to call a doctor at home and how much does it cost?

  42. Karina

    I got lice, I'm 12 years old, I have it for the first time. And I was at a loss, dad went to buy a product, it is called paranit spray, it costs 600 rubles. I know it's expensive, but it helps effectively. This spray helped me a lot, all the lice disappeared, but the nits remained. I combed them out with a comb, which was in the kit along with the spray! I really didn't want to cut my hair because I just grew it out, but the spray helped me. And the comb still helps, I just noticed lice only the day before yesterday. INSTRUCTIONS: you need to apply the spray on dry hair, close it with a bag or rubber cap and wait 15 minutes, then rinse it off your hair, wash your hair preferably with tar soap, and then comb it out with a comb.

  43. Anonymous

    Girls, you can get rid of lice with tar soap.Apply it liberally on the head, try not to miss a centimeter at the roots and along the entire length of the hair. Then put the bag on your head and walk with it for 2 hours, then rinse well. The smell remains, but there will be no lice, and to make the smell disappear, wash your hair more often. And repeat the procedure in a week.

  44. Leila

    Tell me the most effective remedies for these parasites, we have been fighting them for 5 months, but the effect is 0!

  45. Yana

    Good afternoon. I first tried Lavinal spray and shampoo on my daughter, insects remained constantly. Then I bought Hygia shampoo, it helped even worse. Then I tried to apply olive oil on my hair for 30 minutes. Then she combed it well with a comb, then washed it off with water and vinegar and dried her hair with a hairdryer. The first time I combed out a lot of live lice and nits, and the second time only 3 nits and that's it, my head is clean. I will re-process in a day and check again. So try it! We have long hair, shoulder length.

    • Nastya

      Yana, did the olive oil wash off well?

  46. Alyona

    There is such a cheap remedy in the pharmacy - hellebore water. Nits do not kill, but lice are 100%. Just a week later, you need to repeat the procedure when small lice appear from the nits.

  47. Elina

    Good afternoon. I myself picked up lice at school and did not know that I had them. I went with lice and nits until I found out that I also passed them on to relatives. After that, they began to check me and they were found ... So, how to get rid of them: first, calm down, there are funds in the pharmacy, buy a shampoo, called ANTIBIT. It comes with a comb, but it is ineffective, so buy a separate one. Wet your hair and start rubbing all over the hair, but it is better to rub it well on the back of the head, near the ears and on the top of the head.If it didn’t help you, then we go to the cosmetic store, we buy Oxygent. You should be understood if they ask how many percent - say 12%. And there it doesn’t matter, it’s generally for diluting the paint. It brightens a little, but it's unlikely, it didn't brighten me. Keep it on for 15 minutes, then rinse off. Then we take a basin for linen, pour vinegar (do not overfill) and dilute with warm water. Rinse your hair. This should be done for 12 days ... Lice are very easy to poison, but nits are something. For them, vinegar with water helps, they just become weak. And after that you comb them with a comb. You can also use dichlorvos, but it can burn your head. Burdock oil is cheap, nits just slide off, and is also very good for hair. Next, comb out the nits over the bathtub or over paper, A4, white. DO NOT FORGET to boil things, as they can live there for another month!

  48. Anonymous

    I easily got rid of lice, but nits are not removed either with a comb, or with preparations, or by hand! It's useless, nothing helps!

    • Dilya, Uzbekistan

      Why are nits not removed manually? Simply, without being lazy, each nit needs to be removed. My niece had too many of these nits, but I brought her to my dacha and cleaned it with my hands overnight. Now it doesn’t itch, but I don’t stop looking at her head, and I also don’t stop looking at my daughter’s head. Don't be lazy. And the comb does not help ... Only hands.

    • Anonymous

      You can dye your hair with the usual cheapest red henna - then the nits are better visible. And manually remove them.

  49. shoma

    Do you remove nits with a comb?

    • Anonymous

      Hands better, in one day you can get rid of. But within 7 days you still need to examine the head.

    • Marina

      Yes, they are cleaned, but they also need to be cleaned with their hands.

  50. dilya

    I can't watch when my daughter starts scratching her head when she comes home from school. My daughter is in grade 2, I'm tired of cleaning out lice. But I’m not lazy, I take the cheapest chalk for cockroaches, process my daughter’s head with it, put a bag on my head and wrap it with a scarf. After 30 minutes, I wash my hair with shampoo, dry it with a hairdryer. When drying with a hair dryer, lice cannot move, I collect them on white paper quickly, quickly, then destroy them. After the remaining nits, I clean it with my hands. And even in the evening, without being lazy, I take a telephone flashlight and examine my daughter's head. In one night you can get rid of nits. But the next morning, I take the shampoo, wash her hair and then dry it with a hairdryer as well. You need to repeat this process twice with a hair dryer. And within 7 days, look for nits on the head. You also need to wash your clothes and be sure to iron them. And that's it. Don't be lazy. And everything is quite inexpensive.

    • Anonymous

      When you have lice, and even more so nits, in no case should you use a hair dryer. The heat of a hair dryer will make nits hatch twice as fast. And you can get rid of nits with the help of ironing.

  51. Sofia

    I have to go to Sputnik, and I have nits in my hair ...

  52. Marina

    A couple plus helped us and a comb. Lice and nits were removed.

  53. Galya

    My daughter, as she went to school, picked up lice and nits and rewarded me with them. How can I choose dry nits for myself, since there is no one else? The mother does not see well, but the daughter is not around.

  54. Victor

    In short, it is very amusing to read how decent (and therefore inexperienced) people suffer themselves and torture children. And all because advertisers and merchants have to earn somehow. So be it, I share my experience (if advertisers do not remove this post from this site).In short - wash your hair with soap and then comb your directly soaped hair with a comb. Naturally, this should be done in the bathroom.

  55. Nika

    When the son arrived from the camp, he brought lice - apparently, he picked it up somewhere on the train. I noticed in time that there were not so many lice. The hair was treated with a Pedicuden spray, it helped immediately.

  56. Tom

    Lice are not difficult to remove. It is enough to dilute something based on oil. The most difficult thing is to remove the nits from the hair. I re-read a lot, helped by 98% such a remedy: vinegar, alcohol or vodka. I also added - we (the Ossetians) call "araka" in the Caucasus. You probably have moonshine. Lemon juice and some oil (any) to keep the composition on the hair. We begin to smear the hair, carefully, in strands. Then a bag on the hair for about 1 hour. Wait, take a small comb and comb out several times. When I saw the nits crumble, I couldn't believe my eyes. I advise you to do oil masks on your hair. A louse that crawls in will die instantly. Any oil helps, even vegetable oil. It clogs all the respiratory tract of parasites and they die. Oils are sold in pharmacies, they are inexpensive: castor, burdock, even glycerin will do. Good luck to everyone.

  57. Sveta

    Tormented with this pediculosis. Twice sprayed with Permin spray and lotion based on permethrin, tried to remove nits with vinegar. Even after dilution with water, the child's scalp was slightly burned. After a couple of weeks, 1-2 individuals were still found. I tried to comb out the nits and choose with my hands. My daughter had hair down to her waist. I read on forums and on the Internet that nits are well removed by combing with a comb using a conditioner.As a result, she cut her daughter's hair above her shoulders, washed her hair with Lavinal shampoo, combed it out first with shampoo, then combed it out with conditioner. The comb is simple, plastic, but has very small teeth. Miraculously found in the store, in pharmacies, a comb is attached only with expensive medicines. They combed over the bath, after each combing the conditioner foam from the comb was washed off with water. As a result, after washing with Lavinal and combing out with air conditioning, a couple of nits remained, which I removed with my hands. If it weren’t for the air conditioner, the usual Nivea, it’s impossible to comb them out. The child's head is now clean, not a single nit. But all the same, I will still wash with Lavinal shampoo and comb out the coming days. I never thought that it would take so long to fight pediculosis with a bunch of pharmaceutical preparations.

  58. Love

    To prevent lice from clinging to you, wash your hair with tar soap. Lice are afraid of this smell ... Although the hair smells.

  59. Anna

    I don’t know where my daughter picked them up, we don’t go to the garden. Only while it dawned on me that it was lice, I already became infected. It’s just that I hadn’t come across them before and couldn’t understand why we scratch our heads. I looked through it, but didn’t find anything, only some kind of trifle, and these were nits ((From the product based on permethrin, my daughter screamed and with tears we washed it off, unable to stand the time, it stinged a lot. I bought Nyuda - the bottle was barely enough, my daughter had thick hair to the waist.A lot of suffocated lice immediately combed out, walked with her for 3 hours, while I changed clothes and ironed blankets and pillows.Washed off, dried, and after each small strand I passed her through a hair iron.

    The next day, I picked the nits by hand, there were a lot of them, but it seems that they were all dead, fried from ironing. Nits chose several days in a row, because.There is a lot of hair and it was easy to miss. A week later, she repeated the treatment by Nyuda - everything is clean. She also treated Nyuda for herself, first poured alcohol on her head (she got poisoned and burned her skin with this alcohol). But after Nyuda, her hair became cool. But there was no one to look at my head, I also treated the strands with an iron, rinsed with water and vinegar and simply combed it out with a comb, every day for two weeks and then periodically for prevention. We didn't have any more lice. My daughter occasionally, when drying with a hair dryer, still comes across dry nits, although more than six months have passed.

    Hence the conclusion: I liked Nyuda’s pediculosis remedy for live lice, but any effective one will do) From nits - an iron, vinegar with water and combing out, long, tedious, but nothing without it. The iron rules unambiguously - it will burn the surviving nits to all dogs. Good luck to you!

  60. Jeanne

    A hair straightener helps get rid of nits very well. It is enough to put it at 150-170 degrees. Then you just wash off or comb out the melted nits. Repeat after two or three days, as the nits may be stuck close to the scalp.


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