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Removing cockroaches from the apartment: step by step instructions

Last update: 2022-05-19
≡ Article 52 comments
  • Lyuba: We used to live with my husband's parents - these cockroaches swarmed there. P...
  • Andrey: I rent out premises, and after the congress of tenants it happens to...
  • Lyuba: It got into my husband's ear yesterday. There are darkness of cockroaches, they just removed ...
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We remove cockroaches from the apartment

A lot has been said and written about how to get cockroaches out. But few give specific instructions. At the same time, most owners of apartments, houses, cottages and canteens are not looking for a transfer of funds and methods, but for specific step-by-step instructions on what to do in what order and how to get cockroaches out of an apartment or house for sure.

This is exactly what we offer readers.


Step 0. Understand the situation

It should be understood that cockroaches in the apartment appear for a reason. If they are wound up and even more so if they are actively multiplying, it means that conditions convenient for them have been created in the room.

But cockroaches are not bed bugs. The ideal environment for them is dirt and unsanitary conditions. Therefore, if cockroaches live in the room all the time, then you need to figure out how to eliminate the causes of their appearance. And only then - to think about how to get cockroaches out of the apartment, which have already managed to settle in it.


Insects in an apartment are like a disease in humans. Getting rid of cockroaches is actually quick and easy. But preventing them from re-entering the room is much more difficult.

The removal of cockroaches should begin with an assessment of the extent of the problem.And not in the apartment, but throughout the house: when deciding how to get cockroaches out forever, you need to destroy, first of all, the breeding grounds of these pests.


Step 1. Chat with neighbors

Usually it is the neighboring apartments that are the sources of infection. Therefore, you need to go around at least the apartments with which there are adjacent walls. As a maximum - the whole house.

Cockroaches come to the apartment from neighbors

If one of the neighbors has an apartment that is more infected, you need to jointly decide how to remove cockroaches in both. And in the case of disinfestation only of one’s housing, be prepared that after a certain time the Prussians breeding with neighbors will gradually penetrate into the apartment cleared of them through ventilation and external walls.


It is impossible to remove cockroaches in an apartment forever if they continue to breed in neighboring apartments.

Therefore, when planning how to get cockroaches out of an apartment at home, you need to work together with your neighbors. Only such a withdrawal of cockroaches will give a long-term result.


Step 2. Eliminate the reasons for settling the apartment with cockroaches

This is the main task. Without its solution, even powerful insecticides will work only for a short time. And by making the room inconvenient for the life of cockroaches, it is possible to ensure the removal of cockroaches at home without additional measures and means.

What is required for this? Very little:

  • remove leftover food in inaccessible places, pack them in plastic bagsIt is important to limit insect access to food debris
  • wipe down sinks and tubs before going to bed - cockroaches need to drink regularly
  • carefully clean in bedside tables, sweep rubbish from under furniture.

Despite the simplicity of these measures, the owners of contaminated premises do not comply with them. As a result, they have to look for insecticides and constantly learn how to get cockroaches out of the house.


Even in Soviet times, I constantly asked my friend, father, how he got rid of cockroaches. He never had any. He just said that he kept order, sealed all the cracks, never left food on the table. I thought he was cunning and hiding something. But after the renovation with us, I made it a rule to lick the apartment to a shine once a week. For six months, the cockroaches left, and even a fashionable pencil was not needed ...

Tatiana, Gomel


And further: Aerosol Raid killed all cockroaches in 26 seconds. Incredible! See our experiment...

Step 3. Destroy existing cockroaches

This is a step of action and result. You can remove cockroaches in different ways and at different times. And for each method there are optimal means and methods:

Application of aerosol insecticides. The advantages of this method are the speed of action, the total processing of the premises and the complete destruction of cockroaches, with the right choice of means - high efficiency. It is insecticides that should be used when deciding how to quickly remove cockroaches.

The main means here are Raid, Raptor, Gett, Fufanon, Microphos, Dichlorvos, Karbofos, various dusts, Medilis Tsiper, Tetrix, Dohlox, Kombat, Fas and others.

Example: Raptor aerosol against crawling insects

The disadvantages of aerosol insecticides are a rather high cost, the need for all inhabitants to leave the premises for at least one day, and a certain laboriousness.

When using them, all places of possible accumulation and movement of insects are sprayed from cylinders, and after a few hours the room is thoroughly cleaned and subjected to wet cleaning and ventilation.


Use of gels, powders and pencils. In fact, these are the same insecticides, only in a different form. Their action is a little more extended in time, but you can use them while in the apartment itself.

The most effective of these funds were shown by gels - Fas, Sturm, Brownie, Globol, Raptor, dusts - Chisty Dom, Feverfew - and the famous pencil Masha.

Pencil (chalk) from cockroaches Masha

The main advantages of these tools are ease of use and security. As a rule, all of them are inexpensive and very accessible even if it is necessary to process auxiliary buildings and equipment.

The effective removal of cockroaches with the help of a gel will require up to 200 rubles for the entire apartment. This is lower than when using most other means.

Each of these funds is applied differently and has its own specifics of action. In any case, when applied, the result will appear only after a few days.

On a note

It is various gels that are the best way out in cases where housewives are racking their brains on how to get cockroaches out of the refrigerator or how to get cockroaches out of their microwave.It is enough to apply a gel or a pencil line in the device itself, outside or inside, and you can be sure that after a few days the cockroaches will stop penetrating into it.


Call the pest control service. A cockroach removal service is usually a last resort, used in case of high infestation of the premises. Disinsection specialists use analogues of the means described above, but only stronger and more toxic. As a result, cockroaches disappear completely after such treatment, but it requires a lot of effort to clean the premises and observe the safety measures of residents.

An employee of the pest control service treats the apartment from cockroaches

An additional advantage of this method is that there is no need to puzzle over how to get cockroaches out: the service will do everything itself and give a guarantee.

The disadvantages of specialized services are the high cost of their services (from 1600 rubles for a one-room apartment) and the need to prepare the premises for processing. Residents and pets should not be in the apartment for at least one day.

And further: Cockroaches in the apartment are not only disgusting, but also dangerous to health. And they are dangerous not only with transmitted infections ...


Video: pest control of an apartment from cockroaches


Freezing cockroaches. This is an almost ideal solution for residents of the northern part of the country and those who can organize a decrease in the temperature in the room below minus 8 ° C without risking plumbing systems.

The operation is very simple: on a frosty day, all the windows in the room are opened, the heaters are turned off, and the apartment is left to cool for half a day. If the frost outside is stronger than minus 12°C, it will take about 5-6 hours to reach the target indoor temperature and kill the insects.For reliability, it is worth freezing the apartment for 8-9 hours.

This method has many advantages - safety for people and pets (only aquariums and terrariums should be taken care of in advance), simplicity and free of charge.

But he also has disadvantages: in heated apartments, frost can lead to breakdowns of radiators, pipes, and heating devices. In addition, this method is not available to everyone and not all year round, which significantly limits its use.


Use of special traps. A fairly effective way for apartments in which there are few cockroaches or they occasionally penetrate them. The traps attract insects with the smell of the bait, and already inside the cockroach sticks to a special Velcro and dies (or eats the poisoned bait in the trap).

Example: Kombat traps from cockroaches


Well, I don't have any cockroaches. Only sometimes they creep in from the neighbors, to scare the wife. By the way, only through the fan in the bathroom. I bought cardboard houses with Velcro, put them under the bathtub, and the problem was over. For the sake of interest, I check them - two or three Prussians are caught a week.

Igor, Odessa

The method is very inexpensive, easy to implement, but in the case of a large number of cockroaches in the room, it will not help.

On a note

Some traps produced by the Chinese industry are so small that they are effective only against the Prussians. Therefore, before removing red cockroaches with their help, you should make sure that there are no larger black or American counterparts in the room.


Folk remedies. This is the least effective method, but in the case of a slight contamination of the premises, it may well be used. In addition, it is recommended for use as an addition to other methods.

It is known that cockroaches are repelled by the smell of ammonia.Therefore, during normal mopping or wet cleaning in an apartment, it is worth dripping a few drops of ammonia into a bucket of water. This is a fairly effective preventive measure.

Also known are special poisoned baits made by hand from borax or boric acid and flour, sugar and eggs. To a certain extent, they help control the number of insects, but in many cases they do not give a pronounced result.


Step 4. Making the apartment safe for the rest of the inhabitants

When using any poisonous drugs, care must be taken to ensure the safety of children and pets. Even though most of the insecticides for cockroaches sold on the market are not highly toxic, they can still cause various disorders - allergies when in contact with the skin, vomiting and diarrhea when ingested, individual reactions.

Be aware of the toxicity of insecticides

To avoid such troubles, the following measures should be observed:

  • the use of aerosol insecticides should be carried out only in an empty room, and after disinsection, a thorough and complete wet cleaning should be carried out.
  • Apply powders and gels in places that are hard to reach for animals and children - bedside tables, behind radiators, under furniture. You should choose drugs that repel animals - Fas, for example, or Absolute gel, which include bitterness.
  • Products containing borax and boric acid should be laid out where they cannot be reached by animals and children.
  • When calling pest control services, carefully follow all their recommendations.

Usually, each remedy against cockroaches is sold with instructions, strict adherence to which is a guarantee of safe and harmless pest control.


Step 5. Prevent cockroaches from entering the apartment again

To prevent the re-entry of cockroaches into the apartment, you should carefully monitor its cleanliness and sanitary condition. In addition, it will be useful to do the following:

  • install nets on the vents or smear them inside with a cockroach pencil.
  • Place cockroach traps in the dressing rooms.
  • Apply a pencil strip around the outer perimeter of the windows of the apartment

And most importantly - to give a good and proven remedy to neighbors. Only after that, be prepared that some of the cockroaches will try to escape in an already cleaned room.

If the standard measures against cockroaches still do not help or help only for a short time, it means that it is time to try a more advanced “weapon” against them. In such a situation, pay attention to the microencapsulated drug from cockroaches "Lambda Zone": this is a new generation product, which, perhaps, can be attributed to one of the most optimal today in terms of efficiency, safety for humans and prices (it is not for nothing that even professional exterminators actively began to use it in work, although the drug is positioned for domestic use).

Good luck in your fight against cockroaches!


How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment once and for all


5 rules for choosing a pest control service for the destruction of cockroaches


Last update: 2022-05-19

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Removing cockroaches from the apartment: step by step instructions" 52 comments
  1. Irina

    I, as I understand it, sometimes come running from neighbors. It wasn’t there for a long time, but then they either started a repair (periodically they hammer and drill something) - the cockroaches appeared again. Not much, I see 1-2 a week ...
    Talking with neighbors is useless, because people, to put it mildly, are inadequate. The apartment is more like a dump. A neighbor drags everything from the garbage dump and the remnants of substandard products from the market (((Such a typical Bulgakov's Annushka ...
    So I will have to use crayons and traps from time to time, since I can’t stand all chemicals even for home use.

  2. Irina V

    I don't know how to get these bastards out, I've tried everything. And what's the point if they live in the whole entrance, that is, in the whole house in every apartment. Indeed, the best way is to poison the whole house.

  3. Tanya

    There were a lot of cockroaches in the new apartment and nothing helped, but once water boiled out of the pan on my stove, chicken breast was cooked there, it burned very badly. There was smoke throughout the apartment, but the cockroaches were gone! For more than half a year I didn’t see them at all, and now, apparently, they come across from neighbors one or two weeks in two. If they get it, I'll probably try it again)

  4. Vlada

    These red-haired creatures already got me. I don't know how to get them out. What I just haven’t tried, they climb all the time from the neighbors, at least tell them, at least don’t tell them to take the cockroaches out, they don’t give a damn.

  5. Hope

    We rented an apartment ... I came to clean up and gasped: cockroaches climbed out, already horror. I'm returning the keys tomorrow. Let her live with them.

    • Anonymous

      Did you get your money back? Just the same problem. I rented an apartment, and there are cockroaches.

      • Anonymous

        We also filmed with red-haired guests, but the hostess moved to another city.

  6. Alexandra

    And you try to contact a special service. It helped us a lot. They also poisoned them on their own, until these same forces ran out. Turned to a pro. We got rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood very quickly.

    • Anna

      We called the service 3 times! All the same, they climb, I don’t know what to do already.

      • Olga

        We, too ... Already despair.

    • Anonymous

      These same services themselves carry the pests home, and then fight them.

  7. Julia

    These creatures are climbing from everywhere, I no longer know what to do. I have already tried everything: syringes, aerosols, and crayons, even dichlorvos did not take these reptiles. I'm desperate, what should I do?

  8. Vyacheslav

    I rented an apartment - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcockroaches after the last tenants. I called the destruction office, and that's all - there is not a single one! Expenses 600 rubles.

    • Juliana

      What is the service? How many squares is the apartment?

    • Anonymous

      Please write your phone number.

  9. Anonymous

    And we are lying with a newborn child in the hospital, and these parasites are everywhere!

  10. Lara

    This year I'm just crazy about these cockroaches. For 20 years, there has not been such a horror. Whatever I tried: I caught and poisoned - and nothing, I can’t bring it out. I read about the processing, I will probably call. My strength is no more. I would like to learn about the preparation of folk remedies. Share…

  11. Sanka

    Do not buy a reject pest - it does not help.

  12. Nector

    The article is very good, priorities are set and the main means of struggle are considered.

  13. Julia

    We lived with cockroaches for many years, we tried everything. It was scary to go out at night because of their number. In the store I saw the Raptor gel. It cost about 50 UAH. I decided to try. In the evening, the husband anointed all their entrances and exits. And an hour later they just started to die. In the morning I swept out 10 scoops. And that's it! Just everything. They are no more. I still don't believe it. The problem was solved in one evening. Now there are small one or two, but in the morning I find their bodies. So good luck to everyone in this difficult matter.

  14. Victor

    The ultrasonic device does not help, do not waste your money!

  15. Anna

    Well, we have already tried everything: they called the service 3 times, and crayons, and different gels, but at least they crawl. I'm in despair, I'm afraid of them, horror, we've been living in an apartment for a year, the apartment has been renovated, and we can't get them out!

    • Ira

      Traps! Only traps. In the hoods, under the stove, in and behind the refrigerator. 100% will be lost. Buy 20 pieces, and that's it!

  16. Lena

    The article is very helpful! Thank you! We have cockroaches from upstairs neighbors (the tenants set up a dump there). In a week, 2-3 comes across: in the kitchen and in the toilet. Today I'm going to the neighbors. To get rid, as I understood from the article, is better by joint efforts. We tried the Reid spray, but it doesn’t really help, after spraying they still crawl and don’t die.

  17. Michael

    They, bastards, love moisture. It seems that there is no moisture, but everyone is running smoothly, all sorts of black and brown, they love to live and breed in the speakers of music centers. The syringe helped for a while, you have to try, especially since the apartment is rented.

  18. Evgenia

    There were cockroaches, brought out, then rented an apartment. A year and a half passed, I decided to go there myself and was horrified: there are a lot of cockroaches.Now I myself think to call the sanitary and epidemiological station.

  19. Victor

    Well I do not know. I set traps wherever possible, plus I missed the mark. Still climb, creatures. I'm going to beat my neighbor from below - most likely, they climb from him.

  20. Anzor

    How to get rid of them?

  21. Kostya

    They are such creatures… They need to drink, they cannot live without water.

  22. Maria

    Previously, there was the drug "Regent". Now available for sale - I do not know. It is used for watering crops. One small pack is diluted in 0.5 or 0.7 liters of water. With a syringe, it is possible without a needle, it is sprayed into all cracks, incl. plinth. Week 2 may still sometimes appear. Then everything. Forever leaving the house. Even if your neighbors are full, cockroaches will not come to you. Checked.

  23. Vladimir, Moscow

    Well, why do you need to bathe and poison yourself with all kinds of chemistry in the 21st century? Did you study biology or zoology? A cockroach, as a living being, is itself an excellent food for someone. Namely, for ordinary, everywhere living house SPIDERS! One or two spiders under your stove or in the bathroom - and that's it! You will only sweep dried shells. And it is easy to find spiders in the ventilation, on the stairs, but maybe you already have them. Only you drive them out of stupidity or ruin them with brooms. Check. Good luck.

    • Evgeniy

      I personally saw a spider chasing a cockroach, but did not catch up.

  24. Darina

    For spiders - really! )) So it is, they catch them and leave them in the nets. The article is very insightful! Thanks ))

  25. Zinaida

    Anyone who has cockroaches. In 1981 my family received an apartment. They are all over the house. The husband, as expected, began to do repairs. My father-in-law said: when you lay the hardboard, nail the baseboards, seal the cracks with narrow rags soaked in floor paint. Between hardboard and plinth, and wall and plinth.It turns out that two strips will tightly close all the entrances for creeping creatures. How many lived in that apartment - did not see a single cockroach. Everyone was surprised by this. Now I live in another. When she moved, she also sealed everything and brought them out, who lived in it. This fall, she laid new linoleum in the kitchen, tore off the baseboards, and did not put them back. They began to run away from the neighbors, waiting for heat to finish everything. While I'm running traps.

  26. Nina, Rybinsk

    Try this: boil eggs in their shells and potatoes in their skins, then peel, mash and add boric acid. Wind the balls and apply throughout the apartment.

    • Julia

      That's true about boric acid. Only I mixed it with the yolk of a boiled egg and laid it out in the corners on pieces of paper. Get out, parasites! And they didn't show up for a long time!

  27. Luba

    I have a private house, and there are a lot of cockroaches. How to kill them?

    • Anonymous

      To freeze

  28. Julia

    Try to buy Leopard, it is true for animals. We were advised it, they said that it helps very well against cockroaches. Tried it and it really helped. Where we lived in a rented apartment, there was darkness there, it was impossible to sleep. They were everywhere, brrr, as I remember, already scary.

  29. Vladimir

    Traps don't help. I threw 2 pieces under the refrigerator, and they crawl over them and at least henna.

  30. Rome

    We have been living with my family for a year now in a rented apartment, nothing foreshadowed trouble until I came across a cockroach in the bathroom. Thanks for the article, it helped a lot, we were going to get rid of it. It turned out that they were running all over the house.

  31. Anonymous

    While there were no services to destroy these creatures, there were no cockroaches either. It looks like they make them themselves.

  32. Nastya

    I rented an apartment, and there are cockroaches - horror.I talked with the neighbors, they say that cockroaches breed at my neighbors through the wall, that they have a dump there. They flatly refuse to poison them. WHAT SHOULD I DO? I persecute them, and they climb from them again. Cockroaches are quite large, for some reason they do not react to gel and traps.

  33. Dasha

    We live in a private house, cockroaches are our visiting guests. But how to get them out - I can’t imagine, they climb from everywhere. Does anyone know if a cockroach can get into the ear, mouth or nose at night? I'm scared as hell of them!

  34. Svetlana

    Fluorine is the best remedy for cockroaches, they leave forever. It was previously used in water purification at the plant, it is in the form of a white powder. Who knows where to get it?

  35. Kristina

    Thanks for the article and advice :)

  36. Anastasia

    Where are cockroach repellants sold? And what is the most effective and less harmful? It all started with the fact that the refrigerator broke, then the faucet began to leak, I saw one, after some time they appeared behind the microwave and in the cracks of the rubber of the non-working refrigerator. Not many, small, once every 2 days one crawls. There is only one route - from the ventilation to the sink, from the sink to the microwave with a refrigerator and back. Cockroaches appeared for the first time in my life. The best way to get rid of them, I do not know. There are two children in the apartment. The mother-in-law says that since they already had them, for a long time, they barely brought them out ...

  37. Anonymous

    Cockroaches creep from neighbors. So I think, maybe to poison the neighbors ...

  38. Evgeniy

    There were no cockroaches for 17 years. As I entered the apartment, they were. I bought traps (Combat, 6 pieces), put them in the shaft behind the toilet and in the kitchen under the sink, and they disappeared. Recently, the neighbors began to make repairs and cockroaches crawled. Small and medium.Maybe I myself brought a uterus with an egg from the store, and they hatched ... Today I bought Combat traps again and put them in the same places where the old ones stood. I will write about the result. I hope for the same result.

    Such sites are essential. People will share their ways of destroying these parasites and, perhaps, WE will defeat them. Just don't give up.

  39. Luba

    My husband got into his ear yesterday. There are a lot of cockroaches, they just rented a house and went nuts. Owners don't want to hurt...

  40. Andrew

    I rent premises, and after the congress of the tenants, there is simply cockroach horror. If a person lives with cockroaches, then this is solely his merit. So how do I get these creatures out? Nothing better than a comprehensive approach! Aerosol first. Take care of respiratory protection. Treat all-all cracks and cavities. Leave the room for 1-2 hours. Then we collect the creatures with a vacuum cleaner. They leave their burrows and sit discouraged, as a rule. 70-80 percent destroyed.

    Next, we process the gel (I use dohlox) and scatter the dust (I use Chinese) in hard-to-reach places so that after cleaning these products remain unharmed. The gel can be applied to newspapers and put them under and on furniture, also with dust. And after 2 months they will disappear from you and, most likely, from the neighbors too. Dohlox, even in the smallest non-lethal doses, deprives insects of the opportunity to reproduce, so the most persistent live their short cockroach life (2 months) and die in splendid isolation, without heirs.

  41. Luba

    We used to live with my husband's parents - these cockroaches swarmed there. The chalk helped. Now we have our own apartment, Masha bought a piece of chalk, but so far there is no effect.


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