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Destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg: where to turn?

Last update: 2022-05-23
≡ Article has 13 comments
  • Vika: Elena, what kind of chemicals did you use?...
  • Kristina: Elena, what did they poison you with? Please advise....
  • Irina: Alena, what specific service did you call for? ...
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Let's see where you can turn to in St. Petersburg for the quick and reliable destruction of bedbugs

It is a mistake to believe that the larger the city and the higher the standard of living in it, the less the inhabitants of such a city are familiar with the problems with bedbugs. Rather, on the contrary: in a large city with a high density of residential premises and a high variety of sanitary conditions of apartments, it is much easier for parasites to survive, multiply and spread. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg is a very popular service, and at least several dozen companies are engaged in such pest control, the largest of which we will consider further.

There are many pest control services in St. Petersburg, but not all of them are able to offer truly highly professional services.

It is interesting

The northern capital of Russia is by no means the only million-plus city whose residents suffer from bed bugs. Even the famous Swedish Oslo and Umeå are famous for the fact that bugs breed in their prosperous sleeping areas, as if on farms, and local pest control services are always provided with work. And you can’t even talk about Mexico City or Beijing ...

Of the whole variety of pest control services, it is important to be able to choose one that will really carry out the destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg, and will suit the client both in terms of prices, and in terms of the level of service, and in terms of the safety of the processing procedure itself (a number of companies use very toxic drugs, not really caring about the health of the residents of the apartment).

Below we will give a small overview of organizations that have already managed to earn a good reputation among the residents of the northern capital and whose help you can safely turn to without fear for the quality of work and your health.


Who to look for and who to contact?

Generally speaking, for the destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg, you can contact either the local SES (there are district offices in certain areas of the city), or specialized companies involved in disinsection (destruction of insects), disinfection (treatment of premises against bacteria, viruses and fungi) and deratization (destruction of rodents). The vast majority of companies provide a wide range of services, and the destruction of bedbugs is only one of them. In other words, a company that deals, for example, mainly with deratting, will certainly be ready to offer pest control services.

Large companies usually deal not only with bed bugs, but also with rats, cockroaches and other parasites.

The destruction of bedbugs is only one of the activities of pest control services.

Guaranteed quality service and reliable destruction of bedbugs provide SES. The St. Petersburg city station is especially famous for this: experienced exterminators work here, and for relatively little money, pest control is offered with preparations of the customer's choice. Other organizations should be chosen if, for some reason, the epidemic station team cannot be called. In doing so, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Used drugs. As a rule, professional teams use specialized concentrated products such as Tetrix, Chlorpyrifos, Diazinon, Fufanon. If the company manager finds it difficult to say the name of the product or talks about Dichlorvos, Karbofos, you can safely hang up the phone. Disinsection services usually use insecticidal preparations for professional use.
  • Guarantees provided.The client pays the company not just for processing the premises, but for the reliable destruction of bedbugs. If during the warranty period the bugs reappear in the house, specialists should re-treat for free. If bedbugs reappear during the warranty period, the company will re-treat free of charge.
  • The desire of the organization to help the client is to explain how the processing will take place, to advise on preparation for it.

Many, but not all, St. Petersburg companies meet the necessary requirements. And according to the available reviews and data presented on the Internet, from the whole variety of these organizations, there are several that deserve the most trust from users.

And further: Well, what can I say - Get Total picked bedbugs for 2.5 hours, but still did its job ...


Sanitary and epidemiological station of St. Petersburg

SES of St. Petersburg is the first organization whose name comes to most people's minds when thinking about the need to destroy bedbugs. Indeed, the service, among other things, is also engaged in the removal of bedbugs, and thanks to the constantly high demand for the service, it even offers an extended service for the destruction of these parasites in St. Petersburg.

SES of St. Petersburg quite successfully fights bedbugs in an apartment

So, the SES of St. Petersburg offers a choice of treating the premises with an insecticide, the smell of which disappears in an hour, or a more powerful preparation that requires 5 hours of ventilation of the premises. At the same time, the prices and terms of the guarantee for the use of both types of funds are the same.

SES prices start at 1,200 rubles for one room or one-room apartment and go up to 2,000 rubles for a 5-room apartment. In addition SES carries out processing of change houses behind Ring Road at contractual price.

Payment for SES services for the destruction of bedbugs can be carried out in installments


“We got bedbugs last summer, probably came from the neighbors. We called SES without thinking - they have the most divine prices. Good guys, professional, quickly did everything, told how to put the apartment in order. There were no more bedbugs after them, although the guys promised that if they appeared, they would re-treat for free.

Tatiana, St. Petersburg

Taking into account the precedents when clients encountered unscrupulous exterminators from small companies, SES offers all such victims work in installments with payment of part of the amount after the guarantee period, provided that the bugs do not start in the room.

You can contact the SES in St. Petersburg by calling 8 (812) 643-23-67.


Branch Geradez in St. Petersburg

Geradez is one of the largest networks of disinsection and disinfection services in Russia. Its St. Petersburg branch ensures the removal of bedbugs in one day, the cost of processing a one-room apartment is 1,700 rubles, a dorm room - 1,300 rubles, a four-room apartment - 2,300 rubles. The cost of the service includes the selection of the drug at the request of the client and advice on preparing the apartment for pest control, as well as putting it in order after.

For an additional fee, Geradez specialists will prepare the apartment for treatment from bedbugs

For an additional 300 rubles, the company's specialists themselves will move the furniture and prepare the apartment for the destruction of bedbugs, for an additional payment of 100% to the tariff, they will fully prepare the apartment and clean it after the destruction of bedbugs.

Company phone number 8 (812) 425-15-40.


Disinsection service in St. Petersburg

The disinsection service offers services for the destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg and its suburbs, as well as general disinsection of premises and the fight against cockroaches, fleas, ants and other insects.

And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...

The St. Petersburg pest control service fights not only bedbugs, but also fleas, cockroaches and other parasites.

The cost of service services starts from 1400 rubles for a one-room apartment, another 500 rubles must be paid extra when working outside the ring road. Disinsection of a five-room apartment costs 3200 rubles, change houses - 1200 rubles. For an additional fee, the so-called “Lux” service is provided, in which the exterminators themselves prepare the room for processing and put it in order after the baiting of bedbugs.

The Suite service includes a complete preparation of the premises for treatment from bedbugs and its cleaning after.

Exterminating pest control, which is necessary in difficult cases and with severe contamination of the premises, costs more - from 2300 rubles. In this case, the treatment is carried out at least 2 times with a break of two weeks.

Company phone number for communication: 8 (812) 961-70-96.


Pest control center "Antiklop"

"Antiklop" is one of the few specialized companies in St. Petersburg, mainly engaged in the destruction of bedbugs. Known for the fact that it re-processes for free if bugs reappear in the room within a month after the first treatment. Specialists of "Antiklop" work seven days a week.

Anticlops specialists work seven days a week

Contact phone 8 (812) 995-13-45.


"No to cockroaches"

Another company with branches in most regional centers of Russia. The destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg is carried out with the provision of a guarantee from six months to 2 years.

An important component when working with professionals is a guarantee against the reappearance of bedbugs.

Depending on the warranty period, the price of processing the premises changes. So, the processing of a 1-room apartment without a guarantee costs 1440 rubles, with a guarantee for six months - 1760 rubles, with a guarantee for 2 years - 2280 rubles. The company offers discounts when processing several apartments.


“... I can also advise Cockroaches No. Very good company, but they work more expensive than others. We ordered breeding from them with a guarantee for 1 year, they came to us two times later, because bedbugs from neighbors run to us. After the second time, they themselves offered treatment to the neighbors, and after that the bugs disappeared.

Veronica, Kronstadt


green house

GreenHouse is one of the rather expensive companies. Processing a one-room apartment here costs 2,000 rubles, but at the same time, various seasonal and holiday discounts are constantly offered to customers. In addition, the company offers the destruction of rats and moles in personal plots.

GreenHouse often provides discounts for the destruction of bedbugs

Contact phone: 8 (812) 922-71-57.


How to prepare for the destruction of bedbugs?

Regardless of the service in which the destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg is ordered, the entire process of pest control always proceeds as standard and requires typical preparation of an apartment for it. The furniture in the room should be moved away from the walls so that any surface can be treated with a special sprayer with a tube. Carpets should be pulled out from under furniture so that they can be twisted, clothes and linen should be removed from closets.

Before destroying bedbugs, it is important to prepare the room for the upcoming procedure.

After processing, you will need to carefully wash the clothes and carry out a wet cleaning of the room. It will also be necessary to ventilate the apartment well so that there is no insecticide smell left in it.

If the company conducts the destruction of bedbugs using hair dryers or low temperatures, the manager should advise the customer on how to prepare the premises for treatment.


What is the most important thing to know about bed bugs in order to successfully deal with them


Bedbug treatment: professional video review


Last update: 2022-05-23

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg: where to turn?" 13 comments
  1. Ivan

    Come on, with these new services, such jokes sometimes happen, which would never have happened in the work of ordinary SES during the union. Just recently, not in St. Petersburg, but right in the capital, such, so to speak, "disinsectors" of cockroaches and rats were poisoned at the bus station. As they started in the morning, so all these people walked around in suits all day long and let the fog go. But in the end, the cockroaches remained as they were, and the cashier, one two days after treatment for an asthma attack, was barely brought to her senses.

  2. Elena

    If you want to increase the family of bedbugs in your apartment for your money, contact the St. Petersburg city extermination station. After 2 treatments for 4 thousand rubles. they threw out a new mattress and they spread so many bedbugs that the bedbugs began to run around during the day. They spat on all the services, treated them with chemistry themselves, and this was the end of the epic.

    • Kristina

      Elena, what did they poison you with? Please advise.

    • Vika

      Elena, what chemicals did you use?

  3. Anna

    Yes, these bugs not only bite, but if you don’t find the right remedy against them or don’t turn to a normal service, then you yourself can be devoured.

  4. Maria

    Don't go to Anticlops! They came 2 times - there were 3 times more bedbugs, they ate even more, became insolent and were not afraid at all! Tell me how to deal with these creatures ((There are no forces already.

  5. Oleg

    The question, probably, to the administration: are you sure about the SES phone number provided? It is very suspicious that Mr. service is open on weekends.

  6. Evgeniy

    After 4 months independent struggle turned to Geradez. They flooded the entire apartment with their product, except for the parquet. The smell is tolerable, in the summer it quickly disappeared.But the bugs died for a month. Then they began to appear again, in the old parquet, the larvae, along the way, remained. Came under warranty, processed again.

    • Mark

      And what is the result?

  7. Natalia

    I contacted the service, they treated it with some kind of fog, but the bugs really disappeared.

  8. Maria

    It's terrible, but I also encountered this problem, apparently from the neighbors opposite. They processed the "Sanitary Service" at the end of November 2015, two months later they reappeared. They arrived, but they processed it under a guarantee for money. One day later, they run again, as if nothing had happened. So then trust the services that, instead of a solution, pour water over everything from the tap to you. They said to wait 10 days, they will die, but for now, do additional processing yourself! Wow service, money down the drain.

  9. Alyona

    They also called the secret service. We arrived after 2 hours, did everything quickly, we did not see any more bedbugs. They worked very well.

    • Irina

      Alena, what specific service did you call?


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