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Folk remedies for fighting cockroaches

Last update: 2022-05-31
≡ Article 43 has comments
  • Oleg: I want to thank the man who suggested in the video just...
  • Tamara: Give them thick cherry tincture to drink - and every morning you will have ...
  • Svetlana: People, the article does not contain the most important thing! Believe me, I studied the container ...
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An overview of the most popular folk methods of dealing with cockroaches in an apartment

Folk remedies for cockroaches have been used in everyday life from the very moment when people met cockroaches. Due to the prescription of this epic, the ingenuity of the wrestlers themselves and a really large number of substances that can, if not destroy, then at least scare away cockroaches, there are so many folk remedies for these pests that even if you want to make an encyclopedia, it will be impossible to describe them all.

In each apartment, and even more so - a private house in which cockroaches are being fought with folk remedies, a new recipe may appear. And it is quite possible that it will be effective. But there are also tools that are well known to everyone and are used even in the 21st century more often than the most modern and effective developments.

Folk remedies for cockroaches in general are much less effective than, for example, insecticidal aerosols or gels. Some of them do not work at all and are used only out of habit.

But let's look at exactly effective recipes that really allow you to carry out the complete destruction of cockroaches and save money when fighting them.


Boric acid from cockroaches

Boric acid is once a very popular disinfectant, used even for oral administration. But if boric acid is more or less safe for humans, then for cockroaches it is a strong nerve poison.

Boric acid - an ancient remedy for cockroaches

Already in small doses, this substance causes severe intoxication in insects, in large doses - muscle paralysis and death. That is why boric acid can be considered a really effective folk remedy for cockroaches.

In order for the acid to work, the pest must eat it. This is not so easy to achieve - boric acid is tasteless and absolutely unattractive for cockroaches. Therefore, traditionally it is mixed with various food products and poisoned baits are prepared for insects:

  • One boiled egg yolk is mixed with 30-40 grams of boric acid and small balls are rolled from the resulting doughy mass, which are then laid out in places where pests are most likely to appear;
  • Another recipe: boric acid, sugar and flour are mixed in equal proportions, and then the whole mixture is kneaded with water to obtain a mass with the consistency of a dough. The finished product is used in the same way as in the previous version.

It is advisable to hide such baits in secluded places so that pets and children do not get to them.

Sometimes advising how to deal with cockroaches with folk remedies, craftsmen recommend diluting boric acid in water and leaving it near the sink, from which the Prussians most often drink water, and wipe the sink itself dry before going to bed. Since these insects "really" need to drink, they are very likely to drink from a poisoned drinker.

You can buy boric acid in the form of a powder in a 10-gram package at any pharmacy.



Borax is the sodium salt of boric acid. For humans and domestic animals, it is as relatively harmless as its predecessor itself, and for cockroaches it is just as unbearably poisonous.

Borax is almost as effective against cockroaches as boric acid.

Borax (sodium tetraborate)

Recipes for the use of borax are somewhat different from those for boric acid:

  • For 200 grams of borax, 60 gr. powdered sugar, 60 gr. starch and 30 gr. vanilla sugar. The latter is needed to give a strong flavor to the bait. The whole mixture is diluted with water until a vanilla-smelling paste is obtained;
  • There is also such an option: mashed potatoes are prepared from one medium-sized potato and one boiled egg. 1 tablespoon of borax is added to this puree.

Such mixtures are used in the same way as boric acid baits - they are laid out in the places most visited by insects. After that, it remains only to collect the corpses of dead insects that have tasted the poisoned bait.

On a note

Some cockroach masters advise simply sprinkling boric acid or borax around the trash can and sink, with the expectation that insects running through the poison will stain their paws, and then, cleaning them with their jaws, will swallow a few grains, which will be quite enough for them. There is a rational grain in such reflections, but there is no experimental confirmation of the effectiveness of such an approach.


“Throw away all your dichlorvos and buy boric acid. I always asked only my grandmother for folk remedies, she poisoned them with borax even in military barracks. I only see a cockroach at home, I pour it near the toilet and sink. The cat or children will not be poisoned by it, and the cockroaches will all rest.

Alena, Upper Olenyok


It is also useful to read: Electric cockroach control

And further: Cockroaches hid in all the cracks and there is no way to get to them? And smoke bombs get them even where a needle cannot squeeze through ...

Freezing as the most effective folk way to fight

If all other folk remedies for dealing with cockroaches in an apartment give only the effect of partial destruction or scaring away, then a serious frost mows down pests in the bud and everyone. For the death of these natives of the tropics, a little is enough - already minus 8 ° C kill both adult insects and their larvae.

Cockroaches die pretty quickly in the cold

However, in an apartment, freezing is fraught with rupture of radiators, water supply and heating pipes. If they are protected by some kind of thermal insulation, then the room can be completely cooled.

As practice shows, it is enough to lower the temperature in the apartment to minus 10 ° C for 3-4 hours, so that the spaces inside the bedside tables and cabinets have time to freeze, and there will be no live cockroaches in the room.


“I went to the forum, read advertising stories about miracle balloons and found only one sensible advice from Alexander M. I did everything as he said - he wrapped the pipes with rags and foam rubber, opened the windows and the door wide open and went fishing with the whole family for a whole day. Four hours after returning, the apartment was heated, but the cockroaches disappeared altogether. None of them have been seen for six months. So if someone crawls again from the neighbors by winter, I know what to do.

Alexander Chogar, Inta

To destroy cockroaches with such a folk remedy as freezing an apartment is obtained only in limited cases:

  • in winter, and only in the Far North - in autumn and spring
  • in the respective regions - in the south of Russia, frosts of the required strength do not always occur throughout the winter
  • in agreement with neighbours.

But in general, it is the freezing of the premises that is one of the most effective folk methods of dealing with cockroaches.


Feverfew from cockroaches

Feverfew is a special insecticidal powder, famous for its naturalness: it is dry ground chamomile inflorescences.

And further: We go hunting for cockroaches: a list of favorite hiding places for these insects in the apartment and a few words about “mutant cockroaches” from the sewer.

Feverfew - powder from chamomile inflorescences

Due to the availability and safety of ordinary dust, Feverfew managed to turn into a real folk remedy against cockroaches, used both in big cities and in villages.

The same poisoned baits are prepared with it, as with boric acid, or Feverfew simply crumbles in places where pests appear most often.

Feverfew is absolutely safe for pets and humans.



Ammonia will not allow you to achieve the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment, but it will expel them for sure. To do this, it is not even necessary that the whole apartment smell like an intensive care unit: literally a teaspoon of ammonia in a bucket of water for washing floors is enough, and cockroaches can no longer be kept from exodus to neighbors.

Ammonia effectively repels cockroaches

The sense of smell in cockroaches is much better developed than in humans, and they can smell even trace amounts of ammonia and try to stay away from such a place. However, for reliable protection against cockroaches using this method, ammonia should be added to the water with each washing of the floors.


“I searched the entire forum, but everyone just writes about all sorts of chemistry. And she's poisonous, no matter what they write on the banks. My neighbor, however, suggested a method on how to poison cockroaches with folk remedies. She drives all cockroaches from her apartment to mine. Just take ordinary ammonia, a spoonful of it is dripped into a bucket of water, and the floor is washed with this water. We are now together so I wash the floors, and the cockroaches run away to the neighbors from above. It's not pretty, but it's effective."

Marina, Moscow


Folk cockroach trap

Cockroaches were caught with special homemade traps long before fashionable Chinese houses appeared on sale. Such traps are made quite simply:

  • A half-liter jar is taken, under the neck from the inside, the entire wall around the perimeter is smeared with vegetable oil with a strip of a centimeter or two, and honey or beer is dripped onto the bottom. Such a jar is installed where cockroaches are likely to smell the bait, and in the morning it is enough to throw all the insects along with the remnants of sweetness into the toilet.
  • A strip of adhesive tape is glued onto a strip of cardboard with the sticky side up. A drop of the same honey is placed in the middle of such a strip.Although the adhesive tape is not as sticky as the sticky part of industrial traps, most of the cockroaches will still remain on it.

Homemade sticky cockroach trap

Before you get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies such as various traps, you should remember that this method is not for the squeamish. Still, something needs to be done with insects swarming in a panic in a jar or slowly and martyrically dying on adhesive tape. But not all housewives are ready to look at cockroaches in cold blood, and even more so to pick up a jar with them ...


emergency funds

And only if the cockroaches have already filled the apartment so that they don’t let you enter the kitchen, you should resort to nuclear, old-fashioned methods - kerosene, denatured alcohol and turpentine. Their smell for cockroaches is as unbearable as the smell of ammonia, while they are widely available.


All that needs to be done to scare away pests from the apartment is to apply any of these substances with a brush or a rag on the baseboards, corners of the nightstands and the edges of linoleums, and then endure the persistent smell of the auto repair shop for several days. But cockroaches will run away from the premises, like schoolchildren from a collective farm garden.


geranium branches

And then, when there are no cockroaches left in the apartment, for prevention, you can simply get a geranium: its dizzying smell also repels these insects quite strongly. With a strong infection, it will not work as a means of cleaning an apartment, but in order to protect the apartment from the penetration of defectors, it will fit perfectly.

The smell of geranium repels cockroaches


“Until I read that geranium repels cockroaches, I never could understand why we never saw them at work in the office. Although there are always open cookies, unfinished tea, and there are many secluded places. Indeed, we have nine flowerpots with geraniums for three office premises - the boss loves them very much.Now I bought one flowerpot home. Hope it helps."

Andrey, Moscow

When fighting cockroaches with folk remedies, it should be remembered that in terms of efficiency they are all inferior to insecticidal industrial preparations. But with proper use and a certain perseverance with them, it is quite possible to remove the bulk of the insects from the apartment. And at the same time to do it safely for other inhabitants and without serious financial costs. Enjoy!


Interesting from folk methods of dealing with cockroaches


How to choose a cockroach extermination service


Last update: 2022-05-31

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Folk remedies for the fight against cockroaches" 43 comments
  1. Tatiana

    Helps really


      What exactly?

  2. Ilya

    I mixed 50 g of boric acid with the yolk, in a week I will write whether it helped or not.

    • Natalia

      All this is nonsense. They ate it and didn't say thank you...

  3. Elena

    Ilya, judging by the lack of comments, did the cockroaches still win? ))

    They rented an apartment to tenants, they left, leaving behind these vile insects. 2 weeks - and I have not seen cockroaches for several days.
    What I did: firstly, I didn’t cook anything, I lived on a dry ration, I kept all the products in the refrigerator. Accordingly, the dishes were not dirty, everything in the kitchen was dry.

    Secondly, wherever possible and impossible, she poured boric acid, painted everything with Masha, and doused it with poison from a syringe (special ones are sold). Well, I also scattered the balls from the egg with boric acid thickly.

    When after a week there were fewer of them, i.e. when, when the light was turned on in the kitchen, they did not scatter in different directions, she first washed all the floors, cabinets, walls, doors with ordinary washing powder ... Then all this with clean water. And all over again fell asleep with boric acid.

    Now I bought ammonia and more boric acid. For prevention! )) The main thing is cleanliness! Good luck to all!

  4. Anika

    Geranium does not help - it's a fact. My entire apartment is filled with it, in each room there are at least two. And there are still a lot of cockroaches, they still eat it up. But boric acid and borax (borax is also available in powders) is a very good thing.

  5. Larisa

    I have tried almost all insecticides: useless! Small children drop some crumbs, and expanse for cockroaches. Now I want to try boric acid with borax again, but I need to wash the floor with ammonia again.

    • Anonymous

      I also think this, but it’s just interesting, can you go into the kitchen after such a wet cleaning?

      • Anonymous

        Leave the apartment for an hour after mopping.

  6. Lara

    Well, I found everything I was looking for. Tomorrow I'm going to the pharmacy and go ahead ... I'll try everything that is written. Maybe that will help. Thank you. I will write when they are gone.

  7. Julia

    We have these "bastards" all over the house only in our entrance. Already three times poisoned with the help of specialists. And they appear again and again. The last straw was the repair of the neighbors. First the big blacks climbed, and now the redheads climbed. One hope for folk remedies. If it helps, I'll be sure to post the results...

  8. Maksim

    Hold on, stasis, I'm going to the pharmacy

  9. Timur, Kerch

    They got me sick, the fucking cockroaches. Tomorrow I will fill the whole apartment with a meter layer. Thanks for the advice.

  10. Cockroach

    Interestingly, I will definitely try borax and boric acid, otherwise the rest, such as dichlorvos, traps, gels, crayons, is nonsense, useless things. But it’s interesting: the people who wrote that they would write about the work done, does it help or not?

    • ROARAKAN 007

      They knew too much, they had to be removed.

  11. juergen

    Boric acid and yolk - that's it. Tested and confirmed by struggle in the apartment. While we were at the dacha (for a week), a large number of these creatures died. They swept them into two scoops. After that, this processing was carried out again. Found just a few bugs. Nothing has been seen for over a year now. Cockroaches, returning to their nests, poison the entire livestock. I wish you success in the fight!

  12. Mila

    About 15 years ago, cockroaches appeared, nothing listed here helped. By chance, in the market, a woman advised the Russian drug "KOMBAT", bought several pieces from her, laid them out on tables and under the sink, and they all disappeared, gone! And a month ago they appeared, I was horrified, I try everything that is sold here in Estonia - nothing helps ... At least go to Russia specifically for this remedy.

  13. layla

    The boric acid yolk method definitely works. No need to spend money on other funds from stores.I tried boric acid once, it helped immediately, now I always take only boric acid!

  14. Alexander

    Hee hee ... Scientists have calculated that one two-room apartment with cockroaches can provide protein food for a large apartment building.

  15. Tatiana

    This is some kind of kapets, they just didn’t poison it - it’s useless, there are already so many of them that they began to rummage around the bed, it’s scary to sleep at night. Run to the pharmacy tomorrow! For powder. Thanks for the advice.

  16. Alexander

    I bought a repeller, it has been in the outlet for more than a month, but it does not work on cockroaches. Probably fake.

    • Julia

      These repellers are fake, they cost two weeks, there is no sense.

    • Anna

      Repellers a priori cannot affect cockroaches for one simple reason. Cockroaches do not respond to ultrasound.

  17. Tatiana

    Exactly, exactly, about the repeller, it's warm from heating, so they also covered it all over.

  18. Olga

    Boric acid really works, I advise everyone!

  19. Alla

    Thanks for the advice, otherwise it’s scary to live with them, they also started to crawl on the bed!

  20. Amina

    I'm in the hospital taking care of my mom. This is something: cockroaches stuck around the whole ward, it’s scary to sleep. Well, I'm here to see what can be done. Thanks for the advice, I'm running to the pharmacy in the morning.

  21. Nina Kobzeva

    It was useless to fight these creatures. If cockroaches live in the basement of the house, then there is no point in poisoning them in the apartment. And aerosols, and insecticidal powders, dust, Masha, gel in a syringe - nothing helps, or for a short period. If the neighbors are repairing something, then that's it, the end comes to me, all these insects are in my apartment. I have already given up this occupation, only mechanically (that is, with a slipper) I manage, or I simply spit into clusters with boiling water.I read about boric acid diluted in water - I'll try, maybe it will help. And I also liked the method with ammonia, I will also try it.

  22. Valentine

    I heard that it is impossible to kill cockroaches in an apartment, as they climb on their own smell. Is it true?

  23. Anonymous

    Cockroaches eat their dead relatives))

  24. prusak

    Five yolks, 1 boiled medium potato, 70 grams of boric acid. All this knead and mix thoroughly, roll up the balls and arrange them in the habitats of cockroaches. It really helped, after three days the cockroaches disappeared, and most importantly, there were no their corpses.

  25. Love

    A long time ago I read in the journal Science and Life in useful tips: get the root of the yellow water lily (pod), cut into circles like sausage. String on a thread, hang out not in the sun, dry. Break into smaller pieces and spread everywhere. Yours will leave and the neighbors will be taken away! Be careful with the root - wearing gloves ... Poisonous.

  26. Anonymous

    I used boric acid, poured near the baseboards and wherever possible. And I wash the floor with ammonia: for 3 liters 300 ml of ammonia. During the week, not a single cockroach in a private house. I recommend you try it.

  27. Michael

    Advertise Pest Repeller (Set of 2), works inefficiently, cockroaches are not gone. The device was installed more than 3 months ago in a room of less than 200 square meters. But the cockroaches didn't go away.

  28. Tatiana

    There is also a repeller in a private house: not only did the mice leave, but the cockroaches also came!

  29. Joseph

    Dear friends! I discovered and share with you a method of dealing with cockroaches. What should be done? Elementary: to beat off their SMELL. How? Take any spray bottle, pour vinegar into it and spray. Everything.

    I have accumulated dirty dishes in the sink, I did not have time to wash. I had a severe stomach ache and called an ambulance. Before leaving for the hospital sprayed in the kitchen. I returned from the hospital after 5 days (I live alone). NOT A SINGLE COCKROACH! No one!

    If the font were larger, I would write BIGGER 🙂 You won't regret it. Cheap and cheerful.

  30. Anna

    Guys, repellers are ineffective, cockroaches do not react to ultrasound in principle ... Boric acid - YES! (I mean balls). But be sure to repeat the procedure in a week, in two, because. A new generation of freaks is emerging

  31. Alexei

    It was possible to radically reduce the population with the help of dichlorvos, a gas mask and a vacuum cleaner.

    1) I closed the windows and doors, covered all the hoods with masking tape.

    2) “Densely” sprayed dichlorvos through the cracks and nooks and crannies. As a "destroyer" he was ineffective, but from his smell from all the cracks, these creatures ran to the walls and ceiling.

    4) He arranged a “hunt” with a vacuum cleaner for creeping insects, he was already sweating in a gas mask from excitement 🙂

    5) With a feeling of sadistic satisfaction, he cleaned the vacuum cleaner into the toilet.

    Then I think about making baits on boric acid (I ordered 3 kg out of anger - they got it!).

  32. Alinka

    I hate all these creatures. May they die!

  33. Stasik

    Yes, buy a normal poison, you need to be careful, of course, not lay it out in the refrigerator. I saw it with my own eyes last week: a common kitchenette for 50 people and 50 lockers on the wall, and something delicious in each. And suddenly the invasion of the Prussians.They poured normal chymoses into the farthest corners, two daredevils in gas masks closed themselves there with something like dichlorvos, clogging all the holes) The result was not long in coming, I have not seen anything like this yet ... People, I swear, like in a movie - a hundred, no! Two! One by one they climbed out and climbed out of all the cracks into the corridor and immediately died. After that genocide, everything was washed 3-4 times, and for quite a long time not a single red stasik was noticed. And ammonia with ammonia, boric, of course, is a classic, but they didn’t just get out after 10 years (or 15). I answer, I didn’t have them in the city at all, and now they are back again, because they have developed immunity to mobile phones and weak poisons. This is evolution, nature, what are you. Only poison.

  34. Svetlana

    People, the article does not contain the most important thing! Believe me, I studied cockroaches as a species when there was no Internet, when in order to go into the bath you had to turn on the light and wait until they scatter. So, shame and shame on those who do not write about the most important thing - here is my recipe: 3 eggs, three potatoes, cook for THREE HOURS! During this time, the eggs secrete poison, which, when mixed with 10 packets of boric acid, gives the desired effect. Who cares how, when and under what conditions cockroaches migrate - write.

  35. Tamara

    Drink them with cherry thick tincture - and every morning you will have a full dish of these creatures.

  36. Oleg

    I want to thank the man who in the video suggested a simple way to deal with cockroaches. I then searched for it on the Internet, but for some reason did not find it. A wide and deep glass or faience bowl is taken. A chopped onion is laid out in it, I cut it into rings, stepping back from the walls. The walls of the bowl from top to bottom with a brush or swab are carefully coated with sunflower oil.Cockroaches are attracted by the smell of onions, they climb inside the bowl, but they can’t get back: their paws slide along the walls. It remains to periodically inspect the bowl, shake the cockroaches into the toilet, immediately drain the water. After that, add fresh onions, refresh the coating and wait for the next group of cockroaches. Success is guaranteed. The main thing is patience! And advise the neighbors around you so that the cockroaches that live with them do not get over to you. Together we will defeat these vile creatures!


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