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What are cockroach traps and how effective are they?

Last update: 2022-05-05
≡ Article has 11 comments
  • Sergei: Call the SES, they have real money, it's true....
  • Sergei: The most ancient way is to grind a brick into powder, to catch a...
  • Nikolai: Cockroaches came from somewhere (probably from neighbors through the venti...
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Getting to know cockroach traps

Trying to get rid of uninvited guests in the house, the owners take a variety of steps: from making balls with boric acid to calling a special team of exterminators. Among other industrial means, cockroach traps are considered one of the most popular, combining relatively low cost and acceptable efficiency.


Types of traps

Today, there are many traps for cockroaches on the market, which are easy to buy. However, each of them has its own mechanism of work and way of influencing insects.

To make the right choice, let's first get acquainted with the main types of traps and the features of their work.


Glue traps (house traps and sticky traps)

All of these names refer to the same type of device, the principle of which is to keep insects on a sticky surface. They are small cardboard boxes with slots on the sides. Inside such a sticky trap is a bait with an attractive smell for cockroaches.The bottom is covered with a special adhesive that may not dry out for a long time.

An example of a glue trap for cockroaches

Outwardly, the trap looks like a house for cockroaches, where, smelling a treat, an insect goes and sticks to the bottom. Having bought a sticky cockroach trap, you need to separate the paper covering the bottom and fold a kind of house. After the box has been heavily filled with insects, it must be thrown away.

Of course, being filled with dead insects, the glue trap does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but it is completely safe for humans or animals, as it does not contain any toxic substances.

Cockroaches caught in a glue trap

It is best to place the product in a place where cockroaches actively move, for example, under the sink, near refrigerators, air vents. You can buy glue traps for cockroaches both in the market and in the supermarket. Such devices are easy to use, can be used in rooms where there are children or animals, but it must be said that they are ineffective in the fight against a large number of cockroaches, and do not have any effect on eggs laid in secluded places.


Somehow, cockroaches from neighbors frequented our apartment. Apparently, they liked it with us, because there was often food left in the cat's bowl. We didn’t talk about aerosols and gels to fight parasites initially, because we didn’t want to poison the cat and the child with poisonous vapors. For uninvited guests, we decided to purchase glue-based houses. As a result, although the insects did not completely disappear, their number began to decrease significantly every day. In general, such traps are good and safe for children and animals, but all the same, for complete destruction, I will probably have to buy a stronger tool when I send the child to my grandmother for the summer.

Svetlana, Astrakhan


Electrical traps

Outwardly, such devices look like a metal box with a bait that needs to be changed periodically. Following the smell of the bait, the cockroach enters the box, where it is destroyed with a high voltage electric discharge. Cockroach remains must be removed from time to time with a special brush.

Photo of an electric cockroach trap

Inside view of the trap

Electric cockroach traps (sometimes called electronic traps, translating the name Electronic Cockroach Trap) do not have a toxic effect on humans or pets for the simple reason that there is no insecticide inside them. Another undoubted advantage of the device is its durability.

Dead cockroaches in an electric trap

However, some caution must still be exercised in handling such a trap. Since the device is powered by the mains, the manufacturer recommends installing it out of the reach of children and not placing it in wet areas.You can buy an electric cockroach trap in special stores or order it online, but it’s worth saying right away that its cost cannot be called low.


I suffered in due time with these parasites. And she poisoned with sprays, and set glue traps. At first it helped, but after a while they began to crawl again from the neighbors. I bought an electric cockroach trap from the store, I liked that it can be used for a long time. It is also good that cockroaches are immediately destroyed, and not alive, as in glue traps. What can I say, an effective way! True, not the cheapest, but most importantly - it is harmless to humans and animals. Little by little, the cockroaches became less and less, and now there are none at all.

Natalya Ivanovna, Saratov


And further: Cockroaches in the apartment are not only disgusting, but also dangerous to health. And they are dangerous not only with transmitted infections ...

Ultrasonic devices

Such a device is not a trap as such, it is a cockroach repeller, which emits ultrasonic waves and causes anxiety in insects and a desire to leave a dangerous place for them.

ultrasonic cockroach repeller

Sometimes these devices are also called "electronic cockroach traps", because, in addition to high-frequency sound waves, some models emit specific clicks and light signals that negatively affect the central nervous system of insects.

Although they do not have a toxic effect, but the operation of the electrical network does not allow them to be placed in places with high dampness.Some manufacturers also indicate that ultrasound can have some effect not only on cockroaches, but also on pets, and therefore it is best to set repellers in a home (for example, in a country house) some time before moving there.

The store advised to purchase an ultrasonic repeller to get rid of cockroaches. We took two at once. These devices have been working for us for a couple of months, and it seems that the uninvited guests have left for good.

Ludmila, Nizhny Novgorod

We got an ultrasonic repeller from the store. So the cockroaches not only did not disappear, we can say that they lived right on it. At least I saw one of them running out from under the repeller. I think that this device is complete nonsense, because our cockroaches are not afraid of anything!

Petr Mikhailovich, Yekaterinburg


Poison (insecticide) traps

Inside the round boxes there is a bait poisonous to insects with a pleasant smell, and the box itself has several holes so that cockroaches can freely enter and get out. This was done so that, after tasting the insecticide, the insects could spread it on their paws or through their secretions in the places of accumulation of other individuals and infect them.

This is what poisoned cockroach traps look like

Insecticide traps for cockroaches have Velcro on the back, so they can be mounted even on vertical surfaces away from pets and children. Such devices do not spoil the interior with their appearance, and some manufacturers even make them in “laminate” colors. In addition, the price of such traps for cockroaches is quite democratic.

Unlike electric traps, insecticidal traps do not need to be plugged in, which allows them to be placed near the kitchen sink, bathroom and other places with high humidity.


Popular poison traps

In this category, the most popular are Raptor, Raid, Combat, Brownie, Dohlox, Taiga and Clean House. Due to their popularity, you can buy all the listed traps for cockroaches even in the market or in one of the supermarkets. The greatest effect of disks with baits placed in places of accumulation of parasites will appear in 1-2 weeks.


Traps for cockroaches Raptor

As part of the bait, a fairly strong insecticide chlorpyrifos (an organophosphorus compound) was used, which has a paralytic effect on the central nervous system of insects. Eating the bait or simply contacting it with covers, the cockroach becomes a carrier of poison, which infects others upon returning to the nest.

Trap for cockroaches Raptor

The package contains 6 traps. The price will be about 150 rubles. for packing.


Traps Raid

Inside each disk is the insecticide lambda cyhalothrin (from the group of pyrethroids) with enteric-contact action. This tool operates according to the principle of a “chain reaction” similar to the previous one, actively affecting even individuals that did not have direct contact with the bait.

Traps for cockroaches Raid

The package contains from 4 to 12 traps. Price for 4 pcs. in the package will be about 180 rubles.

I bought Raid traps in the nearest supermarket 4 months ago. I must say right away that I have never seen at least some kind of cockroach running near her. And recently they changed the furniture in the kitchen and moved the refrigerator. So under it there were a lot of dead cockroaches! So it is true that one parasite eats the bait in the trap and infects its relatives.But all the same, these insects did not completely disappear, although the traps were there for several months.

Andrey, Kazan


It is also useful to read: The use of dusts to fight cockroaches

And further: Good old Karbofos poisons cockroaches with a bang - watch our video ...

Traps Kombat Superbite

Devices of this brand are considered very effective due to the presence of a new generation of insecticide hydramethylnon. According to the manufacturer, this insecticide allows you to increase the degree of insect damage so much that just a few traps can destroy an entire colony of cockroaches in a home.

Combat Super Bait

The price for a package with 4 traps will be about 180 rubles.


Traps for cockroaches Brownie and Dohlox

The active substance here is fipronil, which belongs to substances with low toxicity to humans. However, this insecticide may exhibit resistance (resistance) in insects, so it is best to use such cockroach traps in combination with gels, possibly from other manufacturers. In this case, according to reviews, these cockroach traps will be quite effective.

Traps for cockroaches Brownie

Dohlox traps

At the price of a package of 6 traps, about 110 rubles will come out.

About a year ago I began to notice this living creature in the apartment. I ran to the store and was ready to buy a gel to kill these insects, but I was afraid to use it, because, besides us, two more cats live in the apartment. Somehow we already applied it along the baseboards, so the cats ate this gel with a pleasant smell, they barely pumped it out! I decided, as a last resort, to buy traps for cockroaches. I fastened them with an adhesive square on all the walls, out of the reach of cats, and attached a few pieces under the sink. It helped, but stray individuals were still noticeable for a long time.I concluded that the traps are not as effective as the gel, but safe for cats.

Alla, Perm


Taiga traps

According to the manufacturer, the proven formula will help to successfully expel parasites from the house. However, the use of a long-established insecticide may indicate the possible emergence of resistance to it in several generations of insects.

Taiga traps

Different stores sell this tool at a price of 35 rubles. up to 80 rubles for 6 pieces per pack.


Traps Clean House

The basis is chlorpyrifos, which enters the body of an insect by eating the bait or by simple contact with it. Although this insecticide has a pronounced toxic effect on cockroaches, they may become addicted to it. In this case, you will have to use funds from another manufacturer.

Insecticide trap Clean House

The price for 6 pieces in a package will be about 50 rubles.


DIY cockroach traps

If for some reason it is not possible to purchase commercially produced cockroach traps, then with the help of simple improvised means, you can always make a trap yourself.


Sticky traps (made with tape)

To create such a trap with your own hands, you will need any box (for pencils, from tea). You can even just take a cardboard box (but it’s more convenient to hold the box with your hands and then throw it away).

Homemade sticky cockroach trap

At the bottom of the box or carton, you need to attach double-sided tape or apply special RaTrap glue (non-drying glue with good fixing action). You will also need some food product with a pronounced smell, preferably wet, for example, a little salad after a feast.

This product must be laid out on top of the glue or on the inner corners of the box, and then attach such a “house” near the habitat of cockroaches. As the boxes fill with insects, they must be disposed of. Of course, this method is not for the squeamish.

I don’t know, maybe I have a real phobia for these parasites or it just becomes disgusting, but I somehow made a sticky trap for cockroaches with my own hands, put it under the sink for the night. So in the morning I could not even take it in my hands! My husband had to throw away this moving mass.

Anya, Omsk


Traps-jars (also do-it-yourself)

For another easy-to-make trap, you will need a glass jar, on the bottom of which you need to put a piece of bread soaked in kefir, or a little beer, which attracts insects with a pronounced smell. Then the edges of the jar (to a depth of 5 cm) must be greased with any vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, and the outside of the jar should be wrapped with paper so that cockroaches can climb into it.


A cockroach trap made from a can

This device is absolutely harmless to children and pets and should be placed under the kitchen sink or in other places where cockroaches have been spotted. In the morning, pour boiling water over it and flush the insects down the toilet.

On the Internet, I read instructions on how to make a homemade trap for cockroaches. For these purposes, beer was required. I bought beer at a kiosk, poured it into the bottom of a glass jar, and smeared Vaseline liberally around the edges. At night I put this jar near the trash can. In the morning I looked, and there a whole bunch of parasites gathered. I filled the jar with water and poured them down the toilet. So I threw them out every morning. At first, a lot of insects gathered, but after 5 days they became less and less.A week later, cockroaches stopped gathering there at all, but they continued to appear in the kitchen at night, but now small cockroaches have already begun to appear. He spat, bought cockroach gel in the store and applied it to all the baseboards and crevices. Only then did the uninvited guests really disappear.

Viktor, Barnaul

If a large number of cockroaches regularly appear in home-made devices, then it makes sense to resort to industrial means to reduce their population. It is worth noting that even branded cockroach traps are far from being as effective as gels and aerosols, but they have several advantages over them, among which the main ones are a low toxic effect on humans and animals.


Making a trap for cockroaches with your own hands


Last update: 2022-05-05

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "What are the traps for cockroaches and how effective are they" 11 comments
  1. Andrew

    Dear scientists, thank you for all these cockroach traps, it helped us a lot. Thank you.

    • Anonymous

      I bought a cockroach repeller ... Electric ... Someone made good money.

      • Valera

        Where did you buy?

  2. Alexei

    Thanks for the voluminous review, we tried everything, only Dohlox gel helped.

  3. Evgeniy

    And what model of electric trap is shown in the photo in this review?

  4. Rahat

    We really need

  5. Natalia

    Are Raid traps and bait the same thing or not?

  6. Nikita

    Gel Dohlox rules!

  7. Nicholas

    Cockroaches came from somewhere (probably from neighbors through ventilation). We see them about 1 per day - mostly a trifle, probably a female crawled through and deposited.

    I laid out the Taiga glue traps - for some reason their effectiveness is very low, only 2 cockroaches in 2 weeks (20 pieces were manually crushed).

    What can I be doing wrong? We clean the apartment maniacally, I don’t know what they eat there and why they don’t climb into traps.

    • Sergey

      Phone the SES, they have real money, it's true. It helped our cockroaches, they all died ... Apparently, from an overdose.

  8. Sergey

    The most ancient way is to grind a brick into powder, catch a cockroach and pour this powder into the cockroach's nose, after which it starts to sneeze uncontrollably, losing the ability to breathe, and slowly throws back flippers)


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