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Insecticides for insects in the house: an overview of drugs

Last update: 2022-05-05
≡ Article has 4 comments
  • Pavel: She marinated them and made barbecue out of them. On vinegar, fleas...
  • Elena: Tell me, please, how did you remove fleas with vinegar? I'm already ...
  • Lilia: As for grandmother's funds, I don't agree. I personally took it to...
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Choosing the right insect repellent in a house, country house or apartment is not always an easy task, so let's take a closer look at this issue...

As practice shows, choosing an effective insect repellent in a house or apartment is a rather difficult task for an unprepared person. At the same time, the insect fighter himself may not think so, often believing that it is enough to buy “some kind of spray can” or chalk - and the insects will die out en masse, and the survivors will run away to their neighbors.

Insecticidal chalk, of course, sometimes helps to get rid of some insects, but this remedy is far from always effective and sufficient.

Often, when choosing a remedy, it is not taken into account that different insects may react differently (or not at all) to certain insecticidal preparations. Sometimes, in the pursuit of "lethal poisons", the simple truth can be forgotten that individual substances are quite complicated in independent non-professional use, and instead of a poisonous effect on insects, they can easily lead to poisoning of the person himself (and such cases, unfortunately, are not so rare and far from always end happily).

On a note

Many insect repellents are divided into household and professional.The former, with strict observance of the instructions, can be used by an untrained person at home, while the latter are officially allowed to be used only by trained workers of special pest control services.

Today, sometimes some people seek to purchase powerful insecticidal products for professional use via the Internet, in pest control services and even in SES (by pull), being not always sufficiently aware not only of their potential health hazard, but even of how in general, treat them correctly.

Powerful insecticides used by professionals can be deadly in the hands of an amateur.

To date, the most effective and best proven are chemical insecticides called insecticides. They are widely used both for the destruction of domestic insects and harmful insects in agricultural land and industrial warehouses.

In general, insecticides can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Aerosol products - for example, Raptor, Raid, Kombat, Dichlorvos (different brands), Chisty Dom, Armol, etc. aerosols adapted for domestic use. Often, in addition to insecticides, fragrances are also included in such preparations. It should be borne in mind that although the cans may be written "Against bedbugs", "Against cockroaches", "From moths", etc., however, in fact, many such products are created on the basis of the same insecticides. Thus, manufacturers simply expand the product line, focusing it on narrower segments, which helps increase sales. And some manufacturers immediately rightly note that the drug is universal, destroying a wide variety of insects.Aerosol insect repellent Chisty Dom.
  2. Insecticide concentrates for dilution and subsequent spraying from spray guns: for example, Lambda Zone, Delta Zone, Get, Xulat Micro and others. These drugs can be classified as one of the most effective insect repellents, since they contain modern powerful insecticides and use the so-called microencapsulation technology (microscopic capsules with poison remain on the surface treated with the solution, which can actively stick to the chitinous covers of insects, leading to to rapid poisoning). Some of these drugs are used not only in everyday life, but also by professional pest control services to destroy any domestic insects.Microencapsulated insect repellents Get, Delta Zone and Lambda Zone.
  3. Insecticide gels - they are used primarily as a remedy for crawling insects (mainly from cockroaches and domestic ants). But against human blood-sucking parasites, for example, against bedbugs and fleas, such gels will not work. In general, gel-like products do not act quickly, that is, with their help it will not be possible to destroy insects in the house in 1 day. However, the use of such drugs allows you to slowly but surely reduce the number of pests to zero without the use of aerosols and sprays, which is especially important for people prone to allergic reactions.Insecticides in the form of insecticidal gels are usually quite effective against cockroaches and ants.
  4. Powders (the so-called dusts) are also quite effective insect repellents, especially applicable in summer cottages or in non-residential premises. However, in apartments their use is not very convenient: the powders are dusty, soiled, carried around the house. In addition, insect dusts give a slower result than the use of aerosols and sprays.It is not always convenient to use dusts (powders) to kill insects in an apartment - they get dirty and dusty.
  5. Fumigators are basically insect repellants. For example, from mosquitoes. At the same time, not everyone knows that fumigators are very effective against moths, as well as from its larvae, if you turn on such a device in a closed cabinet (using an electric extension cord). In addition, fumigation of a closed room with a pre-glued ventilation grill, sometimes in a day, allows you to destroy all domestic ants in the room. When used correctly, fumigators are about as effective as aerosols, but less labor intensive to operate. But not everyone is ready to breathe the "chemistry" evaporated by such devices.Fumigators are an effective remedy not only for mosquitoes, but also for moths, but not everyone is ready to breathe chemicals in the apartment.
  6. Traps for insects (in other words - insect exterminators), which, depending on the design, allow to destroy almost any insects, but usually do not give a quick result. Among them are crawling insecticides - for example, glue and electric shock traps for cockroaches, and flying ones - for example, lamp exterminators.An example of a glue trap for cockroachesThe lamp exterminator is very effective against flying insects.
  7. And finally, folk remedies for insects. It should be borne in mind that many folk remedies are not used for the direct destruction of insects, but only for scaring away, which is why they are often ineffective.Folk remedies for insect control often have only a weak effect, and they do not always help in the destruction of pests and parasites.

So, before you buy an insect repellent, you must first choose the right one. Otherwise, even a very powerful drug may be useless and even dangerous in a particular situation.


“There is nowhere to buy insect repellant on our farm. All the Prussians and bedbugs are poisoned in the old fashioned way with vinegar and tansy, and all to no avail. Only visibility is created. Therefore, when we once again went to the city, we bought Karbofos, and a lot, a whole canister. Works well, although it smells disgusting. We were told that this tool can only be used in the country or in the garden, but we poisoned the whole house with it, and the sheds, and the chicken coop, and the summer kitchen.My husband even rubbed the inside of the doghouse with it. And now we don’t have cockroaches anymore, there are no bedbugs in the chicken coop, and fleas bypass the dog.”

Tamara Grigorievna, Samara region


Rules for choosing insect repellent in the house

When choosing a means for controlling insects, it is necessary first of all to select a preparation taking into account the characteristics of the biology of pests or parasites that are planned to be destroyed. In addition, it is also useful to take into account the following parameters of the product, which are often not paid any attention when buying:

  • Safety for human health;
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor (there are cases when upholstered furniture retained the medical smell of the applied insecticide for months, and as a result it simply had to be thrown away);
  • Ease of use;
  • Speed ​​​​(if you are ready to wait a couple of weeks, some drugs may be suitable, and if you need to poison insects in a day, then these will be completely different means and methods).

If you need to get rid of insects in the house quickly, then you should initially buy high-speed drugs.

Here are some examples:

  • From bugs, sprays and aerosols are usually used, very rarely - insecticidal crayons, powders and glue traps. At the same time, it is important that the insecticides used have exactly a contact effect (that is, they would be poisoned upon contact with the chitinous covers of the insect). But gels from bedbugs will not give a result, since the parasites feed only on human blood, and simply will not eat the gel, as cockroaches and ants do. All kinds of ultrasonic bedbug repellers are absolutely useless, since these insects do not use ultrasound for communication (unlike, for example, mosquitoes).Products that are effective against cockroaches may not be effective against bed bugs...
  • A wide variety of agents can be used against cockroaches and ants, including aerosols, sprays, gels, crayons, powders, electric and glue traps. These insects eat almost everything in a row, so not only contact insecticides, but also intestinal insecticides will be effective against them. As for ultrasonic and magnetic resonance cockroach repellers, these are completely useless toys invented by smart sellers for those people who just want to buy a device, plug it into a socket - and so that cockroaches scatter from the apartment in all directions. In practice, cockroaches feel quite comfortable, even crawling on such devices.Ultrasonic repellers will not help you in the fight against cockroaches, bedbugs and domestic ants.
  • It is best to poison the clothes moth with aerosol means (in the closet with things, you can also turn on the usual electric insect fumigator - in this case, the moth larvae and butterflies present here will also die). It is more difficult to fight food moths, because insecticides cannot be sprayed on food. In this case, you will have to go through the stocks of groceries, dried fruits, etc. Fighting food moths in the house is usually more difficult than fighting moths.
  • Fleas in an apartment are perhaps one of the most difficult insects to remove (along with bedbugs). And all because, in addition to the actual jumping adults, in the corners of the apartment, behind the baseboards, under the bedding of pets and in other secluded places, worm-like flea larvae and eggs can be swarming (many people don’t even know that fleas have unsightly larvae). ). In addition, fleas can hide in the fur of pets. Sprays and aerosol preparations work well against adults, and powders may work against larvae. It is important to understand that common household insecticides used to kill domestic insects are not suitable for treating animals.To remove fleas from cats and dogs, specialized preparations are sold in pharmacies - these can be flea sprays, drops on the withers, anti-flea collars, powders (flea powders) and even tablets.One of the popular home flea control products is insecticidal collars (sometimes also called insecticidal collars).
It is also useful to read: About Electric Insect Killers

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Today, you can buy insect repellant not only in household chemical stores or household goods, but also via the Internet. When buying, be sure to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and read the relevant instructions for the correct use of the drug - in order, for example, not to use Masha's crayon from cockroaches as shown in the photo below:

Sometimes insect repellents can be applied incorrectly - especially if you do not read the instructions.

Below are some fairly powerful insecticides that, when used correctly, will help to quickly get rid of parasites and pests in the house.


Get from insects in the apartment: how it works and how effective

Get (Get) is a modern and today quite popular insect repellent produced using microencapsulation technology based on the organophosphorus insecticide chlorpyrifos. The drug is almost odorless, has a contact and intestinal action and is quite effective against cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ants, as well as many other pests and parasites.

Modern microencapsulated insect repellent Get

For use, Get is diluted with water in the concentration indicated according to the instructions and sprayed in the house in places of possible accumulation and movement of insects.It has a prolonged action and a barrier effect: that is, it is possible to treat, for example, ventilation ducts around the perimeter, and insects crawling from neighbors and crossing the treated area will almost inevitably die after a while.

Surfaces treated with Get retain their effect on insects for a long time.

Today you can buy Get insect repellent at a price of about 800 rubles. for a bottle of 100 ml - this amount is enough to process about 100 square meters. meters of area.


“... They poisoned my grandmother's apartment from bedbugs and cockroaches three times. For the first time, they wanted to get by with little blood and smeared everything with pencils. There are fewer cockroaches, but the bugs do not react at all to these pencils, even though we smeared the bed with them everywhere. Then they bought Dichlorvos Eco, such a modern version of Dichlorvos. Almost all cockroaches were taken out, but the bugs survived. Even after re-treatment of the apartment, they continued to crawl and gnaw on us. Then they ordered two bottles of Geta from Yekaterinburg. One bottle was enough to remove everything that moved in the house. The second bottle was left in reserve.

Irina, Tula


Tetrix and its features

Having learned about the high efficiency of Tetrix, today many people are trying to buy it in any way, forgetting that this drug is not focused on domestic use, but is used only by pest control services.

Tetrix Insect Killer

The product is produced in Holland, supplied in canisters from two liters (sold by specialized companies involved in the supply of insect repellents in bulk). Although today plastic, aluminum and glass jars with a capacity of 1 liter have also begun to appear on the market.The drug is quite expensive, one liter is enough to process several apartments, and therefore, if you already use it on your own, then perhaps together with your neighbors on the landing.

Tetriex in a liter container

Tetrix insect repellent has a very strong unpleasant odor. Processing should be carried out with open windows, without fail in a respirator and goggles. The tool is very effective, and destroys all insects in the house, regardless of their species.

However, it is still difficult for an ordinary person to buy Tetrix, it is expensive and rather problematic to use - poisoning with this insect repellent if used improperly is very likely.


Insect clean house

Insect repellent Clean House is a typical household spray. It is quite effective against cockroaches, ants, wood lice, moths, it can help remove bedbugs if there are not too many of them in the room. The product has an unpleasant strong odor; comes with a special tube that can be used to process narrow gaps and holes.

And further: Smoke bombs from insects - a quick killer thing ... (the article has more than 10 comments)

The tube, which is available on the Chisty Dom aerosol can, can be used to treat narrow crevices and other hard-to-reach places.

A 150 ml clean House aerosol can costs about 100 rubles. To process a medium-sized one-room apartment, a minimum of three cylinders will be required.

In addition to the aerosol, Clean House brand products are also available in the form of powder and gel from cockroaches and ants. In the kitchen, these insect repellants will be effective, but as a remedy for blood-sucking insects, it is better not to use them.


Kombat: price, efficiency and application features

Kombat is a Korean-made aerosol insect repellent produced with a pleasant smell of lemon or mint. Effective against cockroaches, ants and moths, able to help remove bedbugs and fleas, quite easy to use and inexpensive.

The product line also includes Combat Multispray - an aerosol against any insects (about 200 rubles for a 400 ml canister), Kombat Superspray against crawling insects (250 rubles for 500 ml), traps for cockroaches painted under a laminate (about 100 rubles for 6 traps) and gel (50 rubles per 30 grams). Traps are positioned only against cockroaches, and the gel is against cockroaches and ants.

Aerosol Combat Multispray

Kombat Superspray is focused on the destruction of crawling insects.

In general, Combat insect repellents are the golden mean in terms of price and effectiveness. In simple cases, with a small infection of the premises with insects, these drugs can reliably destroy all parasites and pests in the house.


The executioner and its effectiveness

The executioner is an insect repellent with a wide spectrum of action. With proper processing of the premises, it allows you to destroy any arthropods. Produced according to German technology (it was developed to fight bedbugs), it is sold in small bottles, the contents of each of which are diluted for use in 0.5 liters of water.

The executioner insecticide is usually used to control domestic bed bugs, but it is quite effective in the fight against other pests and parasites.

To remove insects from a one-room apartment, 20-25 bottles are required, which makes the Executioner one of the most expensive products on the market (the price of a bottle is 70 rubles). The drug is easy to buy on the official website.


Insect raptor

Insect repellents Raptor, like Combat, are a fairly large collection of drugs in different forms of release and from different insects.Perhaps the most famous is the Raptor remedy for crawling insects, with the help of which the housewives successfully remove cockroaches and ants.

Raptor from crawling insects.

There are several Raptor moth remedies - sections and aerosol - which are considered among the most effective and affordable in this niche. Traps and Raptor gel are additional tools to enhance the effect of aerosols, but they can also be used to independently control insects with a small number of them in the house.

Gel from cockroaches and ants Raptor helps well with a relatively small number of insects in the apartment.

Any insect repellent hardware store sells several Raptor preparations, making them one of the most popular in households.


Mosquitall collection: sections, fumigators and sprays

Among Mosquitall preparations, it is easy to find a reliable remedy for flying insects: the manufacturer's collection includes lavender-scented moth sections, mosquito fumigators, skin protection products from bites and creams to combat the effects of insect bites.

Mosquitall insect repellents are on the market in a fairly wide range ...

In the house, household insect repellents are most often used: sections and fumigators. The former are hung in closets with things to prevent infection with clothes moths, the latter are plugged into the outlet before bedtime.

Sections from moth Mosquitall

Fumigator Mosquitall

Mosquitall anti-moth products are on the market with the following drugs:

  • Sections with the smell of lavender and without smell. They serve to repel moths.
  • Dry perfume with lavender scent. They are also repellents.
  • Sprays and aerosols for the treatment of clothing and the destruction of moth larvae.

In general, Mosquitall household insect repellents are quite inexpensive, but are designed specifically to fight mosquitoes and moths. In most cases, it will not work to bring out bedbugs or ants with their help.


Gel Globol from household pests

Gel Globol is a German remedy for the destruction of cockroaches and ants. It attracts pests with its smell: insects feed on it, after which they die within a few hours.

Gel Globol for the destruction of cockroaches and ants (quality German remedy).

Ants willingly take drops of the gel to the anthill, where this poison from insects destroys the larvae and the uterus. One drop of Globol gel contains enough insecticide to kill 500 cockroaches. However, the gel, of course, has absolutely no effect against bedbugs and fleas - it simply does not attract them as a food source.

Unfortunately, in 2014-2015 deliveries of the gel to Russia have stopped, and now it is very, very problematic to find the original drug on the market.


Klopoveron and its effectiveness against bedbugs

Klopoveron is a unique Soviet military development, which is still considered one of the most powerful means against bedbugs. The secret to its effectiveness lies in the fact that instead of insect control chemicals, Clopoveron contains "species-specific protein toxins and animal cells" to which bed bugs cannot develop resistance.

One of the most powerful means against bedbugs is Klopoveron.

On a note

In general, this information describing the remedy seems to be rather dubious. Most likely, the composition is still based on some kind of chemical insecticide, and not necessarily unique.

In addition, the product is sold in very small quantities, which also excludes the possibility of its mass use and addiction of parasites.

It is impossible to buy Klopoveron on open sale, but, as a rule, having learned the price of the drug, many buyers prefer to use more affordable and less expensive products. Today Klopoveron is sold in the USA as Bed Bugs Killer Pro and costs about 3,000 rubles per 250 grams of powder.The drug requires dilution in water and treatment of surfaces along which insects move.

Only among foreign sites you can find an insect poison shop that works with the manufacturer and order the delivery of the drug to Russia. In practice, it turns out that it is cheaper and easier to destroy bedbugs by calling a team of exterminators.


Karbofos: harsh and inexpensive

Karbofos is a typical outdated "chemistry" from insects (organophosphorus). It has a persistent unpleasant odor, it is used both indoors and in vegetable gardens and gardens, it is sold in the form of powder and liquid concentrate for dilution. Safe enough for humans and versatile in the fight against various insects.

Karbofos in the form of a dilution powder is generally an outdated remedy, although it is quite effective.

Karbofos in liquid form (the so-called emulsion concentrate).

On a note

Recently, populations of cockroaches and bedbugs resistant to Karbofos have been found. But in general, in most cases, the remedy so far allows you to more or less successfully destroy insects, especially if the owners of the apartment are ready to endure a persistent unpleasant smell for weeks.

However, even if none of the above funds can be bought, you can try to poison insects with those drugs that are commercially available specifically in your city - fortunately, such drugs are often usually created on the basis of the same insecticides. You can choose the most effective option if:

  1. Use the recommendations of friends who have recently been helped by an insect repellent (at the same time, forget about the stories of grandmothers about dust, wormwood, tar, vinegar and kerosene - times are changing).
  2. Focus on products containing Permethrin, Cypermethrin, Fenthion, Piperonyl Butoxide, Chlorpyrifos, Malathion and their derivatives. If the composition is not indicated at all, then it is better to refrain from buying the drug.If you need to destroy a small number of cockroaches, wood lice or ants, then you can try using boric acid or borax (mixed with egg yolk). These are relatively safe, effective and inexpensive insecticides, requiring, perhaps, additional efforts when working with them.

And most importantly, do not forget: the effectiveness of the product is much more than half dependent on the correctness of its application. Therefore, strictly follow the instructions and poison the insects successfully. Good luck!


Useful video: comparing the effectiveness of various insect repellent chemicals


How to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Testing modern tools


Informative film about means from blood-sucking insects


Last update: 2022-05-05

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Insecticides for insects in the house: a review of preparations" 4 comments
  1. Nicholas

    Impressive amount of drugs from insects! But there are also non-chemical agents. I was not lucky, as my apartment and country house were not far from the reservoirs. Therefore, the fight against mosquitoes has always strained me.I consulted with experts and acquaintances for a long time, and finally decided. In a country house and on the site, I first of all destroy mosquito larvae with a bacterial biolarvicide. But to destroy adults, you have to fight by chemical means. But the amount of chemicals used is already minimal.

  2. Lily

    As for grandmother's funds - I do not agree. She personally removed fleas in the house with the help of vinegar and fixed the effect with wormwood. Time-tested products are effective, and sometimes even safer for humans.

    • Elena

      Tell me, please, how did you remove fleas with vinegar? I'm already exhausted with them, nothing helps!

      • Paul

        She marinated them and made barbecue out of them. On vinegar, fleas are best obtained, the main thing is to season them with wormwood at the end.


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