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What are insect exterminators and how do they work

Last update: 2022-05-11
≡ Article has 6 comments
  • Artyom: I didn’t believe in efficiency for a long time until I visited the dacha of others...
  • Svetlana: We use a street propane trap - Mosquito Magnet...
  • Slava: I use a fly exterminator in the summer. They become significant...
See bottom of page for details

We choose the optimal model of the exterminator of insects, both outdoors and inside the house...

Insect exterminators are, perhaps, one of the most convenient modern means for combating crawling and flying arthropods such as cockroaches, ants, moths, wood lice, silverfish, etc. In addition, they also allow you to easily cope with parasites and pests, from time to time time visiting a person’s dwelling and utility rooms in search of food or breeding sites, for example, with mosquitoes, flies, various beetles.

A good insect exterminator will easily cope with, for example, flies that accidentally fly into the house.

Such devices will be especially relevant for the destruction of mosquitoes indoors.

It is interesting to note that in their reviews, most people most often understand the term "insect exterminator" as a device that attracts flying "victims" with the light of ultraviolet lamps. Such devices do exist, and the principle of their operation is that UV lamps, on which insects flock, are surrounded by a special grid - either connected to a high voltage source or covered with a sticky substance that ensures reliable adhesion of the "guests".

The ultraviolet lamp in the device attracts insects, after which they are destroyed by an electric discharge on a metal grid.

In fact, today you can also buy insect exterminators that work on a completely different principle, and the choice here is quite wide.So, for example, in addition to the lamp insect exterminators described above, there are also devices of the following types:

  • floor glue traps, to which cockroaches, bedbugs or ants stick, attracted by some kind of bait (these devices are easy to use, do not consume electricity and can effectively catch crawling parasites and pests);The photo shows an example of a glue trap for cockroaches.
  • hanging sticky tapes used to kill flying insects such as flies and various types of moths (they are more economical than lamp exterminators, but do not work well against nocturnal insects);And this is a hanging sticky tape with flies stuck to it.
  • special "houses" for insects with electrodes inside (this is a kind of alternative to glue traps, which works by destroying the victim crawling inside with an electric discharge).

Despite the indicated variety, the best known are the exterminators of flying insects of the lamp type (regardless of the manufacturer). The reason for this is that against the same mosquitoes, flies and moths, such devices, among other methods of extermination, are the most effective and easy to use. In addition, you can buy this type of insect exterminator in any specialized online store (sometimes even in an ordinary hardware store) for a relatively small price.

At the same time, floor exterminators of crawling insects are not particularly popular - for example, in the case of fighting cockroaches, domestic ants, or, especially, bedbugs, they are much inferior in their effectiveness to other means of struggle.

To combat domestic ants, electric lamp exterminators will not work.


“I didn’t even think that this flying insect exterminator would work so well. We used the Energy mosquito trap at home and we were never bitten all summer long.And once they tried to turn it on on the veranda, when the crowd was feasting there. So mosquitoes did not touch us in the yard, but on the street - August, mosquito time! In one evening, the whole pallet was clogged with dead midges.

Igor, Vitebsk


Lamp exterminators: features and rules of use

To date, lamp exterminators of insects are becoming more and more popular. This is explained by the fact that devices of this type really turned out to be a very effective means of combating flying insects, so it is not surprising that everyone who has ever dealt with mosquitoes, large night butterflies, moths and moths is not averse to buying it for the summer season.

In the dark, many insects tend to the light source.

Most often, such a lamp device is purchased specifically for salvation from mosquitoes in apartments and country houses. However, practice shows that this exterminator saves well from flying insects, for example, in the following cases:

  • in restaurants and cafes - both in the main halls and in the premises of the kitchen, warehouse, office, as well as on the terraces and in the tents of summer cafes;
  • on livestock farms to protect animals from almost any midge;
  • on personal plots to reduce the number of mosquitoes and pests of the garden and vegetable garden as a whole in the area;
  • in warehouses where it is necessary to constantly fight food moths.

Unfortunately, lamp exterminators are completely ineffective against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants and other crawling insects. Even if you install such a device on the floor, it will not attract them, since all such pests and parasites in the house, for the most part, on the contrary, avoid light.

Lamp exterminators are not effective against cockroaches and bedbugs, as these insects avoid light.

Before you buy an insect exterminator with UV lamps, it is useful to determine in advance the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which it will be used. Such traps usually have from one to 4 lamps, the total power of which largely determines the size of the area on which the device will be effective.

Another important advantage of this type of devices is their safety: a special panel grate is installed in lamp insect exterminators, which does not allow a child or animal to accidentally touch the voltage grid. That is why this device can be safely used in homes with small children.

A special grid reliably protects people and animals from possible contact with the grid under electrical voltage.

The cost of household lamp insect exterminators does not exceed an average of 4,000 rubles, but some manufacturers also have more expensive models. You can buy the simplest exterminators for only 400-500 rubles.


“Most of all insect exterminators for the street are from the manufacturer Well. He has different powerful ones, and small ones. We took several devices for the poultry nursery, because flies literally seize the young in the summer. For the sake of interest, we decided to buy three traps of different types: one electric simple WE-150-2, one waterproof WE-150-2SW and one glue WE-813-SB30S. They were tested for a month.

Here is the conclusion: a simple electric one is the most convenient. The pallet can be changed once a week: even if there are a lot of insects, they do not completely clog it. The waterproof one costs about 2000 more, but in reality there is no need for moisture protection. In extreme cases, a zinc cornice can be attached to it so that the rain does not wet. With a glue trap, the most hassle. In our conditions, its grate clogged up in a day, on the second day the flies were already crawling over the corpses of their brethren. I think it should be bought only for any granaries where a spark is not allowed.In general, street exterminators have proven themselves well - they wet midges only on the way. It can be used in farms with elite poultry or fur-bearing animals.

Petr Mikhailovich, Nizhny Novgorod

In use, the lamp exterminator of insects is extremely simple. It is best to install or hang the device somewhere in the middle of the room (for example, between a window and a door), so that it can be clearly seen from all corners of the room - this way it will collect more insects. If necessary, the shredder is plugged into the socket and starts up in the desired mode.

It is also useful to read: About Electric Insect Killers

And further: Smoke bombs from insects - a quick killer thing ... (the article has more than 10 comments)

It is best to place the device in the center of the room so that it can be clearly seen by insects flying in the room.

Every few days in the device you need to clean the tray into which the dead insects fall. If a glue grate is installed in the shredder, then, according to the instructions for using the device, it should be replaced from time to time with a clean one.

In the event that the insect exterminator is purchased only for outdoor use, the moisture resistance function of the device may be useful. Such exterminators can be purchased, for example, from Well. However, as mentioned above in the review of one of the users of such a device, in some situations, even for outdoor use, this function may not be useful, therefore, when choosing a moisture-resistant model, it is useful to weigh the pros and cons, and clearly imagine in advance where and how the device will be placed.


“For a long time I wanted to buy an insect exterminator specifically for the street, but all hands did not reach. And this year, mosquitoes just ate me. Already even spray cans did not help, there were so many of them.I bought such a large bandura, with an adhesive grate, so that it would not consume a lot of electricity. Ordered over the Internet. With such a calculation, I bought it so that butterflies would fly into it from the garden. When I pulled out the grate for the first time, I was horrified. Insects covered everything on it. And among them there were even May beetles! In general, this destroyer is very reliable.

Hope, Uralsk

Often insect exterminators are bought to get rid of mosquitoes in the house.

For those who want to assemble an insect exterminator with their own hands, below is a detailed electrical diagram of such a device. When manufacturing the appliance, in order to avoid dangerous situations, it is important not to forget to protect the electrical grid from children and animals.

Wiring diagram of the insect exterminator:

Wiring diagram for assembling an insect exterminator with your own hands

If you still decide to buy a ready-made device, then it will be useful to first turn to the Internet and read reviews: there are a lot of manufacturers of such devices now, and therefore you can easily get confused in the offered assortment in the store.

To facilitate the selection task, below are the most popular models of paw insect exterminators, as well as customer reviews about them.


Hilton insect exterminators and reviews about their work

Manufacturer Hilton produces a fairly wide range of lamp insect exterminators at very affordable prices. For example, the simplest model - Black Monster - can be bought for about 400 rubles. This exterminator is perfect for exterminating mosquitoes in a single small room.

The Hilton BN-30W insect exterminator can effectively serve already larger premises (for example, restaurants, hospitals, offices), as well as be used as an outdoor tool. The device costs around 1500 rubles.

Insect exterminator Hilton BN-30W

In addition, Hilton products also include special insect exterminators designed for very large private houses and large apartments, and an interesting line of devices for children's rooms in the form of a frog.

Hilton also produces frog-shaped appliances.


“We, too, at one time indulged in all sorts of scarers and destroyers. We bought such a healthy Hilton lamp for the house. The effect was, but we were not impressed. It feels like mosquitoes first bite us, and then fly to burn in the exterminator. In general, my advice to you: hang good mosquito nets.

Alla, Odessa


Exterminator Clatronic

The German manufacturer Clatronic produces the only insect exterminator model - Clatronic 3340 IV. This device effectively destroys flying insects in a room up to 20 m², you can buy it for about 700 rubles.

Clatronic 3340 IV flying insect killer


“We have been choosing a mosquito repellant for the home for a long time and settled on Clatronics. He's cute and cheap. It also turned out to be effective. We didn’t have mosquitoes in our bedroom all summer, but the Clatronic constantly shook out bunches of them. But I think that for the street it will be rather weak.

Inna, Pskov


Destroyer Barguzin

The insect exterminator Barguzin is a worthy example of domestic-made devices. The exterminators of this series effectively protect against numerous flying insects in rooms up to 300 m², which greatly expands the possible range of applications for these devices.

It is also useful to read: Flying Insect Killer Lamps

And further: List of blood-sucking insects that can bite you in bed or on the couch (the article has more than 20 comments)

Device for the destruction of insects Barguzin

Today, you can choose any of the 4 Barguzin models, but even the “weakest” device is designed for an impressive area of ​​​​120 m².This exterminator will perfectly cope with street use, for example, on the veranda of a summer cottage.

The price of the device depends on the model - the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication, the higher the price, respectively. The simplest insect exterminator of this brand can be bought for about 3500-4000 rubles.


Energy device: description and application

The insect exterminator Energy SWT 425e is a lamp with an anti-mosquito grille. This device is most effective for home use, but due to its interesting design it can also be used simply as a decorative element when decorating a yard in a private house.

The device for destruction of insects Energy SWT 425e is made in the form of a lantern.

The Energy SWT 425e exterminator has a collector for collecting dead insects, weighs only 200 grams and consumes 1 W of electricity. The cost of the device fluctuates around 500 rubles.


Sakura Destroyers

The SAKURA trademark, which produces a variety of household appliances, also has a whole line of devices for attracting and destroying flying insects. Among them, there are both typical lamp exterminators and special devices with a fan that suck in close-flying mosquitoes and flies.

Sakura Insect Killer

Some of Sakura's insect exterminators look like regular lanterns, while others are floor traps. These exterminators are intended mainly for indoor use; the price ranges from 800 to 3500 rubles.


“I bought Sakura, the simplest white device with a light bulb. Mosquitoes seemed to be caught in it, but they bit me at the same time. It seemed to me that its power was simply not enough for the entire bedroom. Probably worth buying a more powerful exterminator for a large room.

Alexander, Moscow


Velcro shredders: simplicity and efficiency

Along with modern lamp insect exterminators, the so-called Velcro exterminators are also widely used. Using these sticky traps is very simple: you just need to place them on the paths of the insects.

The photo shows an example of a sticky trap for flying insects.

Hanging sticky insect tapes

There may be several modifications of these exterminators (for example, in the form of a hollow tube or sticky sheet), but the principle of operation for all of them is the same - to glue an insect.

An example of the action of a glue destroyer is the fight against bedbugs:

  1. First you need to make sure that the insects do not live in the bed itself, otherwise the trap will be powerless.
  2. Then you should put the legs of the bed itself in the center of the sheet with glue.

The preparatory procedures end here, then the Velcro exterminator will work on its own: all the bugs that try to climb onto the bed will inevitably have to first try to overcome the sticky section of the trap that separates the legs of the bed from the floor. In the course of such an "attack", the insects adhere securely to the adhesive sheet.

You can also use special glue Alt (Alt) from bedbugs and cockroaches, or Kapkan glue.

An example of a glue trap for bed bugs

The trap is placed under the leg of the bed

And in the morning you collect sticky insects...

The indisputable advantages of sticky exterminators are their low price (the simplest trap can be bought for about 50-100 rubles), safety of use and wide availability. If you focus on people's reviews, then one of the most famous means of this type is the Kapkan insect exterminator (although in general glue traps from different manufacturers are about equally effective).

Trap-house Kapkan.

To reliably get rid of insects, it is quite possible to buy sticky "houses" from unknown Chinese companies - practice shows that they will catch insects just as successfully as well-known manufacturers.

Flying insect tapes can be used alone or in combination with lamp exterminators: if the lamps are especially effective against nocturnal insects, then the tapes successfully exterminate daytime butterflies and flies. Using them is very simple - you just need to pull the tape out of the cassette and hang it in the center of the room.


“I don’t buy any insect repellant lamps. Once a week I hang a tape from flies in the center of the summer kitchen, and the very next day it is all covered with them. I just hung the same one in the yard on a lantern, but it's a pity, too many butterflies stick to it. But my friend destroys moths in a warehouse like that. He stores dried fruits, and this filth spoils them. So he hangs Velcro there so that the butterflies do not fly.

Yuri, Zelenograd


Electric traps for cockroaches and ants

There is another type of insect exterminators - electric floor "houses", which are used to exterminate mainly cockroaches and ants.

Electric floor trap for cockroaches and ants

Such traps require connection to a power outlet, however, despite this feature and floor location, they are absolutely safe for humans and pets: to open the exterminator and get to the electrical element, you would have to completely disassemble the device. By the way, this is why in many cases such electric traps "win" over glue houses, to which animals can stick with their paws or noses.

As for insects, they are attracted to an electric trap either by a special bait, or by an instinctive desire to hide in a secluded place from prying eyes. When an insect gets inside the exterminator, it will certainly touch the electrodes, as a result of which it receives a fatal electric shock.

It remains only to periodically shake out dead insects from the trap

You can buy an insect exterminator of this type for a very modest cost for such a device - from 200 rubles. The low price is explained by the fact that such traps are mass-produced in China by various small companies, but this does not prevent them from doing an excellent job of exterminating insects.


“After the repair, I chose for a long time how to finish off the remaining cockroaches. I brought out most of them while I was changing the wallpaper, but even then single cockroaches were still shown. Of course, I killed them with a newspaper, but I needed them to be destroyed somehow. I didn’t want to poison with chemistry, because I have two children and British cats. I stopped at houses with electric discharges. When a week after the installation I opened one such house, it was something! From dead cockroaches there was no bottom visible. I didn’t even think that I had so many of them left at home.”

Oksana, Kyiv

As you can see, buying an insect exterminator is not a problem today. When choosing among the numerous offers, you should, first of all, focus on exactly where the device is planned to be used: it can be intended for home or outdoor use. It is also useful to read reviews about the model you like on the Internet before buying.

If you have personal experience with any insect exterminator, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page. Perhaps it will help someone make the right choice.


An interesting video about the internal structure of the insect exterminator: we measure the voltage on the grid


Comparison of electric insect exterminator and fumigator


Last update: 2022-05-11

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "What are insect exterminators and how do they work" 6 comments
  1. Alla

    I also bought a shredder specifically for the street - sititek garden-M. If you can still get rid of bloodsuckers indoors, then there is a full guard on the street!

    • Vitaly

      Alla, how long has your device lasted? How long does it take to charge?

  2. Alex

    Garden - an excellent exterminator. I also have one.

  3. Glory

    I use a fly killer in the summer. They become much smaller, they fly straight into the trap. large area of ​​effect)

  4. Svetlana

    We use a propane trap, outdoor - Mosquito Magnet. Very convenient, refuel once - and do not think about mosquitoes for a long time. It is necessary to change the bait and cylinders, sometimes clean it, but in general it works without misfires and does not require any complicated maintenance. The article is good, thanks for the information, very informative.

  5. Artyom

    I didn’t believe in efficiency for a long time until I visited my friends’ dacha and was amazed at the absence of mosquitoes at all. It turned out that they had a street trap, I did not pay attention to it at first. Well, I think it's cool.As a result, I take the same one for my dacha, called Mosquito Magnet, it will catch and kill mosquitoes)


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