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Are there unscented bedbug treatments?

Last update: 2022-05-17

Choose a remedy for bedbugs without a strong unpleasant odor

Unscented bedbug remedies can be quite difficult to find on sale for an inexperienced consumer, for the reason that there are not so many such drugs in general and they are not always on store shelves. The vast majority of bedbug remedies smell disgusting and the main reason for this is the strong smell of the insecticides themselves, which are part of the respective preparations.

However, without insecticides, the bedbug remedy itself will not work, because the insecticide is the very poison that poisons the parasites. Many quite effective remedies for bedbugs, which allow you to really quickly and often - at one time - get them out of the apartment, are truly stinking. Among them are Tetrix, Karbofos, Cucaracha, Klopoveron, Klopomor.

Example: a remedy for bugs Cucaracha has a fairly high efficiency against parasites, but it has a very unpleasant odor

Means Klopomor from bed bugs also belongs to the category of strongly smelling

Even the well-known Dichlorvos, which is used very rarely today, is smelly and still as effective in the fight against bedbugs as before. However, new versions of Dichlorvos with a much lower odor level are also appearing on the market, but their effectiveness has not yet passed the test of time.

Indeed, many modern odorless insecticides, which are sometimes used for bedbugs, do not actually pass tests for effectiveness. Let's take a closer look at this issue.


Unscented products

Generally speaking, there are quite a lot of agents that can theoretically destroy bedbugs, and which at the same time have almost no smell.

In general, there are many insecticidal preparations that have a minimum level of odor.

Among them:

  • Poisonous insecticidal gels used in the fight against cockroaches and ants. They attract insects, contain toxic substances and natural bitterness. The latter are needed so that any other resident of the room - from a cat to a person - could not even swallow a drop of such a gel. They are absolutely useless against bedbugs, primarily because bedbugs are simply not able to eat even a small part of a drop of such a gel: the bedbug's oral apparatus is intended only for piercing the skin and sucking out blood. In addition, the parasite "won't even think" of trying to eat drops with gel - bugs are attracted only by the smell of the human body. Therefore, such odorless insect repellents against house bugs will not be effective.
  • Dusts like "Brownie", "Clean House", "Pyrethrum". They either have no smell at all, or smell very faintly and unobtrusively. They are moderately effective against bedbugs, but they can give a certain result when used: most dusts, if accidentally hit on the body of a bug, can have a contact effect, penetrating through the chitinous cover and poisoning the insect without even getting into its digestive tract. However, they themselves do not attract bedbugs, and therefore it can be difficult to get rid of all the parasites in the room with their help - a certain number of parasites will always remain in the apartment that have not fallen into the scattered dust.
  • Chalk "Mashenka" and its Chinese counterparts. This unscented bed bug spray works in the same way as dust, but because it can be applied to vertical surfaces, it can be used on walls, headboards and sofas.As a result, "Mashenka" destroys on average more bugs than powdered products, but it is also problematic to remove all insects from the apartment with its help: in order for a sufficient amount of poison to get inside the bug, it needs to get thoroughly dirty.

Insect dust Chisty Dom has a low odor but is unfortunately only moderately effective against bed bugs.

The well-known crayon Masha also does not smell, but they are unlikely to be able to completely get rid of bedbugs

Thus, not every odorless bedbug remedy will be effective enough in practice. And it is precisely because of their low efficiency that the industry is forced to produce other products that combine both the absence of smell and the effective destruction of bedbugs.

It is also useful to read: Feverfew for bed bugs

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An effective odorless bed bug remedy

Somewhere at the junction of aerosol preparations and dusts, there is Get, a microencapsulated preparation, which is actually an aqueous concentrate of finely dispersed chlorpyrifos. Insecticide microcapsules can remain on the treated surfaces for weeks and easily stick to the legs of the bugs, after which the substance will penetrate the parasite's body and lead to its poisoning.

Get microencapsulated bed bug remedy

On a note

The active component of the Get remedy is Chlorpyrifos, which has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects. This insecticide is known precisely for its ability to contact action, due to which it is effectively used in cases where it is not possible to force exterminated insects to eat the bait.

Due to the absence of volatile components in the composition of Get, it is practically odorless (except for a faint smell of orange fragrance) and is not felt in the room after application. For the quick and effective destruction of bedbugs in an apartment, the Get product must be applied not only in the places of their shelters, but also on those surfaces on which bedbugs can potentially move.

You need to apply Get to all habitats and movements of bedbugs

In general, in terms of effectiveness-smell ratio, Get is today one of the best means for combating bedbugs.


“I had never seen bedbugs in my eyes before, and on the first day in a new apartment I thought that there were several cockroaches under the sofa. Only later did I realize that these were bedbugs when they started biting me at night. Nightmarish sensations. The next day I bought a remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha, I almost died myself, while I processed one room with it. Such a smelly muck that it's easier to endure bedbugs. The most annoying thing is that after Kukarachi they did not disappear, but about a week later they began to slowly bite me again. In the store, I found out that there is a Get product that does not stink, but kills bedbugs well. Ordered it over the Internet. The drug was normal. I propped up a bed, a wardrobe and a sofa for them, just let the rest out under the carpet. And the bugs are gone. They have been gone for three months now and I don’t think they will appear.”

Rostislav, Penza

Chlorpyrifos is also used in professional preparations for the extermination of bedbugs such as Zindan and Baigon, it is also used in Raptor gels and traps. The latter, however, are very ineffective in the fight against bedbugs (unlike cockroaches, bed bugs are not attracted to poisoned baits).


And one more thing: it is generally accepted that if you leave the apartment for a long time, then all the bugs will die of hunger. Let's see if bedbugs can still eat something and how long they can live without human blood

Products with pleasant fragrances

Some manufacturers have gone the other way and instead of eliminating the smell in the preparation, they decided to mask it with a different, more pleasant and stronger aroma.

So, for example, the Kombat line of insecticidal agents has aerosols from bedbugs with the smell of mint and lemon. Their active ingredient is pyrethroids, which smell less strongly than flavors.

Aerosol Combat Superspray has a pleasant smell and at the same time destroys bedbugs well

In general, such funds are quite effective against bedbugs and allow you to destroy them without the involvement of specialists. To do this, it is enough to spray with an aerosol the places where the bugs can hide - beds, sofas and wardrobes with things, and then close the windows and doors in the apartment for several hours and leave it.

Upon return, wet cleaning should be carried out.For the most reliable result, this treatment should be repeated after 8-10 days in case larvae hatched from the surviving bedbug eggs after the first treatment.

New larvae can hatch from bedbug eggs, so processing should be done several times.

Raptor sprays from crawling insects have a pleasant mint smell and contain Cypermethrin, one of the most popular insecticides today, as an active ingredient. They are used from bedbugs in the same way as the preparations of the Kombat line.

Aerosol Raptor - a popular remedy for bedbugs that has an acceptable smell

Raid products are scented with lavender and citrus scents. However, after application, they leave a rather heavy smell of the insecticide itself in the room.

Insect repellent Raid is widely used in everyday life and against bedbugs


“We were looking for some spray can from bedbugs in the hostel, so that it was not very smelly. In the market, we were advised to buy a Reid bedbug remedy. We took it, sprayed the whole room, even the clothes. At first, the smell was pleasant, it smelled of some flowers, and then it disappeared and such a typical stench of Dichlorvos remained that it was already sickening. But the bugs still died. ”

Mikhail, Odessa

In general, aerosol products with flavors are the most affordable - you can buy them at any store and in the markets, such drugs are most often used in everyday life by ordinary citizens. But, as practice shows, in terms of efficiency they are noticeably inferior to professional smelly drugs.


Fetid remedies - efficiency to be endured

In cases where bedbugs are removed by professional exterminators, very effective products with a strong odor are usually used. Among them are Tetrix, Sinuzan, Cucaracha, Tsifoks, Forsythe and others.

Professional remedy for bedbugs Tetrix (Tetriex) has a strongly pronounced unpleasant odor

Remedy for bedbugs Tsifox

Their main advantage is the ability to completely destroy bedbugs in an apartment in a few hours.After that, parasites can appear in the dwelling only from neighbors or from miraculously surviving bedbug eggs, and then only after a few weeks.

Such effectiveness of these drugs for most people turns out to be a priority over the absence of smell, and if you want to get rid of bedbugs as soon as possible, you should prefer them - it’s better to endure the smell for a couple of hours and then ventilate the apartment than to suffer for weeks until the bedbugs die several times on dusts and crayons.

Most folk remedies for bedbugs, used primarily for the prevention and temporary repelling of parasites, also have a smell. Moreover, the sharper the smell of a particular substance, the more effective it is usually.

For example, turpentine and vinegar repel bedbugs better than tansy decoction.

Turpentine, sometimes used against bedbugs, has a strong odor that can only be considered pleasant in low concentrations.

It should only be remembered that folk remedies will not allow the bedbugs to be completely removed from the apartment, and therefore it is better to use modern insecticidal preparations to effectively combat parasites.


An interesting video about choosing a remedy for bedbugs


On the adaptation of bedbugs to insecticides - which remedy will be the most effective? ..



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