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Tumors and swelling with insect bites

Last update: 2022-05-10
≡ Article has 45 comments
  • Anonymous: Erysipelas may be after an insect bite ....
  • Elena: Guys, on 07/01/19 I wrote my note about the bite. Yesterday we went to...
  • Elena: On Friday my leg started to ache and swell, in the ankle. Near to...
See bottom of page for details

Although various kinds of tumors and swelling after insect bites in most cases do not pose a serious threat to human health, this is not always the case ...

A tumor after an insect bite is a fairly common phenomenon. Sometimes it even occurs in response to attacks by seemingly harmless creatures, such as small flies and mosquitoes. And after being stung by wasps, bees, hornets, bumblebees, some riders and predatory bugs, tumors appear in almost every person, and can often reach impressive sizes.

The reason for the appearance of a tumor in response to an insect bite is the active response of the body's immune system to enzymes and toxins injected under the skin by insects. During the inflammatory process, lymph accumulates in soft tissues, which causes a natural increase in their volume.

The photograph shows the sting of a wasp - with its help, the insect injects poison under the skin of its victim.

Many parasitic insects (eg, mosquitoes, fleas, bed bugs) are bitten by saliva that contains anti-clotting agents. In such cases, the swelling of the tissues is usually insignificant, and the affected areas of the skin look like small swellings on the human body.

But wasps, hornets and bees, when attacked, inject a fair dose of poison under the skin, which can destroy the cell walls of tissues and initiate powerful inflammation, often accompanied by an allergic reaction. Depending on the strength of the person's immune response, the tumor can be either small or very extensive, up to swelling of an entire limb or a significant part of the body.

In different people with the bites of the same insects, the severity of edema can vary significantly ...

Swelling on the arm after a hornet bite

On a note

Speaking of insect bites, many people understand this as the attacks of other arthropods: spiders, centipedes, scorpions and ticks, which, generally speaking, do not belong to the order Insects (insects have only 3 pairs of legs).


Tumor as a normal reaction of the body to a bite

If a leg, arm or cheek is slightly swollen from an insect bite, then before panicking and talking about a “terrible allergy”, it should be noted that a slight swelling and swelling is a completely normal reaction of a healthy body to the ingestion of foreign biologically active substances.

A slight swelling and swelling of the tissues are generally a normal reaction of the human body to the bites of a wide variety of insects.

The venom of most stinging insects (and poisonous spiders) contains a group of substances that cause cell destruction and leakage of their contents into the intercellular space. The body of the affected person regards the toxins of the insect and the contents of damaged cells as substances dangerous to him and attacks them. In addition, their presence in the intercellular space is harmful and can lead to metabolic disorders in tissues.

The venom of hornets, wasps and some spiders causes, among other things, the destruction of the walls of small blood vessels, which often leads to subcutaneous, and in especially dangerous cases (with massive bites) - to internal bleeding.

In the photo - a tumor after a hornet bite:

Swelling on the face after a hornet bite

Blood begins to actively flow into the damaged area, and in addition to this, an increase in the volume of interstitial fluid occurs. Under such conditions, it is easier for the body to mobilize its resources to neutralize the poison.

So, a slight swelling or swelling as a result of an attack by some arthropod is the norm, so you should not worry too much in such cases. Another thing is when, for example, all or a significant part of the leg, arm, face, or swelling began to spread throughout the body, from an insect bite, for example, it swelled up.

This is already an overreaction, often a sign of the development of a dangerous allergy. Such tumors and edema, of course, should be fought, and as soon as possible.

Typical symptoms that appear after arthropod attacks include the following:

  • redness - a red spot after an insect bite can be a response to both generally harmless mosquito bites and a reaction to a scorpion sting;
  • swelling at the site of the bite, the size of which varies depending on the aggressiveness of the substances that have fallen under the skin (“blisters” from insect bites such as fleas or bedbugs are usually 0.5-2 cm in diameter, and the bump after meeting with the hornet can spread to as a result and for all 10-15 cm);The photo shows a bump on the forehead from the bite of a common mosquito.
  • thickening of the tissue at the site of the bite is a harmless symptom, but sometimes dragging on for several weeks;
  • pain - as a rule, it is felt immediately after the bite and in the first hours after it, and then smoothly turns into itching;
  • a bruise at the site of the bite, which is the result of local hemorrhage (especially characteristic of attacks by hornets, tarantulas, water bugs).

Often, at the site of the bite, the victim has a fever, a burning sensation is felt - this is also normal.It is worth sounding the alarm when there is a general and strong increase in body temperature - this is already a signal that the process is becoming generalized, and the patient may need to be hospitalized.

And further: We catch bedbugs and put deadly experiments on them - this is a must see!

Speaking about the possible consequences, one should not forget that in the same person the bite of insects of the same species can cause a different degree and nature of the manifestation of symptoms. It largely depends on where the bite fell. So, for example, an insect bite in the eyelid sometimes leads to complete swelling of half of the face and closing of the eye, while at the same time, a lump on the back or wrist will cause much less unpleasant consequences.

When bitten by bees, wasps and hornets in the eyelid or in its immediate vicinity, the eye often closes completely due to severe swelling of the tissues affected by the poison.


“We were very scared when my husband’s leg swelled after an insect bite. It turned out that this is such a water scorpion, he lives in all ponds and crawls along the bottom. The husband thought that he stepped on a branch and did not give much attention, and then he began to stir up. When he came out of the lake, his leg was already swollen, and then there was a strong redness and swelling, the whole leg became like a barrel. We got really scared. At the same time, he says that there is no particular pain, only at the site of the bite. I still persuaded him to go to the hospital, I was driving myself. The doctor told us that such a strong swelling from an insect bite is a rarity, especially from a water scorpion. For a couple of days, this swelling persisted, bruises appeared in several places. About a week later, the edema completely subsided, but in general it did not interfere with Andrey walking and swimming normally.

Svetlana, Chelyabinsk


When should a tumor be treated?

In some cases, the degree of manifestation of the tumor from an insect bite is excessive and requires treatment. Such situations include:

  • allergic tumors and edema;
  • tumors affecting internal organs or the respiratory system;
  • inflammation that occurs in response to the introduction of a secondary infection into the bite wound.

We list examples when treatment is required after an insect bite:

  • the insect bite became inflamed after a few days - this is a clear sign of infection of the wound;
  • swelling spreads more and more, rashes and blisters appear on different parts of the body from an insect bite;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body appear: dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, fever;
  • an extensive abscess appears at the site of the insect bite (the formation of pus is the result of tissue damage);
  • from an insect bite, swollen eyes, tongue or larynx - in the first case there is a risk of serious damage to the eye, in the last two - suffocation can occur.

With insect bites, swollen tissues can reduce airway patency, which creates a real threat of suffocation, when a fatal outcome is not ruled out.

In all these cases, it must be borne in mind that first aid can only serve to alleviate the condition of the victim before a visit to the doctor. Do not turn such help into long-term self-treatment.


“I don't even know what to do. Two days ago I was bitten by some small wasp, and there is still a red spot at the site of the bite, it itches and hurts a lot. It seems that it does not spread, but this nasty insect has bitten exactly in the place of the belt from the trousers, and now it is very inconvenient to wear it. Immediately after that, there was still nothing, and then it just swelled up and has been holding on for the third day without changes. Tell me, do I need to somehow deal with this or wait until it goes away by itself?

Oksana, Mozhaisk


Anti-inflammatory drugs

As a rule, special gels, creams and ointments for insect bites are used to treat edema and developed inflammation. The most popular of them include:

  • Fenistil;
  • Levomekol;
  • Advantan;
  • Flucinar;

And etc.

Gel from insect bites Fenistil

Cream Advantan - helps relieve allergy symptoms after insect bites

With these means, inflammation from an insect bite can be smeared on its own, without a doctor's prescription, taking into account only contraindications to a particular drug. As for anti-inflammatory drugs taken orally, they should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor - self-administration of such drugs (steroidal and non-steroidal) can cause significant harm to the body.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, there is also a whole set of traditional medicine designed to help the victim. If, for example, a leg or arm is swollen from an insect bite, the following folk remedies can be used:

  • plantain leaf juice;
  • crushed parsley leaves;
  • aloe leaves;
  • tincture of calendula.

The main drawback of folk remedies is their relatively low efficiency: if the tumor is small, then there is no particular point in treating it, but if a generalized reaction has begun, then plantain and calendula juice, alas, will not help.

And further: We catch bedbugs and put deadly experiments on them - this is a must see!

As a rule, folk remedies are used only to reduce pain at the site of the bite, without placing high hopes on them regarding the removal of the tumor.


Instructions for treating a tumor after insect bites

Depending on how much time has passed since the bite, treatment can be carried out by different means. So, if the tumor has just begun to appear, it will be enough to apply a cold compress to it. (it will narrow the blood vessels and also reduce the rate of absorption of the poison into the bloodstream).

A cold compress helps prevent the formation of severe edema and also remove its severity if it has already formed.

A cold compress can, for example, be tied to a swollen leg with a bandage.

Such assistance is especially relevant for an insect bite in the eye - one compress in this situation may be enough to not lose sight due to a tumor for a couple of days.

While the place damaged by insects hurts, and the tumor increases in size, do not neglect, for example, Soventol or Fenistil - these drugs have an antihistamine effect, preventing an allergic reaction from developing.

If you notice that a tumor or swelling from an insect bite begins to spread threateningly to all new parts of the body, you should immediately call an ambulance and get advice by phone. Often in such cases, doctors recommend taking antihistamines (Diphenhydramine or Suprastin). It is even better not to delay and take the victim to the hospital, or call doctors at home - it is possible that after a while the situation may become critical ...

The antihistamine Suprastin can reduce the severity of allergic reactions that often accompany insect bites.

Also, in no case should one hesitate to localize the tumor and edema in vital places - for example, in the throat. If a cold compress does not help, then an ambulance should be called, as continued swelling of the airways may eventually lead to their complete blockage.


The specificity of inflammation in different parts of the body

According to statistics, most often the bites of stinging insects occur on the limbs of a person. If a leg or arm is swollen from such a bite, the situation is, of course, unpleasant, but quite bearable, although the injured limb may even take on a frightening appearance.

When bitten by stinging insects, the hand can swell so much that it is almost impossible to clench the fingers into a fist.


“Last summer I was bitten by some kind of insect, my hand was terribly swollen, and so much so that I could not move my fingers. It seems nothing unusual, but it’s really scary that it won’t stay like that forever. I walked with such a pillow for about a week, and then gradually passed. Although after the bite for another couple of weeks there was a seal on the back of the hand.

Yaroslav, Ramenskoye

Much more serious is the situation when, for example, a hornet or wasp stings in the eye, eyelid, lip or tongue. A tumor after such a bite prevents a person from living a full life, perceiving information from the outside world, and speaking. In addition, some of the symptoms that appear after such an attack can seriously threaten the health, and sometimes the life of the victim.


“It was scary when a small bee stung in the eye. He walks around the garden, and half of his face is swollen like a ball, even turned a little blue. We showed him to the doctor, he says that we were lucky and it's okay, it will pass by itself. Right now, it seems that the eyelid is opening a little, but yesterday I couldn’t even move it.”

Alexander, Vladimir

In conclusion, once again I would like to draw attention to the fact that if, as a result of an insect bite, symptoms of general poisoning appear, a rash all over the body, shortness of breath, nausea or extensive swelling, the victim must be taken to the hospital. Even the sting of a single bee in some cases can cause severe allergic reactions and lead to anaphylactic shock.

You can never know for sure exactly how the body will react to the poison that has got into it, and with excessive carelessness, there may not even be time to call the ambulance.Therefore, after a bite, carefully monitor your condition or the condition of a person close to you, and if the first alarming symptoms appear, call the hospital.


Useful video about different reactions to insect bites: from edema to anaphylactic shock


What can be done to protect against insect bites and what means to use for an allergic reaction


Last update: 2022-05-10

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Tumours and edema with insect bites" 45 comments
  1. Catherine

    Hello! Help, please, my mother was bitten by some kind of insect, the leg in this place is swollen, very much, and the bone is aching! Tell me, maybe someone came across?

    • Anonymous

      I had to go straight to the hospital!

    • Anonymous

      I have such a situation now. I do not know what to do.

    • Nastya


  2. madi

    I, too, was bitten by something after a walk, my leg swelled up.

  3. Dmitry

    Fir-trees of a stick... The trend, however. The daughter was bitten by something in the instep of her right leg. The tumor is local. Touching this place hurts her, her leg aches, her temperature is 39. What is it?

    • Athanasius

      Call a doctor, smear Fenistil.

    • Anonymous

      Erysipelas may be after an insect bite.

  4. Anonymous

    The same situation. In the instep of the right leg was bitten by an insect. Sharp pain, burning, in half an hour the whole foot was swollen so that it was possible to step only on the edge of the sole and for half a second. There was no temperature. Struggled - Claritin (inside), a compress of novocaine and dimexide and traxevosin ointment. Compress at least 3-4 times a day. After 2 days, the swelling became softer and began to subside. A week later she was completely asleep.

  5. Anonymous

    Yesterday a bee stung my finger, part of the hand was swollen, and the finger seems to crack and turn slightly blue. I don't know what to do, I'm afraid to sleep...

  6. Galina

    My granddaughter (she is 2.5 years old) was bitten by an unknown insect in the eyelid, and it swelled up, what should I do?

    • Anonymous

      How many days did your child's eyelid tumor last?

  7. Lydia

    Yes, yes, and I was bitten by some kind of insect in the instep of my right leg. I thought it was a mosquito, the itching did not take long and it swelled up as if I twisted my leg, it hurt a lot, it hurt to walk. I treat with diclofenac gel, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, this is all that I found from similar cases in myself. But in three days the pain was gone. Everything else is in place.

    • Alla

      Thanks for sharing, I've calmed down a bit. I seem to have it. At night I woke up from a strong itch, then the foot began to swell on top, I smeared it with bepanthen, the itch disappeared, and the swelling increased a little. I drink Loratadine for allergies. There is no time to go to the doctor. Tell me, please, did your edema last for a long time? Many thanks in advance and good health.

  8. Dayana

    Something has bitten on the lake. Looks like a red ant. I noticed on day 2. Place on the leg. Closer to the ankle. Not particularly worried. I drink suprastin, I smear sinaflan and ayran. Unpleasant.

  9. Galina

    And I was bitten by something incomprehensible (At first I thought it was a mosquito, but the pain rose rapidly, the leg was swollen, on the side of the instep, where the bone is, and even a bruise is observed in this place. I read your reviews, I sent my brother to the pharmacy with a fright, for all of the above. Thank you for your feedback.

  10. Sergey

    It looks like there was a slight swelling after being bitten by a red ant for two days. Then the instep of the leg began to swell, a burning pain appeared. It was Sunday, I went to the hospital: the doctor on duty prescribed ciproflaxin and loratadine inside and a compress of alcohol + chlorhexidine, 1/1. The tumor subsided a bit, but the focus began to localize. I was still at work on Monday. In the evening the temperature rose to 38.5, the treatment continued + antipyretics. On Tuesday, I was sent to the doctor again, to a dermatologist. He prescribed the antibiotic doxycycline, the anti-allergen citrine, a compress (boric acid solution) and Vishnevsky's ointment for the night. I'm being treated Tuesday, Wednesday (I can't walk). A focus has formed between the middle and ring fingers in the form of a carbuncle, but not yet ripe. At the same time, the skin on the top peeled off and it turned out like a wound. As soon as I take a vertical position, it immediately begins, as it were, swollen pain and at the same time a burning sensation, as with a burn. Question: Is this how it should be, or am I doing something wrong? Help someone in the know...

  11. Nadya

    I was also bitten, my left leg was swollen and very sore. What to do? I put on ice and took diazolin and ampicillin. What else to do, tell me?

  12. injured

    I was bitten by some kind of insect (presumably a midge). Nothing bothered me for two days, and on the third day in the evening the leg was swollen so that it was impossible to step on ((I make lotions with a solution of soda and salt.The tumor has not yet subsided, but I can already walk (there is almost no pain, only inconvenience due to swelling remains).

  13. Lily

    Good afternoon, I flew to Cyprus, now I don’t know what to do. One day, the entire ankle on the left leg was swollen, somehow she moved at the expense of the right. A day later, the same with the right (swelling, redness up to the knee). Now I’m lying, while my wrists on my hands began to hurt, my elbows were a little swollen, my neck began to slow down. In the hospital, they prescribed me only an ointment and released me with the words: “Watch ...” I lie crying, I don’t know what to do.

    • Oksana

      An antiallergic is a must!

  14. Galina

    I got up in the morning and felt pain in the back of my arm, saw a round rash. The next day it began to increase: it hurts and bakes, what should I do? I think it was bitten by a mosquito.

  15. Taya

    Hello! A month ago, I was bitten on the foot by some strange insect. It hurts to walk. It feels like a pity there. It was a little swollen, a small hole, but it didn’t bother me much. After 5 days it started to hurt, but after a few days it stopped. And here again ... Tell me, please, what should I do? Very painful!

  16. Zhemila

    My son's hand is swollen.

  17. Alina

    What kind of help! Nobody knows anything now, because. money clouded the mind and they pretend to know ...

  18. Irina

    After the bite, try to immediately take an allergy pill so that the reaction does not go. The first time a wasp bit me on the leg, I was treated for a very long time and went to the doctors. The other day, a wasp bit her finger, began to swell, and immediately took a pill. After 30-40 minutes the tumor was gone.

  19. Valeria

    Hello! Tell me, please: a few days ago I saw some kind of red spot on my forehead, as if with a hole.I thought it was pimples, and pressed it down. As a result, the redness became even greater, and the skin around the hole became hard. The next day I found similar formations on my back, arm and neck. One in each area! And so, by the evening of the second day, the temperature rose, 37.5! Now I live abroad, for my studies, I just moved. I don’t know anyone, I don’t know the language either 🙁 Could it be bed bugs? (after all, they give group bites, and I have single ones). I do not know what to do. Help me please.

  20. Di

    I woke up at night, there was a bump on my cheek and the same thing on my arm. It hurts, it hurts ... I can’t sleep right! I took suprastin and smeared levomekol with ointment - it seems to be normal! Along the way, these are bedbugs ...

  21. mouse

    In the morning I woke up, a triple bite and my hand was swollen. What's this?

  22. Maria

    I was bitten by a cobweb in the eye. And he's swollen. What to do?

  23. Laura

    I squeezed out a small pimple on my arm yesterday, today this place is swollen and hurts if you press on it. And this place is on fire, what should I do?

  24. Kosheleva Anna Vladimirovna

    My husband and I went to the forest for blueberries. I was bitten by a mosquito on the buttocks. It hurts so much, tell me what to do? Suprastin was thrust into all holes! We went to the doctor, and he shrugs his shoulders. And they lubricated with alcohol, and no matter what they applied, nothing helps. I wake up at night with pain. People, please help! Thanks in advance.

  25. Topic

    Someone bit me on the right leg, the right side. The next day, the whole leg is swollen, what should I do?

  26. Katia

    My daughter is 3 years old, she was bitten by a mosquito in the leg under the knee, moreover, twice in one place. The leg burns in this area, and as if an abscess. We apply decasan compresses.Who had this, tell me, please, who is being treated? Have us such already times was, treatment this was appointed by the surgeon!

  27. Anonymous

    Yesterday I was bitten by a bee under my eyebrow. It seems that everything was fine that day, but I woke up this morning from the fact that this place itched. I got up, looked in the mirror and saw a tumor in the eye area.

    How soon will this pass? I can’t buy drugs, because I live in the village with my grandmother, there are no pharmacies here. Thanks a lot in advance )

  28. Lena

    I got up in the morning in soft places all bitten. But it doesn't look like a mosquito bite. And what could it be? And what to do in such cases? Itching of the skin is also present, and there is also, as it were, a tingling from the inside in the place where the bite is. Tell me please. And how is it treated? Thank you.

  29. Julia

    Something bit me in the foot of my foot this afternoon. The pain was sharp, looked at the foot - I saw a red dot from a bite and a white rim around. Washed with water. Then it blushed a little. The foot hurts, although it does not hurt to walk. I touch the bite site - it doesn’t hurt either, but it hurts somewhere inside. It's been 6 hours since the bite. What could bite? I was wearing sandals, and when I took them off, I saw a small (the size of a match head) black spider on my finger.

    • Catherine

      It's a tick, probably.

  30. Victor

    Couldn't the article be shorter?

  31. Svetlana

    My daughter was bitten by some kind of insect in the navel. The abdomen is swollen and red. What to do, tell me?

    • Nelya

      Svetlana, good afternoon! We are also resting now and my daughter was bitten by someone in the navel ... Everything turned red and swollen. I don't know what to do. How are you? Is everything gone?

  32. Anna

    It is a pity that the photo is not attached. My son, 6 years old, also noticed a swelling on the ankle.We got to the emergency room, the picture ruled out an injury, they said that there were two options: either an allergy to a bite, or something rheumatic. They advised me to donate blood (general analysis), and if the blood is calm, it means that it is definitely an allergy. Although I am sure that this is an allergic reaction, the place is swollen, but there is no pain. We’ll hand over the analysis only in the morning, while we smear fenistil gel and heparin ointment or Traumeel (just like the doctor advised Lioton or troxevasin ointment as an option - it all depends on what is available from the options). Alternate every two hours on the recommendation of a doctor. Also, anti-allergic syrup and a one-time drank an ampoule of dexamethasone in half with water. Maybe someone needs some advice.

  33. Elena

    Yesterday we rested, my daughter was bitten by some insect on the chest, near the nipple. The place is swollen and sore. At night, the temperature was 37.5, blood pressure dropped and there was vomiting. I took an injection with dexamethasone. I applied levomekol, but the tumor did not subside, but increased. Tell me how you can help?

  34. Elena

    On Friday my leg started to ache and swell, in the ankle. I noticed a small red ball near the bone - I thought it was a bite, I rubbed it with alcohol, but it didn’t sting. So, there is probably no wound. It itches, almost immediately it swelled up so that it hurt to walk, she limped. Only when lying down does the swelling disappear a little, but as soon as you put your foot down, it immediately fills up so that it seems to burst. She also applied fenistil, and even ichthyol ointment at night. I thought maybe some kind of abscess from an injection with a plant of some kind. It lasted two days, on the third I began to drink doxycycline. It became a little easier, but the tumor does not go away and there is a seal around the red ball, the color is bluish. After the medicine I can walk, but several times a day I put my foot above my head to reduce swelling.

    • Elena

      Guys 07/01/19 wrote my note about the bite. Yesterday we went to the springs in "Labushka". I thought whether to go or not, because the tumor was decent. I decided to go anyway. Believe it or not, this is not an advertisement, I “sat” in the pool for almost the whole day, because it was easier that way. We left at 7 pm - the leg was rotten, there was no redness. I got up in the morning, everything is in order, only a small red spot from the bite remained. I don’t know what played a role - either mineral springs, or simply that the leg was in the water all day. I feel a little muscle, it can be seen because it was edematous for a long time, but everything is in order. What I wish for all of you. Get well!


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