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About Electric Insect Killers

Last update: 2022-06-04
≡ Article has 2 comments
  • Reshetnikova Zinaida: And how many pieces of such lamps should be installed on the hall...
  • Margarita Vladimirovna: I also bought sitite mosquito exterminators for my cafe...
See bottom of page for details

Today, there are several different types of electric insect exterminators, the use of which we will discuss in more detail later ...

Today, electric insect exterminators continue to gain popularity and are actively used not only in domestic conditions, but also in restaurants, cafes, grocery hypermarkets, livestock farms and greenhouses. And the main reason for such popularity is the high efficiency of the devices, combined with their safety for humans and animals (for example, poisonous insecticides, which many opponents of all kinds of "chemistry" are so afraid of, are not used at all when operating a lamp electric insect exterminator).

When operating lamp exterminators of flying insects, insecticides are not used at all.

In general, it can be noted that consumer reviews really confirm the effectiveness of the devices, and this applies not only to domestic applications, but also in public places and industrial settings.


“The feature of our restaurant is that it is located on board a ship moored to the pier. Visitors are simply delighted - water is splashing right next to the tables, and you can feed the seagulls with bread. But in the summer, a real problem appears - mosquitoes simply gnaw at customers.The manager once bought some hanging ribbons, but it was a nightmare when such snot with dead flies hang in a well-decorated room! And then we bought electric insect exterminators that lure mosquitoes with the light of a lamp, and already inside they burn on a special grate. It was a real lifesaver! These lamps look good and do not give the impression of mosquito repellent at all, but as if disinfecting the air in the room and taking care of the client. I don't remember the model, but they really help. Every day we shake out a full tray of dead mosquitoes from them.

Evgeny A., Volgograd

Such insect exterminators on ultraviolet lamps are often used in shops and restaurants.

Generally speaking, insect exterminators, depending on their design, can be focused not only on the destruction of flying insects, but also crawling ones. Let's talk more about the various types of devices and the principles of their operation ...


Types of insect exterminators and how they work

Today, there are several types of electronic insect exterminators on sale:

  1. Lamp exterminators (they are most often meant, also called lamp traps). This group ranges from devices for the home, small and economical, to industrial devices used, for example, in farms and warehouses. Such devices effectively attract and destroy insects indoors, as well as in open areas - verandas, terraces of restaurants, balconies.The photograph shows an example of a lamp-based flying insect exterminator (so-called trap lamp).
  2. Electric traps for cockroaches (and ants), inside of which there is a grid of electrodes. In these kind of houses, insects are either attracted by the smell of the bait, or simply crawl in, in search of shelter. Touching the metal electrode and closing the circuit, the cockroach receives an electric shock, from which it immediately dies.An example of an electric cockroach trap.
    A cockroach, touching the metal electrodes, dies as a result of an electric shock.
  3. Fumigators, in which a chemical substance that is toxic to insects, but relatively safe for humans, slowly evaporates on a heated coil. Industrial fumigators are very effective in the fight against crawling and flying insects in warehouses, but household appliances usually give the desired result only in the fight against moths and mosquitoes (but also not always). The disadvantage of electric fumigators is the need to breathe insecticide vapor all night while the device is plugged in.It should be borne in mind that when the electric fumigator is turned on, you will have to breathe insecticide vapors ...

It is important not to confuse electric insect exterminators with ultrasonic repellers. The latter are more or less effective against mosquitoes, but absolutely useless against cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and most other insects.

It is also useful to read: Flying Insect Killer Lamps

And further: This is how the bites of various insects on the human body look like - not the most pleasant sight ... (the article has more than 40 comments)

Ultrasonic repellers, unlike electric exterminators, are ineffective against cockroaches, bed bugs and most other insects.

And most importantly: before you buy an electric insect exterminator, you must definitely take into account the features of your "enemy". For example, it is almost impossible to remove fleas and bedbugs with the exterminators described above, because these parasites simply cannot be attracted to the trap. Such devices will be effective against insects attracted by the ultraviolet light of the lamp - in the case of a lamp-type device, or against cockroaches, ants and wood lice - in the case of buying an electric house trap.

Lamp exterminators will be most effective against flying insects (moths, flies, mosquitoes, etc.)

But electric house traps are suitable for the destruction of crawling insects (cockroaches, ants, wood lice, etc.)


“At one time we very effectively exterminated domestic cockroaches with the help of electric exterminators, we bought 3 pieces at once. Melted candy was placed inside the houses, they were closed and plugged into an outlet. And after a couple of days, dead insects were shaken out of the boxes.We had a lot of cockroaches, but we caught them all in a couple of weeks. Then for several more months, the devices were in protection mode and caught guests from neighbors.

Irina, Moscow


How effective are electric insect exterminators?

Lamp electric exterminators can indeed be very effective in destroying flying insects in a room, provided that the device is chosen taking into account the area that needs to be protected.

With a low number of cockroaches and constant updating of the bait, the electronic exterminator-house also shows good results, however, a tangible effect of a decrease in the population may not appear immediately, but only after a few days.

The electronic shredder-house works well, but rather slowly.

But against ants, such an electric trap usually turns out to be not very effective, since it destroys only working individuals looking for something to profit from, while the uterus in the anthill continues to actively lay more and more new eggs.

While the workers are in the kitchen, the queen of house ants lays her eggs in the nest...

It should also be borne in mind that with a large number of midges, for example, in the evening on the terrace, even a powerful lamp exterminator may not be able to cope, and mosquitoes can still bite you - in this case it is useful to combine electric exterminators with repellents, for example, mosquito coils.


“The insect exterminator lamp did not help us. I don't know, maybe we had some special conditions. They bought good, Italian, hung in the bedroom, just to protect themselves from mosquitoes, their darkness in the evenings. But they gnaw in her presence, and in the morning they still die in the destroyer. We ended up buying a branded mesh for windows and forgot about the problem.”

Anna, Kostroma

As for electric fumigators, in general they do a good job of destroying flying insects in the room. And if you turn on such a fumigator in a closed cabinet, then this will help get rid of not only moth butterflies, but also its larvae. However, fumigators in most cases have practically no effect on cockroaches, fleas, domestic ants, and, even more so, on bedbugs.


Application rules

The main advantage of electric insect exterminators (besides their high efficiency) is their ease of use. All that is needed for the device to start exterminating insects is to plug it into an outlet and install it in the optimal place.

The photo shows an example of a household lamp insect exterminator.

The choice of location depends on the type of insects to be destroyed. So, for example, to destroy moths, mosquitoes and flies, it is enough to hang a lamp fighter in a clearly visible place in which the device is visible from all points of the room (remember that light propagates in a straight line, and an insect will see it only if the device is not obstructed by elements interior).

And further: List of blood-sucking insects that can bite you in bed or on the couch (the article has more than 20 comments)

Electronic crawling insect exterminators (popularly also called electroshock cockroach exterminators) are usually placed at the following points in the room:

  • next to the kitchen stove;
  • next to the refrigerator;
  • near the trash can;
  • in the corners of the room;
  • and at night you can leave the device right on the kitchen table.

Electronic cockroach exterminators should be located in places where insects move - in this case, the effect of the device will be maximum.

It is undesirable to use fumigators in the kitchen (for example, fighting food moths), because the chemicals evaporated by the appliance can be absorbed by food. When used in warehouses, powerful industrial fumigators are used, each of which serves a certain area and, depending on the design, is either suspended from the ceiling of the room or installed on the floor. Small household fumigators can be plugged into any conveniently located electrical outlet, since chemical fumes will still fill the entire room (but it is still advisable to choose an outlet away from the bed).


The most famous brands of insect exterminators

The following are the most well-known companies that produce electric insect exterminators with ultraviolet lamps, both for domestic use and in industrial and commercial facilities:

  • Well company, in the assortment of which there are 24 industrial devices and 3 household ones. The company produces both traps with a grid to which an electric voltage is connected, and with a sticky grid, on which insects simply stick. The latter are suitable for warehouses of dry and flammable products, where it is forbidden to use devices that can potentially create a spark.Industrial insect exterminator from the Well company.
  • Mo El is a well-known Italian manufacturer of home appliances. The company produces more than 35 models of ultraviolet insect exterminators, among which are the famous Insectivoro, which suck in mosquitoes and flies due to the operation of an additional fan, the Frog model for installation in children's rooms, and the original MO-BUTTERFLY hanging, which collects night butterflies on the street.The hanging insect exterminator from Mo-El is used, for example, against night butterflies, flies and mosquitoes.
  • The German manufacturer Hilton, which produces perhaps the most inexpensive exterminators - for example, the Black Monster insect lantern costs only about 400 rubles, while having a fairly high efficiency.Hilton has a range of fairly inexpensive shredders for domestic use.

Manufacturers of electric fumigators today are also quite well-known and, as they say, well-known:

  • Mosquitol (Mosquitall);
  • Raptor;
  • Raid.

The photo shows an example of a Raid electric fumigator

But the manufacturers of electronic house traps are little known, and the Russian market is mainly represented by the products of Chinese companies, and also not very widely. However, craftsmen make up for this shortcoming by assembling electronic insect exterminators with their own hands - you can find many such schemes on the Internet.


“We ordered two devices for our house at once. My daughter bought at some foreign auction, they are Chinese there and cost a penny. But despite being cheap, they work great. In my kitchen every day about fifteen Prussians are caught, in general they are not visible at all in the house.

Polina Grigorievna, Svatovo

If you also have ever used any electric insect exterminator in practice, then be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page!


An interesting video with a good example of the efficiency of the electric flying insect exterminator


Comparison of an electric insect exterminator and a fumigator (frankly, quite superficial)


Last update: 2022-06-04

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "On electric insect exterminators" 2 comments
  1. Margarita Vladimirovna

    I also bought sititek garden mosquito exterminators for my cafe. They are made in the form of pretty lamps that perfectly decorate the hall.

    • Reshetnikova Zinaida

      And how many pieces of such lamps should be installed in a hall with an area of ​​​​approximately 140 square meters. m.?


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