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Choosing a bedbug extermination service: what is important to know about their work

Last update: 2022-06-13
≡ Article has 3 comments
  • Marat: Can I get the name of the company?...
  • Lydia: Where can I buy or order preparations for the destruction of bedbugs ...
  • Olga: We live in a hostel. Who lived, he knows what it is. Beside ...
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Before you call the service for the destruction of bed bugs, it is useful to get acquainted with the important nuances of their work, which we will talk about further.

Pest control companies are often viewed by property owners as a last resort, to be used only when removing insects from the home on their own does not work.

This approach is not entirely correct.

In fact, a bed bug extermination service is perhaps the most effective, reliable, fast and safe way to remove parasites from your home. This is largely achieved for the following reasons:

  • every bedbug control service uses really powerful insecticidal preparations that destroy bedbugs after the first persecution.
  • When a bedbug disinfestation service works indoors, residents do not need to be here (and even categorically contraindicated), which eliminates the risk of poisoning or allergies to the drugs used.
  • As a rule, a good bed bug removal service kills not only adult insects, but also their eggs (or at least a significant part of them) during the first treatment. This means that in the apartment itself, after processing, the bugs will no longer be massively removed.

Not every insecticidal preparation is capable of destroying bedbug eggs, as a result of which new larvae hatch in a couple of weeks.

The photo shows a nest of bedbugs - as you can see, there can be a huge number of eggs here ...

But the main thing that the bedbug service provides is saving strength, nerves and health of the residents of the premises themselves. Anyone who poisoned bedbugs on their own knows how laborious and unpleasant this process can be, especially when the insecticidal preparation is very poisonous and has a strong disgusting smell. When calling exterminators, these most difficult duties are shifted onto their shoulders.

Perhaps the main drawback of contacting the organization for the destruction of bedbugs is the increased price of all the “pleasure”. As a rule, the insecticide itself, which will be enough for self-treatment of the premises, costs one and a half to two times less than the services of exterminators.

And of course, there is always a risk of falling for unscrupulous exterminators who will take money for work, but in the end they will leave you alone with bedbugs in the room. Perhaps these two negative factors incline many homeowners to self-bait bed bugs.

Unfortunately, some services for the destruction of bedbugs do not work very well, and as a result, after processing the client's premises, parasites still continue to bite.


“I’ll tell you: call the SES and don’t fool yourself. We poisoned our daughter in the hostel three times, to no avail. Either not everyone dies, or they come running from neighboring rooms, and in a month everything is new. And even once they called a company for the persecution of bedbugs - with the same result. And then the SES arrived, dashed off a report on the hostel commandant, poisoned not only the daughter’s room, but also all the neighboring ones, in which insects were found - and that’s it. There are no more bedbugs, and the persecution itself took place at the expense of the institute. Still, the SES is a state structure, they are responsible and can write where you need to ... "

Marina, Barnaul


Services and self-baiting of bedbugs: what and when should be preferred?

In most cases, a bed bug removal service is the preferred option.The services of professional exterminators should be resorted to:

  • owners of spacious houses and apartments - on their own it is very difficult to process a living area of ​​​​more than 50 square meters. m.;
  • residents of heavily infested premises, in which bugs managed to populate several hard-to-reach places;
  • if residents are allergic to insect repellents;
  • if in a particular place it is impossible to buy reliable means for combating insects such as the Executioner, Tetrix and Geta;
  • when there is a reliable company for the destruction of bedbugs within reach.

With a large number of parasites in the room and lack of experience in dealing with them, it is better to resort to the help of professionals.

And vice versa, it makes sense to poison bedbugs on their own if they are wound up in small apartments or change houses, with a mild infection and when it is possible to use effective drugs.


Even when exterminators are called, the owners of the premises will still have certain troubles - at least, after processing in an apartment or house, it will be necessary to carry out wet cleaning and almost always - to put furniture in its place.

Practice shows that, in fact, the most significant role is played by the financial factor: if there is not enough money to call a company for the destruction of bedbugs, with all the desire, you will have to remove the parasites yourself.


How do pest control services work?

Each bug-baiting service uses modern insecticides for pest control, which have a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, but are generally safe for humans:

  • Tetrix is ​​a very smelly but also very effective Dutch drug. Recently, it has become possible to buy it in small quantities for independent use, but professionals do not recommend using it without special protective equipment.Insecticide Tetrix
  • Sinuzan is a remedy similar to Tetrix and provides the removal of bedbugs at a time.Another tool for professional use - Sinuzan emulsion concentrate
  • Klopoveron - is considered one of the most powerful drugs for bedbugs in general. It is based on toxins of a protein nature, which ensure the rapid death of parasites.Despite the powder form, Klopoveron is a very effective remedy for bedbugs.
  • Fufanon is an analogue of Karbofos, very effective against bedbug eggs.

Fufanon (emulsion concentrate)

...and some other drugs. When visiting the site, good specialists have several different products with them, sometimes additional powdered products to enhance the effect.

On a note

Not a single service against bedbugs today uses Dust (DDT) or Dichlorvos. Dust is officially recognized as a very toxic agent for humans, and the old Dichlorvos is inferior in efficiency and safety to all modern professional preparations.Modern Dichlorvos Neo and Dichlorvos Eco are household products that do not reach Tetrix and Sinuzan in efficiency.

Some bed bug companies treat rooms with high temperature air or hot steam. This approach is the safest and most effective, but such methods are available only for very large companies - the equipment is expensive and not affordable for small firms.

An example of processing the seams of a sofa infected with bedbugs with hot steam

The use of powerful heat generators allows you to create a high temperature that is detrimental to bedbugs in the apartment.

Cold fog or hot fog generators can also be used against bedbugs: the generated aerosol contains an insecticide and is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places.

In addition, the specialists of good companies are fully equipped with personal protective equipment - respirators, special chemical protection suits, gloves and goggles. All this is necessary to avoid irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as to prevent insecticides from entering the respiratory tract and digestive tract.

Most apartment pest control companies only spray and treat bed bug hiding places. Therefore, the managers of these organizations usually require that the tenants themselves move the sofas and wardrobes away from the walls and remove the carpets before processing. Some companies carry out this work for an additional fee.

Before the arrival of the pest control service, you should move the furniture away from the walls to provide free access to the treatment of all surfaces infected with bedbugs.

As a rule, all surfaces and all furniture are treated from bedbugs in the room, sometimes even clothes in closets. In neglected housing or in change houses in key places, insecticidal powder may scatter, which cannot be removed for several days. As a rule, after treatment, exterminators give recommendations on taking measures against bedbugs and preventing their reappearance in the house.


Choosing the best company for the destruction of bedbugs

The most famous bedbug control service is the famous SES (sanitary and epidemiological service). Its branches - SES stations - are located in all major cities and regional centers of the country, and specialists are constantly trained and have access to the most effective remedies for bedbugs.

The disadvantages of SES are its sluggishness and strong bureaucratization. As a rule, it is impossible to call the station and simply call exterminators, but for arrival it is necessary to tell in colors about the general infestation of the house with parasites and about the suffering of children from their bites. And even after that, you should not wait for the instant departure of exterminators.

Despite the fact that SES stations are located in almost all major cities, it is not always easy to call representatives of this organization to treat an apartment from bedbugs.

Usually, only with a very strong insect infestation of the entire apartment building, the SES can go for processing.

On the other hand, SES is a government agency, and in some situations they can not only recommend, but also prescribe pest control. This is very good for the situation with apartment buildings, where one apartment is a bedbug incubator, and the parasites from it constantly terrorize the residents of the surrounding premises. If the SES establishes such a source of spread of parasites, negligent residents of the infected apartment will be required to treat the housing.


“We had bed bugs in the second month after the move. I was terrified that some insects would bite me under the covers at night. Yes, never in my life. They called the Clean City, the guys processed everything well, but they said that the bugs come from the neighbors, and it is there that they need to be poisoned in the first place. It turned out that the apartment below us was rented by Tajiks, living there for 8 people in one room, with families and children. Of course, it’s not that they didn’t poison the bedbugs - they don’t even open the doors for us. I had to call SES.Auntie came, looked at this case, called the police, an hour later the apartment was searched, half of the tenants were evicted from there. And then the guys from the SES came and destroyed the bugs there.”

Anna, Moscow

Other large companies with branches in different cities are:

  • Geradez is one of the most famous companies that treats not only bedbugs, but also any other insects, as well as rats, mice and wood lice.
  • Klop-Control pest control service operating in Moscow, Moscow region, Tula, Kazan and Novosibirsk. When working, its specialists use both aerosol products and cold and hot fog generators.
  • Dezstation VitaDez, conducting the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow.
It is also useful to read: How to deal with bed bugs

The photo shows a nest of bedbugs in the folds of the sofa

In addition, today many companies called “Clean City” have bred, which are not connected with each other and provide services of completely different quality.

There are very numerous firms for the destruction of bedbugs in St. Petersburg. There are more than 20 of them here. Among them are SES, the Geradez branch, the St. Petersburg pest control service, the Bio-Service company and many others.

In small towns, there are usually no separate companies, but it is possible to call specialists from regional SES branches or branches of large services from nearby large cities.

In small towns, it is usually possible to call a bedbug extermination company from the nearest large city.

When choosing an insect control company, large and reputable ones should always be preferred. Their employees are more professional, and the equipment and preparations are more reliable. In any case, even before the call, it is worth calling the organization and finding out what tools are used in it and how the processing takes place. Usually, from the manager’s answers, it is already clear how professionally this or that bed bug extermination service works.


Focusing on prices

The cost of removing bedbugs in a room depends primarily on the size of the room, as well as on the reputation of the company and the location of the treated housing. Apartments in the city center are processed cheaper than those in the suburbs; the well-known company Geradez treats the premises more expensive than, for example, the St. Petersburg Disinsection Service.

Usually, the price for treating an apartment from bed bugs depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and, so to speak, on the credibility of the service you contact.

The exception here is the well-known SES - their services are always more affordable (for the price, but not for the ease of obtaining them) than the work of other companies.

For example, here is a table of prices for removing bedbugs in different rooms by different companies:

room Price in SES St. Petersburg, rub. Price in Geradez, rub. Price in VitaDez, rub. Price in Klop-Control, rub.
One room 1200 1700
1-room flat 1200 2000 1800 2200
2-room flat 1400 2200 2200 2400
3-room flat 1600 2400 2800 2600
4-room flat 1800 2800 3300 2800
5-room flat 2000 3800
change houses 500


What should be done before and after the arrival of the service?

Always before the arrival of the pest control service, you must:

  • Move upholstered furniture away from the walls;
  • Remove linen from bed, put in laundry, empty wardrobes;
  • Vacuum carpets on both sides, roll them up, vacuum upholstered furniture;
  • Pack children's toys and food in bags;
  • Remove all people and pets from the premises.

To prevent poison from getting on clothes, toys, etc., it is recommended to place them in hermetically sealed plastic bags.

And after the treatment in the room, you need to vacuum the floors and carry out a thorough wet cleaning, wash things and ventilate all rooms. Some services offer to perform these procedures yourself for an additional fee.

During the processing of the premises, it is undesirable for anyone to be in it, except for the exterminator itself. After processing, it is worth closing the windows and doors in the apartment for several hours and letting it “brew”.


Comprehensive cleaning of the apartment from parasites and pests

As a rule, during the professional processing of a room from bedbugs, almost all other arthropods die in it, including cockroaches, moths, fleas, wood lice, ants and mosquitoes. Therefore, ordering the destruction of bedbugs, you can safely count on complete deliverance from all the saboteurs.

Almost always, when treating a room from bedbugs, other insects, such as cockroaches, are also destroyed.

In some cases, when processing private houses, basements and change houses, in parallel with the destruction of bedbugs, it becomes necessary to remove rats and mice. This service is already provided with the use of other drugs, and therefore such procedures are performed separately and for other money.

In general, the removal of bedbugs is usually more difficult than the removal of cockroaches, fleas or wood lice. Therefore, if several types of insects live in the house at once, you can safely order pest control from bedbugs and be sure that the apartment is clean after they are removed.


Interesting video: 5 rules for choosing a service for the destruction of bedbugs


What is important to know about bedbugs if you are going to destroy them yourself


Last update: 2022-06-13

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Choosing a bedbug extermination service: what is important to know about their work" 3 comments
  1. Olga

    We live in a hostel. Who lived, he knows what it is. Next to us is a room where bed bugs live. I called the hostess many times and said that they had bedbugs, but she did not believe. She rents this room, at first drunks lived there, who did not clean up, they drove everyone. Then a girl with a child drove in, and when her 9-month-old child was bitten, she moved out. But what's the point - they called the owner again, intimidated the police, she said complain. She doesn’t care, but I have small children, new furniture and repairs. I don’t know what to do with such indifferent hostesses. I don’t have bedbugs in my room, but I’m afraid and worried about the children and property.

  2. Lydia

    Where can I buy or order preparations for the destruction of bedbugs? I called the service in Rostov, they poisoned it, but on the same day the bugs both ran and run, for 11 days already. I called the company, and they said that the bugs would die over time. And how long can you wait ... I paid the money, 2500 rubles. They said they would only return 2,000. Where can one complain about such unscrupulous workers?

    • Marat

      Can I get the name of the company?


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