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Destruction of bed bugs in Moscow: where to go and how much it costs

Last update: 2022-06-28
≡ Article has 5 comments
  • Dmitry: I leave my comment for people who are all looking for cheaper ...
  • Aleksey: I ordered from GERADEZ - it didn’t help, the bugs both crawled and...
  • Sergey: In fact, the prices turned out to be higher than on the website....
See bottom of page for details

The market of services for the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow is filled with a variety of companies, and how can an ordinary person figure out which one is best to entrust the processing of his own home? ..

Perhaps, in no other city in Russia there is such a variety of companies involved in the destruction of bedbugs, as in Moscow. In the market of services for the destruction of bedbugs and other insects, there are both large, responsible services that protect their reputation and really care that parasites do not remain in the client’s apartment, as well as a large number of one-day firms, consisting of a small website on the Internet and one an exterminator with a garden spray bottle (moreover, this exterminator is often at the same time the director of his small company).

In addition to large companies for the destruction of bedbugs, there are also many small firms in Moscow, whose work can sometimes hardly be called high-quality ...

That is why, even at the stage of choosing a contractor, the destruction of bedbugs turns for an unprepared person into an “exciting” struggle with one’s own economy and is somewhat reminiscent of a lottery.

If you do not want the destruction of bedbugs to turn into a lottery with an uncertain outcome, then contact companies that value their reputation.


“Some kind of lawlessness is going on in this Moscow. To my daughter, exterminators were called to the hostel THREE (!) Times, three different companies came, sprayed, swore that now there would probably be no bedbugs. A week later, the child is bitten again. As if it is not clear that several rooms need to be processed at once.It got to the point that I had to write a complaint to the SES, one aunt came from there, walked around the rooms, wrote a slander in the right place, the commandant was fired two days later, the whole hostel was poisoned along with the basement - and that’s it, no bedbugs. In short, if you want to work with private traders, pay only a month after work, if the bugs do not appear.

Veronika Pavlovna, Kaluga

If the processing was carried out by non-professionals, then after a couple of days the insects may appear again.

Nevertheless, there really are reliable companies offering the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow, and among them there are those whose services are quite affordable. Below we will consider several such pest control services, where you can safely contact without fear of outright hack work.

On a note

The main step at the stage of choosing a service for the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow is a call to the office. It is on the basis of the results of a telephone conversation that a decision should be made on the choice of a particular company. After talking with the manager, the client should not have any questions: he should have a good idea of ​​the whole procedure and his own actions during it. In addition, the details of a specific call are clarified only in a telephone conversation - the cost of leaving the Moscow Ring Road, processing complex premises, the possibility of destroying several types of insects in an apartment. As a minimum, based on the results of such communication, you should get the impression that you are communicating with professionals. If this is not the case, then you should call another company.


Services for the removal of bedbugs in Moscow

Out of ignorance, some people think that the city SES is the most authoritative organization involved in the fight against synanthropic insects. In fact, there has been no state SES in Moscow for a long time.

The state organization that deals with treatments from insects and rodents is MGTSD - "Moscow City Center for Disinfection". In each district, the MCCD has its own branches. Despite the fact that this organization is state-owned, it provides only paid services. Moreover, they practically do not work with private individuals, they serve mainly large enterprises, government agencies, hospitals and clinics.

Some confusion is also caused by the fact that many private companies call themselves sanitary and epidemiological stations. People coming to Moscow from different regions of the country are accustomed to the fact that the SES is a controlling organization whose duties include maintaining the normal sanitary condition of all city facilities, both residential and industrial. So, it should be borne in mind that the controlling organization is Rospotrebnadzor, but they do not provide any services, they do not carry out processing, but they can arrange an inspection, impose a fine, etc.

In Moscow, there has been no state SES for a long time.

Some private companies may also call themselves sanitary and epidemiological stations, although they have nothing to do with SES.

Major well-known pest control services working with individuals are:

  • Geradez;
  • SunMarieDez;
  • Clean city;
  • Bedbug Stop;
  • Dezcenter;
  • Moscow City Sanitary Service;
  • MosEco-Center.

It is not at all necessary that companies that are not included in this list are not trustworthy. But extra caution when contacting any service does not hurt.


It is also useful to read: How to kill bed bugs in an apartment

Prices for pest control

Prices for the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow vary slightly in different companies, but in general they are approximately in the same range. As a rule, all companies indicate the cost of processing apartments with a different number of rooms.

The destruction of bedbugs in private houses, change houses and industrial facilities depends significantly on the area of ​​​​the infected premises and its remoteness from the center of the capital.

Basically, the prices for services for the destruction of bedbugs depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe processed premises.

Accumulation of bedbugs in the sofa.

As of 2017, companies offer the following prices for their services (in rubles):

Apartment size Geradez sunmariedes Clean city Bedbug Stop Dezcenter MGSS
1 room 1500 1500 1800 2000 1800 1900
2 rooms 1700 1900 2000 2200 2000 2100
3 rooms 1900 2200 2300 2400 2200 2300
4 rooms 2100 2400 2600 2800 2500 2500

All prices shown are indicative. For example, many companies offer discounts to pensioners and the disabled, but set a certain extra charge when traveling outside the Moscow Ring Road, the use of imported drugs, an extended warranty, the processing of extra beds in the room, and services such as cleaning the premises and arranging furniture in places. You can find out the specific amount by calling the office of the selected company and clearly describing your situation.


SanMariDez Disinsection Center

The SanMariDez Sanitary Service has been operating in Moscow in the market of pest control services (as well as deratization and disinfection of premises) for more than 10 years - a rather long period, frankly, and during this time the company has really established itself as a reliable assistant in the fight against a wide variety of pests.

The SanMariDez company has been present on the pest control market in Moscow for more than 10 years.

As for the destruction of bedbugs, the following positive points are objectively highlighted in the work of SanMariDez:

  • Good technical equipment (modern cold and hot fog generators are used during processing - unlike conventional sprayers, these devices generate the finest aerosol that penetrates even the most inaccessible places where bedbugs can hide);
  • Clients are given the opportunity to choose for themselves whether the housing will be treated with standard domestic preparations that have an unpleasant odor, or practically odorless imported insecticides (many companies do not provide such a choice at all, and then residents have to endure the smell in the apartment for a long time);
  • Efficiency of departure of employees - they can really arrive urgently, often literally within 3 hours;
  • Also an important point is the long-term experience of the company not only with individuals, but also with legal entities and organizations in Moscow and the Moscow region (kindergartens, schools, hotels, hostels, etc.). This, at first glance, not a very remarkable fact, in practice means a great experience of employees and a serious approach to business in the company as a whole.


Destruction of bedbugs by Clean City

Clean City is a fairly large and old organization, specializing mainly in legal entities - hotels, supermarkets, warehouses.The company provides all the necessary documents for work, uses modern preparations with a low odor, relatively safe for humans.

It is also useful to read: What are bed bugs most afraid of?

And further: Well, what can I say - Get Total picked bedbugs for 2.5 hours, but still did its job ...

The photo shows a bed bug as well as eggs on the bed mattress

In addition, the Clean City pest control service has a price division according to the duration of the guarantee provided. For example, simple processing of a one-room apartment from the Clean City costs 1800 rubles, processing with a guarantee of the absence of parasites for 6 months - 2500 rubles, and with a guarantee for 1 year - 5000 rubles.

It is important!

Always ask the employees of the called organization for a contract for the provision of services and check what exactly they guarantee. In fact, it often turns out that unscrupulous small firms issue a simple printout of the conditions of their work, promise a guarantee, and when the client has bugs again after a few weeks, they say that re-treatment is paid separately, despite the guarantee. The contract must bear the seal of the organization and the signature of the employee responsible for the work.

If bedbugs reappear shortly after the destruction, the company must re-treat under warranty free of charge.


Geradez and company reviews

Geradez is one of the largest companies, whose branch network covers most of the major cities in the country. Depending on the type of premises, Geradez specialists use drugs such as Tetrix, Diazinon, Kukaracha, as well as barrier agents such as various traps to kill bedbugs.

The Geradez federal network is one of the largest in the Russian Federation


“I was recommended Geradez by relatives from St. Petersburg. They also had bedbugs, a team from Geradez took them out at one time. I really liked how the guys work.They processed the apartment for an hour and a half, then they called again asking if the parasites had reappeared. Indeed, after one treatment, the bugs disappeared, although experts warned that repeated persecution may be required.

Mikhail, Moscow


Destruction of bedbugs from Klop Stop

The Klop Stop disinsection and deratization service, also called the Disinfector, has a very large number of positive reviews from customers. Klop Stop specialists work quickly, provide all the necessary documents, and also respect confidentiality - they come for processing in ordinary clothes and change clothes already in the apartment.

The Klop Stop (Disinfector) company can be contacted around the clock

An important difference between the Stop Bedbug service and some other companies is the ability to call a handler around the clock.


Dezcenter: a little about the work of the company

The dezcenter offers, in addition to removing bedbugs, also work on the destruction of almost any parasites and pests. The company's specialists can process garden plots, garbage chutes and basements.

The Dezcenter company, in addition to the destruction of bedbugs, also provides services for the removal of various types of other insects and rodents.

At the same time, the client is initially informed that in case of a serious infection and a large number of bedbugs, prices may be higher than those indicated in the price list due to the increased consumption of drugs.


Moscow City Sanitary Service

Another company offering round-the-clock service and a 100% guarantee for their work is the Moscow City Sanitary Service. MGSS guarantees a free re-treatment of the premises if the bugs did not hatch after the first one, but only if the neighboring apartments are not infected with insects.

The photo shows a pest control worker with a hot mist generator.


“We ran into bedbugs after buying an apartment. There were so many of them here that we were even afraid to spend the night right away. Bedbugs came across everywhere - in furniture, under linoleum, in the sofa. It's amazing how we didn't notice them right away.We were advised to contact the Moscow Sanitary Service, they said that they are specialists in difficult situations. Their master came, looked that everything was bad, said that he would probably have to poison twice, took 3,000 rubles for the work. Already after the first treatment, the bugs were not visible, but the master came back two weeks later and poisoned again at no extra charge.

Tatiana, Moscow


What should be done before the destruction of bedbugs?

It is important to remember that during the destruction of bedbugs in the apartment, only the handler and the owner himself can be in it. In this case, the owner of the apartment is given a respirator.

All other people, as well as animals, must be removed from the premises for at least a few hours.

Before the arrival of a specialist, it is necessary to move the furniture away from the walls and remove all things stored there from the sofas. All clothes in wardrobes, all furniture and linen are subject to processing. Dishes in the kitchen before processing should be packed in bags and tied.

To treat the room from bedbugs, you need to prepare in advance ...
After the room has been processed, you need to let it stand for a while.

After processing, the apartment should stand for 2-3 hours, after which wet cleaning is carried out in it, linen and clothes are washed. The preparations used do not leave marks on the furniture, but they must be washed off in order to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions in the residents.

And remember: the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow or another city is a complex and complex procedure. Not always, even with a small number of parasites, it is possible to remove them the first time. Therefore, if additional processing is required for the final victory, do not rush to get upset and accuse the hired company of unprofessionalism.

If there are a lot of bedbugs in the room, then even professionals will not always be able to remove them after the first treatment.

Just call the office and explain the situation. A trustworthy company will get the job done and will do everything for free to save their customers problems.


How to choose the right pest control service for bed bugs


What you need to know about bed bugs to successfully deal with them


Last update: 2022-06-28

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Destruction of bed bugs in Moscow: where to go and how much it costs" 5 comments
  1. Alexei

    I turned to the MGSS, the prices were announced much higher than on the site.

  2. Peter

    We ordered at Mos Eco Service, announced the prices, as on the website. If not in Moscow, then you have to pay for the road.

  3. Sergey

    In fact, the prices were higher than on the website.

  4. Alexei

    I ordered in GERADEZ - it didn’t help, the bugs crawled and crawled. Paid 9800!

  5. Dmitry

    I leave my comment for people who are all looking for cheaper.And most likely, many had such a situation - they called one amount on the phone, promised a guarantee of 3 years, did not even bother to ask - how long ago the bugs started up (for a month or more than a year the bugs have been sitting on the walls and ceiling insolently during the day), how often they fought independently, whether children, animals, people with respiratory diseases live in the apartment. And the master on the spot (when everything was removed, they took time off from work, settled the children and animals according to their acquaintances) began to impose additional services and an amount appeared that differed from the previously announced many times more.

    After that, without reading, you signed the contract, or even better - some piece of paper (such as a warranty card), and the master was like that.

    Bottom line: the bugs have not disappeared, they demand money from you for leaving under a guarantee, the stink of drugs has been in the apartment for two weeks - that’s cheaper for you.

    In order not to be among the deceived people, we observe the following rules:

    1. The site must have the details of a legal entity (half of the sites do not even have this). For example: if in Yandex you go to four sites from the top and four from the bottom (this is advertising), you will see that half of the details do not have there. Question: why?

    2. If you were told one amount by phone, but the master is trying to squeeze out of you a surcharge that you hear about for the first time - drive such merchants away, their goal is to squeeze more money out of you, and not to help;

    3. It is worth considering if you were not asked by phone: do children, animals, people with respiratory diseases live in the apartment, since if the master treats with scented drugs, then for these people and animals it will be torment to be in the apartment;

    4. The contract is the most important.You are required to provide it before processing and it must contain the exact cost, guarantee and what it includes, be sure to have all the details, stamps and phone numbers for communication. Read it before processing, do not be lazy, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the money spent and the unresolved problem;

    5. In order for the customer to be with the master in the apartment, he will be kindly offered a respirator for hire for 500 rubles. Or for free, if only the processing was ordered. FOR RENT - do you have any idea what this rental is? Before you, this respirator was worn and after you it will also be worn, and pray that a person with an open form of tuberculosis and other diseases will not wear it before you.

    Based on the above: do not look for the lowest price, do not hesitate to ask questions, because there are enough such companies, and many of them work for their positive image, providing quality services. And they don’t leave you in trouble, even if it didn’t work out the first time, and they do it for free and on time.

    P.S. You do not need to believe the positive reviews on the sites of the sanitary services themselves - after all, you can add and remove any reviews on your site. The bad ones are deleted, the good ones write themselves. Although almost all well-known reviews will remove bad reviews for money, therefore there are not very many bad reviews about charlatans, but there are more than enough good ones. They write themselves. Ask yourself – would you write a positive review if everything went well? Probably not.

    It is also worth distrusting private firms that call themselves insolent SES or SANEPIDEMSTATION. Let me explain - at the moment there are no such official organizations. ROSPOTREBNADZOR is engaged in all this direction.


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