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About cleaning the apartment from bed bugs

Last update: 2022-05-04
≡ Article has 2 comments
  • Nizami: KNOW: everything that is intended for the destruction of insects, that ...
  • Andrey: Guys, I strongly recommend that you do the processing yourself, ...
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About cleaning the apartment from bed bugs

Living in a bedbug-infested apartment is not easy. Restless sleep, itchy bites, a shattered nervous system - these are just some of what the residents of such houses face. The most reasonable solution when you find the first bug is to immediately control the parasites.

Unfortunately, it can be quite difficult to completely get rid of bedbugs on your own, and in general it is not a very pleasant and very time-consuming task, for which you need to find time and effort. Therefore, quite often people prefer to immediately contact the SES or to qualified pest control companies.


Sanitizing from bedbugs: do it yourself or entrust it to the masters?

Sanitation of an apartment from bedbugs should be carried out comprehensively, because it is important to immediately cover all the secluded places where parasites can hide. There can be many such places even in one room.

Mechanically, so to speak, manually catching and destroying all the bugs is simply unrealistic, especially since during the day they try not to catch people's eyes, preferring to hunt at night.

Folk remedies act more as scarers and are great for prevention, but they are unlikely to completely solve the already existing problem of infection.

Treatment against bedbugs with ready-made insecticides requires extreme caution and a responsible approach. Indeed, often those means that poison bedbugs well are toxic to humans and animals.

And in general, not every person can fight bedbugs in an apartment. Many are so squeamish that they are ready to run to another room at the sight of one bug. What can we say about a whole nest of unpleasant parasites.

On the other hand, there are special pest control services that deal with the destruction of any parasites professionally. They use proven quality products, work with a guarantee. Such a thorough comprehensive treatment of bedbugs, the price of which is sometimes approximately equal to the price of a good purchased insecticide, will be many times more effective.

The exterminator processes the apartment

How much does it cost to sanitize an apartment from bed bugs? Below are the average prices:

  • 1 quarter: 2000 rubles
  • 2 square meters: 2300 rubles.
  • 3 square meters: 2500 rubles.
  • 4 square meters: 2700 rubles.
  • public premises (kitchen, bathroom, hallway): 1800 rubles.
  • dorm room: 1500 rub.

These prices vary from region to region and increase from the province to the center of each city. For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk, the prices for pest control are the highest. But in general, this is the order.


How exterminators treat rooms from bedbugs

Sanitization of apartments from bedbugs is carried out by spraying a liquid chemical on various surfaces. Sometimes professional products have a slight smell, but more often they do not have it at all.

Bed bug treatment

It is noteworthy that the chemicals used do not leave marks on the surfaces.Although sometimes a translucent white coating can still be found on polished tables or cabinets, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

The specialist processes all upholstered furniture, carpets, gaps in the walls, the space near the baseboards, the door frame and windows, the back surface of the furniture, sometimes the wardrobe. It is desirable that the treatment be carried out in the entire apartment, and not just in the bedroom. This is the only way to guarantee 100% efficiency.

And further: Since bedbugs drink blood, can they carry AIDS or hepatitis from one person to another? Let's figure it out...

You can order the processing of not only residential premises, but also temporary huts, change houses, hotels.


“I struggled with bedbugs for about a year without success.At first it seemed that it was not difficult to breed them if you had a head on your shoulders and normally growing hands. I tried to pour them with boiling water, then switched to dust and expensive ready-made preparations. How much time and money spent - do not count already. A friend came to the rescue: he said that professional treatment of the premises from bedbugs is now being carried out, everything is done quickly and efficiently. It's true, in a few days all my torment ended. By the way, nothing smelled and did not have to leave. Thanks a lot to the guys, now I recommend their company to everyone. ”

Alexey, Ryazan.

Professional remedies for bedbugs:

Most often, when processing an apartment, services use drugs that are difficult to find on the free market:

  • Extermin F: odorless, effective against crawling insects, has a residual effect of 4-8 weeks.Extermin - insecticide
  • Effective Ultra: odorless, low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, has a microencapsulated form and a long residual effect.The drug from bedbugs Effective Ultra
  • Chlorpirimark: it contains a substance recognized as one of the most effective against insects, which does not accumulate in biological media (in humans and animals), after application to the surface it works up to 3 months.Chlorpirimac
  • Biorin: a low odor liquid, which is also based on substances of the pyrethroid group. Does not pose an inhalation hazard, has a long residual effect.Another drug for bed bugs Biorin
  • Tetrix: Very fast acting, sparingly applied, sold only as a concentrate. Recognized as one of the most effective means to combat bedbugs. True, it has a strong unpleasant odor.Tetrix

It is not recommended to use these tools on their own, and after their application by professionals, a thorough wet cleaning should be carried out in the apartment.


How to prepare an apartment for sanitization from bedbugs

How exactly the apartment will be treated from bedbugs and how to prepare for it, it is best to discuss with the pest control company itself. Some require that the furniture be moved away from the walls, and sometimes the craftsmen do it themselves.

It is also useful to read: How to kill bed bugs and their eggs

And one more thing: you can stain bedbugs in different ways. You can use pacifiers for six months, or you can initially to kill bloodsuckers with proven means and methods ...

If possible, it is better to plan the visit of the master so that there are no children and animals at home for 3 days. However, if this is not possible, it is not so critical, because modern preparations for the destruction of bedbugs are designed specifically for living quarters.

Preparing the apartment for the arrival of the exterminator requires the following procedures:

  • We need to do a wet cleaning.
  • Hide food, utensils and small items of use or cover them with plastic bags.
  • If there is an aquarium, it must be closed and the compressor turned off. Amphibians (reptiles, snakes, turtles) should not be in the room - poison is very destructive for them.
  • Provide the master with access to hard-to-reach places in the apartment, sort out the rubble of things.
  • Take bed linen off the bed and clean it up. Process clothes.

On a note

How to treat things from bedbugs: it is enough to boil them for half an hour or wash them at a temperature above + 50 ° C.

If it was decided to call the pest control service, it is worth discussing this issue with the neighbors. If they also have parasites, then they will probably want to do parallel processing. In addition, it will protect the apartments of the house from further intrusions of bedbugs.

Bed bugs enter the apartment from neighbors


“I live in an old Khrushchev building and our bugs have already tortured the whole house! They climb out of all the cracks, as soon as you get rid of them, they run from their neighbors. We decided to discuss this issue at a meeting of the residents of the house and agreed to carry out processing in each apartment. It turned out only 2000 rubles from each housing (they made a discount for wholesale), now there are no parasites for two years. You have no idea what happiness it is! By the way, many people have animals at home, there were no poisonings, so you should not be afraid.”

Petr, St. Petersburg


Will bed bugs need to be re-treated?

Specialists of pest control services work in such a way that re-treatment of the apartment from bedbugs is no longer required, because the drugs have a powerful residual effect. If the bugs still appeared in the room again, you should immediately contact the same service. As a rule, specialists give a guarantee for their work, but even if it is not, re-treatment from bedbugs is likely to be carried out at a reduced price.

If clothes, bedding and soft toys were not boiled before the arrival of the master, then this should be done immediately after his departure. This will help get rid of all bed bugs completely.

Professional disinfection from bedbugs is a chance to quickly and easily get rid of parasites in the apartment, while maintaining the health and good sleep of your family. Pest control firms work with quality assurance and the understanding that the apartment will be used immediately after treatment. Therefore, they can be safely contacted when immediate and effective destruction of bedbugs is required.


How to choose the right service for treating a room from bedbugs


Several effective ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment


Last update: 2022-05-04

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "About the treatment of the apartment from bed bugs" 2 comments
  1. Andrew

    Guys, I strongly recommend that you do the processing yourself, it turns out much cheaper. There is no difference what to do, the main thing is to take the concentration of the drug itself higher so that it is 20-25%. Then a small bottle is enough for 2-3 treatments. And this is not an advertisement. I recommend as an expert in this field. Think for yourself. A handler comes to you, prepares a working solution and then simply sprays your home. In reality, in terms of money, he spends 100-200 rubles on the concentrate itself, this is at best if he uses a good one, plus the road and his hands. You will do the same yourself. Yes, of course, you will buy the drug in small packages, more expensive than processors buy, but even so, you will get 2-3 times cheaper.

  2. Nizami

    KNOW: Anything designed to kill insects is also dangerous to any animal. The animal after treatment should not be in the apartment for at least 15 days.


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