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Sanitation of the premises from bedbugs using the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES)

Last update: 2022-05-02
≡ Article has 8 comments
  • Ekaterina: Good day! Encountered bed bugs in November 2018...
  • Marina: Do not contact the WDC service in Moscow. It is not clear what they are poisoning ...
  • Alena: Good afternoon, in connection with the move, I had to rent an apartment. ...
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There are a number of important points regarding the call of the SES to sanitize the premises from bedbugs, and then we will try to understand them in detail ...

Sanitation from bedbugs by SES employees is perhaps one of the most reliable ways to get rid of parasites in the room. However, before calling the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station for baiting bedbugs, some important nuances should be taken into account ...

  1. Today it is customary to call the word "SES" or "Sanepidemstantsiya" any offices that are engaged in the destruction of bedbugs, cockroaches, rats or fleas. Some of these companies call themselves SES with the prefix of their own name: for example, SES Clean City, SES SanEpidemStation. This is somewhat misleading to people who are not savvy in these matters. Generally speaking, SES is a state institution that is directly part of Rospotrebnadzor. It is about this Sanitary and Epidemiological Station that we will continue to talk, describing the work and the means used in sanitation.There are private firms whose names also mention SES or Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations.
  2. Given that the SES is a state organization, before contacting it, you should be prepared to interact with a harsh bureaucratic machine.And although the situation has been improving a little lately, however, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations have not yet reached the level of high-quality customer-oriented service in most cities.
  3. The presence of bedbugs in the apartment is not a critical epidemiological problem, and therefore the corresponding calls of inspectors and exterminators for the purpose of sanitation are not a priority for the SES.

However, there is good news: in the house in which the specialists of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station worked, bedbugs in most cases disappear for a long time, or even forever. Therefore, when choosing who to entrust the destruction of bedbugs in your apartment, sanitation by the SES should be remembered first of all.

As a rule, after processing the apartment by the SES, the bugs disappear from the premises forever, that is, the service works efficiently.


What means does SES use against bedbugs

Depending on the situation and some market conditions, SES specialists poison bedbugs with various insecticidal agents. The final decision on the use of a particular drug is made after the specialist leaves the room itself and assesses the degree of contamination.

In addition, the type of room itself plays a certain role in choosing a remedy for bedbugs. For example, sanitation of change houses in the non-residential season can be carried out with powerful strong-smelling preparations, which are usually more affordable than equally effective products without a strong odor. If you wish to save money, the client can also order sanitation with odorous preparations in a private house or apartment.

Among the preparations that are used by sanitary and epidemiological stations to treat houses from insects, there are both odorous agents and preparations without a strong odor.

Most often, treatment from bedbugs by specialists of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station is carried out using the following means:

  • Biorin is an aqueous emulsion of the insecticide deltamethrin and several of its synergists. Has an unpleasant smell. It is sprayed using special aerosol generators (the so-called fog generators).
  • Sinuzan is an emulsion concentrate based on chlorpyrifos, very effective against bedbugs and other domestic insects. Its analogue is Minap 22 insect repellent.
  • Tetrix is ​​a powerful Dutch remedy that has a very pungent, nasty smell. Perhaps this is one of the most effective and popular preparations in SES for sanitation from bedbugs and cockroaches.
  • Chlorpirimac is an improved version of Tetrix. It contains a set of fragrances to mask the smell, and therefore is more convenient for use in residential areas.
  • Efficient Ultra is a fairly modern remedy, which includes tetramethrin, propoxur, MGK-264 and piperonyl butoxide. Such a complex composition of the poison is a guarantee that parasites will not develop resistance to this agent.
  • Extermin is a microencapsulated drug based on chlorpyrifos with a prolonged action.

The picture shows some insect repellents used by SES as an example: Sinuzan, Effective Ultra and Extermin.

Different departments and stations of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service use different preparations. Therefore, if it is important for the customer to know what bedbugs are poisoned in a particular SES, then this question should be asked at the first call to the station.

It is interesting

Sanitary and epidemiological stations carry out the destruction of bedbugs only with those means that, in accordance with GOSTs, belong to the 3rd and 4th hazard classes for humans (low-dangerous, at least in ready-to-use form). Most of them do not cause irritation when they come into contact with human skin, and only with repeated exposure sometimes lead to irritation or an allergic reaction. However, if it enters the respiratory tract and digestive tract, drugs may well cause severe poisoning.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station itself does not officially sell preparations for the destruction of bedbugs, and therefore it is not worth calling the service and asking for prices. But always and everywhere there are various workarounds: as the experience of many independent bedbug fighters shows, it is quite possible to buy funds by arriving at the local SES and talking with people working there.

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The order of removal of parasites

In the vast majority of cases, the forces of SES workers remove bedbugs in one sanitation. But even before carrying out this procedure, a specialist goes to the object - a city apartment, a residential building, a cottage settlement - to clarify the situation on the spot.

The photo shows a nest of bedbugs in furniture - eggs and larvae of parasites are visible.

Often, during such an examination, the tenants of the premises learn a lot of new things not only about the number of bedbugs in their apartment, but also about the situation with them from their neighbors. In addition, the visiting inspector of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station always has extensive experience in destroying not only bedbugs, but also other insects, and knows very well where to look for them, in what places the main populations are kept, how to find bedbugs where it is even difficult to look.

On a note

In many cases, after examining the premises, the SES specialist prescribes a survey and processing of neighboring apartments. For apartment buildings, this is especially true: here, residents of far from the most infected apartments may be the first to sound the alarm, while, perhaps, their neighbors live in a real bedbug next to them.

Often bed bugs get into the room from neighbors who may have a real bed bug in the apartment.

In some cases, the inspector of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station makes such trips to check the premises several times - to assess the increase in the number of parasites and their possible spread.

Before sanitizing the premises, an agreement is signed between the customer and the SES for disinfestation work. On the basis of the concluded agreement, the SES already prescribes treatment for bedbugs.


  1. At the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, tactics are being developed for the destruction of bedbugs and other insects, depending on their species composition and abundance. To the credit of the SES, it should be noted that many other pest control companies almost never carry out such work.
  2. A remedy for the destruction of bedbugs is selected.
  3. Insect extermination measures are being taken.
  4. In the future, the representative of the SES controls the effectiveness of the sanitation.

It is generally considered that bed bug sanitation is effective if no bed bugs have appeared in the room within two months after it was carried out.

If the bug larvae did not appear, for example, from surviving eggs even after a couple of months, then sanitation is considered effective.

On a note

Even if the destruction of bedbugs is carried out not by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, but by another company, its representative is obliged to come to the facility in a month or two after the work has been completed and check the result. Otherwise, the work on removing bedbugs can formally be considered not completed.

Sanitation from bedbugs is carried out in a room from which all residents and pets are removed. In this case, all accessible surfaces, contaminated furniture and clothing are processed. After the work is completed, the responsible specialist draws up an acceptance certificate for the work performed, which indicates the area of ​​​​the treated room, as well as the amount and type of insecticide used.

When parasites are destroyed, all potentially infected surfaces will be treated, so it is advisable to provide free access to them in advance.


How to call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station?

And finally, about the most difficult. Calling SES to remove bedbugs is a rather difficult task. Although the terms of reference of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station include extermination measures from bedbugs, the service itself and its specialists are constantly very busy with work, and when individuals apply for sanitation, they are usually redirected to other pest control services (private firms).

SES is a public service, and does not always respond to requests from individuals.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to get the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station to leave for a residential building or apartment.

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First you need to talk with your neighbors and find out if anyone has a similar problem.As a rule, if more than two apartments are infected with bedbugs in an apartment building, then SES will definitely come to check the situation. Therefore, when calling the station, you should definitely report the infestation of several apartments at once, and even add that one of the residents is severely allergic to bedbug bites (if this is true).

The photo shows massive bed bug bites on a woman's neck.

It will be even more effective to contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station with a complaint about unscrupulous neighbors or enterprises near residential buildings that are a source of bedbugs and do not take measures to exterminate them. The fight against such spreaders of parasites is one of the main tasks of the SES, and service specialists leave very quickly for such calls.

Once again, we note that we are talking about SES, which is a state organization, and not about small firms with similar names.


How effective is the work of SES: reviews of people

Reading the reviews, it is sometimes difficult to understand whether we are talking about the state SES, or the work of private pest control services, mistakenly called the same abbreviation. However, sometimes such a separation is possible.


“The first time bedbugs were noticed in an apartment on New Year's Eve. When the first horror passed, we realized that we need to fight quickly so as not to itch on New Year's Eve. Bedbugs were poisoned with Get, a good remedy, for a couple of weeks the parasites were not visible at all. And then they appeared again. It is clear that they are crawling from the neighbors. We suspected an apartment on the floor above - Koreans rented it and set up a shop for cooking spicy carrots there. We talked with the neighbors above them - they had the same problem, only with cockroaches. It turned out that the bugs climb from them even into the neighboring front door.They infected eight apartments! We went with the whole crowd, pissed them off, they got scared, they poisoned bedbugs with some kind of stinky muck, but there was no sense. Closer to the summer everything started all over again. By that time, we had already removed bedbugs three times at home. They could not stand it, they wrote a collective complaint to the district SES. As a result, the SES itself found the owner of the apartment, called him from Moscow, prescribed sanitation. And only after that the bugs disappeared everywhere.

Anton, Voronezh

To reliably get rid of bedbugs, it is very useful to work with neighbors together.

Another review:

“We were very let down by Stop-Bug. The guy came, in five minutes he quickly proshked everything, gave some piece of paper without a signature and left. He only said that the next day there would be no more bedbugs. But they reappeared three days later! We called again to the company, they promised us, promised, but did not come. We wrote a complaint to the local SES, described the situation. An aunt immediately came to us, checked everything, found several nests of bedbugs, went and pulled the neighbors. As a result, a brigade of the sanitary and epidemiological station came centrally, poisoned bedbugs in two front doors in eight or nine apartments. That's what I understand, work. Then another specialist from the SES came to us after five weeks, checked that there were no more bedbugs.

Inna, Samara

Not all private pest control services are professional and efficient.

Almost always, SES services for sanitizing an apartment from bedbugs are cheaper than the corresponding services of private companies. So, for example, processing a one-room apartment costs about 1000-1200 rubles in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations of large cities, 1400-1500 rubles for a two-room apartment, depending on the layout of the apartment itself and its location.

At the same time, the efficiency of the work of Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations in most cases is quite high, and disinfestation by the forces of its specialists can even be considered a reference in some ways.Therefore, if there is an opportunity, then first of all it is worth contacting the SES, and only if it is impossible to call its specialists, you can begin to consider other options.

If you have personal experience of interacting with SES regarding the removal of bed bugs, be sure to leave your feedback at the bottom of this page.


5 rules for choosing a pest control service for the destruction of bedbugs


What you need to know about bedbugs before calling SES


Last update: 2022-05-02

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Sanitation of the premises from bedbugs with the help of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES)" 8 comments
  1. Victoria

    I want to get rid of bed bugs!

  2. Alexandra

    We live in a hostel, the bugs appeared before the new year. For some time they disappeared after self-processing, and then reappeared. Then we were moved to another room, they made repairs, everything was fine, but now they began to appear again, it is not clear where. I ask for help, a 3-year-old child suffers, a very strong reaction to bites.

    • Anonymous

      Go to the SES of your city.They are usually called FBUZ, Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (city). In my city of Korolev it cost 3200 rubles for a 2-room apartment. Whether it helped or not, I don’t know yet, just poisoned yesterday. Then I'll write.

  3. Anonymous

    Good afternoon. We live in a communal apartment, everywhere is clean, tidy, but the bugs just overcame. What to do with them? Called two paid services - no result. They don't disappear. Tell me where to go?

  4. Elena

    Do not mess with Stop Klop. Money down the drain! Not only do their prices differ in fact, but there is no result!

  5. Alyona

    Good afternoon, due to the move, I had to rent an apartment. Klopov was last seen 10 years ago. And I could not think that they even still exist in the metropolis. On the first night, several bites appeared only on me, my son and husband are clean. On the second morning I woke up all in the tracks. The husband and child are clean, I started looking, I found it on the bed at the head. She immediately called the company, a guy arrived, changed his clothes, and kicked us out into the street. Treated with some kind of fog. Can you tell me how effective it is? I endured household utensils at minus 36 for a day. Will help? Or redo the sanitation?

  6. Marina

    Do not contact the MCD service in Moscow. It is not clear what they are poisoning, they are asked to leave the apartment. They also didn’t see how the solution was diluted, the result was “0”. 4000 rub. paid, just money down the drain.

  7. Catherine

    Good day! I encountered bedbugs in November 2018. It turned out that they come from the neighbors below. They promised to poison. And, like, poisoned. I called the SES of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg, in November they poisoned me, I gave 11 thousand rubles. They set up a blockade. The result for March 2019: bedbugs again. I go to the neighbors - they again say that they will poison me.I am again in the same city SES (under a guarantee of 800 rubles for calling the master). Bottom line: after talking with the master, I gave 10,800 rubles. I don't know what to do already. Allergies are terrible


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