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Destruction of bedbugs: reviews of people and important practical nuances

Last update: 2022-05-10
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  • Vasily: Basically, dealing with bedbugs is very difficult, expensive, for ...
  • Sergey: I cooperate with a pest control company. Work...
  • Natalia: I never thought that I would see bedbugs in my life. That's horrible!...
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When choosing a means and method for the destruction of bedbugs, it is useful to first read the reviews of those people who have already gone through this and are ready to share the important nuances of this difficult fight against parasites ...

Self-destruction of bedbugs in the house is a rather difficult task for an unprepared person. Although it is generally accepted that bed bugs can be poisoned in the same way as cockroaches, this is only partly true. Bed bugs really die from exposure to the same aerosol insecticides and sprays that destroy cockroaches, but no gels, poison traps, boric acid baits and various folk remedies (for the most part) will not help to destroy them.

Boric acid baits, effective in the fight against cockroaches, will be completely useless for the destruction of bedbugs.

The reason for this lies in the specifics of the diet of bed bugs. These insects can only pierce the skin of humans and some domestic animals, and then suck blood. They will not eat various baits or run into spaced houses with odorous attractants, and this should first of all be taken into account by those who decide to take on the destruction of bedbugs on their own.

Bedbugs feed exclusively on blood, and this must be taken into account when choosing means for their destruction.

Reviews of even experienced parasite exterminators clearly demonstrate all the difficulties in the fight against them.


“I know what the destruction of bed bugs is firsthand, and when I read other reviews, it becomes funny to me.She poisoned them herself, first in the first apartment, then in the second, then in her mother's house, and this summer - in the country. Tenacious, creatures, it is not always possible to destroy them the first time. Previously, dust helped very well from them - we scattered it along the baseboards and under the beds when we left home. Then he was banned. At my mother's, I poisoned bedbugs with Kukaracha. It smells bad and needs to be diluted in a certain concentration. I took it out twice, there was a week break between them. In the second apartment, when it was necessary to poison, I didn’t find Kukaracha, I bought Get, I liked it more, because it has no smell. You spray everything with them once, and then you don’t need to wash the floors for a week. And that's all, you only collect dead bugs. But Goth is expensive. Therefore, when later bugs started up in the country, I bred a simple Karbofos. And here's what I'll say - this is the best tool in general. It smells, of course, but it poisons bedbugs reliably, but it costs a penny. I don’t think that I will ever encounter them again, but if this happens, I will poison with Karbofos.”

Elena Pavlovna, Moscow


Remedies for bedbugs for self-removal

There are several types of products that effectively destroy bed bugs:

  • Aerosol preparations are insecticide solutions already filled into compressed gas cylinders for spraying. These include, for example, Combat, Raptor, Dichlorvos Neo, Dichlorvos Eco, Raid, Clean House, etc. They are most often used by housewives in the early stages of the fight against bedbugs due to their ease of use. However, their use is rational only if the room is not heavily infested with bedbugs. For example, if the parasites are localized in only one chair, sofa or computer system unit.Numerous reviews indicate that with a large number of bloodsuckers in the apartment, aerosol products either do not help, or it becomes too expensive to use them.Aerosol insect repellent Kombat Superspray
    With a large number of bedbugs in the house, aerosols against them will not be very effective ...
  • Sprays, more precisely, insecticide concentrates, which, for use, must be diluted with water and poured into a household spray bottle for subsequent spraying. For example, this includes many professional pest control products such as Tetrix, Sinuzan, Diazinon and others, which have a very unpleasant odor and are quite toxic to humans. However, there are such drugs for domestic use - Lambda Zone, Executioner, Get, Delta-Zone, Medilis Tsiper, etc. Bedbugs should be destroyed with their help carefully, maintaining the required concentration of the solution and with the obligatory use of personal protective equipment. Concentrate medilis Ziper requires dilution with water for further spraying in the form of a spray
    Accumulation of bedbugs in the sofa
  • Some dusts - for example, Feverfew, Phenaksin, Karbofos in powder form. They are scattered in places of frequent encounters with bedbugs, and if the place is guessed accurately, then usually the bedbugs are poisoned within a few days, in contact with poisonous powder.Dust Phenaksin can be used to kill bedbugs, especially if you know about their possible habitats.

Potent folk remedies such as denatured alcohol, turpentine and kerosene destroy bedbugs only when their nests are directly processed. Those bugs that cannot be physically reached with a solution will not be destroyed, and therefore such folk recipes cannot be considered reliable - just waste your time and create a fire hazard in the apartment.

Review of Karbofos and the remedy for bedbugs Executioner:

“They poisoned bed bugs with Karbofos. And twice and both times with different results. The houses destroyed them in one day, and they were never seen again. After that, my wife's head was spinning for a long time - after all, the remedy is harmful.But at the dacha, everything was processed in the same way, but the bugs remained. Travanuli again - the same effect. Then I only found out that if one of the neighbors constantly poisons bedbugs with Karbofos, they get used to it and no longer die. Apparently, our neighbor processes the chicken coop for him. We tried to process the dacha with the Executioner - it worked. Good tool but expensive. 70 rubles for a small bottle, with which only one mattress can be processed.

Vitaly, Chernihiv

Insect repellent Karbofos (powder)

Quite effective, judging by the reviews, but an expensive remedy for the destruction of bedbugs Executioner.

Feedback on the use of Get and Tetrix tools:

“If you need to poison bedbugs in an apartment, take Tetrix or Get. Definitely. Everything else - it's so, the children to indulge. Especially balloons. Het has no smell, but somehow it seemed less effective to me. But Tetrix surprised. The bugs began to die in one room, while I was still poisoning in another. She moved the closet - and they were already dead there. But, really, this Tetrix stinks just deadly.”

Anna, St. Petersburg

Tetrix is ​​an insect repellent for professional use and has a very unpleasant odor.

Get Microencapsulated Bedbug Remedy is modern and odorless.


And further: Have you ever measured at what temperature bed bugs die? And we caught them and did it - watch the video...

Method for the destruction of bedbugs

The main task in the destruction of bedbugs is to ensure contact of the toxic agent with their chitinous cover or respiratory system. That is why the preparations are produced in the form of aerosols or for spraying in the form of a spray - the smallest particles of insecticides are in the air for a long time and enter the body of insects when they breathe, or settle on parasites and surfaces on which they move.

Preparations in the form of sprays or aerosols are able to penetrate even into hard-to-reach places where bedbugs can hide.

Effective remedies for bedbugs often have a contact poisoning effect, that is, even if they get on the body of a bug, they will penetrate into his body and lead to poisoning (drugs Lambda Zone, Delta Zone, Get, etc.). Such products are very effective, many of them are odorless, but generally relatively expensive when compared with the outdated Karbofos.

Microencapsulated suspension against bedbugs Delta Zone

The insecticide should be sprayed on as many surfaces as possible, and areas such as closets, baseboards or beds should simply be treated from above. The more fully the entire room is processed, the less likely the bugs will survive.

The picture shows the most likely habitat for bedbugs in an apartment.

After the procedure, the apartment must be closed for several hours, and then cleaned.

If there were a lot of bugs in the room before treatment, then even after the destruction of adults and larvae, eggs can survive here. Of these, in a few days new nymphs will appear, which will begin to bite the inhabitants of the apartment.In these cases, one should not sin on the inefficiency of the drug used - even the most powerful insecticide may simply not get on immobile eggs and will not lead to their death.

Therefore, in many cases, re-treatment of the premises will be necessary. It should be carried out 2-3 weeks after the first. During this time, all the larvae will hatch from the eggs, but none of them will have time to turn into an adult bug and lay new eggs.

During the time between the first and second treatments, new bug larvae usually hatch from the surviving eggs ...


“I immediately tried Insecticide from bedbugs. I didn't read the reviews so I don't believe them. I didn't like this product very much. It smells bad, toxic, in addition to it I bought a respirator, gloves, a bathrobe - in short, I spent almost the same amount of money on protection. Klopov brought out only the third time. Lived with them for almost a month. And this despite the fact that after each treatment of live parasites in the house was not found. It might have been better to call the exterminators."

Ilya, Moscow


What if you call in the experts?

In most cases, to destroy bedbugs in an apartment, it is easier and more reliable to call a special pest control service, whose employees will process the room themselves and guarantee that parasites will no longer appear.

In order not to destroy bedbugs on your own, you can contact the pest control service.

If there are a lot of bedbugs in the room, then it is sometimes difficult to do without the help of professionals.

The services of pest control companies cost about 3-4 times more than the owner of the premises will have to pay for the insecticidal preparation alone. For example, in Moscow, it costs about 2,000 rubles to destroy bedbugs in a one-room apartment, while the cost of Get, which is enough to process the same area, is about 750 rubles. But at the same time, reliable companies guarantee the destruction of bedbugs, but the result of self-treatment, even with an effective tool, is not always predictable.

And further: Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which have shown high efficiency

Self-control of bedbugs may not always be successful.


“I remember how my grandmother flooded the apartment with dichlorvos, that after that it was impossible to stay there for a week. In my apartment, I immediately called a team of specialists and asked them that when I return, there would be no smell or bedbugs in it. And indeed, the bugs were all destroyed, the apartment was aired for a long time, but when I went in, the smell was still felt. By evening he was gone."

Alena, Yekaterinburg


Safe bed bug extermination

With any chosen method of destroying bedbugs, it should be remembered that agents that are toxic to parasites can also affect the human body.

Modern insecticides used in preparations Get, Hangman, Delta Zona, Agran, Tsifox, Cucaracha and others do not cause severe poisoning in humans when moderate amounts are ingested.

Modern insect repellent Zifox

But they can also lead to an allergic reaction, dizziness and other side effects. Therefore, when self-destruction of bed bugs, you must use:

  • respirator or gauze bandage
  • gloves
  • headdress
  • glasses
  • clothes with long sleeves.

If you still decide to destroy bedbugs yourself, be sure to use personal protective equipment.

Before processing the premises, make sure that there are no people and pets in the apartment. If the apartment has an aquarium, it should be covered with a coverslip and the compressor turned off.

Folk flammable products such as kerosene or alcohol are generally not recommended for killing bed bugs, as they leave a smell in the room for a long time and create a risk of fire.


“In our family, bugs only bit our daughter, she was not even a year old then.All the time bitten in the morning woke up, we ran, looking for mosquitoes and did not find. Only once I caught a bug while cleaning and almost fainted. I got really hysterical. I called my husband from work, called the hotel and went there for two days with the little one. The husband flooded the whole apartment with some new Dichlorvos, spent the night in it himself, and the next day he fell ill. Probably poisoned. The bugs disappeared, we specifically checked all the sofas and carpets - only the dead ones were found. Two days later we returned to the apartment, and the next day my husband felt normal and went to work.”

Oksana, Volokolamsk


5 effective ways to destroy bed bugs in the apartment


How to find bed bugs in your home and get rid of them yourself


Last update: 2022-05-10

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Destruction of bedbugs: reviews of people and important practical nuances" 5 comments
  1. Hope

    I ordered processing in the company. Passed quickly and without smell. Now there are no bedbugs.

  2. Tim

    People, why are you so naive? It is not difficult to notice that after the announcements about the destruction of bedbugs on the porches and poles, they appear - these are the hucksters who deliberately throw them in order to rake in money for themselves!

  3. Natalia

    I never thought I would see bed bugs in my life. That's horrible! Called the disinfectants. Processed. I'm waiting for a week, 10 days, spread everywhere: on the ceiling, in the closet. I called another company, after 2 days I sleep on the couch and there are no bedbugs. Super. And the depression has already begun.

  4. Sergey

    I work with a pest control company. I work in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In fact, processing is not very expensive - from 1500 rubles. for a one-room apartment. The guys give a guarantee, work under the contract. The question of the destruction of bedbugs or other insects depends on the degree of infection. And if, for example, you carried out pest control at your place, and the bugs came to you from your neighbors, then, most likely, after 2 months they will appear again.

  5. Basil

    In general, dealing with bedbugs is a very difficult, expensive, time-consuming and extremely unpleasant task. What he didn't do. And the specialists are 3 times different (they do not respond to the guarantee - they are bred). And poisoned with chemistry - KOMBAT, Executioner and 10 more different chemicals. It's all bullshit and bullshit. I began to pick up all sorts of mixtures, but before processing I tested it in practice. I caught five bed bugs and planted them in a glass jar. I advise everyone to do so. And then we suffer, processing, then we withstand the day, or whoever. Then a big cleanup. And how disgusting at heart when at night they share a bed with us from some bins, biting and driving us to exhaustion.

    I happened to discover an interesting nuance. Somehow I got to the builders from Asia in an apartment.They live there crowded, and the bugs in them walk around the walls and beds like at home. I have frost on my skin! How do you live, because they eat you? Answer: who is eaten and who is not. Those who are eaten are dumped and others settle in their place - and this is how the balance of the nutrition of bedbugs is maintained. Fact, but a mystery to me. So, not everything is to the taste of bedbugs.

    Okay, back to the topic. I keep bedbugs in jars and experiment. I try from kerosene to commercially available special preparations. For everything about everything, together with work with specialists, 72 thousand were ruined. It is noteworthy that not a single drug killed bedbugs within an hour. And even then, selectively, some end up, while others rush along the bottom of the can as if nothing had happened.

    And now closer to the point. Somehow I came across a sivuha (moonshine). Muddy, oily. In general, the first product of moonshine (the head is called by moonshiners). They take it away and throw it away. Poison thing. Well, as you understand, I am fixated on bedbugs in search of a lethal agent. Yes, and evil excitement has already appeared. Yeah, I decided that if poison is for a person, then how will it affect bedbugs? I took 5 fresh bugs and put them in a jar. I injected some sivuha into it, quite a bit. And then they will drown if I pour it. "Hooray!" said to himself in a minute. Calm down, paws up forever.

    On the day off, all the upholstered furniture was sprayed and the baseboards were walked just in case. We've been sleeping peacefully for over 3 months now. Random miracle. And then they already decided to throw out all the upholstered furniture. Well, I began to think about the rationale for the effect. The first thing that came to mind was that fusel oil is detrimental to them. A couple of alcohol also did their job. And when everything was exhausted - the eggs of the bugs had already burned out, but the oil remained.Otherwise, how can one explain the long-term effect and the irreversibility of the problem. To be honest: the more I dealt with the topic, the more I became convinced of the invincibility of bedbugs.

    So it's been tested in my own skin and loss of money. Amazing speed effect. Well, okay, pah-pah, so as not to jinx it. Probably, I could make money on the “opening”, but I don’t want to profit from human misfortunes. But I bred all sorts of SES and other firms very thirsty to leave without work. Well, of course, first of all, I want my experience to help people. Try. Good luck.


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