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Consider ways to get rid of bed bugs

Last update: 2022-06-14
≡ Article has 9 comments
  • Umka: Help, please. We are very tired, how can we get rid of ...
  • Debi: Help, good people. Tired of poisoning them. You don't sleep at night, but...
  • Alexander: I myself thought I would die faster from these dichlorvos than they did)) Month...
See bottom of page for details

Bed bugsOf all the parasites and unwanted neighbors living in your home, bed bugs are the most annoying. If the harmfulness of cockroaches and ants consists only in spoiling food and transferring bacilli from the street or entrance, then bedbugs literally parasitize a person, causing painful bites and feeding on blood.

How to remove linen bugs, multi-page instructions were written back in the Middle Ages. Then these small uninvited guests of human habitation poisoned people's sleep and normal life much more than they do now. But at the same time, the inhabitants of any, even the richest houses, had much less means of dealing with them than the average city dweller today.

So, let's look at what effective remedies against bed bugs can be used.


Means for combating linen bugs

Linen bugs are creatures that are quite gentle and whimsical to habitat conditions. They poorly tolerate high temperatures, die in the cold, are very sensitive to strong odors.The effect of most modern means of struggle is based on the impact on their weak points:

  • Chemicals. They can be used independently, following the instructions, or you can call special insect control services. At the moment, there are many effective insecticides for bedbugs: Kombat, Executioner, Karbofos, Dichlorvos, Xulat, Cucaracha. Each remedy for bed bugs from this list is quite effective. But with regular persecution of parasites in the same room with the same preparation, there is a risk that insects will adapt to it and develop resistance.
  • Freezing bed bugs. In this case, it is enough to leave the room for several winter days, turning off the heating and leaving the windows open. During the day at a negative temperature, almost all bugs will die. Only in rare cases, after such a freezing, eggs or individual adult bugs remain alive, which have time to fall into a state of specific suspended animation.
  • Temperature treatment of the room. Warming up the room to high temperatures is even more effective than freezing. In practice, it has been verified that an increase in temperature above 50 ° C for 6-8 hours completely kills all bed bugs, their eggs and larvae in an apartment or house. It is possible and in many cases even more rational to treat with steam or hot air only individual places of refuge for bedbugs. The same principle is based on getting rid of bedbugs of clothes and various items that are placed in special dryers or even just in a closed car left for several hours in the sun.
  • Mechanical destruction of bedbugs. Today, this method is practically not used.In essence, it means simply catching and crushing bed bugs, or vacuuming floors, sofas, and beds. In any case, its effectiveness is extremely low, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of bedbugs completely with its help.
  • Various folk remedies for the fight against bed bugs. These are not only various sharp-smelling herbs like tansy or wormwood, but also denatured alcohol, turpentine, camphor, vinegar and others. Their effectiveness is low, and they help only during the short time it takes to call the pest control team and prepare the apartment for processing. In addition, the action of most folk remedies for bedbugs is based on repelling parasites by smell. And the presence of such strong odors in the room can reduce the standard of living of people in it more than the presence of bedbugs.

And further: The executioner did not run out of steam in a week and cheerfully killed the bugs like that, even being in a dried state

Choosing one or another remedy for linen bugs should be based on considerations of rationality and expediency. If a bug is accidentally found in the apartment near the vent or front door, it is worth crushing it and checking the mattresses on the sofa. If this is an accidental guest in the room, you need to take note that the neighbors have bedbugs, and resort to ways to prevent their entry into the home. Including - and to folk remedies (for scaring).

If the bugs in the apartment started up only in the bed and the sofa, and a thorough search behind the baseboards and in the closets did not give a result, it is advisable to take the sofa outside and treat it there with special chemicals.And if there is a hard frost outside, then just leave the sofa there for a couple of days.

If the bugs have firmly and reliably settled in sofas, armchairs and beds, in the crevices of cabinets, behind carpets, in clothes and behind baseboards, then a complete disinsection of the home is necessary.

The figure shows the places where you should look for bedbugs in the apartment

In addition, in apartment buildings, a strong infestation of one apartment automatically implies the presence of bedbugs in neighboring ones. And pest control here must be carried out jointly and simultaneously with neighbors. In the best case - by professionals.


Sanitary services and their specifics

Special premises disinfection services are the most effective, but also the most expensive way to deal with bedbugs.

As a rule, before processing the apartment, the specialists of such services coordinate with the owners of the premises the composition of the means used, the dates and terms of work. They also give specific instructions for preparing the premises for the procedure for the destruction of bedbugs and explain the procedure for all actions for customers.

After the work of the sanitary services, the bugs in the room are completely destroyed. At the same time, all furniture, walls, wallpaper, skirting boards, clothes, bedding, sockets, ventilation ducts are treated with special insecticides as carefully as possible.

Disinsection of the room from linen bugs

Before disinfection, all residents of the premises must leave it. Pets and plants are not allowed to be left here. If the apartment has an aquarium, it must be closed as tightly as possible and the compressor turned on in it.

The cost of pest control services starts from 900 rubles for a one-room apartment and 1,400 rubles for a two-room apartment, and increases depending on the area, the amount of furniture and the degree of infestation with bedbugs.Given the efficiency of the work of specialists in such services, today they are the best way to completely and quickly rid the house of linen bugs.


Chemical insecticides for bed bugs

Perhaps the most famous means for combating bedbugs is Karbofos. It is either a powder or a liquid. The powder must be scattered in the habitats of bedbugs, and the liquid, after diluting the concentrate, should be used to treat bedding, furniture, baseboards - any places where bedbugs can settle during daylight hours.

No less effective remedy for linen bugs Executioner. It is recommended to use it for a complete one-time disinfestation of an apartment. The executioner is produced in the form of a powder that dissolves in water, poured into any vessel with a sprinkler and then applied to the maximum number of surfaces and crevices in the apartment.

Similarly to the Executioner, the Get bedbug remedy works. Its advantage is the ability to infect bedbugs, and then, with a still living insect, penetrate into the place of accumulation of bedbugs and kill a few more parasites.

The following means are also quite effective against linen bugs: Klopomor, Kombat, Karbozol, Tetrix, Chlorophos.

Remedy for linen bugs Klopomor

However, you should be very careful when reading the instructions for their use: some of these drugs (however, like many other insecticides) are toxic and can be quite dangerous for humans.


The fight against linen bugs folk remedies

Any grandmother at the entrance is ready to offer ten tips on how to deal with bed bugs with dust, vinegar or turpentine. But, alas, apart from cheapness and ease of use, folk remedies have practically no other advantages.

Widely known, especially in rural areas, are methods of using tansy, denatured alcohol or turpentine as strong-smelling bedbug repellers. But it should be understood that such repellents are effective only until the bugs are hungry enough. After this point, the smell won't stop them.

A fact repeatedly confirmed in practice: it is impossible to completely remove bedbugs from housing only with folk remedies.


Destruction of bedbugs by temperature

For the most effective temperature treatment of the premises from bedbugs, special pest control teams are called. They use special mobile units that allow raising the temperature in the room to 50-60°C. This is perhaps the most radical, but also the most effective way to deal with bed bugs.When using it, both adult insects and their larvae and eggs are destroyed.

But steam processing has its drawbacks. Firstly, steam does not penetrate everywhere, and larvae hiding among or inside mattresses can survive. Secondly, a long steam treatment of an apartment can lead to damage to furniture, wallpaper and various items.

Freezing an apartment also has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages - low cost and the possibility of carrying out this procedure on their own, without the involvement of specialists. But it also has disadvantages: lower efficiency compared to high-temperature treatment and the possibility of damage to various equipment and plumbing systems during frost.

It is most expedient to use low temperatures for processing sofas, armchairs, beds. They can be taken out into the cold without harm to the apartment, get rid of bed bugs and bring them back. But this method is good only if the bugs settled only in this piece of furniture.

But the main thing is to remember that if the bugs have settled in the apartment, then with a high probability the neighbors also have them. And in such cases, disinfestation should be carried out immediately in all apartments. This will guarantee that a month after the procedure, the bugs will not appear in the room again.


5 reliable ways to kill bed bugs in an apartment


A good example of a huge number of bedbugs in the mattress


Last update: 2022-06-14

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Let's consider ways to get rid of bed bugs" 9 comments
  1. Hope

    Help to escape from bedbugs, it's scary to sleep!

  2. Alla

    We also wound up, from where? Surely they crawled from the neighbor's grandmothers, but we have a baby, help get rid of these terrible insects)) It seems that we are looking, nowhere, neither in mattresses, nor in a sofa, but no, no, yes, one will crawl out.

  3. Irina

    Please help get rid of them, bed bugs, I can't sleep, they bite right up to the swelling. Got it already. Maybe herbs would help?

  4. Artem

    ZIFOX: I diluted 1 bottle with 1 liter of water (according to the instructions, more water is needed, but I decided to increase the concentration) and sprayed. Put on a respirator or a bandage on the airways beforehand! After washing yourself all over. Left for a day. When he arrived, there was still a smell, he ventilated for a whole day or two ... Everyone died, he almost got hurt when he sprayed) But they are no longer there ... By the way, the cockroaches and all that were also died. The smell is hellish. But it works with a bang!

  5. Kazakhstan, Aktau

    Sleeping is scary! I have depression, it’s not real ((Bedbugs are creepy, cruel, evil like the bug itself! And the bugs are so harmful, even more harmful, I generally hate them ...

  6. Pauline

    Help, what to do, as soon as you bring them out, they appear again.

  7. Alexander

    I myself thought I would die faster from these dichlorvos than they did)) I fought for a month and Victory!

  8. Debi

    Help, good people. Tired of poisoning them.You do not sleep at night, and in the morning you go to work.

  9. Umka

    Help me please. We are very tired, how can we get rid of them? We can't sleep well at night! Very creepy.


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