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Disinfection of the apartment from bedbugs

Last update: 2022-06-28
≡ Article has 3 comments
  • Anonymous: A week has passed since the service was called, but the child has new bites ...
  • Daria: We have been fighting bedbugs for three months already, nothing helps, after ...
  • I. Lugovoi: Yes, it is simply difficult to fight such inhabitants on your own...
See bottom of page for details

Disinfection of the apartment from bedbugs

Disinfection of an apartment from bedbugs is an inevitable procedure in cases where bed bugs in the room have already firmly established themselves. No matter what grandmothers and fans of ecological methods of struggle say, folk remedies such as vinegar, turpentine and wormwood do not destroy parasites, and they will not help to get rid of them forever.

Disinfection of premises from bedbugs is today the only reliable and universal way to once and for all solve the problem of the presence of blood-sucking parasites in your apartment. In the common people, disinfection is primarily understood as the use of various chemical insecticides that directly destroy insects.

On a note

The very term "disinfection" in relation to the fight against bedbugs, and indeed any parasitic insects, is incorrect. In its original sense, disinfection involves the destruction of microscopic pathogens of various infectious diseases - bacteria and viruses. Bedbugs do not cause disease and do not belong to the representatives of the microcosm.Experts, speaking about the fight against insects, use the word "disinsection", which means "destruction of insects".

Nevertheless, very often even in professional literature there is the use of the expression "infection of the apartment with bedbugs", and therefore, in general, it is quite possible to operate with the term "disinfection".

Like any other method of pest control, disinfection from bedbugs requires the fastest possible decision-making and complete processing of the premises itself.

Professional exterminators know that bedbugs are much more difficult to exterminate parasites than other unwanted guests of residential apartments - cockroaches, ants and even moths.


Features of disinfection from bedbugs

Disinfection of apartments from bedbugs is a rather difficult process, but at the same time feasible even for an unprepared person.

Bed bugs are unique insects, and therefore the fight against them has several specific features:

  • Bedbugs willingly settle in even absolutely clean and tidy apartments. In this they differ from cockroaches, for which gloss and lack of debris are, in fact, uninhabitable conditions.
  • Bed bugs parasitize humans, causing bites, disturbing sleep and rest, causing pain, itching, and sometimes even allergies. Therefore, it is impossible to pull with disinfection from bedbugs in any case. Each new day with bedbugs is another sleepless night and some damage to health in general.
  • Bedbugs are quite resistant to many chemical insecticides, so traditional Dichlorvos and Dust do not work against them.
  • Bedbugs settle indoors very extensively, located in different places, often extremely inaccessible to humans. That is why the destruction of their nest alone will not have an effect.Bed bug nest in mattress

On a note

It is because of the placement of bedbugs in different places in the room that advice like “take out the sofa with bedbugs in the cold” does not work. The place of frozen comrades will be taken by bedbugs due to baseboards or from cracks in the closet.

  • Bed bugs can go for a very long time without food. And therefore, simply leaving the premises for a week or two in the hope that the parasites will leave in search of food is a failed step in advance.
  • Finally, bed bugs constantly multiply. Some insecticides are very effective against adult bed bugs and their larvae, but do not kill the eggs. This means that within a few nights after disinfection, the newly born generation will go to the snow-white bed for food.

All these features make bedbugs a very specific object for the fight and require a competent disinfection procedure. Such disinfection against bedbugs can be carried out both by specialists and sanitary brigades, and by the residents of the apartment themselves.


Professional disinfection from bedbugs

Calling in specialized pest control services in most cases is the best solution to the problem of bed bugs in the room. Specialists of such services know very well in which places in the room the bugs settle most often and by what means they need to be destroyed.

And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...

Professional disinfection from bedbugs

Most pest control services give a guarantee for a certain period after their work, during which the bugs will not appear in the room.

Especially responsible specialists can even calculate in advance which of the neighboring premises are infected with bedbugs and advise to carry out simultaneous disinfection in several apartments. This ensures that a month after the treatment of the premises, the bugs will not move from the neighbors.

Today, literally in every major city there are several pest control services, in addition to the city SES. It is worth choosing among them primarily by the number of recommendations and real reviews, and only then look at the prices of the work.

Whoever disinfected from bedbugs, its cost will always be not much higher than that of an independent purchase of an effective insecticide.

Additionally, when choosing a service, you should:

  • pay attention to the drugs used. Usually exterminators use professional preparations such as Biorin, Minal, Chlorpirimak, Tetrix, Sinuzan, Ectermin. If, during a conversation, the service manager talks about the use of Chlorophos or Dust, such a company is not trustworthy.

On a note

These professional products are equally effective against both bedbugs and other insects. And therefore, disinfection from bedbugs and cockroaches is carried out as part of one treatment.

  • Ask in detail about the preparation of the apartment for processing. The use of any insecticides requires the removal of all people and pets from the premises, the implementation of special procedures to prepare for disinfection. If the manager does not stipulate all this, then the service is working carelessly.
  • In the ideal case, find a person who has successfully used the services of such a service and ask him for the name of the company.

In general, it has been observed that private bug disinfection services work more reliably than public SES. This is due to competition in the market - small companies work for reputation and therefore try to ensure maximum results.


“These fighters from the SES came four times, each time with a new tool. They gave a guarantee, they swore that they would probably be exhausted, only the bugs appeared again after two or three weeks. Three times they did all the disinfection for us for free, under warranty. We could not stand it and next time we poisoned the parasites with the Executioner. We didn't have them anymore."

Artem Manyavichus, Penza

In any case, the disinfection of the apartment from bedbugs by professionals will be carried out in all rooms and will require special training for both the apartment and the residents themselves. The service manager advises on such preparation of the customer, but some provisions are standard and useful for general information.

And one more thing: the bugs hid in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through ...

Plan to remove all occupants, poultry, and animals from the premises throughout the day prior to disinfection. The aquarium, if any, is closed with a cover slip and the compressor is turned off in it.

Before disinfection, it is advisable to remove the bed from the beds, and disassemble the beds and sofas themselves, removing mattresses and pillows from them.

It is important to provide for the possibility of access for specialists to all places in the apartment - closets, corners, spaces behind cabinets. Move furniture if necessary.

You should immediately prepare for wet cleaning of the apartment after disinfection - buy the necessary detergents and stock up on washcloths. After processing the apartment, you will have to wash all surfaces.

It is worth knowing in advance how much disinfection from bedbugs costs in a particular city. For example, processing a one-room apartment in Moscow costs an average of 2400-2500 rubles, a two-room apartment costs 3200-3400 rubles.


“In Krivoy Rog, it costs almost the same to call the SES, to buy the Executioner's box. According to the instructions for processing a two-room apartment, you need 20 bottles. This is 360 hryvnias, and calling the SES team costs 300. And why should I toil with these poisons myself?”

Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Krivoy Rog

Some services stipulate re-treatment in advance if the initial disinfection of bedbugs has not been destroyed.However, most modern products ensure the death of all insects and their eggs in the room already with a single application, therefore, with the correct work of specialists, re-treatment will not be necessary.


Fighting bedbugs on your own

Disinfection from bedbugs on their own is a well-established process today, and therefore, in many cases, apartment owners prefer to carry out this procedure without the involvement of special services.

However, with such disinfection, the following rules must be observed:

  • to process an apartment, you should purchase reliable and proven drugs: Executioner, Klopomor, Fufanon, Tetrix, Kombat, Karbofos.Insecticide - an effective remedy for bedbugs
  • On the day of disinfection, all residents must be removed from the apartment.
  • The handler must be dressed in the most closed clothing, gloves and goggles. The use of a cotton-gauze bandage is highly recommended.
  • The agent must be applied to the maximum number of surfaces as indicated in the instructions. If it is a liquid, it must be sprayed with a brush and a spray gun; if it is a powder, it must be scattered in the habitats and movement of insects.
  • Clothes in closets, books, toys, household appliances and bedding also need to be processed, if desired, packed in bags and filled with the drug.
  • All procedures should be carried out with windows closed, since most insecticides decompose quickly in fresh air.
  • After the treatment, you should keep the room closed for several hours, then open the windows, ventilate all rooms and carry out a thorough wet cleaning. Treated items and bedding should be washed thoroughly.

It is important to understand that when bedbugs infect neighboring apartments, even perfect disinfection will not give a long-term result - bedbugs will sooner or later move from adjacent apartments. Therefore, before processing the premises, it is advisable to find out which of the neighbors also has an infected apartment, and to carry out the processing together.

If such an agreement is not possible, it is necessary to provide for the protection of your apartment from neighbor bugs: smear the boxes of windows and entrance doors with Masha's chalk, process ventilation ducts and external window sills on the windows with it. In this case, you can expect that after disinfection, bugs from adjacent rooms will not penetrate into the apartment.


5 rules for choosing a pest control service for the destruction of bedbugs


How to get rid of bed bugs in your home


Last update: 2022-06-28

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Disinfection of the apartment from bedbugs" 3 comments
  1. I. Lugovoi

    Yes, it is simply difficult to deal with such inhabitants on your own. It is better to leave this concern at the mercy of specialists.
    Once I had a chance to tinker myself so that the problem would not go beyond the threshold of the old house, but it turned out that there were more worries ... Therefore, it is better to call specialists and not think about information leakage.

  2. Daria

    We have been fighting bedbugs for three months now, nothing helps, after disinfection, after 2 weeks, the whole apartment is again teeming with them! Tell me what to do? In the city of Korsakov, how much will disinfection of a two-room apartment cost? Help, it's unbearable to endure.

  3. Anonymous

    A week has passed since the service was called, but the child has new bites. We found 3 bugs, although they assured us that they could crawl, but should not bite.


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