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What are bed bugs most afraid of?

Last update: 2022-05-25
≡ Article 93 has comments
  • Andrey: Get a hedgehog - and there will be no one ....
  • Anya: I'm from St. Petersburg. Also faced this problem. And scarier in...
  • Anya: We have a lot of visitors from different eastern countries in our house ...
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What are bed bugs most afraid of?

So that in the fight against bedbugs, no matter how long it may seem, hands do not give up, you need to clearly understand: bed bugs are just parasitic insects, and they have their weaknesses. They are vulnerable. Even if you do not take into account the powerful insecticides and supernova developments of scientists aimed at the rapid destruction of these parasites, you can immediately give a list of what bedbugs are afraid of, and then choose from this list those means that could be most effectively used in the fight against these bloodsuckers in normal living conditions.


It must be understood that even if bed bugs are afraid of one or another substance or factor, this does not mean at all that they will die from the same substance. As a rule, it is rational to use such repellents in order to stretch out a few days before pickling the room or to prevent the entry of parasites into the house.


Too high and too low temperatures

The optimal temperature regime for life, nutrition and reproduction of bedbugs is from 20 ° C to 30 ° C. Temperatures ranging from 10°C to 20°C and from 30°C to 35°C are already uncomfortable, but tolerable for parasites.They do not try to avoid places with such a climate, but they practically cannot reproduce normally in these conditions.

Bedbugs are afraid of too low and too high temperatures.

But constantly operating temperatures below 10 ° C and above 35 ° C force the parasites to look for new habitats. Although if during the day the temperature regime changes, they can “reconcile” with this.

It is interesting

Very large natural populations of bed bugs have been found in deep caves in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Here insects parasitize on bats. The temperature in such caves almost never rises above 15-16°C, but this seems to suit the bloodsuckers quite well.

Conclusion: in order to make parasites accustomed to comfort flee from the house, it must either be cooled below 10 ° C for a long time, or warmed up to a constant 38-39 ° C.


Bright light

Bed bugs are afraid of light. These are strictly nocturnal insects, the peak of activity of which falls on 3-7 o'clock in the morning. A sudden light in the room or a raised mattress causes them to scatter in a panic.

Bed bugs are afraid of bright light

True, it is difficult to use this fear of insects in practice: if they already find a reliable dark place behind the baseboards, it will be very difficult to scare them with light.


“When we called the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, we asked the guys if the bugs were afraid of the light. They told us that bedbugs are generally afraid to be in the light, and it is very difficult to find an insect during the day. Then the guys started lifting mattresses and carpets and I was horrified: there were thousands of bedbugs and larvae, so small and nasty! They all quickly ran away from the light ... "

Marina, Pervouralsk


Smells of wormwood and tansy

The main folk recipes for scaring away bed bloodsuckers are based on the fact that bedbugs do not like the smell of wormwood, tansy and some other plants.

Wormwood is the most famous herb for bed bugs. To combat parasites, brooms of their dry plants are usually laid out under beds and other furniture. At least for a few days, such measures give results.

And one more thing: you can stain bedbugs in different ways. You can use pacifiers for six months, or you can initially to kill bloodsuckers with proven means and methods ...

The smell of wormwood effectively repels bedbugs

However, bugs are afraid of wormwood only until they are very hungry: literally on the third or fourth day, even fresh grass branches will not keep them from attacking.

It is interesting

In search of food and building their picture of the world, bed bugs mainly use their sense of smell. Sight and hearing are less important for them, and therefore strong smells repel these parasites better than sounds and light.

With tansy, the situation is similar.

The smell of pajima is also pretty good at repelling bed bugs.

As a rule, it is most reasonable to use these herbs not to repel insects, but to create aromatic barriers for their penetration into the room: dry branches are placed in ventilation ducts and on balconies near windows. Random "tramps" from neighboring apartments, having met such a barrier, are likely to turn around.


“In general, the bugs overcame us after the holidays. I don't know where they came from, but on the very first night after returning, they seized us. And in all rooms, and me and my husband, and children. We called exterminators, but they could only come on a working day, and we had to endure for three days. The guys advised us to use some kind of folk remedy these days. I went to the bazaar and asked the herbalists what kind of grass the bugs are afraid of. They said that tansy and wormwood. I bought that tansy, laid it out under the beds - and indeed, for three nights these nasty things did not touch us. As the guys from the wrestling service later said, this is the deadline - then the grass stops working. And it’s good that the bugs didn’t start in the bed, but sat mostly behind the carpet on the wall. But just on the fourth day, they poisoned them all for us.

Sonya, Odessa

Traditionally, birch branches are also used in villages against bed bugs. However, there is no serious evidence that such a tool helps.


Perfume fragrances

Since the Middle Ages, it has been known that bed bugs are afraid of perfume smells. Noble nobles and court ladies in France, Italy and Great Britain took aromatic baths before going to bed, and then literally doused perfume and cologne from head to toe to protect themselves from bloodsuckers.

And further: Where the hell did the bugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

Bed bugs hate the smell of strong-smelling perfumes.

Indeed, bedbugs do not like the pronounced smells of perfumes, regardless of their quality. Moreover, the sharper the smell, the usually more unpleasant it is for parasites.

Nevertheless, insects may well overcome their dislike with severe hunger, and after two or three days of hunger strike they will quite actively bite a scented sleeping person.


Chemistry: kerosene, denatured alcohol, turpentine, acetone, vinegar

But among these funds there are really reliable repellents (as insect repellents are called).

Kerosene, denatured alcohol, vinegar and turpentine - old folk remedies for repelling bedbugs

For example, bed bugs are afraid of the smell of ammonia. And the more distinct this smell, the less attractive the room for insects will be. Therefore, as a preventive measure against the penetration of parasites into the house, ammonia should be added to a bucket of water when washing floors. The indicator of reliability here will be the sense of smell of the person himself: if after cleaning the apartment smells of ammonia, the bugs here will definitely be uncomfortable.

The following odors are just as disliked by bedbugs:

  • denatured alcohol
  • kerosene
  • vinegar
  • acetone
  • turpentine.

None of these substances kill parasites directly with their odor. But they make excellent repellents with the same use as ammonia.

For example, even after dipping in vinegar (table, 9%), the insect will remain alive. But usually the bugs do not tolerate the smell of any vinegar, and if even one drop of it is placed in the center of the place chosen by the parasites, they will not appear in this nest within the next weeks.


“My grandfather taught me how to poison bedbugs with turpentine, so I used this method all my youth. In the army, I cleaned the barracks with him, already earned a day off. Then he brought them to the school in the hostel with the same turpentine.You just take it undiluted and sprinkle it under the bed and in all corners. I even wanted to spray it in a new apartment, but my wife said that she would leave me if I did it. I had to buy some newfangled substance in a can. It’s also an effective thing, but expensive compared to turpentine.”

Mikhail, Mytishchi

The disadvantage of all these means is that for a person their smells create no less unbearable conditions, and it is also extremely difficult to live in such a room protected from bedbugs.


Debunking the myths: what bedbugs are not afraid of

In contrast to the means that are really terrible for bedbugs, there are also things that are generally considered to repel bedbugs, but which parasites actually treat with complete indifference.

Debunking the myths: what bed bugs are not afraid of...

These include:

  • ultrasound - as special studies have shown, high-frequency sounds do not affect the behavior of bedbugs in any way
  • water with salt or soda, which craftsmen advise to do wet cleaning, does not scare parasites at all
  • magnetic resonance field. It was on him that the creators of ultrasonic emitters switched when more and more users began to be convinced of the uselessness of the latter. The magnetic field affects bedbugs in the same way as people: in order to drive them out of the house with the help of an emitter, you need radiation so powerful that even a person cannot withstand it.

And of course, various conspiracies, prayers, sayings and jokes that are still used in especially deep provinces will be completely useless in the fight against bed bugs. As long as they try to deal with parasites in such obviously senseless ways, they will flourish and delight a person with their neighborhood and unlimited appetite.

Fight insects the right way!


5 rules for choosing a service for the destruction of bedbugs


What you need to know about bed bugs to successfully deal with them


Last update: 2022-05-25

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "What are bed bugs most afraid of?" 93 comments
  1. Tatiana

    We have a lot of bedbugs, and we don’t know how to get rid of them, tell me.

    • Ludmila Ambre

      They scatter from Dichlorvos. Very effective "Mashenka" and a special syringe (forgot the name - sold there). Process skirting boards, ceiling perimeters, doors, windows, furniture legs. Efficiency is three to four years, but it is better to do prevention once a year.

  2. Ludmila

    We also had a lot, I save myself with a building hair dryer, when they hit them they die immediately, it has become less now.

  3. Maria

    I have bed bugs, how can I get them out of my apartment? I just have two small children.

  4. Daniyar

    Eating bedbugs, all bitten, help. How to deal with them? Please.

  5. Katia

    Call SES.

  6. Lera

    If bedbugs are all over the house, then not a single SES will help. I bully once every two weeks and change drugs all the time. And even if I can’t find it anymore, I still water it. Direct epidemic in St. Petersburg.

    • Anya

      Damn, I'm also from St. Petersburg, and the same problem. Bed bugs live in the house, the neighbors say that they always lived in our house, because. many visitors. And I'm horrified, steadily once every 2-3 years the bugs climb to us. Either mine or a neighbor's. I'm shocked. I poisoned with neostomazan, now it is not on sale 🙁

  7. Sam

    I am sure that there are no bedbugs in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan ... This is nonsense, I was there.

    • Anonymous

      Because the Tajiks brought them to us in Russia. So it's all about immigrants.

      • Anton

        You are absolutely something. In Tajikistan, it will be up to +50 degrees in summer. And the bugs, even at +23, can no longer breed.

        • Elena

          Bedbug eggs survive at temperatures up to 100 degrees. And the bugs themselves, when the temperature rises or falls, calmly hibernate, are activated in a climate that is pleasant for them.

      • Raya

        Sorry, but in Tajikistan there are no such insects as bedbugs. This is a lot in Russia, there is no need to blame migrants in vain.

      • Tony

        These are provocations! )

    • Anonymous

      Dear SAM, there are a lot of bedbugs in Turkmenistan.

      • Anonymous

        I came to St. Petersburg and saw what bedbugs are. Never seen these creatures before.

      • Anonymous

        And where there are no bedbugs, tell me? Bed bugs all over the world, bugs have taken over the world...

  8. Anonymous

    And we have appeared, they don’t let us live, everyone has stress.

  9. Mavjuda

    Yes, there are definitely no bedbugs in Tajikistan, since there is dryness, and in St. Petersburg there is a lot of humidity due to the weather. And as you know, bedbugs appear due to humidity, I myself am from Tajikistan and did not know about bedbugs, since I had never seen them.

    • Diva

      I was born and raised in South Kazakhstan.And I learned about the existence of scabies and bedbugs, as well as about various terrible and nightmarish animal diseases only in Russia ... Do not blame third-party outsiders)) Only in Russia is a favorable environment for any infection.

      • Anonymous

        I lived in Uzbekistan for 20 years and did not know and did not see bedbugs. In Vladivostok, I met them)) And more than once. The first time from their bites I got under a dropper. I was all bitten.

        • Anonymous

          I lived in Russia for 62 years and did not see bedbugs!

    • Asik

      There are a lot of them in China

      • Anonymous

        They have bedbugs - a delicacy.

  10. Grey

    We also have bedbugs, but after we poured boiling water over it (it helps a lot), they exploded and splashed the baseboards.

    • Anonymous

      How to destroy them, tell me? In a new apartment, on the couch. I can't sleep at night, I'm depressed, we scratch ourselves, even if we don't bite. They bit the children, the sanitary and epidemiological station came - they still go ((

      • Anonymous

        Only boiling water!

  11. Anna

    Get cockroaches

    • Anonymous

      Hello, do cockroaches help? Tell me please.

      • Anonymous


    • Jeanne

      I have three children, for two months we can not get rid of bedbugs. They advised to get cockroaches - yeah, now they live like a family, together, the zoo has become. They advised dichlorvos, so they are no longer afraid of him, they eat everything exactly. They advised to smear with alcohol - they bite. I already threw everything out of the house. The only thing that saves at the moment is wormwood scattered on the floor. And a folding bed - they are afraid of iron, they cannot climb. They love wood. Buy a bed with high iron legs and change clean linens more often. So you save yourself from bites at night, they won’t be able to get you. And so sleep for a year, they will die of hunger.

      • Anonymous

        It's nonsense that they are afraid of iron.We had an iron bed and an iron mesh, you hit it - they just pour in heaps.

      • Elena

        They will never die of hunger, nonsense! They will calmly climb onto the ceiling and start jumping on you from above. And if you think that they themselves have died out in your apartment ... I’m sorry, they can hibernate and return at any time in very large numbers.

      • Anonymous

        Buy the Hangman.

    • Anonymous

      Cockroaches are bullshit! My friends started it, there’s no show ...

    • Olga

      And there will be two problems instead of one. Then spiders are better, at least they are predators 🙂

  12. Olga

    We also have bed bugs. So angry ... And cockroaches do not help, we also have them. We've been taking it out for six months now. No results, we suffer terribly with children.

  13. Anonymous


  14. Semyon

    KARBOFOS! In any household chemicals. Dilute with water, pour into some kind of sprayer and spray the whole apartment, including cabinets, wallpaper, baseboards and all dark places with clothes together. You leave the apartment for a day, after you arrive, open the windows and ... Forgot about them. I know from personal experience.

    • Anonymous


      • Kseniya

        Karbofos is a proven tool and the most inexpensive. We only got rid of them.

  15. Anonymous

    For a month I water bedbugs with karbofos: furniture, baseboards, cabinets, beds, clothes. It became less.

    • Max

      This is stinking garbage ... Like, from clothes, the stink is wild, after all!

  16. aika

    They called the SES twice, to no avail, the bastards bite, it's unpleasant. I feel sorry for the child, all bitten, I don’t know what to poison.

    • Anonymous

      Probably, the house is old and there is a lot of moisture, mold, and such conditions are heaven for them. No SES will help, I know from my own experience.

  17. Anonymous

    There were no bed bugs in Tajikistan. Arriving here, I found out that there are bed bugs.I live in a hostel and I'm already tired of starving them.

  18. Catherine

    They poisoned with dichlorvos and did not spend the night at home, they came a couple of days later with karbofos - they turned the sofa over, and there were a hundred of them! And straight from the syringe into them! And they, poor things, all with their paws up ... We closed the windows, we will repeat in a week - all our friends assured that everything would work out. I do not even know.

    It's a shame that such bastards wound up. It seems that repairs have been made everywhere - they have not been seen anywhere, and the furniture is new. And yet they showed up. We still have 11 months for the child, she always shuddered and cried at night, but I didn’t understand what was happening ... Here, bastards, they bit the child. Including me, but my husband doesn’t care - his skin is thick.

  19. Anya

    The executioner tool, nothing else will help you.

  20. Anonymous

    A product containing chlorine or dust, as well as treatment with boiling water or steam.

  21. Anonymous

    Karbofos is garbage, they have long been accustomed to it, immunity has been formed for it, it does not take them ... Checked on personal experience, 2 times they called different services (private traders), at least something for bedbugs. Apparently, it was necessary to do a re-treatment in a couple of weeks, they rejoiced early, they thought that one would be enough, because. they said that you don't look like you have them. They started to make repairs, tore off everything, old wallpaper (in some places they were torn), a suspended ceiling. By the way, there were also several plinths between the seams. In general, they advised to mix karbofos with glue when gluing wallpaper, but there was no sense. Now we are thinking of throwing away the old sofa, buying a new one and again, but contacting some other service.

    Kerosene, vinegar, ammonia, tansy, wormwood - all this, of course, is good, but for a while, because. They are afraid of smells, but they won't die from it... Normal chemistry is needed here. So, we bought a fucking dorm room.And the SES in our city has not been doing this for a long time, and they said that they gave everything into the hands of private commercial organizations. They do other things, go to large enterprises, offices, etc. Why do they need huts ... And about some of the comments written above - well, it really smiled)) Everyone has such clean, prosperous countries, but they come to live in dirty, bad Russia. And then they complain that everyone doesn’t like them so much - so first learn to honor and respect the people and the country where you arrived, and not write all sorts of nasty things for it ... But no - so go home, comrades, go home!

    • Lesha

      Yeah, and don't forget your bedbugs)

    • Anya

      We have a lot of visitors from different eastern countries living in our house. Bed bugs creep in every three years. Tired of poisoning them, and with the presence of pets, this is generally not easy. They write that there are no bedbugs in the east, and practice shows that the dwellings of visiting guest workers are teeming with bedbugs. Why not?

  22. Hope

    The carbide is said to help.

  23. Asik

    They say the ants destroy them. Is it true, who knows?

    • Tatiana

      We have ants at home, and now bedbugs have appeared. We will fight, I just don’t know how ((

    • Andrew

      Get a hedgehog and there will be no one.

  24. Sergey

    Fufanon at a double dose, and repeat after two weeks. Calcium carbide helps too.

  25. Moon

    Hi all! These creatures are clearly from China, home delivery with furniture, etc. You need to poison twice a week, and so for a couple of weeks. Use the EXECUTION! Dilute the poison in a liter of water and spray the walls, carpets, bed, blanket. There is an executioner powder - you need to wash all clean linen at 60 ° C, and after drying, put everything in a vacuum bag.And finally: nothing just starts up, bedbugs are brought in so that we can buy all the previously prepared preparations.

  26. Leo

    Heat up the house to 65 degrees Celsius with a heat gun.

  27. Inna

    I recommend the executioner. Sprayed. The next morning came - all dead.

  28. Den

    28 years old - and did not know and did not see these bugs until he arrived in St. Petersburg) Horror and tin. The psyche suffered damage when you know that when you sleep, you are being eaten by some small nasty creatures.

    • Anya

      I'm from Peter. Also faced this problem. And the worst thing is that the neighbors are happy with everything! They are fine, they calmly tell me that the bugs have always been here. A nightmare.

  29. Farah

    I am from Tajikistan, and no one here knows anything about bedbugs, because they are not there. Complete nonsense!

  30. Nozima

    She lived in Uzbekistan for 22 years, did not know what bedbugs were. I found out the first week I arrived in New York. Bitten to death. Was in despair, hated this city. I fought as hard as I could. She even painted the apartment herself, dried all the clothes, bought the most expensive products. But they didn't disappear. I called the special service for $500, they helped me, saved me. Years later, I have been living in Chicago for 5 years, I again faced this problem. I called the security service again, but it did not help. There are no forces anymore. So big cities are big problems.

  31. Zhenya

    Until the age of 25, I had never seen these insects, and where I didn’t live - both in Europe and in Russia. I met this species in St. Petersburg when I came to study. Now I'm also trying to deduce in all ways. It turns out that bedbugs in St. Petersburg are not isolated cases, they are already here, probably, like pets, a sad picture.

  32. Aunt Motya

    Friends, it does not matter where the bugs came from in St. Petersburg.The fact is that people suffer from this abomination. Conclusion: do not panic and try alternately the methods that friends in misfortune advise. Good luck to everyone in the fight against the bloodsuckers! And to myself too.

  33. Elizabeth

    Try to lay out rags and discs soaked in kerosene everywhere and moisten them periodically when they dry. The bugs do not die, but they leave, it works well. And into the ventilation holes, too, from where they most likely crawl. They say that also turpentine and ammonia help. Always wash floors with ammonia for prevention. Try it - it really helps, you won't regret it. Cheap, but works flawlessly.

  34. Svetlana

    I want to remind you that in prisons there are only iron beds. Do you think there are no bedbugs?

  35. Anonymous

    Please tell me, are bedbugs so small, 2 mm, black and light, soft, can you crush them with your finger? Or is it not bedbugs? At night, something bites the child and the husband, and I hear something crawling. There are no cockroaches, a private house in the village. There are ants. At night I watch - ants crawl, but I don’t see if the ants eat them, these small black insects on the baseboards. These small ones are also in the kitchen, black and white come across in cardboard boxes, they are smeared with a finger - are these bedbugs? Or do bedbugs have a hard surface, like cockroaches? There are no seams under the mattress. On the wooden parts of the sofa, on the floor (boards) a pair of such incomprehensible black soft ones crawls. I also saw a couple of fleas. Maybe they bite at night ... I found it in a pillowcase and near a furry toy. My husband and daughter are allergic to bites. My son does not see any bites at all, but the whole sheet is in bloody dots, small spots. This was not the case before. 2 months something is eating us. The neighbor says that these are fleas, it looks like their bites - almost like from mosquitoes, redness, swelling.Grasses, too, 2 weeks already or more. Neostomazan. I hope these are not bedbugs, not like in the pictures, not scaly, soft.

    Can they be inside wadded mattresses or pillows? There are no signs outside, but something is biting.

    • Anonymous

      With a high probability, you have bed bugs. And they love to make their nests in mattresses.

    • Alex

      They are the best!!!

  36. Anonymous

    In Krasnoyarsk, the epidemic is simple, most of my friends complain (And we poisoned several times in a year and a half. Today, once again, the bitten woke up. The trouble is right! The best effect was from the Executioner - two treatments were enough with an interval of ten days, and there was no one for about a year. I'm going to the store again today.

    • Alex

      Tell me, please, where did you get it in Krasnoyarsk?

  37. Anonymous

    Raid helped me, powerful crap.

  38. Mommy

    Sprinkle the skirting board with dichlorvos (usually, it is called "odorless dichlorvos"), then coat the skirting boards on top and bottom with Masha's chalk. Further, you cover the sleeping places from below and on the sides, as well as the legs of the beds with Masha (thick layer, about 3 cm). Don't forget to circle the outlets and cabinets outside as well. Processing is carried out with the window open. It helps 100%, and those who write that poisoning is useless are lazy and dirty.

    If the neighbors are bastards, then do the chalk processing on baseboards and sockets once every six months.

  39. Anonymous

    Buy a steam cleaner, 130 degrees - enough for half a month, but without stink and chemistry.

    • Tatiana

      I have a manual steamer, I don’t know how to process a sofa with it. It's uncomfortable, damn it (tomorrow my husband will come home from work, let's do it). I'll post in terms of efficiency.

      • Julia

        Handheld steamer coped with reptiles?

  40. Igor

    Bed bugs from neighbors (hostel).A little over a year, appear in raids. I work with small Masha + dust for the baseboard + sofa and beds with a steam generator + mattress with an iron. The steam generator is a good thing, harmless. It can be used.

  41. Lara

    She poured boiling water over the whole room, added acetic acid and tea tree oil there. I threw out all the furniture, I also poured boiling water over the wallpaper. I set fire to the Quiet Evening saber and left with the cats for two hours. Aired for an hour, then started washing. I washed everything at 90°. Nobody bites, sort of. After 2 weeks, you need to repeat it again, since this cap does not work on the larvae. And in general, nothing affects them. Before processing, I shook them out of my clothes, but at that time my husband and I did not understand - apparently, they were in hibernation (they began to attack in droves after the rearrangement). Good luck to all.

  42. Irina

    Hello! Got bed bugs too. I'm fighting. When I come home from work, they immediately come running to me.

  43. Igor

    I don’t know who brought them, but I have been living in St. Petersburg for 30 years and only found out about them this year.

  44. Fatima

    There are bed bugs in Tajikistan. And how…

  45. Anonymous

    Comrades, doesn't it seem to you that these companies that are destroying them are planting bedbugs?

  46. Albina

    The Executioner helped me, though only for six months. I've tried everything, to no avail!

  47. Novel

    In the suburbs, he took Tajiks to work, there are a lot of bedbugs, they brought them in their bags! And you say that there are none in Tajikistan? Personally, Tajiks say that they are in bulk there. Settled on the first floor of the house, tin. I forced them to pull out all the furniture, they burned everything. Disinfectors have arrived, well, let's see. I'll spread out the wormwood later. Money is not a pity, if only the creatures would die.

    Already there were thoughts and demolish the house! I sent my family to my mother-in-law, I have a little son.I'm furious! I have never seen bedbugs in my life, and when experts started showing their nest - well, words cannot describe it ... Maybe 1000, or maybe a million. It's actually creepy and scary! I hope for disinfection, I will call more often now. Tajikistan kicked out, I'd rather work myself. Furniture, probably 150 thousand thrown away. The house is poisoned, I'm lying in the car, I dream that they will die!

    Good luck friends. In the end, you need to be afraid of people, and they didn’t fight like that 🙂 We will win, I hope!

  48. Mila

    Kukaracha helped, I bought it in the sanitary and epidemiological station, in my city.

  49. Anonymous

    The steamer helped us a lot! At full capacity put up and steamed all the furniture. And then they reappeared after spending the night with a relative ... They went on the ferry again - and that's it, they disappeared. Overnight again, and again these bastards appeared! I realized that it is necessary to fight not with the symptoms, but with the cause. If there is a source of infection around you, then getting rid of bedbugs will only temporarily give an effect, unfortunately ...

  50. Sonya

    I live in Dushanbe. I have a lot of them in my apartment, I don't know what to do. I have two small children...

  51. Alex

    Tell me, how do bedbugs bite? Does it hurt or not? And what they look like. The fact is that the other day I woke up, and the calves are all in bumps, itching and bumps on the side of the body, about 5 pieces (about 8-10 mm). I didn't feel anything though. I have been living for 40 years and have never encountered them. Looked it up on the internet, what's the point. We need to know people.

    • Anna

      Bites usually look like specks at first, then itch. Another sign is several bites located nearby (the bug crawls and bites along the road). Plus, traces of blood can remain on the sheet.

  52. Lyosha

    Until the age of 35, I didn’t even know what bugs were! I met them when I moved to St. Petersburg (in a communal apartment).

  53. Anonymous

    I live in Toronto, tortured by bedbugs. The owners, where I rent a room, do not want to pay money to the service for their destruction, it is very expensive. So Canada is full of bed bugs.


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