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The use of Tetrix bedbugs and reviews about it

Last update: 2022-06-11
≡ Article has 35 comments
  • Yana: Tell me where to order?.. We have been fighting with 3 children for a year. Already cost...
  • Angela: Where did you buy it?...
  • Lena: I bought the ORIGINAL, it is sold in different packaging. The main thing ...
See bottom of page for details

Getting acquainted with the remedy for bedbugs Tetrix

Judging by the reviews found about Tetrix from bedbugs, those who came close to the invasion of these insects in their homes consider it almost a panacea in the difficult task of getting rid of blood-sucking parasites. Let's find out if this remedy, produced in the Netherlands, really has such a wonderful effect, and can its high efficiency come back to something negative?


We live in a family hostel, so recently red spots began to appear on my husband's hands. For a long time they could not believe that the bugs were biting, because he was actually allergic, you never know what there could be a reaction to. Until one night they turned on the light and saw these parasites. In the morning we found more of their nests. We decided not to waste time on trifles and bought a Tetrix tool on the Internet. The effect turned out to be simply otpadno - not only bedbugs, but even flies dried up, then they found dead cockroaches. The main thing is not to overdo it, because the remedy is quite vigorous.

Olga, Saratov


Who buys Tetrix and why

The information on the label of Tetrix from bedbugs indicates that it contains two strong poisons for insects: cypermethrin and the methyl analogue of thiophos (metaphos). Due to this, the agent has a pronounced effectiveness against any insects, combining both contact and intestinal action. Blood-sucking insects, which include bedbugs, are especially well amenable to destruction.

Thanks to metaphos, Tetrix well destroys blood-sucking insects and their larvae.

You can buy Tetrix in metal or plastic canisters (they differ in different expiration dates), as well as in glass bottles. The drug is sold in large packages (canister capacity - 1 l and 5 l, and bottles - 250 ml). Considering the fact that the price of the Tetrix bedbug remedy is quite high (about 2000 rubles per 0.25 l bottle), it is not always affordable for the owners to use it in a separate apartment.

Tetrix is ​​sold in large containers

Accordingly, this drug is mainly of interest to professional exterminators for processing large areas. Judging by the reviews about the Tetrix preparation, it can also be useful to residents of an apartment building who decide to join their efforts in the fight against bedbugs, or residents of remote settlements where it is not possible to call a team of exterminators, and even owners of animal nurseries in order to fight ticks and fleas.


Despite the high cost, buying Tetrix from bedbugs turned out to be more profitable than calling a brigade to process all the apartments in our entrance. We bought the product on the recommendation of the Ecopest service. After double treatment, the bugs no longer appeared either with us or with the neighbors.

Oleg, Khimki


Where to find the remedy

To begin with, buying the original Tetrix from bedbugs is a very difficult task, since it is almost impossible to find it in the free market. It is also somewhat puzzling that it is not in the register of products that have passed state registration, unlike other common bedbug remedies (for example, Medilis Tsiper, Fufanon).

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Although Tetrix has gained fame as an effective remedy for bedbugs, it is not easy to buy it.

For those who still seriously decided to buy Tetrix somewhere, we will tell you that it is easiest to find it for residents of cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. You can buy a remedy for bedbugs Tetrix in Moscow on highly specialized sites like, or, which will deliver the order around the city and region without any problems.

You can buy Tetrix in St. Petersburg on the website I must say that the price of Tetrix in all the listed organizations is approximately the same.

Now let's see where you can buy Tetrix for residents of the regions of Russia and other countries? It is delivered to the regions of Russia (on an advance payment) by all the same organizations that were mentioned above. But in Ukraine it is quite difficult to buy this drug from bedbugs. The only organization offering it for purchase throughout the country is located at Offers to sell this product “on tap” should be treated with caution, since in this case the probability of a fake is too high.

It is interesting

Before pyrethroids were synthesized (in the 70s), organophosphorus compounds (OPs) were widely used in agriculture after the Second World War. Sufficiently unsafe for humans, they nevertheless differed in a more benign effect on the environment than previously used organochlorine compounds (DDT and hexachloran). PhOS also includes the military poison gas sarin, which was discovered in 1938 by the Germans, trying to create a new pesticide. The main disadvantages of OPs include the increasing resistance of pests to them, as well as a high level of toxicity to mammals.


How safe is Tetrix?

If you carefully consider the label of the Tetrix bedbug remedy, you can easily notice a red square and the inscription "Dangerous". These signs, as well as the names of the poisons included in it, are indeed indicated for a reason - the remedy is very dangerous for non-professionals to use.

Although cypermethrin in the composition of the drug is characterized by relatively low toxicity to humans and animals, nevertheless, the methyl analogue of thiophos is a strong poison of the organophosphorus group. Thiophos and similar substances (metaphos, methylethylthiophos) can be compared in toxicity with hydrocyanic acid or strychnine. Moreover, they are absorbed into the blood very quickly.

It is also useful to read: Fufanon from bedbugs: reviews

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The formula of the methyl analogue of thiophos - metaphos (otherwise methyl parathion)

You can get poisoned by them just by inhaling their vapors or after getting a large dose of poison on the skin and mucous membranes. If you do not take urgent measures in case of poisoning, it is even possible to develop seizures and other unpleasant consequences. Accordingly, if used incorrectly, Tetrix is ​​a poison not only for bed bugs, but also for people.

Decidedly going to deal with the destruction of bedbugs with the help of Tetrix, you need to arm yourself with a change of clothes, gloves and a respirator without fail, and preferably goggles to protect your eyes. After treating insect-affected surfaces, remove used protective equipment, wash with soap and rinse your mouth.

Protective equipment must be worn before surface treatment


On the second floor below us lives such a family ... just awful! As bedbugs crawled from them, not only can I sleep at night, I can’t sit on the couch. Everywhere on the Internet they write about the super drug Tetrix, it seems to kill bedbugs instantly. Only now it is sold on Moscow sites, and delivery also has to wait. In general, we did not wait, we called our disservice and signed up for processing.

Daria, Novosibirsk


How to use Tetrix correctly?

It must be said right away that only healthy people should carry out the processing of the premises in compliance with all safety rules. Children and pregnant women should not be indoors at this time.

It is best to entrust the processing of the premises to a healthy man

It goes without saying that during and immediately after spraying the drug, you should not eat or smoke. Before work, sprayers must be checked for serviceability so that they do not come into contact with poison once again.

On a note

If the product does get on the skin, you should quickly wash it off with warm water and soap, then treat the skin area with a solution of ammonia (5 percent), and then rinse again with water. Before washing, the clothes used in the treatment must first be soaked in household (in extreme cases, food) soda, and then rinsed thoroughly until the water is clear. The greenish color of the water is due to the decomposition products of the metaphos, which is destroyed under the influence of an alkaline soda solution.

Tetrix should be diluted strictly according to the instructions that come with the bottle or canister. The treatment itself is carried out using a sprayer or atomizer by spraying poison on walls, spaces under beds, sofas, carpets and mattresses, in all kinds of cracks and holes, ventilation grills, on the back surfaces of cabinets, paintings, etc.

After applying the product, you need to properly ventilate the room and try not to go there without a respirator for several hours. Then you need to wash the floor and other surfaces with which human or pet contact is possible with soap and water.


Does karbofos help get rid of bedbugs in an apartment?


An example of treating an apartment from bedbugs


Last update: 2022-06-11

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "The use of Tetrix bedbug remedies and reviews about it" 35 comments
  1. Syoma

    You will not find anything more powerful than "TETRIX"! Believe me, I live in a hostel, I know a lot about bedbugs and cockroaches 🙂

  2. Angela

    Long fought with bedbugs! They just didn’t try anything, there was a real panic, depression, apathy) “Tetrix” was pickled the first time, everything turned out to be quick and simple. Super powerful poison!

  3. Ivan

    Tetrix is ​​banned for sale and use on the territory of the Russian Federation, after frequent cases of poisoning, just for information.

  4. Vasilisa

    Tell me, Vanya, how do you know such nonsense?! Are you sitting somewhere and specifically fixing such poisonings??? Nukas, at least one case sound. And then we have been poisoning our change houses with Tetrix for five years - and nothing.

    • Lisa

      Vasilisa, and what, really, for 5 years of using this drug, they could not get rid of bedbugs ?! Where is its effectiveness here ?!

      • Novel

        You think very PRIMITIVE, but that's natural for 85% of people. Who lives in these cabins; how they use these cabins; where do bedbugs come from? But why am I writing this to you? It will be easier for me to teach my cat to speak.

  5. Denis

    Where can I buy this tetrix?

  6. Anonymous

    Just got started, please help. You need an address or phone number.

  7. Tolik

    Can you please tell me where to buy it?

  8. Andrew

    Only Tetrix! No sanitary epidemics will help (we invited them 4 times). Don't skimp on this. Bedbugs reproduce very quickly and are extremely tenacious.For about 4 months we could not remove these parasites. We bought all sorts of super dichlorvos, raptors and other means! They threw away the sofa. They defaced the apartment. Nothing. NOTHING but Tetrix will help you!

    • Oleg

      Hello. Can you please tell me where you bought this product?

  9. Summin A.V.

    Somehow they poisoned us with Tetrix, threw themselves off the entrance (except for two apartments, which, in principle, do not need anything, as long as they are not touched). We bought a liter aluminum barrel (it seems like it’s not a fake, they said it was in an aluminum container). In short, this liter was enough for the eyes and I think it’s enough for the floor of the entrance. The bugs were blown away by the wind! A neighbor also found woodlice at home, or rather, his wife says she almost lost consciousness))

  10. Anonymous

    I will sell Tetrix 0.5 l as unnecessary, the product is excellent, they etched all the creatures the first time.

    • Anonymous

      How much?

    • Anonymous

      Where to buy, or your number?

    • Anonymous

      I will buy. What is the price?

  11. Irina

    Where to buy this Tetrix? Searched the entire internet

  12. Elena

    Where could I buy?

  13. Inga Shabanova

    I really want to try this remedy for the destruction of bedbugs (Tetrix).

  14. Vakhtang

    Good day! I want to order Tetrix in a large capacity. How much does it cost, how to do it?

  15. Kira

    I really need this miracle cure. Tell me where to buy?

  16. Tanya

    Already tired of fighting, wasting money on SES. I'm also waiting for an answer where to buy Tetrix. Please help, who knows!

  17. Svetlana

    Everyone writes about a miracle remedy, but where to buy is silent.

    • Natasha

      Through the Internet, there you pay and send by mail. Good luck!

  18. Sarina

    Where and on what site can I buy?

  19. Sarina

    3 times called a specialist, does not help (

  20. Svetlana

    I never thought that I would “get” into such a batch ... Neighbors from the 3rd and 4th floors all quietly poisoned bedbugs in turn. I was horrified when the bites appeared, I thought it was an allergy, I took pills for a week in a row. Then she found a bug on the wall, it turned out to be a bug. Horror, 21st century! I talked to a neighbor and found out that it was all over the house. Those who withdrew just used the Tetrix tool, SES did not help!

  21. Catherine

    What happens if I get a bed bug remedy in my mouth?

  22. Anonymous

    Does it really help?

  23. Elena

    I find bedbugs in the apartment every month, and we also call the SES every month. And along the way, they themselves were poisoned. Here, again, the SES was called again, they advised and treated the apartment with Tetrix (acute chemistry, m.k.). Paid 13700 rubles. 2 weeks have passed, this morning I noticed a bite. And in the next room today I found a bug. Called SES again. I don't know how to live on... How to fight? What drug to poison? Everywhere in the reviews they write that they will poison and live in peace. And there is no shift...

  24. Ilya

    To have an effect, it is necessary to poison with neighbors on the floor. They poisoned me, it was enough for a month, then again. It turned out that the neighbors were visiting.

  25. saury

    I bought Tetrix, sprinkled everywhere. To make sure what the result would be, she sprayed Tetrix on the bug itself from close range. I could not believe my eyes - blood came out of the bug. A very powerful remedy. 4 days have passed, not everyone has died yet. Let's wait three more days.

    • Angela

      Where did you buy?

  26. Lena

    I bought the ORIGINAL, it is sold in different packaging. The main thing is not to take a fake, forgers do not have small packaging. They sell only liters, which confused me.

  27. Yana

    Tell me where to order? .. We have been fighting with 3 children for a year.Already completely fucked up. Need to Belarus, help.


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