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Vinegar against lice and nits: is it really effective and how to use it

Last update: 2022-06-07
≡ Article has 147 comments
  • Tatyana: Previously, lice were removed with kerosene, henna, and vinegar. But it's all in...
  • Anonymous: This paranit does not help at all, both ran and ...
  • Alice: D 95 pediculicide Twins Tek. Efficient and one...
See bottom of page for details

Vinegar is a well-known and quite effective remedy for lice, but it is very important to know how to use it correctly.

Vinegar is a well-known folk remedy for lice. As rich folk experience shows, as well as quite modern research, vinegar against lice and nits can indeed be effective, but its thoughtless use is often associated with unwanted side effects and even accidents.

Therefore, before trying to remove lice with vinegar, you should definitely carefully familiarize yourself with the features of this substance and the process as a whole, and subsequently act with strict control of the condition of the infected, especially the child.

In terms of effectiveness, recipes using lice vinegar are somewhat inferior to today's popular shampoos and lotions containing various insecticides. After a one-time treatment, vinegar kills lice, but not all, but at the same time it effectively affects nits.

Vinegar can weaken the strength of the attachment of nits to the hair

The photo shows a nit firmly attached to the hair.

Here we cannot talk about the complete removal of nits with vinegar, but most of the eggs from such a treatment are easily peeled off from the hair and can subsequently be combed out with combs.

On a note

In order to remove lice with vinegar, you can use spirit, apple, wine and any other vinegar. It is only important to monitor its concentration - the bottle for use should contain no more than 9% of acetic acid itself. This is the maximum possible concentration for food vinegar.

Compared with many other folk remedies, vinegar for lice and nits is the most effective remedy. In terms of effectiveness, only hellebore water and kerosene can compete with it. However, the first turns out to be much more expensive, and the second is too complicated and also dangerous to use.

Hellebore water - no less famous than vinegar, a remedy for lice

Kerosene, used by grandmothers to fight lice, is very unsafe to use

So, let's take a closer look at how to get rid of lice with vinegar and how exactly this substance affects parasites.


The principle of action of vinegar: why is it dangerous for lice?

In folk medicine, a vinegar solution for lice is usually used, since concentrated acetic acid is very caustic and can cause skin burns.

Undiluted acetic acid can cause severe skin burns!

Such a solution, having an acetic acid concentration of not more than 9%, is poisonous to adult lice and their larvae, and with a large amount of it on the scalp and hair, it quickly leads to the death of almost all insects. Those parasites that do not die are in such a weakened state after the procedure that they can be easily combed out from the head with a special comb.

Lice comb set AntiV

In the photo - lice combed out with a comb

Vinegar does not have an ovicidal effect (that is, it does not kill nits). However, nit vinegar is effective in that it helps to loosen nit attachment to the hair, which makes it much easier to get rid of them later by combing.

On a note

Just as lice do not like vinegar, they do not tolerate cranberry juice and hellebore water.At the same time, cranberry juice acts on nits in the same way as vinegar, and hellebore water kills adult lice more effectively.


It is also useful to read: Using anise oil to get rid of lice

And further: You need to know the enemy by sight - detailed photographs of lice and nits (including macro photography). Terrible thing...

Rules for the use of vinegar against lice and nits

Vinegar treatment for lice requires a minimum of two hair treatments. This is due to the fact that after the initial treatment, some of the most firmly stuck nits may remain on the hair, from which young larvae will hatch later. It is this “second batch” of lice that will need to be removed with vinegar during re-treatment (a few days after the first).

Vinegar treatment will have to be done at least twice to remove all lice

Before you get rid of lice with vinegar, you should first properly prepare the vinegar solution. For this, ordinary table vinegar of 9% concentration is taken and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 (2 parts of water are added to one part of vinegar).

To prepare a solution for lice, you will need table vinegar (9%)

To treat the head from lice, vinegar must be diluted with water.

It is undesirable to take vinegar essence for this in order to minimize the risk of accidental burns during dilution. If there is no choice, then 16 parts of water should be added to 1 part of the essence. Before you dilute vinegar from nits, you should find an indication of its concentration - mistakes here can lead to serious consequences.

Further treatment for lice with vinegar is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Dry combed hair is moistened with a prepared solution of vinegar. Ideally, the hair is wiped with a towel soaked in the solution so that as little vinegar as possible gets on the scalp. Hair is wetted along the entire length.
  • A scarf or a plastic cap (package) is put on the head.If the hair is long, after soaking it with vinegar, it should be tied up and hidden under the bag. This is necessary so that the vinegar acts as effectively as possible on the lice without evaporating.
  • The bag or scarf is kept on the head for half an hour or an hour, after which it is removed, and the hair is carefully combed with a comb, preferably with a special lice comb. In this case, a large number of simply weakened parasites and peeled off nits will be removed from the head.

After treating the head with vinegar, it is advisable to put a special cap on your head.

Combing should be done over a sheet or bathtub so that the parasites do not get on clothes, floors or bedding.

After all the procedures, the head should be washed several times with shampoo in order to wash out all the vinegar and rid the hair of its sour smell.


“I never thought about how to remove lice. We have always removed them either with kerosene or vinegar. While I was living in Moscow, my daughter caught this infection a couple of times, we bought all kinds of shampoos, but they were no more useful than the same vinegar and kerosene. Vinegar is even easier - it does not stink so terribly. Now, if sometimes someone in the family has lice, we immediately wash our hair with vinegar, put on a bag, wash it off after an hour - and that’s it.”

Anna, Tula

A week later, the whole procedure should be repeated. This will ensure that the remaining single larvae on the head will not breed in a few months.


Combining Vinegar with Other Lice Remedies

Getting rid of lice with vinegar is useful to combine with other remedies for these parasites. It is most effective to use a vinegar solution along with a special lice comb. Vinegar helps loosen the nits from the hair and knock out adult lice, making subsequent use of the comb especially effective.

And further: Secrets of getting rid of lice and nits on your own (the article has more than 300 comments)

You can buy any of these combs - AntiV, Full Marx, Robi Comb. They are all quite effective.

Comb AntiV - a very effective tool for combing lice and nits from hair


“For a long time I was afraid to try vinegar from lice, because I heard about its danger and did not know how to breed. But I definitely didn’t want to remove lice with all sorts of chemical means. I walked for three days and knew about this muck on my head, then I finally decided. It smells, of course, terribly, the hair after it is dry and brittle, but in general, removing lice with vinegar is a simple matter. I knew that it would not work right away to remove the nits, and a week later I repeated the whole thing. Everything worked out, I combed my hair with a simple comb, after the second approach there were no more lice left.

Inna, Vladivostok

You can get rid of lice and nits with vinegar even more effectively if you combine it with hellebore water, wormwood decoction or cranberry juice. This will strengthen the blow to the parasites and further weaken them.


Safety and Side Effects of Vinegar Lice Control

You should always remember that vinegar can be dangerous not only for lice. But also for you:

  • hair even from a small amount of vinegar dries and becomes brittle, they may split ends
  • hair color after treatment with vinegar may change
  • at high concentrations, vinegar can corny burn the skin on the head. Therefore, vinegar should be used to get rid of lice or nits in the concentrations strictly specified above.

If vinegar is used incorrectly, it can damage the hair and scalp.

These precautions are especially relevant for children - their skin on the head is more delicate, and it is easier to harm it.

In general, it should be understood that lice vinegar helps, but has its own side effects.Therefore, it can be used, but with great care.


What you need to know if your child has lice


About the features of the life of lice and the diseases that they are able to endure


An example of a huge number of lice in a child's hair


Last update: 2022-06-07

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Vinegar against lice and nits: is it really effective and how to use it" 147 comments
  1. Anonymous

    I did not dilute the vinegar with water, I hope there will be nothing?

    • Olya

      Listen, well, not the stone age. I understand that in our childhood there was nothing but kerosene and vinegar, but now there are, for example, American LiceGuard electronic combs, which kill both lice and nits with a tiny discharge. Not only did we remove the lice from both children, but we also use it for prevention once every few months. The child does not feel anything, the skin does not burn. How a hand rises to pour vinegar or kerosene on a child with modern means!

      • Inna

        And we only kerosene.

        • Anonymous

          How so?

      • Anonymous

        So they don't help at all.

      • Anonymous

        How much does this comb cost and where can I buy it?

        • Anonymous

          Bought for 200 rubles. in a pharmacy.

      • Anonymous

        Sorry, but I can say that many do not have the funds for American LiceGuard electronic combs, which “kill both lice and nits with a tiny discharge.” Forgive me, of course, but you may have been snickering, and it’s not good to climb here then, if you have the means.

    • Ariana Grande

      Nothing will happen with vinegar, and kerosene can burn the skin.

      • Ira

        Mix kerosene 1:1 with sunflower oil, the effect is the same, but it does not burn either the scalp or the hair.

        • Anonymous

          Nothing helped us

    • Alya

      As a child, my mother always rinsed my hair with vinegar diluted with water after washing it. There were no burns. But whether it helps with nits - I doubt it. Maybe it poisons lice, but it definitely does not work on nits. It is better after you treat your head with vinegar, carefully comb your head with an Antiv's medical comb. You will immediately understand whether you have got rid of parasites or not. But, most likely, you will have to pull out the nits with a comb.

    • Anonymous

      Of course it will!

  2. Masha

    At one time I was afraid to process the head of a child with vinegar, and suddenly burns or irritation. And it is not yet known whether this would help. Vinegar is needed to make the nits peel off the hair more easily, so I decided to look for something safer and found Nit Free mousse. Its effect lies precisely in the fact that it perfectly dissolves the glue of nits and, with a light touch, they fall out of the hair. It is enough after him to comb each strand well and that's it, the treatment is over. And at the same time, there are no negative consequences for the health of the child.

    • for Masha

      Have you decided to advertise this mousse on all sites? Wherever you go - everywhere they registered with him

  3. Varonina

    Vinegar... Well, I don't know. It's like an acid.At least, there will be nothing good for the scalp and hair, even if it is possible to cope with lice, then other problems will increase. I also saw kerosene in the article. It doesn't fit at all. I removed lice from the head of children with Paranit. One bottle was enough for two.

    • Masha

      Yesterday I found nits in my daughter, I did everything with vinegar. Hair became soft and shiny. I didn't burn my head. The nits combed out well. And now everything that is advertised in pharmacies does not help.

      • Svetlana

        I agree completely, I have already tried two products: spray (stink to horror) and shampoo. Neither one nor the other helped. I will try the vinegar.

        • Faith

          Hello, I agree with you, I tried everything, but no results. They suggested vinegar to me - and surprisingly it turned out. Hair is soft and shiny. It's just that the procedure needs to be repeated several times.

        • Mariska

          And I took my son out with D 95 at a time, quickly and efficiently. My child does not tolerate vinegar at all.

      • Nastya

        Masha, in what proportions was the vinegar diluted?

        • Anonymous

          1 tbsp 9% vinegar to 2 tbsp. water for adults;

          1 tbsp 9% vinegar to 3 tbsp. water for children.

      • Anonymous

        In general, how and what to do with vinegar, can you write everything in detail?

        • Darius

          The article says

    • Hope

      Nothing to the skin will not! Just when you rinse your hair with vinegar, the main thing is to close your eyes, and the hair after vinegar only becomes softer!

      • Anonymous

        Yes, it's true

    • Anonymous

      This paranit does not help absolutely in any way, as they ran, and they run around the head. I try with vinegar, diluted 1:1. Pediculen ultra did not help either.

  4. Larisa

    I didn’t dare to treat my daughter with any means at all: neither folk, nor pharmacy.I decided to go straight to the experts. center. I still do not regret it, since the lice were removed to her on the same day. And without any harm to health. Moreover, they give a guarantee, and practical advice about the disinfection of things and premises. In general, I was very satisfied.

  5. Love

    Generally, the hair is rinsed with diluted vinegar and it does not and cannot bring any harm to the hair and scalp. Kerosene can burn the scalp, but the comments about the harm from diluted vinegar for the hair are touching.

  6. Tolkien

    Does vinegar harm the head?

    • Anonymous

      There may be slight reddening of the skin, and there may be a burn on the neck.

  7. Tanya

    If you correctly carry out the prevention of pediculosis, then you will not need to process your hair with vinegar or other means. We have Nit Free menthol spray for these purposes. Of course, I explain to the children that you can’t take other people’s things, but this spray definitely saves us. For example, about a month ago, when all the children in the group had lice, they were not found in my daughter 🙂 I'm just 100% sure that this is not just an accident, but thanks to the spray.

  8. Ekaterina

    I tried kerosene - it helped, but the nits did not come out. Then she became her daughter vinegar, well, it seemed to help.

  9. Natalia

    I removed lice to my child with Nit Free oil. It is natural and does not cause any harm to health, but lice suffocate from it and die. Or rather, not from him, but because of the lack of oxygen. It is a pity, of course, that it does nothing with nits, they still need to be combed out, but the process is greatly facilitated.

  10. Ariana Grande

    Dear women, my sister also had lice. But I do not distribute the inscription on the Internet that they were.Girls, do not disgrace yourself in front of the whole country, tell me, why are you giving this in the comments?

    • Anya

      Here, normal people, by the way, ask each other for advice so as not to remain bald. And if you are so shy about it, then what - good luck, sort it out yourself, buy expensive lotions and spend money just like that! Here no one is dishonored, in our country every first walks with lice. I don't think it's such a shame to ask people for help. And besides, you wrote that you did not distribute that your sister had lice - so congratulations, you already wrote it!

      • Natalia

        I fully support you. Personally, I don't think it's a shame. This is the problem for many. Husband found nits on his daughter. At first I thought that he was joking, because we simply have nowhere to pick up this muck. We don't go to kindergarten. She began to sin against her older sons, they study at school. I checked both and they are clean. I combed out lice only from my daughter and from myself. My husband is clean too. I can’t understand where we picked them up with our daughters. Could not withdraw for almost a month. Bought Paranit. It is written that it kills both lice and nits. In fact - only lice, nothing is done to nits. When I came to the pharmacy again, the pharmacist girl advised me to dry my hair after treatment with paranit and walk with an iron (hair straightener) or hot air from a hair dryer. So you burn all the nits, they do not like hot. This is the only way to get rid of these parasites.

      • Bakytzhan

        Well done, Anya!

      • Irina

        You can use hellebore water. I also encountered pediculosis, so no one is immune from this. Arm yourself with hellebore water, tar soap, all this is inexpensive, it will come out - 70 comb, water 50r, soap about 30r.

        • Glasha

          And with us, a scallop costs at least 650 rubles, and the cheapest shampoo is 300.

      • Anonymous


    • Alya

      There is nothing shameful in this, it can happen to anyone. We are in contact with so many people a day, perhaps with something sick ... I think that a large number of children went through this. If this topic seems shameful to you, then do not go to such topics and that's it!

    • Anonymous

      If there are many non-distributors like you, then people will not know how to solve this problem.

    • Anonymous

      Well, actually, these are not pubic lice. Only together can we fight pediculosis, as now there is an epidemic. Pharmacy funds only help to empty the wallet. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

  11. Anonymous

    I have nits, or how to say, but they look like dandruff. Maybe this is dandruff?

    • Anonymous

      You know, there are also tubes, but these are not lice, and not nits, and not dandruff.

  12. Sasha

    I got the nits out with vinegar the first time! I diluted 1 glass of water and a glass of vinegar and rubbed it well into the skin. I left it for 15 minutes and then washed my hair with shampoo. It all went away and, despite the warnings about the dangers of vinegar on my hair and skin, it did not hurt my hair at all. Hair remained the same - without split ends, not brittle and shiny.

    • Anonymous


    • Anastasia

      What is the percentage of vinegar, 9%?

      • Anonymous

        Yes, 9%, it is advised to dilute 1 to 2, one part vinegar, 2 water.

  13. Kristina

    For girls: you can just paint your head and keep the paint on your head for 10-15 minutes longer, and then the effect will be ...

  14. Tatiana

    I don't know what to do anymore, give me some advice.

  15. Guest

    Wow, 1 cup of vinegar?

    • Julia

      My daughter has lice for the second time. Here is the first time got rid of vinegar. Helped. And today, too, I will be vinegar.

  16. Manyats

    At school, the daughter became infected.I don't know how to remove nits. Lice brought out clean. There will be a school test today. I complained.

  17. Kristina

    And vinegar definitely helps, tell me, please? I am 13 years old )

    • Anonymous

      Christina, no more, vinegar should not exceed 9%, and then dilute 1 to 2 with water!

  18. Alya

    As a child, my mother always rinsed my hair with vinegar diluted with water after washing it. There were no burns. But whether it helps with nits - I doubt it. It may poison lice, but it definitely does not work on nits. It is better after you treat your head with vinegar, carefully comb your head with an Antiv's medical comb. You will immediately understand whether you have got rid of parasites or not. But, most likely, you will have to pull out the nits with a comb.

  19. Evgeniy

    What other ways are there?

    • Inna

      Hygia shampoo does not help at all, only kerosene - once or twice, and that's it.

      • Anonymous

        Neither Hygia nor Veda helps. Shampoos are total bullshit. On the second day after treatment with Hygiea, the child found 6 pieces alive.

      • Anonymous

        I agree with you, Hygia is complete crap, does not help at all.

  20. Anonymous

    This is terrible, I have lice and nits!

  21. Anonymous

    Today, for the second time, I treated the child’s head with 9 percent vinegar 1: 2 with water: nits are easily removed from the hair, the lice were combed out with an ordinary comb. At first they were treated with pharmaceutical products, but all this is nonsense. Vinegar worked better.

  22. Maria Angelina

    And I bought a nude on the advice of a friend. 100% helped her, and after 4 days, her daughter’s head itched again, she processed it again. I also soaked it in vinegar today. Scabs on the head/sores. I already have neurosis. And she cut the baby's hair short.

  23. Maria

    The lice were brought home by my husband's nieces. In general, on the same day, as I found out, I bought Paranit shampoo. There were 5 of them for the whole family.And then I also discovered nits ((My son was immediately below zero, my daughter’s hair is sparse, I chose it with my hands. I combed it out with a comb, smeared it with Paranit ... The nits sat like that. In general, I took vinegar, 6 percent, and without even diluting it (freaked out), I smeared my hair. I kept it under the bag for half an hour, there were no burns and redness. Then, right on the vinegar, paranit, and began to comb out. The nits began to comb out before my eyes, with one paranit and there was no such effect. So now, after three days, I will comb it again with vinegar all this muck.

  24. Anonymously

    Girls, help, please, I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m already crying. I’m 19, I got these lice from my sister, she also has lice, we haven’t been able to get rid of them for 4-5 years - we tried all means, nothing helps. I'm crying out of desperation, please help me :(

    • Anonymous

      Vinegar to the rescue

      • Anonymous

        How about apple cider vinegar?

        • Anonymous

          How is apple cider vinegar solution made for lice and nits?

  25. Anonymous

    Please tell me how to distinguish - is it lice or dandruff? I am 14 years old. So how to recognize? I combed it out with a comb, but I didn’t find lice, and my head was falling off. So how should I proceed?

    • Jeanne

      Dandruff does not stick to the hair and falls off at the slightest touch, unlike nits or lice.

  26. Valeria

    I bought Lavinal, it is based on essential oils, not cheap, did not help. After the first treatment, there were no survivors, but after a few days they reappeared, although they were combed out with a comb. It does not work on nits, but the packaging says 100% removal of lice and nits. I will try vinegar.

  27. Anonymous

    It started for me when we were on the train - that's where I picked it up. What remedy is needed? It seems to me that it takes a long time to remove in thick hair, eh ... Maybe try vinegar?

  28. Irina

    The child picked up this muck somewhere, 5 years old. Vinegar did not help, can not hold for a long time. We tried kerosene - the effect is better, but not completely. Who has tried hellebore water?

    • Anonymous

      When they first tried it, it helped a lot, killed both the living and the nits. But the last time only a few live ones died and about 9 out of 10 nits. The rest must be mechanically combed out.

  29. Anastasia

    We have already tried everything: vinegar, and hellebore water, and shampoos from these parasites. It remains to try wormwood ((I have long, thick hair, my daughter’s shoulder length, she has already been cut 2 times. I don’t know what to do, school is coming soon. It’s not clear where they picked it up. Maybe you should contact a special center, just how to find them , we live in Novosibirsk, maybe someone will tell you.Thanks in advance.

  30. Vika

    Vinegar is the best

    • Anonymous

      How to dilute vinegar with water? I don't understand, please write more.

      • Darius

        1 part vinegar to 2 water. That is, take, for example, 100 ml of 9% vinegar and dilute with 200 ml of water.

    • Anonymous

      Tell me, do you comb it out on a washed head after treatment with vinegar, or immediately after you smear your hair?

  31. Galya

    How to get rid of lice and nits, tell me, please.

  32. Olga

    I also got my 11 year old daughter nits out with a hair straightener! What we just didn’t try: from pharmaceutical products, and vinegar, and kerosene, nits could not be combed out to the end, but they quickly dealt with lice. Her hair is very thick and long. Yes, and I got infected, my hair is also long, not thick, but in the spring I did chemistry, now I am suffering, because it is very difficult to comb out myself. I'll try ironing too.

  33. Anonymous

    Does vinegar really help?

  34. Galina

    I also try vinegar, I don’t know if it will help.Is it true that a hair dryer burns nits?

  35. Lika

    I am 14 years old, I picked up lice, my mother brought them to kerosene. And I don't know how to get the nits out. Vinegar doesn't help. How can you get nits out? Help.

  36. Irina

    This is some kind of horror. Bought a couple plus spray. She worked on the head of both herself and the child. Lice all, it seems, killed, but the nits remained. Few, but they survived. The next day we bought Hedring mousse, or whatever it is. The same story, for myself and the child. They kept them all night, they did not wash their heads off. Washed with shampoo. Well, I think it will definitely help. And still I found live nits pieces 4. Yes, you can barely pull it out of your hair. Someone wrote that for the Stone Age - vinegar or kerosene. So our doctor immediately offered me kerosene. I refused, I remember myself at the age of 7 with burns on my neck from the floor of my palm. Kerosene fell off immediately, we will try vinegar.

  37. Irina

    The entire bed was washed at 90 degrees. And not in vain. When ironing, I found an already dead louse. Ferry walked on mattresses, pillows, blankets. Here's another ferry on the carpets walk. It's good to have a steam iron. It is possible and usual, it would be a desire to bring these bastards out. But at the expense of a hair straightener - this is a good idea, as I just didn’t guess, or on a curling iron)) Under the very spine. Vinegar, comb, iron. Should help.

  38. Masha

    I've tried a lot of drugstore products, both expensive and not. She brought out the lice, the nits remained in the child, new ones began to breed. I sit for days, I choose. There are no more forces. I tried it with vinegar, but it did not last long. They comb out badly, I found only a comb like our grandmothers had. Long story short, I don't know what to do...

  39. Yana

    It's actually an epidemic! Lice appeared out of nowhere, and I'm not the only one. There are 10 people at school, and, probably, this is the case everywhere.My mother and I tried: at first we sprayed dichlorvos, we thought that it had passed. And nifiga! Then vinegar, hellebore water. Lice were taken out for the first time. Everyone thought, but no, then they reappeared (nits ...) They wanted kerosene, but in our time at gas stations they don’t know what kerosene is, horror!

    We bought Pediculen at the pharmacy, the set included the spray itself, a comb for combing and a magnifying glass. It seems to have helped, there were no lice, and there were fewer nits. But still they remained (nits), although, it seems, they are dead ... Let's try again today with vinegar. I tried it today with a flat iron, maybe it helped.

    • Anonymous

      Kerosene is sold in ordinary stores, in the departments of household chemicals.

  40. Natalia

    They used Lavinal, the lice died, but the nits remained. My daughter's hair is below the waist, she fiddled all day and chose nits. Looks like I've chosen everyone. It was lucky that they took up this business at the initial stage.

  41. Daria

    It seems to have helped, but it bakes a lot, the main thing is to take care of your ears!

  42. Valyusha

    What to do, I have lice and nits, horror, help!

  43. Natalia

    Lavinal is bullshit. We are migrants in Zaporozhye. We live in a modular city, we have here to attack pediculosis. Don't know what to do now? Tell.

  44. Anonymous

    Everyone forgets that lice are also nervous.

    • Alex

      Do not invent, this cannot be in principle, or do you think they are sitting inside your head and waiting for your psychosis? They are not able to climb under the skin, so you can only get infected with them.

      • Anonymous

        Indeed, they come from psychosis ... My friend suffers so much.

  45. Hope

    Vinegar helps a lot! It removes both nits and lice, and the hair becomes softer after it!

    • Anonymous

      Can you write the ratio of vinegar, how to apply?

    • Karina

      How then to apply, do not tell me?

  46. Karina Kentaeva

    Yes, after every shampoo I use an iron (not to remove lice and nits, but simply to straighten my hair, I have not even heard of this). Nifiga does not help ... I'll try with vinegar.

  47. Karina

    I diluted 100 ml of vinegar with 250-300 ml of water. I hope the result will meet all my expectations.

  48. Stranger

    I diluted a cup of vinegar with two cups of water. Some kind of attack, what nits are tenacious. I hope this time it will help, since Vita shampoo did not give results.

  49. Stranger

    And I didn’t think that lice and nits come from nerves (although it’s unlikely that I had someone black from nerves, because I found two huge black bugs, and mine are red.

  50. Olga

    What kind of nonsense on the nerves? It's not a virus, but bugs, bugs just don't appear out of nowhere. For 14-year-olds: tell your mother, let her look, you yourself will not see it. For the rest: any shampoo from the pharmacy + comb + hair straightener + vinegar (to dissolve the glue of the nits). A week later, go through the hair again in the same way + wash clothes, hats, etc. And all the lice will come out. Even if after the first treatment live eggs remain - nits, they hatch after a maximum of 7 days, at which time the treatment should take place. The main thing is to kill the lice in the first wave so that they do not lay eggs. For a maximum of 10 days, parasites are removed very easily.

    • Katarina

      Unfortunately, you are wrong. Just from nerves, from strong stress, from a long period of disorders, lice appear in humans. This is not a fairy tale, but a scientific fact.

      • Alex

        Is this a scientific fact? Don't be ridiculous, or describe the process of how a being can be born from nerves, out of nothing and out of nowhere.This is just a blood-sucking insect, like a mosquito, for example, just adapted to live in the hair. Do you get mosquitoes from nerves by chance?

      • Anastasia

        Um ... You may have a neurosis because of lice, but not vice versa, no need to invent fairy tales.

  51. Alexandra

    My husband and I have lice, and now my husband shaved his head, I still have them, because it’s a pity to cut my hair, and I suffer!

  52. Luda

    It's all bullshit.

  53. Irina

    I absolutely agree with Olga (01/23/2016 at 17:51). Dear citizens, to solve this problem, study the life cycle of lice.

    Adults lay eggs called nits, which are firmly attached to the root of the hair. After about 7-10 days, nymphs hatch from them - this is the name of the young offspring of lice. The development of a head louse from a nymph stage to an adult lasts approximately 10-12 days. After that, the female is ready to reproduce offspring.

    How to fight: 1) we destroy all live lice (for us, hellebore water has always been an effective method, we apply it completely on the whole head, and on the hair along the entire length, put on a thick plastic cap and wrap it with a towel, hold for 40 minutes, rinse our head well) - with In this case, all lice die due to the lack of air and poisonous fumes of hellebore. 2) We comb out dead lice with a comb. The nits will remain, and new lice will emerge from them in a maximum of 7-10 days, BUT! They are not capable of reproduction, which means that new eggs will not appear (another 10-12 days). At this moment (namely, on the 10th day from the moment of the previous treatment), we re-treat with hellebore water (according to the same scheme)! All-no lice, no new nits will be!

    Everyone who was not helped by hellebore water either applied once, or did not maintain the required interval during repeated application (they applied earlier, when not all the larvae had hatched yet, or much later, when the new offspring had already begun to lay eggs again) and a vicious circle turned out.

    Of course, it is worth noting that all family members must undergo treatment, even if at first glance they do not have signs of pediculosis (this way you will 100% exclude the possibility of re-infection). It is also necessary to wash and iron all things (all family members) that you have used recently (bed linen, towels). Things that cannot be washed, for example, fur hats, can be put in the freezer for a couple of days; fur coats, if it is winter and you wear them regularly, take them out to the balcony - in the cold, or treat with dichlorvos (also on the balcony). Disinfect all combs, hair clips, elastic bands, hair bands. It is also necessary to report the disease to school and kindergarten, perhaps the infection came from there, which means that your children will bring lice home again. In this case, the medical staff will check the entire class and identify all carriers of head lice, which means you will be calm and healthy!

    I will add that I even used hellebore water for my 3-year-old son, observing all safety measures (apply quickly, with gloves, and immediately put on a hat and a towel so that the child does not inhale the vapors). Test your child or adult for allergies beforehand by applying a small amount of hellebore water to a small area of ​​skin. Do not apply if there are wounds on the head, etc. In general, read the instructions. Health to you and your loved ones!

  54. Irina

    Yes, I forgot to say that hellebore water costs a penny in a pharmacy, and the efficiency is very high! ))

  55. Anya

    I bought a couple plus, it doesn’t really help, and the nits are badly combed out. I'll try it with vinegar, I don't know if it will help or not.

  56. Irina, Krasnodar

    Looking at how to approach this issue. I treated first with an expensive oilseed spray, that day I boiled the bedding, put away the toys, washed the floors with vinegar (just in case), combed my hair with a comb. I panicked a lot about this crap. The next day, they treated their hair with hellebore water, and on the third day they simply combed out the nits. After 6 days, re-treatment, including with vinegar. I didn’t find anything at home, but I processed it every time. In general, an integrated approach))

    I completely agree with Irina from 02/18/2016 at 01:04.

  57. Marina

    Hello! Last night they cut it under the typewriter, under the 3rd, and today I saw nits and one lice. Naturally, she passed everyone! So what's now? If I clicked them, will they no longer exist, or do I still need to process them? Tell me, please, I can not find a place.

  58. Anonymous

    I didn't have lice at all

  59. Anna

    I have lice, I don't know what to do. Nothing helps, only one remedy remains - Nyuda, but it is very expensive, we cannot afford it. My head itches a lot, no one at school knows that I have lice. I still don’t understand what to do with vinegar, how to dilute it, tell me?

  60. Olga

    How to get nits out?!

  61. Anonymous

    My daughter has lice, I don’t know how to get nits out ... Soon to school! Good people, help, I'm tormented.

  62. Natalia

    The best remedy is benzyl benzoate, it helps.

  63. Liza, 14 years old

    Hello, I really need your help.Today I noticed lice, I was very scared, I read a lot of all kinds of information and didn’t really understand ... Someone writes that it’s dangerous to remove vinegar with vinegar - the scalp can be burned. And someone writes that everything is fine, and then the hair shines like silk. What to do? Or should I use tar soap and a comb? Help me please.

    • Oksana

      Vinegar is no more harmful than pharmacy chemicals. The main thing is to properly dilute and not overexpose. 1 glass of vinegar (table, 9%) to 2 glasses of warm water, apply for 30-60 minutes. Then comb through well with a special comb. In a pharmacy, a comb costs 80 rubles, but they can offer a comb for 1800, Antive. There is no point in buying it.

      • Anonymous

        Say: Vinegar is sold in stores, it is 70%. How to dilute so that it becomes 9%?

  64. Oksana

    The daughter was treated with a couple plus twice according to the instructions. They combed it and everything is OK (mechanical removal of nits is mandatory). But with me it's much worse. A couple plus did not help, then 2 times dyed her hair with hydrogen peroxide dye. And so, today vinegar + thorough combing. In a couple of days I will repeat the vinegar and scratching. Hair in place, dryness is not noticed. To make it easier to comb through, I applied a conditioner.

  65. Anna

    I recently encountered disgusting living creatures in my hair. I found it in my daughters, and then my head began to itch. Where this infection came from - I have no idea. I haven’t encountered pediculosis for 20 years already. At that time, guests from the village periodically came to us, constantly suffering from pediculosis. Naturally, there was an infection from them. And many years ago, we got rid of lice with Soviet dichlorvos at a time, sprayed the head at the same time to all family members. Moreover, no processing of beds and clothes was done.After the Soviet dichlorvos, nowhere and no one had these vile lice, and all the nits to the last were dead. Until the next visit. In the future, we began to process these infected guests right from the doorstep.

    This time I also decided to spray my head with modern dichlorvos with the smell of lavender. Zero reaction. Then I washed my hair with shampoo with dichlorvos from another company. The lice are dead. And the nits are alive. After a while, the head began to itch again. For the third time, I made a vodka compress on my hair. Again the nits are alive. Used hellebore water. All the same, the head itches and the nits are alive. My hands are already down. For my daughters, I began to remove the nits manually. And how to rid yourself of live nits? According to numerous reviews, modern pharmaceutical remedies for pediculosis do not help.

  66. Nastya

    I have lice, we have been fighting for 4 months, we have tried everything. Back to school soon, what should I do? Help!

    • Anonymous

      For 2 months, I sorted out the strands of hair by hair for my daughter - I cut the nits along with the hair. No means, including folk, did not help.

  67. Anonymous

    My daughter is 12 years old, she has lice, how to remove them?

    • Anonymous

      Try vinegar...

      • Anonymous

        Is it possible to treat an apartment with bleach?

  68. Anonymous

    Pharmacy tools will only help get rid of money, and very successfully. All - both domestic and foreign. It is difficult to help yourself - you need the help of other people to mechanically remove these creatures, or relatives, or doctors, or a special combing company.

    I tried on a snood scarf in the market, and hello, bloodsuckers! At 60, pick up lice for the first time! I've been fighting with them for a month, to no avail. I tried everything, spent 3000 already.

  69. Ksyunya

    And for the first time at the age of 36, it’s really hysterical ... Everything from the pharmacy does not help (Paranit, Pediculen, etc.). There are no lice, nits. It seems that everyone was removed, and the next day they are there again ... I poisoned them for three days in a row. With my daughter every day for 2-3 hours we comb them out to each other; every day you iron everything, you overwash it, but there is no sense! I'll try vinegar or kerosene. If there is an effect, I will definitely write! I would not wish such an attack on anyone, even an enemy!

  70. Valya

    Vinegar is, of course, good, but it seems to me that if the hair is long, then it will be difficult to remove lice with vinegar alone.

  71. Mary

    If nothing helps, then chlorophos helps 100%)) It can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Leave for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo several times. Leaves no lice or nits. I give you a 100% guarantee. True, it stinks terribly, but it is effective.

  72. Natalia

    Tell me, please, how long to keep the vinegar?

    • Anonymous

      One hour, maybe more.

  73. Natalia

    I never thought that at the age of 33 I would catch lice from a child. My husband doesn’t have them, I took them out from my eldest son, but I haven’t been able to take them out for 4 months now.

  74. Elena

    My daughter had lice in the camp. I brought it out and forgot, but, apparently, I didn’t completely bring it out. She infected me. I have hair below the priests, and everyone has always admired. I am very proud of them. And so I was tormented to withdraw! Like, I’ll take it out - and again, and so for a whole year. And then I realized that it was from laziness. I began to often wash with vinegar and scratch, wash and scratch. It's terribly hard. But you can't stop. Vinegar, comb, lice shampoos. And the system is tough. It's not easy, but it's even harder to live with it.

    • Paradise

      Well, a comment

  75. Svetlana

    Many thanks to everyone for the information. I will try vinegar. I will write the result.

  76. Galina

    The best way is to rub camphor oil for thirty minutes and then wrap it up. Or rub alcohol and wrap for thirty minutes. And repeat after seven days. And that's it!

  77. Olya

    Lice remedies are very expensive. And the result is like vinegar.

  78. Natalia

    We've been fighting nits for a week now. Vinegar + scallop + patience.

  79. Galina

    I've also tried all the pharmaceuticals, nothing helps. Hands down, I will try with vinegar.

  80. Alice

    D 95 pediculicide Twins Tek. Effectively and in one application destroys lice and nits. And children are allowed from three years.

  81. Tatiana

    Previously, lice were removed with kerosene, henna, and vinegar. But that's all in the past. Now there are so many funds and I bought this at the pharmacy Means D-95 series 911. The product fits well on the hair, does not spread, destroys lice and nits from the first application. Non-toxic, which is important if the child is small.


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