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Remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha and reviews of its use

Last update: 2022-06-05
≡ Article has 25 comments
  • Nikolai: Hector has a hotline where they consult and...
  • Lena: Hector didn't help us, and neither did Get....
  • Kirill: St. Petersburg. Twice there were bedbugs from neighbors, a relative poisoned the cook ...
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Remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha

The remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha is a fairly effective and quite affordable insecticide, which is often used even by professional pest control services. The drug is available in liquid form in 50 ml and 1 liter vials.

The product has a bluish color and a not very pleasant pungent odor.


Composition and principle of action of the drug

Cucaracha from bedbugs can rightfully be called a potent remedy, because it contains two time-tested and well-proven insecticidal substances that complement each other's action:

The first of the components is cypermethrin (20%). This chemical substance of the pyrethroid group has a contact-intestinal effect against parasites. Getting into the digestive tract or on the chitinous cover, it blocks the nerve impulses of the affected insect, after which the parasite dies.

Cypermethrin is an ingredient in many effective insect repellents.

Cypermethrin retains its effect for quite a long time, being applied to the surface: about 20-30 days. It is insensitive to ultraviolet radiation and high ambient temperatures.Studies of cypermethrin have shown that bed bugs, like many other parasitic insects, are practically unable to develop resistance to this drug.

The second active component of Cucaracha is malathion (10%). It is also a nerve poison that can completely disrupt the insect's neural circuitry and make it impossible to transmit nerve impulses.

Malathion has a nerve-paralytic effect and disrupts the nervous system of insects.

Unlike Cypermethrin, malathion is highly volatile and does not stay on surfaces for long. In some cases, insects can develop resistance to malathion: their bodies begin to produce enzymes that break it down. However, in practice this happens only with prolonged use of malathion in its pure form. Being combined with cypermethrin, malathion complements and enhances the effect of the latter, causing a fairly rapid death of all insects in the house.

The combination of two powerful insecticides in Cucaracha allows you to achieve a high poisoning effect of the drug on bedbugs

The maximum effectiveness of the Cucaracha remedy for bedbugs is maintained for 3 days from the moment of treatment. This is quite enough to destroy the population of bedbugs in the apartment.


Instructions for using the product

Before using the drug, it is necessary to prepare an aqueous solution from it. To do this, you need to take 2.5 grams of Cucaracha and add this amount to 1 liter of water at room temperature, stirring constantly. After that, the solution becomes ready for use, it is not necessary to insist.

Before use, Cucaracha must be diluted with water.

The product consumption is approximately 50 ml per square meter, and if the surface has a high absorbent activity (for example, untreated wood), then the consumption can increase to 100 ml / m2.


“Girls, now I will tell you everything, I work as a janitor in a hostel.Even when we kill all the bugs tightly, in a couple of months someone will definitely bring them in. Therefore, I managed to try 12 different products. The most reliable is Tetrix, but it cannot be found anywhere, the sanitary and epidemiological stations use it. We bought there. It stinks terribly, it can only be processed in the summer, when there are no students. There is also Cucaracha. It smells tolerant, also displays well. It is good that it is enough for many rooms. One liter for 1850 rubles kills bedbugs on three floors, but this is only if it is properly diluted.”

Zhanna Mikhailovna, Nizhny Novgorod

The finished solution of Cucaracha is placed in a conventional household spray bottle, which greatly simplifies the process of applying the drug. First, those places in the apartment where bedbugs or their nests were found are processed - in furniture and closets, under wall panels and baseboards.

And further: The executioner did not run out of steam in a week and cheerfully killed the bugs like that, even being in a dried state

The finished solution can be placed in a conventional spray bottle

Then you can start spraying all hard-to-reach places where these insects can also hide. It is worth paying special attention to the following areas:

  • back and sides of furniture
  • sofa or bed frame
  • space under window sills
  • gaps under skirting boards.

Do not neglect the final stage of treatment from bedbugs, which allows you to avoid danger to people and animals living in the house. After finishing the treatment, you need to open all the windows and ventilate the apartment for at least three hours. Then you will have to wash all surfaces with soapy water, which neutralizes the action of active poisons.

The next treatment should be carried out in two weeks - this will help to destroy those bugs that have not yet hatched from eggs during the first persecution.


Precautionary measures

Cucaracha is a rather toxic remedy for bedbugs, the instructions of which require strict adherence to safety rules when working. The drug belongs to the second hazard class according to the international scale and can have a harmful effect on human and animal health.

Do not forget that Cucaracha can be toxic not only for bedbugs, but also for humans.

Although cypermethrin and malathion are effectively neutralized in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals, the effect of large doses of them can lead to an allergic reaction and mild intoxication. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, dizziness, impaired reactions, uncoordinated movements, convulsions and lethargy. Studies have shown that malathion can accumulate in the body of warm-blooded animals and cause cancer - but only with constant exposure.

In accordance with the instructions, after using Cucaracha to fight bedbugs, in no case should the remainder of the composition be poured into sewers or water bodies. This poison is very toxic to fish and can upset the balance of the life support of water bodies.


A neighbor advised me to Kukarach - he has the same “buggy” problem, and by that time I had already tried one completely stupid remedy. The impression of the first processing is only positive: a minimum of stench (not at all comparable with market handicrafts) and it is bred quite economically, although given the low price, this is not the main thing. From my own experience, I can say that it is better to heat the water a little when diluting - this way the chemicals will quickly go into a dissolved state.

Sergey, Rostov-on-Don

Before starting work, it is necessary to think about personal protective equipment. Exterminators use a gas mask and a special suit, while at home you can choose old unnecessary clothes (which will then need to be thrown away), a respirator, shoe covers, gloves and goggles.

Be sure to use personal protective equipment when cleaning the premises

Don't forget to wear a mask or respirator

Do not neglect any of the points of the instruction regarding the safety of the procedure for treating an apartment from bedbugs using Cucaracha. We note here, for example, that all residents and living creatures are removed from the house without fail. Aquariums are tightly closed. It is desirable to wrap all food products with a film and hide them in cabinets.


Where and how much can you buy Cucaracha

It is not so difficult to buy a Cucaracha bug remedy, although it is not the most common household insecticide on the market. Usually it is sold by hardware stores or special points for the sale of insecticides.

It is also useful to read: Fufanon from bedbugs: reviews

You can also buy Cucaracha via the Internet with delivery. The average price is approximately 170 rubles for 50 ml and 1500 rubles for 1 liter. Due to the relatively low price and low consumption, Cucaracha can be classified as one of the most economical preparations for bedbugs.

The average price of a remedy for bedbugs Cucaracha is approximately 170 rubles for 50 ml and 1500 rubles for 1 liter

If you plan to treat an average apartment or a private house, one bottle of the product (50 ml) should be enough with a large margin. It makes sense to acquire a larger volume only in cases where it is planned to process, for example, the entire multi-storey building, hostel or institution. Also, a large volume is bought by professional exterminators.


“I didn’t want to call the medical station, because there is no way to leave home for a while. The reviews for the cucaracha were just wonderful, so we decided to try it. Especially the ridiculous price of 160 rubles, it’s not a pity to throw it away. I sprayed all the places where these parasites can hide - and the bed (without a mattress) and behind the cabinets, and behind the baseboards. To our great surprise, the bugs disappeared without a trace. The packaging says that in two weeks it needs to be processed again, but everything is already fine with us. ”

Marina, Odessa

In addition to the Cucaracha preparation itself, there are other remedies based on the same active ingredients:

  • Karbofos, Fufanon-super (karbofos is another name for malathion, Fufanon uses a solution of malathion)
  • Mustang, Tetrix, Cyfox, Seachlor, Sipaz (contain cypermethrin).

Means Tsifox contains cypermethrin, as well as Cucaracha

Fufanon-super also contains malathion


“We live in a communal apartment and we have here just a breeding ground for bedbugs. We will exterminate ourselves - they are running from the neighbors, and so constantly. They wanted to call the SES, so the neighbors are against it - they say that they are ready to poison only on their own. I looked on the Internet - they speak well about the Cucaracha remedy, but it is inexpensive.We bought a large bottle and half of it was enough to process the entire floor. All the bugs disappeared abruptly, though only for ten days. When they appeared again, they sinned on the inefficiency of the means. But it turned out - you just need to process it again. After re-treatment, the bugs left and have been gone for a year now. Now I’m thinking about buying this remedy for prevention - all of a sudden they will appear in the country. ”

Andrey, Kursk

Of course, for the independent destruction of bedbugs, you can try different drugs. However, do not forget that professional insecticides are often very toxic and require special skills to work with them. Therefore, it is best to choose a remedy adapted for home use, and Cucaracha is just one such example.


How to get rid of bed bugs at home


Video filming of bed bugs in the apartment and their bites


Last update: 2022-06-05

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Cucaracha remedy for bedbugs and reviews on its use" 25 comments
  1. Anonymous

    And where can I buy Kukaracha in Ivanovo?

  2. Svetlana

    Very good means of Cucaracha. One treatment, but thorough - and there are no bedbugs.

  3. Maria

    Hello Svetlana. Please tell me, I have a 2-room apartment, how many Cucaraci do I need to buy? Is a second treatment necessary and is it harmful to a person? Thank you for your attention, a lot of bedbugs.

  4. Ainura, Tver

    Cucaracha is a very good remedy. Call specialists for processing, I don’t have bedbugs now.

  5. Hope

    Very good product, I recommend it to everyone.

  6. Arsen

    This is a dummy, not a remedy, it does not help, the bugs have remained as they were. Don't buy, waste of money.

  7. Catherine

    I agree with ARSEN. Fuflo is complete.

  8. Peter

    At first it seemed that the remedy was not very effective, but in fact the problem was that the insects continued to crawl from the neighbors. Having found and eliminated small gaps in the ceiling, he exterminated the remnants of the bugs without problems. To enhance the effect, a little powdered karbofos was added to the solution.

    The tool works, I checked it many times. Careful processing at once kills the entire colony in a room or bed. If it does not help, look for where new bedbugs come from.

  9. Olga

    I poisoned the cockroaches, there were no three days and they started again. I don't know what to do anymore.

  10. Catherine

    This crap is your Cucaracha. They checked for the living. Don't get tired of it. They processed the entire apartment, throwing 2400 rubles to the wind. And the result is that they threw out all the upholstered furniture. We bought up Karbofos and will poison again tomorrow. I will say right away that they poisoned me carefully: they dismantled all the furniture, dismantled the sofa and armchairs in parts, shed everything very well. But it makes no sense. We met a couple of dohliks, but the rest are running around more alive than all the living.

    • Anonymous

      2400?! How many square meters do you have? For a kopeck piece (49.7 sq. M. On the floor) there are 2 bottles of 50 ml each.200 + 200 = 400 rubles in total!

    • Natalia

      So it was overdue. I had enough once, although there were many in the hostel.

  11. Elena

    We have cheaper than 240 rubles. no. Soon we will also poison kukaraches)

  12. Paul

    We just poisoned Kukarachi, we are waiting for the effect. As soon as we see the result, I will write.

  13. Svetlana

    All this is nonsense. In Cherepovets, a small bottle costs 240 rubles. Poisoned - the next night they ran in the same way. I don't know what the effect is...

  14. Alyona

    I poisoned with Super Fas, after 2 weeks they appeared again ... I freaked out and treated it with it, only more carefully: I soaked the furniture, the walls from above and below, the floors. Gone for exactly 1 year. I realized that they were climbing from a neighbor, but she denied it. I'm going to try cucaracha, only in powder form. Maybe someone will tell you, after processing, you need to leave the apartment for a few days? Or just 2-3 hours?

    • Svetlana

      You need to leave the apartment for 3 hours, and then ventilate for at least 3 hours. And then you can go home.

  15. Alexei

    Tell me, can you splash cockroaches on the mattress and clothes, or not?

  16. Valery

    The rubbish is complete, not a fig helps. After it, I take a steamer and on the sofa - and they crawl out.

  17. Anonymous

    Poison cockroaches. VERY LIKE - really run away. True, our neighbors have a "cockroach paradise." Once a week or two I water all the ventilation with the rest - and there are no cockroaches. I advise. Before that, there were traps, and Masha used it, but the "boundaries" were not respected by cockroaches)) Now stay away from us. I recommend the tool.

    And the bugs were removed with vinegar. And the sofa is intact, and the bugs are dead.

  18. Svetlana

    Try an excellent remedy for bed bugs - Fendona.

  19. Elena

    I don't know what to take.I read all the comments about cucaracha - it helps some, not others. Just such a bottle in Orsk costs 330 rubles. Here, I am tormented by the question, to take or not to take.

  20. Kirill

    SPb. Twice there were bedbugs from neighbors, a relative poisoned kukaraches and seemed to be an executioner, mixing them and spraying them with a spray bottle throughout the room (furniture and mattresses too). Both times the bugs disappeared. Now they have reappeared, but they no longer run around the apartment, but sit in the same room. They poisoned us with all sorts of shnyaga, the activity disappeared, but now they began to run amok, apparently because of the heat. Moreover, they are quite actively running around the floor, trying to get to me, sitting on a chair, and only starting in the evening, and during the day they are not visible at all. I will water for the first time in my life, let's see what will give. I also read reviews about some Hector powder. Might be worth buying, at least trying it out.

    • Lena

      Hector didn't help us, and neither did Get.

      • Nicholas

        Hector has a hotline where they advise and help. Call, they might be able to tell you.


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