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Ointments for the treatment of bed bug bites

Last update: 2022-05-12
≡ Article has 10 comments
  • Anonymous: Hello, by law they are obliged to return the money to you in half ...
  • Ksenia: And Menovazin helped me with itching. It's cheap....
  • Evgenia: Bed bugs have bitten all hands. They write that a good means of goodness ...
See bottom of page for details

Let's see what ointment can be used for bed bug bites

Waking up in the morning in a cozy cottage next to a river and a forest during a well-deserved vacation, what mother would not be horrified to see whole paths of huge red spots on her child's body? After the first shock, it will become clear that these are not mosquito bites that would be randomly distributed over the body, but the bites of real bed bugs (living in an old sofa that the economical owners of a pretty house did not dare to throw away).

Bed bugs under sofa mat

It's no surprise that mom's next questions will be "What to do?" and “How do you smear bedbug bites?” Let's talk about this in more detail...


Ointment, gel or cream - what to choose?

In order to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of bedbug bites, the affected area can be lubricated not only with ointment from bedbug bites, but also with a special cream or gel.

Which is better: ointment, gel or cream?

If you do not go too deep into the topic of differences between these forms of drugs, then in general, both the gel, and the cream, and the ointment consist of a base and an active substance dissolved in it in one or another proportion.

  • Actually, the ointment is such a dosage form of the drug, when small particles of the active substance do not completely dissolve in the base (most often, fatty). Ointments are convenient for introducing into their composition substances that interact well with fats. In addition, ointments are absorbed more slowly than gels or creams, so they usually last longer on damaged skin.
  • Creams are generally different from the actual ointments lower fat content. However, just like ointment, they can leave greasy marks on clothes.
  • In gels, unlike ointments, the active substance is well dissolved in the base (most often, water), which is convenient for introducing into the composition of hydrophilic substances. Due to the fact that the gel does not use a fat, but a water base, it can also be easily washed off the skin or washed off clothes.

The gel can usually be applied to weeping bite wounds.

At the same time, when choosing a remedy for bedbug bites, it is imperative to pay attention to its composition and indications for use.


My son is now a year old. We have been allergic to mosquito bites since birth. And recently, after a trip to my friends in the country, I found out that he also has a terrible allergy to bedbug bites. The bite sites were very inflamed, reddened and swollen. Then a crust appeared at this place, which he constantly tried to tear off. Although I did not allow him to scratch these crusts, after that trip, the marks remained visible for several months.

Julia, Tyumen


Popular ointments for insect bites

Since bedbugs are blood-sucking parasites, just like mosquitoes and fleas, popular remedies can be used as an ointment for bedbug bites, eliminating the effects of insect bites in general.

The most popular and effective means are described below.


Ointment from bites of bugs GEKTOR

Effectively helps relieve swelling and itching of the skin after bedbug bites. Produced in tubes of 50 ml in the form of a gel, which has a multicomponent composition:

  • D-panthenol - accelerates skin regeneration, normalizes cellular metabolism;
  • Aloe juice - helps with inflammatory reactions, including those of an infectious nature (it has pronounced bactericidal properties);
  • Extracts of calendula, chamomile and dandelion - have disinfectant properties, help with inflammation, soften the skin;
  • Allantoin - as a means for external use is included in the list of local anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs by the World Health Organization.

It is worth noting that today on the market the indicated GEKTOR ointment is perhaps the only specialized remedy that is positioned precisely as an ointment for relieving itching, redness and swelling after bedbug bites.

It is also useful to read: Allergic reaction to bedbug bites

And further: We got to the TOP remedy for bugs Executioner and tested it both in the tail and in the mane - watch the video...


Fenistil gel

Gel Fenistil is well known for its antipruritic effect. The active substance in it is dimethindene maleate (for sure, many will remember this name as part of some nasal vasoconstrictor drugs), which is aimed at blocking histamine H1 receptors. It is these receptors that are responsible for the occurrence of painful and itchy pustules, as well as inflammation at the sites of bedbug bites.

Fenistil gel - quite well relieves itching about bedbug bites

This remedy is used to treat the effects of various insect bites, allergies in the form of urticaria, tissue swelling and itching. In addition, Fenistil gel relieves skin manifestations of food or drug allergies well. However, the instructions for the drug indicate that its use is not recommended for children under one year old.


Psilo-balm (gel)

Psilo-balm contains a powerful component called diphenhydramine (better known as diphenhydramine), which, as in the previous case, is aimed at blocking H1-histamine receptors. Due to this, the agent well reduces the permeability of small blood vessels and reduces tissue swelling at the bite sites. In addition, the drug has a noticeable antipruritic and cooling effect.

Psilo-balm (gel)

Just in the case when you need to anoint a bug bite with something to anesthetize it and stop itching, this remedy is especially good. It also dries well the crusts that form after bedbug bites.


Elidel (cream)

Elidel cream is not used to eliminate the first symptoms of insect bites, but only when severe manifestations of allergies have arisen, such as atopic dermatitis or eczema. It can be prescribed in whole courses for both adults and children, starting from the age of three months.

It is also useful to read: Photos of bed bug bites

Elidel (cream)

The active ingredient of the remedy is pimecrolimus, which has not only a regenerating, but also a local anti-inflammatory effect. It is not recommended to apply Elidel to the skin of children under three months old, as well as in cases where there is a suspicion that a bacterial or fungal infection is already developing in the wound.


Bepanthen (ointment and cream)

Of course, this drug cannot be called specifically an antipruritic or anti-inflammatory agent. Nevertheless, thanks to the active substance - dexpanthenol (another name for one of the B vitamins), it has a good restoring, healing and moisturizing effect on the skin areas damaged by bed bugs.

Bepanthen is available in the form of ointment and cream.

Bepanthen (ointment and cream)

In addition, unlike some of the above funds, it can be used even for newborn babies. Bepanthen ointment is generally used to prevent and treat diaper rash, other inflammations and dermatitis in infants.

It can also be used as a cream for bedbug bites that have caused a mild skin reaction (redness, slight swelling), cuts, scratches and other minor skin inflammations.

It's important to know

To eliminate the effects of bedbug bites, propolis-based ointments should be used with caution. For example, children who are already allergic to plant pollen may cross-react with products such as wax, royal jelly, or propolis.These substances can lead to new allergies due to plant components in the composition, such as pollen from flowers or nectar.

In more complex cases, we advise you to consult a doctor who can prescribe an ointment for bed bug bites containing hormones (hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan or Afloderm ointment and cream), which have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and general anti-allergic effects. They are used both for atopic dermatitis of various origins, and in the event of severe allergic reactions to insect bites.

It is necessary to use such ointments (based on hormonal agents) with extreme caution, because they can often be contraindicated in cases of purulent inflammation of the skin that has already occurred. Also, their use is not recommended for children under one year old and during pregnancy.

In cases of severe swelling and itching after bed bug bites, as well as the presence of ulcers, pustular skin diseases, the doctor may sometimes prescribe antibiotic-based ointments (for example, erythromycin ointment), which will actively fight the infection that has entered the wounds.

Sometimes bedbug bites become inflamed due to infection in the wound.

However, it is worth remembering that by independently prescribing various medications for yourself and your small child (even, at first glance, such harmless ones as ointments and creams), you take on a certain responsibility. After all, self-medication is sometimes fraught with serious consequences.


What to do if the ointment does not help?

Unfortunately, ointments and creams for bedbug bites can often only cope with manifestations of local allergies, such as slight swelling, moderate itching, and redness of the bite site.

Numerous bedbug bites can cause a severe allergic reaction of the body.

In case of a more pronounced reaction to substances in the saliva of the bug, you should consult a doctor or take an antihistamine (for example, based on loratadine or cetirizine). Definitely see a doctor if you have

  • severe swelling;
  • profuse rash on various parts of the body;
  • blisters that appeared at the site of the bug bite;
  • intolerable itching;
  • fever in the area of ​​​​the bite, chills and fever;
  • nausea.

Usually such a reaction can be caused by the stings of bees or wasps, which inject poison at the site of the bite. However, if a person already suffers from allergies, even a bite from an insect such as a bed bug can cause a severe reaction in the form of soreness, burning and swelling of the tissues that do not go away within a few days.


“We managed to go to a boarding house in the Crimea for a vacation, and even took the child. We were attracted by the price too sweet for the summer season. After the first night, the child was unrecognizable! Legs and back were covered with red bumps going one after another. The bites were swollen and itchy. It turned out that there are bedbugs in the house, although I could not even think that they still exist today.

Lika, Kyiv


When do you need to urgently go to the hospital after being bitten by bedbugs?

If, after the bites of bedbugs, a violent general reaction of the body begins in the form of an increase in the temperature of the whole body, difficulty breathing, a drop or increase in pressure, swelling in the joint or the entire limb located near the bite site, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed, and even better call an ambulance. Inaction can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure and even loss of consciousness!

If you listen to the advice of experienced doctors, then the first-aid kit should always have an ampoule of dexamethasone, especially when general severe reactions have already occurred to the bites of any insects in a child or his immediate family.


Useful video about methods for destroying bedbugs in an apartment


Allergy to insect bites: what to do?


Last update: 2022-05-12

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Ointments for the treatment of bed bug bites" 10 comments
  1. Violet

    I was horrified when I encountered bedbugs with my child, just the same, in the country, my husband’s mother regretted throwing out the old sofa. Nezulin was in the first-aid kit, and they were smeared with it. Apply 3-4 times a day to avoid scratching. The redness began to decrease after a couple of days, but these spots still remained for a couple of weeks.

  2. Victoria

    Tell me, please, what kind of ointment to buy, not so that it doesn’t itch, but so that it doesn’t bite? We are already tired.

  3. Yura

    I don’t know, we live in the 21st century, and we can’t fight bedbugs, nothing helps.

  4. Anya

    Help, please, what to do, these bugs are already tired.My husband and I have already bought a new bed with a mattress, changed all the bedding and still bite so that I wake up in the morning, and where the bite is, blood comes.

  5. dilya

    I am depressed. I poisoned these reptiles, but it was useless, I thought I would have a good night, but no - they bit me even worse. It is a shame to walk with such bites on the neck, arm, in short, there is no living place left. I don't know what to do, I'll go crazy soon. I don't have the strength to fight them.

    • Lisa

      It is necessary to throw wormwood into boiling water, into a pot or bucket, and wash the floors with this water.

  6. Faina

    Wormwood, they say, helps. She rented a bed in Moscow, no one said that the bed bug is there, how can they be punished for this? They took the money, and they are silent, I'm all bitten by bedbugs, I'm nervous ((

    • Anonymous

      Hello, they are required by law to refund your money in full. Of course, if you have a contract.

  7. Evgenia

    All hands were bitten by bedbugs. They write that a good remedy is good, I haven’t tried it myself ...

  8. Kseniya

    And Menovazin helped me with itching. It is inexpensive.


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