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Conspiracies against cockroaches

≡ Article has 2 comments
  • Elena: Cockroach repellers are a hoax, I was so hoping for them. Well...
  • Olga: I tried a lot of various drugs and even bought a scare ...
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Conspiracies against cockroaches

Many contemporaries are tired of their own pragmatism and the difficult surrounding reality, they gladly accept help from mystical sources, they want to learn to believe in something unusual, to perceive the world in a different way.

Various household problems, such as domestic insects that have bred and do not want to disappear with the help of chemicals, can push a simple housewife to find out some non-standard effective method of getting rid of them, for example, a conspiracy against cockroaches. It happens that the power of faith gives us what we want, and it is not at all necessary to know the exact explanation for what is happening.


What are conspiracies based on?

It is better to take a closer look at some components of the traditional Slavic culture. Our older generation, most of whom grew up in rural areas, probably remembers that ordinary people often used “whispers”, sentences and conspiracies for household and everyday matters.

Conspiracies are a component of Slavic culture

From minor sores, childhood ailments, to a long journey, to a rich harvest, from house mice, bedbugs and cockroaches, there were simple conspiracies that were spoken in a tongue twister at the right time. This method of "helping" oneself in business was familiar in the life of a simple peasant. He said, he believed, so he defended himself.

A modern person also pays great interest to non-traditional methods of protection or assistance in business, but does not know how to do it independently and correctly, or is afraid to let something into his life that does not have a material basis. But still, he watches with curiosity how others use these methods.

The practical application of conspiracies is rooted in antiquity. Libraries of ancient Russian cities keep birch bark letters of the XIV-XV centuries with preserved incantation texts. They were found during archaeological excavations on the land of ancient Novgorod, examples of ancient European and ancient Indian conspiracies are also known.

The practical application of conspiracies is rooted in antiquity.

Researchers believe that on the basis of this, one can judge the life ideas of our ancestors, as containing a large proportion of the mythological.

The basis of modern conspiracies was given by ancient pagan prayers and spells used at a time when man idolized higher powers and natural phenomena. The structure of any conspiracy is subject to certain laws. The introductory part implies a certain journey with the designation of a helping force, which traditionally includes the forces of nature (rain, wind, sun, stars) or the Lord, the Virgin and saints.

For example:

I chase creatures and small scum, fleas with bedbugs, ants with cockroaches, from my doorstep onto a dusty road. They will perish there from the dry and cold wind. Perish in the taiga, perish in the sand.

The second part of the structure of the conspiracy is verbally drawn up according to the principle of comparison:

Black cockroaches, red cockroaches, here you have bitterness and aspen, and in the forest - honey and raspberries. Get away from me, don't come back.

And the fixing part of the conspiracy is a certain reference to the strength of the word, to the castle:

Go away, cockroaches, to the deaf forest, where animals do not roam and people do not go. And whoever remains - that is a fierce death. The key is language. The mouth is a castle.

As a helping force, a person in a number of Christian conspiracies turns to specific helpers. To Grandfather Brownie - reading a conspiracy to get rid of cockroaches and bedbugs in a hut, to the Mother of God - for successful childbirth, to St. Blaise - for successful livestock breeding, to the Sun-father - to save crops, to the Herod's Daughters - to cure minor diseases.

And further: Cockroaches hid in all the cracks and there is no way to get to them? And smoke bombs get them even where a needle cannot squeeze through ...


How conspiracies from cockroaches work

No one will deny that such life situations often arise when the usual methods do not help, and it is difficult to find a solution on your own. Then people turn to higher powers with the help of prayers and conspiracies.

When the usual methods did not work, they resorted to the help of conspiracies

Prayer is an appeal to God according to certain canons.And a conspiracy is a magical ritual speech, which also allows appeal to higher powers. The said prayer strengthens the conspiracy many times over. And a certain rite makes the appeal clear and purposeful. Even philosophers believe that the word dominates the phenomenon and is able to determine "fate."

If you want to rid your house of insects with the help of a magical conspiracy, you should still remember that the ceremony should begin in a carefully tidy and washed room. It is also necessary to dry all surfaces.

If the conspiracy is accompanied by prayer, it is better to start it at dawn. For a successful result, one should turn to St. Nicholas the Saint or the martyr Tryphon, to whom the Lord granted the power to cast out demons. Here is an example of such a prayer:

God's helper, Nikolai-pleaser! You are everywhere, in the field, on the road, and in the house. Intercede and save from all evil!

And then comes the conspiracy:

Black cockroaches, red cockroaches, go away, don't expect anything from me! You are disgusted with everyone, so that you perish. So that my eyes never see you, so that the birds peck at you! I bequeath you forever and ever to leave my house and forget the way back! Amen!

This conspiracy from cockroaches is accompanied by a certain rite. Water is poured into a cup and the text above it is read. After all that has been said, water should be used to wash the floor throughout the house.

Researchers of traditional culture clarify that it is not necessary to use the text of the conspiracy verbatim. The main thing is to adhere to the correct scheme, speak confidently and clearly articulate the desire. The driving force will be your belief that everything you asked for will come true.

There are also several additional recommendations for the correct use of spells and incantations.The person pronouncing them must be calm and sober, in a normal mental state. Intonation and form of speech are of great importance. You should speak clearly, calmly, correctly formulating.

In existing ancient spells worked out by the experience of ancestors, it is better not to change the wording at all. It is permissible to compose texts of conspiracies related to the problems of modern life by yourself, correctly using the structure of the conspiracy.

It is also useful to read: Photos of various cockroaches

And further: Aerosol Raid killed all cockroaches in 26 seconds. Incredible! See our experiment...


The power of a conspiracy. Reviews

Despite pragmatism and education, a modern person believes that “folk” means having absorbed the wisdom of the people, the foundations that have developed over the centuries, which should be preserved and observed.

Folk methods and techniques are popular today

Folk omens, folk medicine, folk methods are not regarded as primitive superstitions and baseless hopes. On the contrary, using something that relates to the experience of many people, you expect to get a better result.

Conspiracies against cockroaches also belong to folk methods of getting rid of insects. Reviews of housewives who resorted to this method are united by one thing - it is not known why, but it works!

Here are some examples of reviews:

Anna: “I read a prayer along with a conspiracy. Just in case, three times in a row, for 9 days, in the morning. The house was then washed with charmed water. Helped until the cockroaches come back!

Elena: “And I also sprinkled water from a cup in all corners, I read that they also do this. A month later, I have not seen a single cockroach. I learned the plot from cockroaches six months ago, from a friend.


How conspiracies and spells work


Last update: 2022-05-15

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Conspiracies against cockroaches" 2 comments
  1. Olga

    I tried a lot of various drugs and even bought cockroach repellers, but, alas, the result is zero. There are even more of them. Repellers have been standing for 3 months. There was the last hope for MAGIC. I really hope for her help. Thank you for your help. I think we can do it together.

  2. Elena

    Cockroach repellers are a hoax, I was so hoping for them. A good tool is Clean House, but it helps for a while. I'll try spells.


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