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Conspiracies and prayers to fight bedbugs

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  • Anonymous: Excuse me, but what kind of prayer specifically should be read against them? ...
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  • Noora: How to get rid of bed bugs?...
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Using conspiracies and prayers to fight bedbugs

When the tried means do not help in solving the problem, a person begins to use his strongest weapon - the word. It is believed that words spoken according to all the rules and at the right time have a powerful impact and provide quick help with the assistance of supernatural forces. We are talking about such ancient ways to achieve what you want, like conspiracies and prayers from any misfortunes, including from the invasion of insects.

It will seem surprising, but Russian conspiracies and prayers from bedbugs are actively used even in the modern, progressive world, despite the fact that the roots of these rituals go back to distant pagan times.


Magic or severe necessity?

Many historical sources and works of classical literature describe in detail how much bugs pestered people, and they, in turn, fought pests with all their might, and sometimes unsuccessfully.

Under such conditions, hardly anyone was surprised by the spread of magic spells and rituals, which were considered almost the last chance to get rid of adversity. Conspiracies against bedbugs are simple, do not require any special magical skills and, according to legend, bring purely economic benefits - they get rid of insects and do not harm the residents of the house.

A simple example of such a conspiracy used in the early 20th century:

Fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches and every creature,
Here I go to you, guest:
My body is like a bone;
My blood is like resin;
Eat moss, not me!
My word is strong. Key, lock.
Amen, amen, amen.

Many are mistaken in considering prayer and conspiracy to be the same. Yes, in both cases there are appeals to higher powers and the accompanying words (“amen”, hallelujah, etc.), but there are still differences:

  • A conspiracy is a powerful verbal formula with a call for help from the forces of nature and the elements - this is a requirement, an absolute assertion of one's will, having conviction in the final result.
  • Prayer is a humble request, an appeal to the forces of light, spirits and God, which involves the complete immersion of the asker in the process (the so-called "presence of the spirit"). The result of prayer is often equated with a miracle.

Prayer is a humble request, an appeal to God

Thus, the difference between a conspiracy and a prayer is precisely the meaning of the text, the attitude towards the result and the degree of its expectation. In addition, these rituals have their own rules of use, which are not recommended to be violated, and in some cases prohibited.


What is the difference between conspiracies and prayers: a detailed explanation


Rules for rituals against bedbugs

Conspiracies were used (and are used!) More often than prayers from bedbugs, but the procedure for their implementation is similar, so let's dwell on conspiracies in more detail, having examined their structure.

Traditionally, a conspiracy contains three parts:

  • retreat (appeal to higher powers)
  • main part
  • and fastening.

But many bedbug conspiracies are extremely simple and have a few lines with a simple “plot”.

The text is an appeal to the insect with a request to leave (or a description of this action in the present or future tense). The conspiracy is completed by the phrase backtack: “So be it!”, “Exactly!” and others. The bartack should be pronounced with maximum confidence in the successful outcome of the plan - it is believed that these words start the course of events.

And further: The executioner did not run out of steam in a week and cheerfully killed the bugs like that, even being in a dried state

For example, when trying to get rid of bedbugs, a cat is brought into the house, and when the animal decides to leave, a conspiracy is said after it, according to which the bedbugs should leave the house after the cat. At the end, the very bartack is pronounced: “So be it!”.

Despite the fact that conspiracies do not require special skills in practical magic, the rules for using magical texts still exist:

  • the conspirator, if possible, should be a non-drinker and a non-smoker, while both a man and a woman can read the conspiracy;
  • a conspiracy cannot be carried out just in case - only to solve a specific problem and with a clearly defined goal;
  • jokes, laughter and fun during the ceremony are excluded, it is important to focus on resolving the issue;
  • the ceremony should be performed early in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • in no case should you swap or skip the words of the text of the conspiracy - everything is interconnected in it;
  • when reading a plot, it is very important to observe the rhythm and poetics of the text, not to stray.

Sometimes various attributes may be needed for the ceremony - threads, flower incense, water, wax candles, etc. These magical items help enhance the effect of spoken words.

When conducting magical rites, various attributes are used.

In addition, the power of the conspiracy must be unconditionally believed.

Let's take a closer look at what conspiracy power is.

There are several points of view, but one cannot ignore the mighty power of the words themselves, which even proverbs speak of. The so-called placebo effect also works, when firm faith and conviction in a positive outcome of a case helps a person (the same conspiracy with a different approach gives a different result).

It happens that the conspiracy does not work. Why might this happen?

The main reason for this is the attitude to the ritual. A conspiracy is just help in directing strength and energy to solve a problem, which means that it's all about focusing on a goal and absolute conviction of a positive result (it is important to follow the above rules). Only after fulfilling all the conditions, we can say that the conspiracy did not help.

Along with conspiracies and prayers, there is another powerful tool used against insects - runes.. Experts note that you need to work with runes very carefully so as not to start the exact opposite process.

And further: We caught bedbugs and tested the effect of GEKTOR powder on them - a pretty killer thing turned out to be ...


For example, there is a runic becoming (formula) "From unwanted living creatures in the house." And protective runes from bedbugs, used incorrectly, can work the other way around - there will be even more insects.


Popular conspiracies and prayers from bedbugs

There are many collections of conspiracies and prayers from bedbugs, so the scope for action is wide enough. The following are the most common texts of these rites.

Bed bug

It is necessary to put the bug in a matchbox, crumble bread there, put a pinch of salt and say:

Klop Klop, here's a piece of salt and bread for you,
Go as you live in the field.
There and wait for your brothers in the wild,
And I don't see bed bugs anymore!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The boxes should be taken to the field and left.

Or here's another - from the old conspiracies:

You bugs, bugs, don't bite me. You have burdock teeth, but my body is flint.

Bugs, you bugs. My bugs will go to distant rafts. Leave your home and never come back. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen (repeat three times).

Many collections publish conspiracies against bedbugs under the guise of prayers. This is due to the similarity of the texts - in some cases, only a qualified linguist or specialist in the occult sciences can determine the type of rite.

An example of a prayer that is clearly different from a conspiracy:

“Nikola, the saint of God, the helper of God, you are in the field, you are in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, part and save from all evil. Amen".

Icon of St. Nicholas

This prayer is read three times in the fight against bedbugs, sometimes in combination with the prayer "Our Father". Then, in the habitats of bedbugs, pre-harvested tansy grass is laid out, and a conspiracy is pronounced.

An example of the similarity of rituals is visible in a conspiracy in which there is no appeal to a specific person for help, but there are "attributes" of prayer.

It is necessary to take a broom made of bare rods unsuitable for use in the bath and knock on the threshold with it, saying:

“Just as it’s impossible to bathe naked with this, so bedbugs can’t mate and breed and breed in my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

From time immemorial, the image of the bug was considered no less cunning than that of the heroine of Russian fairy tales, the fox. Having tried all means, people gave up in the fight against the invasion of bedbugs, eventually deciding to outwit the insect using conspiracies and prayers.

But conspiracies should not be carried away: if the rite did not work, you need to wait a while and then think it over again and repeat if necessary. It is important to remember that magic is not a toy. And friends, if it does not work, try using modern highly effective chemicals. Perhaps they will have a greater effect.


Useful video about bed bugs


How to get rid of bedbugs: medical advice


Last update: 2022-06-11

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Conspiracies and prayers to fight bedbugs" 3 comments
  1. Noora

    How to get rid of bed bugs?

  2. Anonymous


  3. Anonymous

    Excuse me, but what kind of prayer specifically should be read against them?


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